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Complimentary Server Transfers


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Hey folks,


Just to clear up any confusion. Yes, server transfers did end up free for a period of a few hours last night. However, this isn't a permanent change. There is also no need to panic as this isn't a precursor to anything.


We had received reports that players were experiencing problems over the past few days with Character Transfers. We were doing some testing with the Character Transfer service to resolve this issue and the price going to zero was a side effect of that testing. Some very observant players were able to benefit from that testing :rak_03:. Apologies for any confusion!




Eric do you think you are being funny with saying "no need to panic as this isn't a precursor to anything" we are in *********** panic but not because of this ******** but for the huge incompetence of your dev. team. PvP quese is ****ed up everything is falling apart when your useless dev. team touches them and yes we are in panic because of your incompetent dev. team not because of free transfers. You and your team should get your **** together this is not to be funny you need to start working and doing your work as community manager. This game has serious issues so dont try to be funny once be serious and do your job and make sure your dev. team is doing their job.


And for once check pvp forum and see how happy your pvp community.

Edited by omeru
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Eric do you think you are being funny with saying "no need to panic as this isn't a precursor to anything" we are in *********** panic but not because of this ******** but for the huge incompetence of your dev. team. PvP quese is ****ed up everything is falling apart when your useless dev. team touches them and yes we are in panic because of your incompetent dev. team not because of free transfers. You and your team should get your **** together this is not to be funny you need to start working and doing your work as community manager. This game has serious issues so dont try to be funny once be serious and do your job and make sure your dev. team is doing their job.


That is giant heap of rage there to try to cram all in one paragraph. How did you manage to pull all that off in one paragraph? Credit for using periods here and there, even though you have no idea how to spell "queue". :cool:


As the famous saying goes... "lighten up Francis" :D This is a game, not a real life career.


Back on topic. Personally, I feel they should open up free transfers for a couple of months and let the population sort of freely resettle across the servers (now that PvP specific servers no longer actually exist). And NO.. the whole NA playerbase cannot all fit on one server.. so everyone needs to stop the "megaserver nao!" nonsense, IMO..

Edited by Andryah
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Eric do you think you are being funny with saying "no need to panic as this isn't a precursor to anything" we are in *********** panic but not because of this ******** but for the huge incompetence of your dev. team. PvP quese is ****ed up everything is falling apart when your useless dev. team touches them and yes we are in panic because of your incompetent dev. team not because of free transfers. You and your team should get your **** together this is not to be funny you need to start working and doing your work as community manager. This game has serious issues so dont try to be funny once be serious and do your job and make sure your dev. team is doing their job.


I agree.

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Well, someone at BW went to the trouble to create a new web page that expressly stated that server transfers were complementary to and from certain servers and then provided a list. Why "test" such a web page if you weren't in the planning stages of implementing it?


Anyone who was here for the last server merge will know how things happened last time. There were "voluntary server transfers" for free at first, only to and from certain severs (listed on the website like what we saw last night) during which time BW adamantly denied that any merges were being planned. Then, some months later, the "involuntary" merge came along.


This time we are seeing something very similar, plus we have the other recent changes: the new name change (people were upset last time due to losing names), the removal of all server type designations, and the addition of the new "play type focus" instances. If anything, all these changes make an even stronger case than the evidence we had last time. ALL of these recent changes just so happen to be steps that would facilitate some kind of server merge. I think we'd be fools to consider this all a miraculous coincidence.


The frustrating part here to me is that BW seems to think we are all too clueless to put two and two together. Why all the denial? Just give us the facts. All this subterfuge does is create rumors and upset and make BW look like they have something to hide.

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That is giant heap of rage there to try to cram all in one paragraph. How did you manage to pull all that off in one paragraph? Credit for using periods here and there, even though you have no idea how to spell "queue". :cool:


As the famous saying goes... "lighten up Francis" :D This is a game, not a real life career.


Back on topic. Personally, I feel they should open up free transfers for a couple of months and let the population sort of freely resettle across the servers (now that PvP specific servers no longer actually exist). And NO.. the whole NA playerbase cannot all fit on one server.. so everyone needs to stop the "megaserver nao!" nonsense, IMO..


This is not the rage i am having current **** going on pvp and bw being **** and ignoring it, this is only small part of it and the problem is not about pvp-pve isntances since open world pvp never existen in this game, i dont care about server merges the problem is they broke queue system completely and not even care about it. The game is falling apart when dev. team touches and bw meke it a habit to not to fix most of them. That is why i am raging so i really dont give a **** about mega servers or free server transgers i transfered my toons to a bigger servers when it was 1800 cc but back than game was better and dev. team was not all interns.

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Anyone who was here for the last server merge will know how things happened last time. There were "voluntary server transfers" for free at first, only to and from certain severs (listed on the website like what we saw last night) during which time BW adamantly denied that any merges were being planned. Then, some months later, the "involuntary" merge came along.


I might be mis-remembering this then. I don't recall any free transfers being offered. Also, since every server was dissolved and new servers formed, surely that was a futile project. The new servers had the same name as previous servers, so it looked like they were the same server, but they were still new servers. I knew of a good few people who lost their Guild as well as their Character names because they were already taken, but they were still on the "same" server.

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Eric do you think you are being funny with saying "no need to panic as this isn't a precursor to anything" we are in *********** panic but not because of this ******** but for the huge incompetence of your dev. team. PvP quese is ****ed up everything is falling apart when your useless dev. team touches them and yes we are in panic because of your incompetent dev. team not because of free transfers. You and your team should get your **** together this is not to be funny you need to start working and doing your work as community manager. This game has serious issues so dont try to be funny once be serious and do your job and make sure your dev. team is doing their job.


And for once check pvp forum and see how happy your pvp community.

You're not alone. Bioware doesn't seem to care...I don't view your post as rage, I view it as desperation.

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Well, someone at BW went to the trouble to create a new web page that expressly stated that server transfers were complementary to and from certain servers and then provided a list. Why "test" such a web page if you weren't in the planning stages of implementing it?


Anyone who was here for the last server merge will know how things happened last time. There were "voluntary server transfers" for free at first, only to and from certain severs (listed on the website like what we saw last night) during which time BW adamantly denied that any merges were being planned. Then, some months later, the "involuntary" merge came along.


This time we are seeing something very similar, plus we have the other recent changes: the new name change (people were upset last time due to losing names), the removal of all server type designations, and the addition of the new "play type focus" instances. If anything, all these changes make an even stronger case than the evidence we had last time. ALL of these recent changes just so happen to be steps that would facilitate some kind of server merge. I think we'd be fools to consider this all a miraculous coincidence.

Ahh... The obese pink elephant has reentered the room. Here it is. What say you BW :rak_02:


The frustrating part here to me is that BW seems to think we are all too clueless to put two and two together. Why all the denial? Just give us the facts. All this subterfuge does is create rumors and upset and make BW look like they have something to hide.
Preach it.
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Well, someone at BW went to the trouble to create a new web page that expressly stated that server transfers were complementary to and from certain servers and then provided a list. Why "test" such a web page if you weren't in the planning stages of implementing it?


Lol that's what I was wondering. I can somewhat understand 'testing' whatever Eric claimed and free transfers becoming available but there was a whole page and a list up. Someone typed all that out and prepared it and unless they wanna claim they're doing random and meaningless things to kill time, it likely has a future purpose no?

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I might be mis-remembering this then. I don't recall any free transfers being offered. Also, since every server was dissolved and new servers formed, surely that was a futile project. The new servers had the same name as previous servers, so it looked like they were the same server, but they were still new servers. I knew of a good few people who lost their Guild as well as their Character names because they were already taken, but they were still on the "same" server.


Here's how I remember it. First server transfers were free, but only if you went to the designated server pre-chosen for you. If you did this by a certain date (July 30, 2012? Maybe '13? I only remember this because I was moving house that day) you also got the "incentive" items along with it: 25 black hole comms and a pet. If you moved during this time period, you could lose your name if someone on the destination server already had it. During this phase people went nuts on the boards asking if server merges were coming to which BW would always cryptically reply, "Moves are purely voluntary! No one is being required to move."


Second merge was the "forced merge." This was also free, and only to the designated server pre-chosen for you. All characters were force-moved, and anything over your character slot limit was grandfathered in. During this move, BW applied certain criteria to who got to keep their names and who didn't. It had something to do with length of time the character had had the name and possibly the level of the character. Because of this, even characters who were already on the destination server and not moving still ran the risk of losing their names. I'm not sure actually how they handled this for guilds, but I wasn't aware of any guild already on the server losing their name.

Edited by CloudCastle
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Well, someone at BW went to the trouble to create a new web page that expressly stated that server transfers were complementary to and from certain servers and then provided a list. Why "test" such a web page if you weren't in the planning stages of implementing it?


Anyone who was here for the last server merge will know how things happened last time. There were "voluntary server transfers" for free at first, only to and from certain severs (listed on the website like what we saw last night) during which time BW adamantly denied that any merges were being planned. Then, some months later, the "involuntary" merge came along.


This time we are seeing something very similar, plus we have the other recent changes: the new name change (people were upset last time due to losing names), the removal of all server type designations, and the addition of the new "play type focus" instances. If anything, all these changes make an even stronger case than the evidence we had last time. ALL of these recent changes just so happen to be steps that would facilitate some kind of server merge. I think we'd be fools to consider this all a miraculous coincidence.


The frustrating part here to me is that BW seems to think we are all too clueless to put two and two together. Why all the denial? Just give us the facts. All this subterfuge does is create rumors and upset and make BW look like they have something to hide.

Oh come on...they don't think you're stupid, they know you know 2+2 is, OMG....look over there!!!! *SQUIRREL*!!!!


Did anyone happen to get a screenshot of the web page?

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Well, someone at BW went to the trouble to create a new web page that expressly stated that server transfers were complementary to and from certain servers and then provided a list. Why "test" such a web page if you weren't in the planning stages of implementing it?


Anyone who was here for the last server merge will know how things happened last time. There were "voluntary server transfers" for free at first, only to and from certain severs (listed on the website like what we saw last night) during which time BW adamantly denied that any merges were being planned. Then, some months later, the "involuntary" merge came along.


This time we are seeing something very similar, plus we have the other recent changes: the new name change (people were upset last time due to losing names), the removal of all server type designations, and the addition of the new "play type focus" instances. If anything, all these changes make an even stronger case than the evidence we had last time. ALL of these recent changes just so happen to be steps that would facilitate some kind of server merge. I think we'd be fools to consider this all a miraculous coincidence.


The frustrating part here to me is that BW seems to think we are all too clueless to put two and two together. Why all the denial? Just give us the facts. All this subterfuge does is create rumors and upset and make BW look like they have something to hide.


Yep. I trust them as far as I can throw them.

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Huh, interesting. Says certain server transfers are free, then gives a list:


Certain transfers are complimentary at this time:


Between the following servers:

The Ebon Hawk to The Ebon Hawk

Jedi Covenant to Jedi Covenant

The Harbinger to Jedi Covenant

The Harbinger to Begeren Colony

The Harbinger to The Ebon Hawk

Jedi Covenant to The Harbinger

The Ebon Hawk to The Harbinger

Jung Ma to Begeren Colony

Jedi Covenant to The Shadowlands

Jedi Covenant to Begeren Colony

The Harbinger to Jung Ma

Jedi Covenant to Prophecy of the Five

The Ebon Hawk to The Bastion

Jung Ma to Prophecy of the Five

Jedi Covenant to The Bastion

The Ebon Hawk to Jung Ma

Jedi Covenant to Jung Ma

The Ebon Hawk to Prophecy of the Five

The Harbinger to The Bastion

The Ebon Hawk to The Shadowland

Jung Ma to The Ebon Hawk

Jung Ma to The Harbinger

Jung Ma to Jung Ma

Jung Ma to The Shadowlands

The Harbinger to The Harbinger

The Harbinger to The Shadowlands

Jung Ma to The Bastion

Jedi Covenant to The Ebon Hawk

The Harbinger to Prophecy of the Five

The Ebon Hawk to Jedi Covenant

Jung Ma to Jedi Covenant

The Ebon Hawk to Begeren Colony

So...you can go from high pop to low pop for free only? I see "from X to Prophesy of the Five", but no "from Prophesy of the Five to X"...


Are they trying to hurt the bigger servers? If they spread the population we have any thinner, nobody will be getting pops...we need LESS servers, not better spread out populations.


This isn't going to do what's needed.

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So...you can go from high pop to low pop for free only? I see "from X to Prophesy of the Five", but no "from Prophesy of the Five to X"...


Are they trying to hurt the bigger servers? If they spread the population we have any thinner, nobody will be getting pops...we need LESS servers, not better spread out populations.


This isn't going to do what's needed.


No, it was only showing accounts to transfer from where you have an account. Thus the post you quoted that player did not have an account on POT5 I am assuming ( for me it only showed Harb as a source server as it s the only server I am on ).


There is no conspiracy here, just now the discussion on perhaps should they always be free and the pros/cons of mega servers/merges etc. that people thought this was an indication of because they misinterpreted the data ( before it was announce it was a bug of sorts ).

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No, it was only showing accounts to transfer from where you have an account. Thus the post you quoted that player did not have an account on POT5 I am assuming ( for me it only showed Harb as a source server as it s the only server I am on ).


There is no conspiracy here, just now the discussion on perhaps should they always be free and the pros/cons of mega servers/merges etc. that people thought this was an indication of because they misinterpreted the data ( before it was announce it was a bug of sorts ).




I checked my page last night and it very specifically targeted servers where I had characters and offered a transfer to any other server in my region (NA). I could have moved characters back and forth between BC and The Harbinger or EH, or any combination, all night long for free. I didn't.... but it offered me the options.


I think what we saw here was a page they are working on, that went live accidentally.


What it indicates... who knows. Maybe they plan to encourage people to move around and give all the servers a chance to resettle now that there is no such thing as PvE or PvP (or RP for that matter). Or maybe it's a simple way to give people the ability to change character names. Or maybe.. as Chicken Little will claim..... it's the end of servers....OMG... they going to push us all on to one server... yada yada yada.


One thing I know.... IF they were to push every active player account to say The Harbinger... the server would collapse. If they merged a handful... then the remaining servers would be full and with login queues during expac time. There are simply too many active players spread across the old PvE and RP servers for that fantasy to happen. And the thing people seem to forget is that server population is not just active players logging in.... it's every account that has characters on that server... any of which could suddenly be active and playing again at any given time (not even counting what appears to be about a 2X surge of active players on the servers after an expac drops.


TL;DR nobody here is competent to make sweeping statements about server merges being appropriate and needed. In the end. Only the studio can really assess that.

Edited by Andryah
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