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How difficult can it be to fix armor bugs? Hello, Bioware?


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I have seen many bugs regarding armor and have reported those bugs half a year ago. Long before I was even around on these forums, people have been reporting these bugs.


YET IT DOESN'T GET FIXED. Some of these bugs have been around for several years and THEY STILL HAVEN'T BEEN FIXED.


Bugs! Fix the bugs! Bugs bugs bugs!


Such as the Cassus Fett's cape doesn't dye bug (which Bioware promised to fix over 3 years ago, but still hasn't been fixed. The butt-flap bug regarding the Expert Fighter and Vintage Brawler Armor. The Malak's Shadow Armor bug where a weird line appears accross the screen when the character moves. Or the Andeddu Armor bug where the helmet doesn't get hidden. But the devs do nothing to fix them.


So please complain here in this thread so they will get fixed, thanks!

Edited by TaitWatson
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apparently its too hard >_>


I'm still waiting on a fix for regal apparel skirt. its supposed to not show leggings on female characters... and it doesn't.. unless you are in a cutscene>_> and no, it wasn't always like that, as far as i can remember - 3.0 broke it.


or the bug where, again in cutscenes, marka ragnos robe flips upwards and twitches randomly (I pretty much had to switch to an older outfit for my sorc because the one I built around that robe - looked horrifying in KOTFE cutscenes).


the only thing I can think of is that they are so occupied with fixing more gamebreaking bug that there is no time to fix most visual glitches :/

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Not to mention the several still-broken jetpacks, including on the Contract Hunter's Chestguard, which is just a reskinned version of the Bounty Hunter legacy armor's jetpack. It must've been a year or two ago when it was 'officially' stated that jetpack bugs were on the radar, and I've long since stopped using what SHOULD be my favorite BH-type armor set.
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Not to mention the Vintage Brawler and Expert Fighter armors come with bugged "butt flaps". They look fine normally but in preview or while in cinematics the butt flaps assume the color of the skin of the player.


Also, no word on fixing the bugged account-wide unlock of basic women's underwear.

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There is a cartel market double blade light saber around, with a very strange bug:


If you draw and activate it, it looks normal, but after certain attack animations (most of them, really) the "lower" blade points upside, into the lightsaber, instead of away from it.


I don't know the exact name of the lightsaber right now, I can look it up when I am home. To my knowledge the problem was not only with this particular item, though, but with the entire family of lightsabers and it's not merely a graphics driver issue. Since then I've seen the exact same thing on five different computers, using nVidia, AMD and built-in intel adapters on Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10 and every single player I asked about it saw the exact same thing that I do.


That has been around for several years as well. I don't think they'll ever gonna fix it. Glitches with equipment are only fixed for equipment that is in really high demand. Not for stuff that only a fraction of the player base cares about. The OP is primarily about armour, not weapons, but I suppose it does not make a difference in that regard.


EDIT: Screenshot: Exquisite Champion's Dualsaber Bug

On first glance it may appear like the lower blade is missing but on a closer look it becomes apparent that it is there, but is facing into the lightsaber rather than away from it. The item comes from Star Cluster’s Nightlife Pack. It has always been bugged. As I've mentioned, the same thing happens on all computers, regardless of graphics card. It's not a driver issue.


I realize that this thread is mostly about armor but the problem remains the same: There are countless of items from cartel packs which do not actually work.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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How about default Vector & Scourge wearing unitards and bras under all skin-baring clothes? They fixed Covert Armor for Vector, but everything since has been bugged. That's about 35-40 cartel sets that can't be used on those companions!






Edited by XiamaraSimi
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How about default Vector & Scourge wearing unitards and bras under all skin-baring clothes? They fixed Covert Armor for Vector, but everything since has been bugged. That's about 35-40 cartel sets that can't be used on those companions!


I'd prefer it if they stopped designing clothes that are unrealistically skimpy (I've gotten used to Vector's "shyness").


Speaking of Vector, the scene where he and the Agent leave House Cortess and Agent gets a call from Keeper: Vector's overcoat always, ALWAYS flips upwards and clips through his pelvis and legs in that scene. It bothers me so much that as soon as he joins the Agent I immediately go to my stronghold and give him new, non fluttering/clipping clothes, despite the urgency to get to the power generators :/

Edited by AngFour
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Speaking of Vector, the scene where he and the Agent leave House Cortess and Agent gets a call from Keeper: Vector's overcoat always, ALWAYS flips upwards and clips through his pelvis and legs in that scene. It bothers me so much that as soon as he joins the Agent I immediately go to my stronghold and give him new, non fluttering/clipping clothes, despite the urgency to get to the power generators :/


What I remember most when it comes to Imperial Agent... Back when you got those companions outfits on Yavin IV, Doctor Lokin's beard clipped through the mask meant specifically for him. It did look a bit stupid that a beard pierces through a mask.

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There is a bug with robes that makes them clip to the left or right side of the legs until the char stops moving and let gravity fix the bug or the char jumps. Its one of those bugs that affects also my companions. Its impossible to miss this bug.

Its more likely that the people in charge dont play this game or dont care about bugs and are more interested in releasing content with the idea to make the bugs magically go away or something like that.

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There is a bug with robes that makes them clip to the left or right side of the legs until the char stops moving and let gravity fix the bug or the char jumps. Its one of those bugs that affects also my companions. Its impossible to miss this bug.

Its more likely that the people in charge dont play this game or dont care about bugs and are more interested in releasing content with the idea to make the bugs magically go away or something like that.


This particular bug can probably never be fixed. It's actually a quirk with the physics engine of the game; to fix it, they'd have to change the way character models are rendered to make hardpoints for cloaks.


Which would you rather have? A cloak that occasionally gets possessed, or one that is static and never moves?

Edited by Diviciacus
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This particular bug can probably never be fixed. It's actually a quirk with the physics engine of the game; to fix it, they'd have to change the way character models are rendered to make hardpoints for cloaks.


Which would you rather have? A cloak that occasionally gets possessed, or one that is static and never moves?

Its not all robes. The eradicator and destroyer like robes have this bug. Certain newer robes, identical looking, dont have this bug. They just dont want to redo the old robes with the new model they use for newer robes.

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Excellent! We just have to keep posting until Bioware notices our thread.


I suspect they are fully aware of any problems with weapons and armor. It's simply more economic to set the team to new stuff they can sell rather than fixing existing stuff. I would not be surprised if they were all listed on some kind of "todo" list with a really low priority.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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I suspect they are fully aware of any problems with weapons and armor. It's simply more economic to set the team to new stuff they can sell rather than fixing existing stuff. I would not be surprised if they were all listed on some kind of "todo" list with a really low priority.


Actually they fixed the account-wide unlock of basic woman's underwear armor this last patch. I am just waiting on bugged buttflaps of the vintage brawler armor and expert fighter armor.

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Actually they fixed the account-wide unlock of basic woman's underwear armor this last patch. I am just waiting on bugged buttflaps of the vintage brawler armor and expert fighter armor.

Did they fix it for the Male Trunks as well?

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