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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

It's Friday and I'm beyond Frustrated


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Script for a jester's tear.


Abandoning the relics in my playground of yesterday

I'm losing on the swings, I'm losing on the roundabouts

I'm losing on the swings, I'm losing on the roundabouts

Too much, too soon, too far to go, too late to play, the game is over

The game is over

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The only reason there is anyone still left here is because there's nothing really even close to it out there. Soon as there is I'm sure I won't be the only one to never touch this game again.


If another PvP game comes out with a Healer role I will be leaving for it in a heart beat. I can't take this much disrespect anymore.


When they are only really giving me one option to PvP (single reg queue)... what am I suppose to do?

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Abandoning the relics in my playground of yesterday

I'm losing on the swings, I'm losing on the roundabouts

I'm losing on the swings, I'm losing on the roundabouts

Too much, too soon, too far to go, too late to play, the game is over

The game is over


Bravo. I never thought someone would do a proper reply for this.


I saw Fish on his "Farewall To Childhood" tour last Wednesday. Last time "Misplaced Childhood" gets performed by him.

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Bravo. I never thought someone would do a proper reply for this.


I saw Fish on his "Farewall To Childhood" tour last Wednesday. Last time "Misplaced Childhood" gets performed by him.


Thanks for mentioning this. Just got a ticket :)

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it's friday and I'm in love :3


sorry to hear that hottie - I'm feeling the same way. merc is a chore to play in yolos (I burned myself out of sorc/PT a while back), I'm always in bed before granked pops, and reg queues take forever

Edited by Hoppinswtor
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If another PvP game comes out with a Healer role I will be leaving for it in a heart beat. I can't take this much disrespect anymore.


When they are only really giving me one option to PvP (single reg queue)... what am I suppose to do?


Kind of a odd thing to say, another game with a healer role? Well, one of them is FFIV ARR. I pvp'd a ton there as a healer and found it very satisfying. People really respect healers over there, and they are quite balanced. They just released a rank arena as well with different tier leagues and whatnot, with matchmaking, I reckon its better then what we got here. If I wasn't so burnt out on that game I would probably be over there playing.

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Kind of a odd thing to say, another game with a healer role? Well, one of them is FFIV ARR. I pvp'd a ton there as a healer and found it very satisfying. People really respect healers over there, and they are quite balanced. They just released a rank arena as well with different tier leagues and whatnot, with matchmaking, I reckon its better then what we got here. If I wasn't so burnt out on that game I would probably be over there playing.


I am currently looking for another game with a PvP healer role.

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Today and probably all this weekend I will not be pvping. This is something new to me because it's been a while since I didn't play SWTOR Friday-Sunday.




I play SWTOR PvP and sub for three reasons: Competition (as meek as it is), to play with friends and to have fun. All of these I feel like has been taken away from me since 4.3.


1) Solo ranked is unplayable for me as an Operative Healer. With 4.3 patch Bioware still did not do anything to fix the healing imbalance of Sorcerers. Thus making Operative healers a joke in solo ranked. I get no enjoyment in solos anymore.


2) Leaderboards for Solo/Group ranked are broken and incorrect. Majority of the players who are doing ranked aren't even listed in the rankings. I know at least 5 players who are 1900+ who aren't on the boards. You can't see your standing and you can't see others who might be above or below you ... so how can you be competitive?


3) I can't even queue regs with my friends anymore for how bugged group pvp queues are. I have waited 20+ minutes on Harbinger before giving up. Mind you Harbinger is one of the most populated servers in the game where I normally wait at most 30 seconds for a pop. Now I am unable to queue with my friends?... too?


4) I can't even do team ranked. My team as of yesterday were located on 3 different servers. Transfers are without any warning down for an unforseen period of time. GG teams.


At times like these I wonder why I still play this game as religiously as I do and feel like I get nothing more out of it. I constantly feel cheated and hardly feel I get my moneys worth.




Frustrated Customer


Im with you. Besides cancelling crossserver hours before patch, this is the biggest insolence they`ve ever done.

That beeing said im lucky enough i have a team for granked so i have something to do, still.


But its beyond hilarious how this is not fixed before weekend :jawa_evil:

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I am currently looking for another game with a PvP healer role.


What other games are you considering/looking at? I'm also looking for a fresh MMO. GW2 isnt appealing to me, Black Desert seems fine but the end game puts off a bit..

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What other games are you considering/looking at? I'm also looking for a fresh MMO. GW2 isnt appealing to me, Black Desert seems fine but the end game puts off a bit..


I can't say I recommend BDO unless you like a reaaallly long permanent grind for practically everything in the game.


And @OP I completely agree with you on this. Not only are my toons all on different servers since they closed xfers without warning, but I can't even queue with my friends on the servers I have toons.


Yolos are pretty garbage and pops are starting to die already. So I've got practically no reason to play.


11 days on sub, and no clue where I'm gonna go

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Not only are my toons all on different servers since they closed xfers without warning, but I can't even queue with my friends on the servers I have toons.

I'm glad that they closed transfers and think that should happen at the start of every season so that players cannot hop around to find the easiest server to fudge ratings on. but...

  • that would also require treating ratings on a server-by-server basis, and...
  • I seriously doubt the reason for closing transfers has anything to do with shady ranked q-dodging practices.

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What other games are you considering/looking at? I'm also looking for a fresh MMO. GW2 isnt appealing to me, Black Desert seems fine but the end game puts off a bit..


Crowfall is still in pre-alpha but that is the only one I am looking at.

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I just unsubbed a few minutes ago, because the only reason I resubbed 2 weeks ago, was to play solo ranked and try to get the 2k mark as a deception sin.


Problem now is, that they nerfed deception almost to the ground with their surge nerf (which was really unnecessary.. I mean, PTs did like 44k crits before nerf and deception Sins got lucky when their Maul hit with 20k. But Bioware logic...)


So I got like 1900+ rating, had to respecc to hatred later (a specc I really hate, it just feels clunky as ****) and due to recent hacks and Qsyncing and ****ed up matchmaking, I dropped for around 120 points in one day.


The Class-imbalance is just beyond ridiculous. It's so bad, that in yolo ranked, the team with a decent sage almost automatically wins.


Im with you. Besides cancelling crossserver hours before patch, this is the biggest insolence they`ve ever done.

That beeing said im lucky enough i have a team for granked so i have something to do, still.


But its beyond hilarious how this is not fixed before weekend :jawa_evil:


The simple reason for that is, that they get money through server transfers. When they are free, they don't earn money, that's why they instantly took care of it. I just laughed because the devs apologized for the free transfers, as if it was something bad for us as customers when we get free stuff and can't pay for it.


"Oh noes! I want to transfer but it's free!!11 NO! I don't want to do it, when it's free!"


wake up bioware and fix your ****, or you won't have anything to fix sooner or later.

Edited by Lord_Unterhemd
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If another PvP game comes out with a Healer role I will be leaving for it in a heart beat. I can't take this much disrespect anymore.


When they are only really giving me one option to PvP (single reg queue)... what am I suppose to do?

My thoughts to a T.

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Yolos are pretty garbage and pops are starting to die already. So I've got practically no reason to play.
Reg pops are dying, even on Harb.


I'm glad that they closed transfers and think that should happen at the start of every season so that players cannot hop around to find the easiest server to fudge ratings on.
I'm not. I'd been thinking of transferring. No idea when I'll get to, and with the current state of things, there's every chance I stop playing again before transfers are made available. Edited by Ansultares
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What other games are you considering/looking at? I'm also looking for a fresh MMO. GW2 isnt appealing to me, Black Desert seems fine but the end game puts off a bit..
I might recommend giving a previous MMO you've played another chance. I've done this several times, in particular with SWTOR. That should keep you occupied for several months.
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