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Can we have Teff'ith pleeease.


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Why? It would be a carbon copy of Vette with problems speaking basic.


She's not like Vette at all...(well not in the book at least, I've never read the comic)


Anyway yeah I would love to have her in the game ^_^

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Why? It would be a carbon copy of Vette with problems speaking basic.


I dunno, I would see Vette more timid and snarky and Teff'ith more self assured and mature (to a degree). I still would love to meet her in game and see how she comes across outside of the comic and book.


Plus I find there is something appealing in making Theron's life difficult (even though I love him to bits). I think Teff'ith showing up will create fun drama between them.

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I'm so disappointed she hasn't turned up in anything other than that letter you get in SoR. She would be a fantastic companion. An alliance alert perhaps? Come on bioware!


I would like that. She seemed like a funny and interesting character. I loved the part where she mocks Imperials for their posh accent. Cannot remember her exact words. :o

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You know, I didn't like Teff'ith really and I really would have no use for her as a companion, I suspect she would grate on my last nerve, kind of like she did in the book. She had a few good moments here and there, but mostly she just annoyed me, and I felt like skimming 'her parts'. If other people think she's a great idea, then groovy, let them have at her, but for me, no thanks.
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So who exactly is this character? When do we meet her? I really don't know.


She's a character in Drew Karpyshyn's novel, Annihilation. If you read the book, you'll meet her. I give her a solid 'meh' in terms of interest, but others seem to enjoy her.

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You know, I didn't like Teff'ith really and I really would have no use for her as a companion, I suspect she would grate on my last nerve, kind of like she did in the book. She had a few good moments here and there, but mostly she just annoyed me, and I felt like skimming 'her parts'. If other people think she's a great idea, then groovy, let them have at her, but for me, no thanks.


Indeed. I found her quite annoying and her broken speech added to that instead of detracting. I don't think people know what they're asking. Having someone voice a character like that... you think Vaylin's voice is annoying? Vaylin will positively sound like honey compared to Teff'ith.


I personally don't find Vaylin's voice annoying but I imagine Teff'ith being the worst kind of squeaky and aggravating.


And someone called her more "mature" then Vette? lol that's rich. "make stupid Theron call us"? Sounds like an eight year old asking for a pony.

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And someone called her more "mature" then Vette? lol that's rich. "make stupid Theron call us"? Sounds like an eight year old asking for a pony.


Yeah because Vette pestering Quinn nonstop about Moff Broysc while he is working , saying she won't stop until she gets her way is real mature.


I did say Teff'ith mature (to a degree), doesn't mean she doesn't have her moments.Besides the "make stupid Theron call us" thing follows on from


" republic goons came

kicked in a bunch of faces and run!! now hiding

and dont no why"


She can't get in contact with Theron and something is happening linked with Theron and then matters worse the "republic goons came" .


She is frustrated and sounds like annoyed at Theron especially considering in the book she says a few times for him not to contact her or to be spying on her, not wanting to get involved but she ends up anyway.

I don't blame her for lashing out calling Theron stupid in her situation maybe not fair on Theron but I don't see it as her simply being a bratty eight year old.

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I haven't read Annihilation yet and the first time I did SoR I had literally no clue who the hell she was. I just remembered checking my mail and thinking "Who the hell is this spaz and why is she nagging me about Theron?". I figured it out later but her letter alone was enough to grind my grill and make me wanna smack her.. no way I want her as a companion.


That said, I have no issue seeing her added to the game. Others will enjoy it and for me she'll just be like the couple dozen of other companions who I never 'take out to party'.

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Indeed. I found her quite annoying and her broken speech added to that instead of detracting. I don't think people know what they're asking. Having someone voice a character like that... you think Vaylin's voice is annoying? Vaylin will positively sound like honey compared to Teff'ith.


I personally don't find Vaylin's voice annoying but I imagine Teff'ith being the worst kind of squeaky and aggravating.


And someone called her more "mature" then Vette? lol that's rich. "make stupid Theron call us"? Sounds like an eight year old asking for a pony.


I don't think her voice would be squeaky. That's not very typical of Twi'leks, even the ones with poor Basic. I have a lot of trouble imagining any voice more grating than the screechy tone Vaylin's has. Her voice is down right painful to my ears. Like nails on a chalkboard.

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You know, I didn't like Teff'ith really and I really would have no use for her as a companion, I suspect she would grate on my last nerve, kind of like she did in the book. She had a few good moments here and there, but mostly she just annoyed me, and I felt like skimming 'her parts'. If other people think she's a great idea, then groovy, let them have at her, but for me, no thanks.


This is EXACTLY how I feel about her. I couldn't have said it better myself.

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Yeah because Vette pestering Quinn nonstop about Moff Broysc while he is working , saying she won't stop until she gets her way is real mature.


I did say Teff'ith mature (to a degree), doesn't mean she doesn't have her moments.Besides the "make stupid Theron call us" thing follows on from


" republic goons came

kicked in a bunch of faces and run!! now hiding

and dont no why"


She can't get in contact with Theron and something is happening linked with Theron and then matters worse the "republic goons came" .


She is frustrated and sounds like annoyed at Theron especially considering in the book she says a few times for him not to contact her or to be spying on her, not wanting to get involved but she ends up anyway.

I don't blame her for lashing out calling Theron stupid in her situation maybe not fair on Theron but I don't see it as her simply being a bratty eight year old.

Vette is the one with moments of acting like a teenager. But if you know her story, you know she had to grow up way faster than she should've. She's mouthy and sarcastic and it's clearly a defense mechanism. But at least she doesn't speak like a kid with ADHD. If you've ever been around people who speak a second language not quite fluently, you should know that that's not how they talk. They might phrase things strangely or use words in different order, but you can still tell they're reasoning adults, even when they're agitated or angry. I honestly do not see this character as anything other than an alien brat we're supposed to find endearing but ends up annoying because they overdid it. Without the other negative connotations of the term, they Jar-Jar'd her. Her role in the Annihilation is supposed to be serious. But I don't see how anyone can take a character seriously who speaks like that.

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Vette is the one with moments of acting like a teenager. But if you know her story, you know she had to grow up way faster than she should've. She's mouthy and sarcastic and it's clearly a defense mechanism. But at least she doesn't speak like a kid with ADHD. If you've ever been around people who speak a second language not quite fluently, you should know that that's not how they talk. They might phrase things strangely or use words in different order, but you can still tell they're reasoning adults, even when they're agitated or angry. I honestly do not see this character as anything other than an alien brat we're supposed to find endearing but ends up annoying because they overdid it. Without the other negative connotations of the term, they Jar-Jar'd her. Her role in the Annihilation is supposed to be serious. But I don't see how anyone can take a character seriously who speaks like that.


I get Vette's past and having been a slave is going to create development issues.As you said "moments of acting like a teenager" hence having immature moments. I don't hold it against her, Vette is a character I like a lot and that is one of her qualities. I just don't think she is more mature than Tiff'ith.


I suppose you are saying Bioware infantilized her character with the use of broken "basic". I get how that can be a turn off for some people. For me not so much, I guess because I currently work with people who have far worse communication skills so it just doesn't get under my skin.


Perhaps by having Tiff'ith in game Bioware could redeem how she presents herself. As what we visualize and hear in book is different to how it works in game. Who knows maybe she could turn out to be a fun character or create drama. It is that reason I like to see her in it. But if she really annoys some of us why not make her an Alliance Alert. That way you can have her if you want or just pass her by.

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I get Vette's past and having been a slave is going to create development issues.As you said "moments of acting like a teenager" hence having immature moments. I don't hold it against her, Vette is a character I like a lot and that is one of her qualities. I just don't think she is more mature than Tiff'ith.

Moments of acting like a teenager vs always sounding like a whiny brat.


Pretty clear to me who comes off more mature.


I suppose you are saying Bioware infantilized her character with the use of broken "basic". I get how that can be a turn off for some people. For me not so much, I guess because I currently work with people who have far worse communication skills so it just doesn't get under my skin.


Perhaps by having Tiff'ith in game Bioware could redeem how she presents herself. As what we visualize and hear in book is different to how it works in game. Who knows maybe she could turn out to be a fun character or create drama. It is that reason I like to see her in it. But if she really annoys some of us why not make her an Alliance Alert. That way you can have her if you want or just pass her by.

It's not the broken Basic itself. Like I said, people who aren't quite fluent in a language can still sound intelligent and reasonable even if they "talk funny". Teff'ith on the other hand has an entire attitude that precludes that. Again, racist overtones aside, Jar-Jar vs the other gungans are a perfect example of what I mean. Every gungan in Ep 1 has that weird "weesa meesa" speech. But whereas the other characters still appear intelligent despite their "speech impediment", Jar-Jar himself went full retard.


I'm not going adamantly oppose them adding Teff'ith in the game. If you like her, fine. I'm just surprised that people would want her, given the tropes associated with her usually drive people up the wall. I still can't take her seriously. But if she does shows up, whatever. More power to you.

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