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I thought Eternal Championship was supposed to be hard...


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So... I'm pretty sure I heard that the first 5 bosses would be easy, but when you got up to the last boss it would be extremely difficult, but I saw a video of some guy in PvP armor who just destroyed it in under an hour.... How is that difficult? That's 208 gear btw for the non pvpers, literally the basic comm gear which you basically have all of it if you level up your character from 1-65... Like is this supposed to be hard for new 60s in green gear?
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So... I'm pretty sure I heard that the first 5 bosses would be easy, but when you got up to the last boss it would be extremely difficult, but I saw a video of some guy in PvP armor who just destroyed it in under an hour.... How is that difficult? That's 208 gear btw for the non pvpers, literally the basic comm gear which you basically have all of it if you level up your character from 1-65... Like is this supposed to be hard for new 60s in green gear?


208 gear with set bonus, most likely min/maxed with relics and augments.


What's wrong with that?


PvP gear is a great start for SM Ops as well. The set bonus alone is worth it over basic comm gear



BW took away the solo HMFP gameplay with 4.0 and the removal of companions using stat gear. Pre-4.0 companions performed much more effective than these garbage post-4.0 companions. They melt during high burst DPS phases.


Plus PvP players know their roles and abilities better than the pve players. Queue into a war zone and you'll see it or flag in open world. PvP gameplay changes much more than scripted pve content. Sorry I was running Ops regularly but found it boring and not a challenge years ago


This isn't an attack, just what I've noticed since beta on multiple servers, guilds, operations, HMFP solo runs, and war zones.


Some will find the eternal championships a challenge. Others will not.

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208 gear with set bonus, most likely min/maxed with relics and augments.


What's wrong with that?


PvP gear is a great start for SM Ops as well. The set bonus alone is worth it over basic comm gear



BW took away the solo HMFP gameplay with 4.0 and the removal of companions using stat gear. Pre-4.0 companions performed much more effective than these garbage post-4.0 companions. They melt during high burst DPS phases.


Plus PvP players know their roles and abilities better than the pve players. Queue into a war zone and you'll see it or flag in open world. PvP gameplay changes much more than scripted pve content. Sorry I was running Ops regularly but found it boring and not a challenge years ago


This isn't an attack, just what I've noticed since beta on multiple servers, guilds, operations, HMFP solo runs, and war zones.


Some will find the eternal championships a challenge. Others will not.


You constantly been proven wrong and has been shown several examples that disprove your theory, please tell me... why do you continue to constantly put down PVE players and put PVP players on a pedestal.

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So... I'm pretty sure I heard that the first 5 bosses would be easy, but when you got up to the last boss it would be extremely difficult, but I saw a video of some guy in PvP armor who just destroyed it in under an hour.... How is that difficult? That's 208 gear btw for the non pvpers, literally the basic comm gear which you basically have all of it if you level up your character from 1-65... Like is this supposed to be hard for new 60s in green gear?


To start with, if the player has a set bonus it will make a difference or even just balance out for the lack of useful stats to include expertise.


They wanted this to actually be available for all players, so they are trying to take into account those players who started with a brand new level 60 so they are going to be in gear ranging from 188 - 208 most likely if they have just done the main kotfe storyline.


Also given the 'rewards' available it was never going to be difficult since 216 rated gear is the highest you will get for doing this even the final bosses were intended to be able to be done by someone in 208 gear.


You constantly been proven wrong and has been shown several examples that disprove your theory, please tell me... why do you continue to constantly put down PVE players and put PVP players on a pedestal.


Yeah it does annoy me when people consider they are better than other gamers just because they run PvP, they are completely different, hence the need to change utilities for PvE or Ops gameplay. Also the whole mindset is different, everything in PvP needs to be burst damage then move on to the next person they never stay on a single silver/gold elite superboss like ops etc so chances are for operations you have to go through a FULL rotation pretty much all of the time something that does not tend to happen in PvP as players usually drop before getting through rotations, which leads a very disjointed rotation (unless you find a immortal sage heal)

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You constantly been proven wrong and has been shown several examples that disprove your theory, please tell me... why do you continue to constantly put down PVE players and put PVP players on a pedestal.


he's just mad because he's a bad healer and it's harder to hide in pve than in pvp

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I'd guess just like with solo'ing the Star Fortress heroic without Alliance supports the degree of perceived difficulty somewhat depends on the class, role, and companion.


But overall I agree, the accompanying narrative suggests a level of challenge that realistically won't be implemented on widely advertised and anticipated solo content.

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So without actually testing the content yourself. You already deem it trivial

How about waiting till EC comes out and trying it yourself? The fact your already watching video guides for it, makes me believe you want it to be easy

Dulfy already has a guide up, saying its not difficult you just need to watch for various mechanics.

I personally will wait till its out and challenge it, rather than watching someone play it on test server

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Nothing soloable in this game gets designed to be hard for experienced/skilled players because they are also thinking of the bottom half of the players...those people barely represented on this forum btw. Those might, in fact, consider it hard.


This game does not cater to skilled/experienced solo players who want a real challenge. This should not be new to you. The rest is pretty much empathy and insight to recognize that you or this one player in the video, are not the norm.

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I thought the whole point of EC was to get players 'used' to op's mechanics and what to look out for, if this is the case there is no point in making it hard its a tutorial and was never supposed to be 'ops standard' in difficulty.


As it stands, outside of getting the companion (I think he's linked to it anyway) I won't use EC much at all as it's no use to me.

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That's 208 gear btw for the non pvpers, literally the basic comm gear which you basically have all of it if you level up your character from 1-6


Exept 208 pvp is roughly as far from 208 comms gear as 216 MK-1s are from 216 comms gear.

Especially if augd for optimal stat distribution.

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It was challenge in the eternal championship you cannot ignore any of the mechanics. I had 220 and 216 gear and I died lot of time mostly on 6 and 7 with a rank 50 comp until I realize what I had to do. People with 224 will find this easier. But I still saw videos with people with 224 gear still die a lot.
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I have seen videos done by skilled players who have also done a lot of behind the scenes practicing - making nightmare mode content look like a cakewalk. just becasue they MAKE it look easy doesn't mean it actualy IS easy.


a professional basketball player can make casually throwing a ball into a basket over his shoulder look easy. but reality is - for vast majority of people the same move would be difficult to impossible, unless they get super lucky.


so... I shall remain neutral on a subject of EC difficulty until its actualy released and I can try it for myself.

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I thought the whole point of EC was to get players 'used' to op's mechanics and what to look out for, if this is the case there is no point in making it hard its a tutorial and was never supposed to be 'ops standard' in difficulty.


As it stands, outside of getting the companion (I think he's linked to it anyway) I won't use EC much at all as it's no use to me.


I don't believe it was intended to specifically prepare them for ops, but group game play mechanics in general. During solo leveling there is seldom a need to use interrupts or to even get out of the stupid. EC should help a player transition to group content. I don't think it will make them fully ready for ops as soon as they're done. You're expectations are too high.

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Why did you think that something designed for mainly solo players will be diffucult?


Exactly, especially in this game. heh


No PvE in this game is hard except for NM Ops. Why would the Eternal Championship be any different?

Edited by DarthOvertone
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Exactly, especially in this game. heh


No PvE in this game is hard except for NM Ops. Why would the Eternal Championship be any different?


I just got the impression from watching the live stream that it would be semi-difficult. I expected to be able to do it pretty easy, but I expected that maybe you would have to have 216-220 gear to do it effectively.

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I just got the impression from watching the live stream that it would be semi-difficult. I expected to be able to do it pretty easy, but I expected that maybe you would have to have 216-220 gear to do it effectively.


oh no. making it require gear several tiers higher than what it actualy awards is contradiction of part of its purpose - to help new lvl 65 characters gear up.


it will be challenging in that you cannot just brute force the mechanics and actualy have to interrupt, stay out of bad, etc in order to succeed . by it will NOT be locked away behind gear that takes weeks upon weeks to farm up for a solo player.

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I initally ran it with full 224 and a lvl 50 companion set on healing, I noticed I were able to just ignore mechanics, which were both creative and would have been alot of fun to execute correctly. So I kinda changed my approach, full 188 blue gear which you get when you create a character, a lvl 0 companion and I started Eternal Championship again. I had loads of fun, used more or less all of my utility abilities and changed my utilities for almost each fight, died a lot and was frustrated quite a bit.


But it was the most fun I have had and the most frustrated I have been since doing progression on Nightmare Power Council.

Edited by RikuvonDrake
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I initally ran it with full 224 and a lvl 50 companion set on healing, I noticed I were able to just ignore mechanics, which were both creative and would have been alot of fun to execute correctly. So I kinda changed my approach, full 188 blue gear which you get when you create a character, a lvl 0 companion and I started Eternal Championship again. I had loads of fun, used more or less all of my utility abilities and changed my utilities for almost each fight, died a lot and was frustrated quite a bit.


But it was the most fun I have had and the most frustrated I have been since doing progression on Nightmare Power Council.

That's pretty cool, actually.


What do you think the experience would be like with no companion all, but wearing your full 224s?

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I initally ran it with full 224 and a lvl 50 companion set on healing, I noticed I were able to just ignore mechanics, which were both creative and would have been alot of fun to execute correctly. So I kinda changed my approach, full 188 blue gear which you get when you create a character, a lvl 0 companion and I started Eternal Championship again. I had loads of fun, used more or less all of my utility abilities and changed my utilities for almost each fight, died a lot and was frustrated quite a bit.


But it was the most fun I have had and the most frustrated I have been since doing progression on Nightmare Power Council.


why do i feel like you are making stuff up Riku?


In anyway this content is tuned so the worst player ever can complete it. I too did test it on PTS. A decent player in decent gear can just hammershot/flurry of bolts/ saber strike through it without ever having to do mechanics. In good gear it is actually mind numbing/ boring.

But again it is tuned so the worst player in the worst gear can complete it with minimal effort.

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why do i feel like you are making stuff up Riku?


In anyway this content is tuned so the worst player ever can complete it. I too did test it on PTS. A decent player in decent gear can just hammershot/flurry of bolts/ saber strike through it without ever having to do mechanics. In good gear it is actually mind numbing/ boring.

But again it is tuned so the worst player in the worst gear can complete it with minimal effort.


They been aiming for that since the release of KOTFE... no point in changing it now I guess...

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I initally ran it with full 224 and a lvl 50 companion set on healing, I noticed I were able to just ignore mechanics, which were both creative and would have been alot of fun to execute correctly. So I kinda changed my approach, full 188 blue gear which you get when you create a character, a lvl 0 companion and I started Eternal Championship again. I had loads of fun, used more or less all of my utility abilities and changed my utilities for almost each fight, died a lot and was frustrated quite a bit.


But it was the most fun I have had and the most frustrated I have been since doing progression on Nightmare Power Council.


Not as good player as you then I was able to ignore 1 to 5 mechanics but not the rest and I had 216 and 220 gear got frustrated on 6 and 7 but I enjoy it. But people we're begging bioware to nerf 6 and 7

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