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Remember When...


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I remember when /stuck would kill your character so you could revive at the nearest medical droid, sometimes nearly a km away.


I remember in beta using the elevator on pub fleet and my character falling to her death. Reviving at the med center, then trying to use the elevator to get back to the main level, only to fall to her death again.


I remember, shortly after launch, walking into Hammer Station and loading in space, floating amongst the ships at fleet.

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Running through those space stations & spaceports

And running.

And more running.

And even more running.

And always being broke cashwise.

And yet MORE running.

I remember, before SWTOR opened, playing the peculiar Tower of Druaga MMORPG. Their web site had video clips, and they all showed running and running and running and running and running. For a change, one of them showed running instead of running. I'm worried that I might have forgotten to mention that the videos showed characters running.


And they were right. Running took up something like 99% of your play time, unless you just stood around doing nothing at all.

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I remember being able to use adrenals and endless medpacks every 90 seconds in warzones.

I too remember when CS would live chat with you in-game.

I remember when you weren't allowed to use your speeder on fleet or in the space ports.

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I remember when

... i was the first time in pvp as assasine lvl 13 with 10k hp and an operative lvl 50 killed me with a 9k crit. :eek:

... i made daylies on Belsavis to level up from 49 to 50.

... i made the h2/h4 daylies on Belsavis in group (yes... it was necessary to have a group. :rolleyes: ) to equip me for hatdmode flashpoints.

... we wiped 8 times in a row at the first boss in the fp lost island 1.0 hardmode.

Edited by Opaknack
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... we wiped 8 times in a row at the first boss in the fp lost island 1.0 hardmode.

The second boss was a stone cold killa in that one.


This flashpoint was one of the main reasons my raid team was exiled from our original guild for being too antisocial.


Edit: Actually even some of the trash in that required pretty high co-ordination, considering it was just trash!

Edited by I_Sithed_MyPants
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I remember when Fleet had ambient music.


I remember when griefers could stealth into an opposing faction player's AOE while they were grinding mobs, using an exploit to get them to PVP flag.


I remember when the Emperor was like a FP boss, and could one shot you if you weren't careful.


This is from the early beta days where I remember that when you hopped on your speeder your companion pulled out their personal speeder as well and road slightly behind you. I thought that was pretty neat at the time but really don't have a clue as to why they took it out.


I wish that was still in.


I wasn't involved with Beta, but I read in another thread that companions also used to hop in the passenger seat of taxis.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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I'm sure Grav Rounds / Tracer Missile used to be insanely OP at one point. I remember seeing a Merc PVP video where they only used Tracer Missile, and still did really good.

Yeah, it was like a Sorcs defenses are now ;)...

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I remember the first time I started playing was right before F2p went live I think and I was doing the free trial at the time you know the one where you could only go to your faction's planet and nowhere else. One of the first bugs I ran into that I hated so much, was when I was grouped with someone and I get stuck on their ship and no fleet pass to help me out.

On that note back then when Fleet Pass's could only be used every 12 hours.


I always aimed for having speeder training before Nar Shadda because Taris without a speeder was bad enough.

I'd have about 200k credits until I leveled up and then I would go broke spending it on training and gear upgrades and sometimes I would avoid training just to save money.

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I remember when GSF first released.

I remember when 3.0 broke most of the upgrades in GSF because they were based on the ground game talent tree mechanics that got eliminated from the ground game.

I remember when, "just heal to full," sent Sages and Sorcs in PvP into a frothing rage instead of sending everyone else into a frothing rage.

I remember dying to NPCs on planetary quests and planetary H2+ missions.

I remember needing to use stims and medpacs to get past some class story missions.

I remember when having gear not be more than 5 levels out of date was important, and when leveling was slow enough that it was easy to keep gear that current.

I remember characters being flat broke several times on the way to lvl 50 due to training costs.

I remember thinking, "Finally, a blaster that looks good and can be equipped in both hands," when my gunslinger got to the credits weapon vendor on Alderaan.

I remember soloing HM flashpoints for achievements and parts of the HK-51 quest.

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I remember when we used to have finishing moves on our characters. On my Sage it was called Tumult I believe - a spinning kick on my ranged toon - hilariously useless but it looked okayish.


I remember when my project ability animation looked alot better (but I know why they changed it...)


I remember when pvp gear was randomly looted from bags and it was very frustrating

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Oh, the joy of running Esseles or Black Talon with your brand new level 11 and getting a moddable offhand... :D It felt like winning the lottery.


This was after standing around on fleet outside the instance while you desperately pleaded in chat (if you weren't in a guild party) for others to go with; since there wasn't a queue system to begin with...


I also remember when the Beta Weekends started, us regular Beta Testers would stay clear of the starting planets as much as possible since the weekend folk would just do stupid crap instead of testing bugs.

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I also remember when the Beta Weekends started, us regular Beta Testers would stay clear of the starting planets as much as possible since the weekend folk would just do stupid crap instead of testing bugs.


Haha yeah, I remember hundreds of people happy for those weekends, and all us regular testers would be dreading it..


I remember in Beta, we had a speeder and it looked like a speeder bike with the front end chopped off. When you spawned it, your companion also spawned an identical one and rode with you. I remember the animation of being shot off your speeder was so long, that by the time you went through it, you would be half health from the mobs!


I also remember when companions had a "kit" slot and you could choose what role they were by buying and slotting one.

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I remember doing space missions (not GSF) because they were considered "good credits".


I remember open world pvp while doing black hole dailies (the only dailies that were around at that time) .


I remember open world ilum pvp and the incredible lagfest it was.

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