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It's Friday and I'm beyond Frustrated


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I'm glad to see more and more people cancelling their subs, i really am. As much as I love the play style of this game, I want to see it fail once and for all because of EA and BW. Besides, Stars Wars is too popular atm for someone else to not pick up and develop another game, hopefully in this fashion but with better management.

For the time being I'll just use my WZ passes i had stored and do some regs here and there.

I need more Coffee.

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I've been on edge looking at Age of Conan and Star Trek Online again. Maybe even Anarchy Online though even with Funcom updating the graphics engine of AO it's still dated.


Went to Vegas for 3 weeks for work and when I returned this past week, there was a lot changed. Many players and even complete guilds have left Shadowlands or even unsubbed and left the game.


Left my guild and joined another only to find them paying for win trades in ranked. People complain about ranked not showing ratings for some players, but I have an issue with player paying millions of credits to get these ratings. I quietly and quickly left that guild for another. I receive guild requests often enough that I won't let something like win trades and credit purchases tarnish my reputation. I won't be associated with those actions of others.


PvP group queue is garbage. We are forced to relog to get out of a queue if someone joins our group. We stand around waiting for a pop for ever it seems. Much longer than before I left for Vegas 3 weeks ago.


I stream all of my content. The good and the bad. But when I'm unable to get into a match, there's no point in streaming my gameplay. No one wants to watch me on fleet standing around. Not many viewers want to watch me blast through flashpoints or chapters. My viewers want to watch me inside war zones. 4.3 isn't allowing this to happen.


Agree with Hottie's post. Seeing the state of PvP change in 3 weeks time with 1 patch the root cause with no real response from community managers turns me off. What's the point of streaming let alone gaming when it is this frustrating.

Edited by knowmyname
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I'm not. I'd been thinking of transferring. No idea when I'll get to, and with the current state of things, there's every chance I stop playing again before transfers are made available.


oh. I understand there are very good (non-shady) reasons for transferring. I just think it's a good idea to close transfers for 2 month stretches for a pvp season -- and everybody knows about it ahead of time because it's a regular practice. so none of my conditions for implementation would apply to BW's precedents even if they were doing this on purpose and because of ranked queue abuse.

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Another equally as frustrating is the fact that there is no communication at all from developers and the pvp community. What happened?


This lack of content and communication is extremely appalling as years are progressing with every new patch. In 4.3 they released a new patch which had large parts of it extremely buggy and almost unplayable. The fact that in their next emergency patch a day later, they refused to even remove or turn off Rishi is incredibility baffling. They released Rishi, which is a broken product in the same patch they released season 7 and expected us to just deal with it. With doing this they spit on the ranked community who is barely a handful of players now in this game. This is a ranked community who has been waiting for season 7 for how long? Just to get it without any class balance and a extremely broken new map. Then when players ... many players express their dismay it's returned with silence.


If you aren't angry about Rishi arena you should be. You deserve to be angry because in no way is this fair in a game you are basically paying to play solo ranked or group ranked.


It's sad that I have to point this out but Bioware has to understand is the fact that there are many, many people who pay to play their game just to PvP. We constantly feel cheated and don't get our money's worth.


No communication, no minimal alignment of anything being wrong and even lies when something is wrong... this is the new SWTOR. The SWTOR that is one of the most successful in making money out of all the other MMOs yet they can't even release a map without it killing players. I honestly don't get it. Everytime I think about it, it makes me angry.




Still Frustrated Customer

Edited by kissingaiur
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What other games are you considering/looking at? I'm also looking for a fresh MMO. GW2 isnt appealing to me, Black Desert seems fine but the end game puts off a bit..


This is the issue. There is no other game available that has the same "SWTOR" feel to it (skill trees, gear progression through pvp, adequate number of abilities, etc). The only games that are around are already very established or korean grind fests (BDO). Realistically, the only MMO that appeals to me is SWTOR and that's extremely sad considering how poorly the state of PVP is in this game. If an MMO were to come out that were even slightly like SWTOR I'd be gone.


This seasons a complete and utter joke. Rishi Arena is actual cancer. I've lost a handful of games due to a teammate getting stuck on a pebble and getting insta-killed through the automatic /stuck feature. I've even seen people get killed in spawn on absolutely nothing in this arena. Imbalance of classes is understandable (sorc healers/dps), but a map that has RNG insta-kills is unforgivable.

Edited by ThanatosReaper
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Let me add one more thing to the list:


Operatives/smugglers can apparently glitch outside of the arena to where they won't take damage from acid when time runs out. I ran into a player twice back to back who did this in ranked.


This is beyond ridiculous. I have no plans to renew my subscription now.


As a customer and someone who loved this game, I am not only disappointed but saddened. I invested so much time and energy into this game, but I can't justify giving EA/BW any more money when they let things like this past testing, no response from the development team, but still are able to constantly release new cartel packs. These are huge issues they aren't even addressing. It feels like they are just ******** on the people who have loyally kept their game alive over the years for a quick cash out.

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Let me add one more thing to the list:


Operatives/smugglers can apparently glitch outside of the arena to where they won't take damage from acid when time runs out. I ran into a player twice back to back who did this in ranked.


This is beyond ridiculous. I have no plans to renew my subscription now.


As a customer and someone who loved this game, I am not only disappointed but saddened. I invested so much time and energy into this game, but I can't justify giving EA/BW any more money when they let things like this past testing, no response from the development team, but still are able to constantly release new cartel packs. These are huge issues they aren't even addressing. It feels like they are just ******** on the people who have loyally kept their game alive over the years for a quick cash out.


Farming Garbinger? I added that guy to friends so I can queue dodge him. Thankfully he can't get out of every arena.


Also, I believe that glitch is actually pretty old (this just makes it more disappointing IMO) but people have generally not bothered to abuse it like this, just for the sake of trolling, rating, or whatever reason he is doing it.

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Farming Garbinger? I added that guy to friends so I can queue dodge him. Thankfully he can't get out of every arena.


Also, I believe that glitch is actually pretty old (this just makes it more disappointing IMO) but people have generally not bothered to abuse it like this, just for the sake of trolling, rating, or whatever reason he is doing it.


Yes, that's the player.

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Wall of text aside, from BW's perspective: they just gave us a new WZ, a new arena and have successfully implemented a new technology (x-faction) that before now has been said to be "very hard to do" and has only really been asked for by diehard pvpers like me. Granted there are bugs with the arena, the qs are currently wonky and pvp balance is very bad (as it has been for the last year at least), but what would you think of threads like this if you were in their shoes? And remember: they don't read walls of text. Edited by Savej
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Wall of text aside, from BW's perspective: they just gave us a new WZ, a new arena and have successfully implemented a new technology (x-faction) that before now has been said to be "very hard to do" and has only really been asked for by diehard pvpers like me. Granted there are bugs with the arena, the qs are currently wonky and pvp balance is very bad (as it has been for the last year at least), but what would you think of threads like this if you were in their shoes? And remember: they don't read walls of text.


The thing is, NONE of these things are 'Working'.


Odessen only pops when you solo queue. Rishii has holes everywhere causing instant death. Cross faction queues being 'Hard to implement' is utter ******** if you had anybody with half a brain on your development staff (Mind you, I am a Systems Administrator for a living who also has to do light development on the side, so I have some semblance of an idea of what is involved). Oh, group queues take forever to pop too, so the people who actually play this game over long periods of time (people who group) are disenfranchised as well.


In the IT world, you have a 'LIVE' environment and a 'TEST' environment. You actually test things in the 'TEST' environment before going live. Huge glitches like these should not make it through 'TEST', and even if they do, they should revert in the event something game breaking (yes this is game breaking) occurs.


To answer your question, I would go into damage control mode; I would have a serious meeting with the PvP team and address the community immediately, at least letting us know that they are aware of the issues and are working to resolve them, possibly even some hints at what they are thinking for workarounds or a time frame to resolution.


The thing is, NOT implementing these 'features' will not cause people to leave the game. These glaring glitches will.


If I were a member of the PvP development team I would feel ashamed for the quality of work I have given my customers. I would not be able to keep my job if I had issues like this in my environment.

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Wall of text aside, from BW's perspective: they just gave us a new WZ, a new arena and have successfully implemented a new technology (x-faction) that before now has been said to be "very hard to do" and has only really been asked for by diehard pvpers like me. Granted there are bugs with the arena, the qs are currently wonky and pvp balance is very bad (as it has been for the last year at least), but what would you think of threads like this if you were in their shoes? And remember: they don't read walls of text.


What wall of text? The structured and enumerated OP? Should we treat the forums like Twitter and post our thoughts to the devs in 140 character snippets because they apparently have the attention span of parakeets?


But to answer your question I think Hottie makes valid points that echo my own feelings and I would hope that the devs would take threads like this as a wake-up call. In reality I don't think any devs (not community managers) even know the PvP section of the forum exists.


I canceled last week and gave the reason as "I'll be back when the reg queue is fixed and I see evidence of class balancing" so maybe they'll read that.

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The thing to remember here, development team, is that this original poster is really dedicated to the community. She has mentored players, written guides, and broadcasts on a nearly daily basis your game on Twitch. She is (or was) free advertising at least and in reality a valuable resource. She is simply the latest example of well-intentioned people who have left the community over disappointment in the game's direction. Old Republic Dads, hosts of the old republic radio podcast; Zorz; Provectus; Kree'a; even Teo from Oootinicast, all taking a break over the direction the game is going. These players and guilds have been major contributors to the knowledge base of the game. Please try to remember that they show off the game as much as your fancy Blur trailers, and they pay YOU to do it.
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Wall of text aside, from BW's perspective: they just gave us a new WZ, a new arena and have successfully implemented a new technology (x-faction) that before now has been said to be "very hard to do" and has only really been asked for by diehard pvpers like me. Granted there are bugs with the arena, the qs are currently wonky and pvp balance is very bad (as it has been for the last year at least), but what would you think of threads like this if you were in their shoes? And remember: they don't read walls of text.


They have to know what a bugged out, and in RIshi Arena's case near unplayable, PvP update they gave us. Simply the fact that they did a PvP update isn't good enough when it involves a situation like this. They delivered a broken product and are utterly unconcerned about fixing it, gauging from their near total silence on the matter.


Hey, fine, Bioware. Ignore your PvP base altogether and get your feelings hurt, if you must, that we didn't just accept whatever you tossed our way.


What would I think if I were in their shoes? If I was a rational and professional adult concerned about the quality of my product I'd effing listen to this. If I were an artistically and intellectually narcissistic jerk with the emotional maturity of a child, I'd get butt hurt that whatever old thing I threw out there wasn't accepted immediately and thoughtlessly with applause and adoration.

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They have to know what a bugged out, and in RIshi Arena's case near unplayable, PvP update they gave us. Simply the fact that they did a PvP update isn't good enough when it involves a situation like this. They delivered a broken product and are utterly unconcerned about fixing it, gauging from their near total silence on the matter.


Hey, fine, Bioware. Ignore your PvP base altogether and get your feelings hurt, if you must, that we didn't just accept whatever you tossed our way.


What would I think if I were in their shoes? If I was a rational and professional adult concerned about the quality of my product I'd effing listen to this. If I were an artistically and intellectually narcissistic jerk with the emotional maturity of a child, I'd get butt hurt that whatever old thing I threw out there wasn't accepted immediately and thoughtlessly with applause and adoration.


Can you imagine if a vehicle manufacturer like Toyota rolled out a new vehicle line and they all had used alternators and water pumps with 250K+ miles on them?

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Can you imagine if a vehicle manufacturer like Toyota rolled out a new vehicle line and they all had used alternators and water pumps with 250K+ miles on them?


Exactly! Folks would be raging like crazy people. And any kind of response like, "Hey! At least we gave you something! would result in them going bankrupt when nearly everyone quit buying their vehicles.

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What wall of text? The structured and enumerated OP? Should we treat the forums like Twitter and post our thoughts to the devs in 140 character snippets because they apparently have the attention span of parakeets?


I had a similar reaction. Should we go back into Stone Age symbols again ?

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I too cancelled my sub (nor logged in to play the game in a couple of weeks)....... I have long enjoyed the game from all aspects of it, but have to say the enjoyment of pvp and unscripted fights kept me playing.


I have done the pve aspect of the game but there are only so many times i can run through them, the class stories are lack luster in this new form the game has taken, fun the first time on each faction ........not so much when its just a repeat for all classes.


I will keep watching these forums in hope things will change but in the meantime i am playing black desert it is fun but not near as much fun this game gave me................... here is to hoping things will change.

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If another PvP game comes out with a Healer role I will be leaving for it in a heart beat. I can't take this much disrespect anymore.


When they are only really giving me one option to PvP (single reg queue)... what am I suppose to do?


I even started playing dps only games because swtor is so repulsive

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