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Apart from all the positive things everyone else has said, I just love this story, period. I feel horrible for what Liaseph is going through and am mostly anxious for her to be back safely with Marr again. I am also looking forward to seeing what Marr does to the one(s) responsible for her captivity. Can't believe I have to wait another week for more!:) *bites fingernails while pacing the floor* Longer chapters please.....;-)
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Apart from what the others said, I am eager to learn who is the buyer, and wonder if it's someone we know.


I'm hoping the revelation will be interesting :D



Apart from all the positive things everyone else has said, I just love this story, period. I feel horrible for what Liaseph is going through and am mostly anxious for her to be back safely with Marr again. I am also looking forward to seeing what Marr does to the one(s) responsible for her captivity. Can't believe I have to wait another week for more!:) *bites fingernails while pacing the floor* Longer chapters please.....;-)


Thanks so much :D I'm thrilled that you're enjoying it so much, and I will endeavor for longer chapters. I usually do have longer ones, but time has been an enemy lately, so I've had to have shorter ones. Thanks again for reading and for the very kind comment! ^^

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I'll make a guess:


Darth Vowrawn? He seems like someone who would do that and I would love the twist



As always, you're doing a fantastic job Luna, I'm on the edge of my seat every time!


Thanks! That makes my day to know that. :) As for the guess there have been hints all along. :D

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I'll make a guess:


Darth Vowrawn? He seems like someone who would do that and I would love the twist



As always, you're doing a fantastic job Luna, I'm on the edge of my seat every time!


Hmmm.....I've always thought of Vowrawn as a somewhat "nice" Sith....so I would have to point my accusatory finger at Ravage:)

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I'm hesitant to engage in the theorizing, I don't know how many readers have read the stories that tie into this (and if you haven't, you really should when you find the time for it!) but I'm scared to accidentally give anything away.. although, I'm half hoping and thinking that Luna's going to throw a curveball our way, even for those who did read TFOAD. <3


Vowrawn is such a player though. I can just imagine him hovering over a giant chess board and carefully moving all the pieces right where he wants them. You'd never even know what hit you until the queen falls. And he's so delicious too.. :o

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Hmmm.....I've always thought of Vowrawn as a somewhat "nice" Sith....so I would have to point my accusatory finger at Ravage:)




If Ravage is the one who did this to Lia...frankly I don't know how Ravage is going to survive!


I'm hesitant to engage in the theorizing, I don't know how many readers have read the stories that tie into this (and if you haven't, you really should when you find the time for it!) but I'm scared to accidentally give anything away.. although, I'm half hoping and thinking that Luna's going to throw a curveball our way, even for those who did read TFOAD. <3


Vowrawn is such a player though. I can just imagine him hovering over a giant chess board and carefully moving all the pieces right where he wants them. You'd never even know what hit you until the queen falls. And he's so delicious too.. :o


Well no matter who it is that did this to Lia, I seriously doubt they will survive no matter who they are!:)


Wow, I love all this speculation :D I hope that you guys will enjoy the outcome, even if it comes as a surprise, or not. :o


PS. And thanks Jenny for recommending my stories. ^^

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Star Wars: The Old Republic



~Chapter Twenty-Two~



We are all pawns on the great board.


Inside the apex of the ziggurat, the sun blazed through a four-story high window behind the Zygerrian throne.


Mirrored panels angled outside the window would reflect the sun no matter its position in the sky. The effect was dazzling but I suspected the true purpose was to impair visitors—the mirrored window forced anyone approaching the throne to bow their head with a false reverence and it kept anyone from focussing too intently on the silhouetted leader. He would have the advantage of seeing his visitors clearly, allowing him to quickly appraise their intentions.


The throne sat on the uppermost of three platforms, seven steps separating each level. The view behind the throne reached for miles, and the low hanging clouds drifting past the green mesas made for an almost pastoral view—all of which was entirely lost owing to the fixed throne. I would have preferred the option to face the window and survey the world before me, instead of keeping my back to it.


The silence exaggerated every sound, including the measured weight of my footfalls. I suspected the Zygerrians preferred silence, their large pointed ears suggested a sensitivity to sound.


The guards made no move to challenge me as I continued forward. I sensed the slave master’s curiosity and the wariness of his guards. Force users were an oddity on this world and with their wariness came the cunning that asked, what it would mean to own a Force using slave or if it was even possible. Would it be possible to subdue me…to own me?


The silhouette seated on the throne leaned forward, a shadow touched by gold. His forearms rested on his parted knees, hands languishing between them. His casual posture was at odds with the opulence of his jewel-encrusted throne and spoke volumes of who this man was—a man of wealth and ambition, but vulgar, unrefined and corrupt.


His eyes were narrowed into suspicious slits and his tufted sideburns bridged the large triangular ears to his jaw. Even in silhouette, I recognized the slaver from Teraan’s holocom.


A thickly muscled Zygerrian bodyguard cradling a blaster rifle against his arm stepped forward to address me.


“That’s far enough Jedi. What’s your business here?”


“I seek an audience with the esteemed slave master Borga Nil—not his lackey.”


The bodyguard’s posture and grip on his weapon clenched, but before he could respond to the slight, the silhouette on the throne waved the bruiser aside.


“Come, speak your business, Jedi,” Borga grunted in heavily drawn out syllables and his wriggling fingers beckoned me closer.


“I’ve come to discuss terms for the safe return of a young woman your men misappropriated.”


“Master Jedi,” Borga drawled and spread his arms, “You will have to be more specific. I own many females. I sell as many as you want.”


“Only one is of interest—a recent acquisition of yours. Lady Liaseph of House Teraan on Alderaan, Lady of the Alsakan Riverlands.”


Borga Nil picked at the tuft running his right cheek. He reclined into his throne and leaned heavily on the left armrest.


“I don’t recall any lady—if it is a lady you want, you have come to the wrong place, Jedi. But what would a Jedi do with a female anyway? I hear you are all—what is the word? Eunuchs?”


The bodyguard and the soldiers laughed.


My saber hand opened and closed. “Then let me refresh your memory. She is the daughter of your associate Duke Cedon Teraan. You purchased her from him for eight million credits and sold her again for fifty-five million.”


Borga’s eyes grew round and I thought he might leap out of his throne. He slapped the armrest hard. “How do you know this? Jedi send spies?!”


“How does anyone know things? You have traitors in your midst.” I glanced over at the bodyguard and tossed my head in a knowing gesture.


He sprang to his feet and gestured toward the doorway. “Get out! All of you get out!” He roared, spittle flying from his mouth.


“But he’s a Jedi,” the bodyguard protested.


“I can handle a Jedi. Now get out!” Borga gestured toward the doorway.


The men filed out and heavy double doors groaned shut.


Borga loosened his collar and stalked toward me unafraid. “Now we talk.”


“Now we talk,” I echoed the slaver’s timbre.


“Name your price, Jedi.”


“In exchange for the girl’s safe return, I will give you the names of the traitors in your organization.”


“Traitors? How many?”


“As a show of good faith between us…there are fourteen in all,” I lied.


“Give me the names.”


“Bring me the girl or no bargain.”


“I can’t. She’s off world. I don’t deal with her kind here.”


“Where is she? Tell me.”


“No. This is not part of the bargain. This is only for me to know.” He pounded his fist against his chest. “Only for me.”


“Then bring her here. Call your men, deliver her to me. I’ll wait.”


“Give me the names. And money. Hundred million.”


“I’ll give you five names, make the call. You’ll have your money when I have the girl.”


“You bargain like no Jedi I’ve ever seen. No Jedi has money. Give me the names.” Borga withdrew his holocom and keyed in the frequency and waited.


“The girl has wealthy connections. The mercenary crew you sent to House Teraan to collect the girl…four men, led by a woman—a Mandalorian—they…how did they put it…sampled the goods against your orders.”


“You lie Jedi. They are my best. They wouldn’t dare defy me.”


“Then you are a fool, Borga. Jedi don’t lie.”


“Prove it.”


I reached into my robes and withdrew a copy of the security vid I’d downloaded at House Teraan and thrust the spike at him. “See for yourself.”


The slaver snatched the spike and jammed it into his com. The tufts edging his face stood on end and his pointed ears folded back as he watched the exchange between his mercenaries. His breath came in ragged shallow snorts like a bull nerf with a red flag in its face.


Borga glared at me and set aside his still chiming com unit. His ears flattened at the repetitive and annoying chime. He jabbed the intercom button on the computer. “Get me the Blood gang. Now!”


The holocom continued to chime in the background. “Idiots. Why don’t they respond?”


“Crossing me, wouldn’t be prudent,” I warned.


Minutes later, the double doors crashed open and the mercenary gang staggered into the throne room. Two of the men still had their ale bottles in hand. The woman, just as she had on Alderaan remained behind the men, but acted as their voice. “Master…we were just celebrating.”


“Did I not warn you, Arcana?” Borga pulled his blaster rifle and sprayed the men without warning until his clip expired.


The men’s bodies stuttered with a harsh staccato as the rounds mowed through them. They dropped to the floor in bloody heaps and their leader, Arcana Blood, took cover behind a column and returned fire.


“The hell? You lost your mind, Borga?” She growled between volleys.


Borga cast the spent weapon aside. “Did you think I wouldn’t find out? You stole from me! I warned you. I warned you!”


“Dunno what the hell you’re talking about,” the woman muttered, her weapon pulled up tight.


“No one—steals from me. Idiot! They could’ve turned the girl’s insides to ground meat. How do I fix that, uh? If they can’t pass as virgins, they’re worthless to me. Worthless! Anyone can sell a wh.ore. I have a reputation for the best. Only the best,” he growled, thumping his chest.


I summoned the Jedi lightsaber to hand but didn’t ignite it. I kept my gaze fixed on the woman when something occurred to me—she was a human female, possibly a bounty hunter—uncommon in a world dominated by aliens and then I realized why her appearance on Alderaan troubled me.


I held up my hand to stay the aggression between them. “I have one question for this woman.”


“Speak. Then I kill her,” Borga snarled.


“You were a bounty hunter—on Krayiss Two, over twenty years ago…you were contracted to murder a pair of slaves…Ailan and Lish Marr.”


“What’s it to you? Jedi filth.” She snorted a thick ball of phlegm from her throat and spat. Then she opened fire on me. The blue blade came alive in my grip and sent the incoming bolts ricocheting off the walls.


“Answer me!” I hissed and stalked toward her. I sensed her disquiet as she anxiously searched her memories.


“What if I did? What do two slaves matter anyway?”


“They matter…because they were my parents.” My grip tightened around the borrowed saber.


“You’re wrong. It was an Imperial camp, not Jedi. Reclamation service pukes.”


“I know.”


With a flick of my hand, I sent her weapon cartwheeling across the throne room to land with a clatter in the corner. At my whim, she rose into the air, eyes bulging as she gasped for air.


The holocom no longer chimed in the background. Instead, the whine of distant blaster fire cutting through interference echoed about the throne room. Someone shouted in the background. Borga knelt next to the device.


A feeling of dread came over me and I snapped the woman’s neck. I had hoped to extend her suffering, but she was a distraction, not the goal. I gritted my teeth and swished the borrowed lightsaber as I turned to face Borga.


“What the hell is this?” Borga shouted at the holocom.


The flickering image of an Arkanian crouching for cover crackled over the device. “We’re being raided by the Jedi! Base is crawling with Pubs. They’ve seized the merchandise. And there’s a Jedi here demanding we give up one of the slaves—the Alderaanian.”




My lip curled under my mask and I speculated how he’d known where to begin his search.


“Salvage what you can and sound the evacuation order!” Borga shouted.


“The girl! I want the girl!” I snarled and levied the lightsaber at the slaver’s throat.


“The Alderaanian…were is she?” Borga barked.


“She shipped already, just like you wanted.”


“Who’s the buyer?” I snapped. “The name. Now!”


“You are not Jedi! You are Sith, a wily Sith—the worst kind.” Borga jabbed a vibroblade through my boot. The attack surprised me and I recoiled. Pain radiated through my foot and I felt the squish of blood under my sole. The bones fanning across my foot burned from being forced apart by the blade. I gritted my teeth.


The slaver rolled and scampered up the steps to his throne. He bashed the armrest and withdrew a concealed blaster pistol from the secret compartment. “I knew Teraan would end up costing me.”


I pulled the blade from my foot. I had to give the slaver credit, he knew just where to land the blow to bypass the plate lining. I fixed him in my gaze and cast the knife away. I fed off the pain and anger and the darkness clamored for more. I stalked toward the throne.


Borga opened fire and I batted away the incoming bolts like gnats.


“The name, slaver.”


He rounded his throne to take cover and peeped around the backrest. Unable to get a clean shot he fired randomly.


I flung the Jedi saber at his forearm. The pistol tumbled down the steps and skittered across the floor, well beyond his reach. I grasped the air before me and tightened my fist around it.


The slaver dangled between the window and the back of his throne.


“The name of the buyer.”


Borga sputtered and choked. His ears flicked back and his eyes bulged. “It’s too late.”


I shook him like a rag doll before the plate glass window. “The name.”


The slave master opened his mouth as if he were about to speak and I ascended the first set of stairs leading up to the throne.


The window popped and the tinkling sound of falling shards was followed by the crack of Borga’s skull as it exploded.


Blood and brain mash spattered the throne and what remained of the window.


I released the slaver and he crumbled into a heap on the floor. His blood puddled beneath him and rapidly diffused into a black-red pool.


I raced to the window, careful to remain concealed as I peered out. My gaze skipped up to the rooftops of the nearby buildings and then to the lower levels of the ziggurat. I studied the mirrors angled about the exterior of the window.


Someone must have used the mirrors against Borga.


I tore out of the throne room, half-limping, half running. Pain lanced up the back of my calf and my foot tingled and threatened to grow numb.


Borga’s men poured into the throne room, their shouts following me as I made my escape.


“The Jedi killed Borga! After him!”


Guards poured from the top level of the ziggurat and more gathered at the base and I was caught between them. I searched for an escape. The neighboring rooftop caught my attention and I charged across the chasm between the stairway and the building. My foot cramped and I fell short.


The air sliced around me as I fell. I bounced off a series of awnings to land in the fringes of the slave market. Mortified slaves babbled and threw their hands up. I broke through their enclosure and into the street. The slaves took the chance to freedom and followed.


I ducked into a doorway and stripped away the Jedi garb covering my armor. I wadded the cloak and tunic into a ball and stuffed it into a rain barrel. I peered out and when the way was clear, I ran into an alley to consider my next move. Casually I swiped a blue hooded tunic from a clothesline and shrugged it on over my armor. I had to find a way to the outskirts where I’d hidden the shuttle.


I scoured the alley for a way to avoid the main streets and the market. Tucked into an alcove a speeder caught my eye and I limped toward it. I tore open the control panel and tugged out the wires running to the starter. I sensed a presence behind me.


“Going somewhere? Hands behind your head. Turn around slowly. Try anything and it will be your last effort,” the man clipped in an Imperial accent.


“You’re an Imperial…” I murmured and turned around slowly as he’d requested.


The man was young—in his early twenties and his eyes bored through me like shards of ice. He kept his sniper rifle trained on me. I glanced down at the laser sight mark over my heart.


“So are you. Lower your hood, do it slowly…do it now.”


I obeyed and watched the man as a glimmer of uncertainty cut his gaze for a fraction of a moment.


“Darth Marr. My lord, forgive me, I didn’t recognize you.”


“You…you’re with Imperial Intelligence. Identify yourself.”


“Agent Garet Tarkin, my Lord.” The agent bowed stiffly and straightened.


“I trust this is yours?” I gestured to the speeder.


“Yes, my lord.”


“Can you get me to my shuttle on the outskirts?”


“Of c-course my lord,” the young agent stammered. “It would be an honour.”


“I believe you and I have a few matters to discuss.”


“Yes my lord.”



((to be continued…))

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Thrilling chapter! The intensity kept me hooked the entire time as the action unfolded.



Really curious to know who offed Borga. Did they just not want a scary Sith chasing after them (which is a very convincing reason), or is there something more?


Also, is agent Tarkin's connected with Grand Moff Tarkin? :o



Can't wait to see what's next! :)

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That was.. dammit! I was on the edge of my seat as Marr was trying to shake a name loose from Borga and then pop! :eek: But I'm glad he got to have some revenge against the bounty hunter that offed his parents and wow, Rylister is apparently truly working his own hardest to track Lia down good on him! Excited to see where this goes next. ^^


Sigh. As always, loving your descriptions and use of words and action, it's so good and you're inspiring!

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An almost idyllic backdrop for such a foul industry, nice touch.


What next, Marr? Where to next? To be so close to the name of the buyer and to have it snatched away, frustrating for him and me as a reader, argh. :eek:


Rylister doing his part, as agreed, wonder what will happen if he finds Lia first? The ultimate showdown? It will be interesting to see the outcome of his and Marr's uneasy accord.


And a Tarkin, now where have I heard that name before? :D


An excellent, edge of the seat chapter. Cannot wait for more.

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Thrilling chapter! The intensity kept me hooked the entire time as the action unfolded.



Really curious to know who offed Borga. Did they just not want a scary Sith chasing after them (which is a very convincing reason), or is there something more?


Also, is agent Tarkin's connected with Grand Moff Tarkin? :o



Can't wait to see what's next! :)


Thanks! :D I'm glad you had a good time reading. All in due time about Borga :D And that agent is a distant ancestor of our favorite Moff, yes. He is also what I named

my Keeper in Spy Vs. Spy. I have Garet Tarkin as Keeper's actual name, so this is young Keeper who either had the fortune or misfortune of encountering young Marr during one of his first solo missions.

Thanks so much for the kind comment! :)


That was.. dammit! I was on the edge of my seat as Marr was trying to shake a name loose from Borga and then pop! :eek: But I'm glad he got to have some revenge against the bounty hunter that offed his parents and wow, Rylister is apparently truly working his own hardest to track Lia down good on him! Excited to see where this goes next. ^^


Sigh. As always, loving your descriptions and use of words and action, it's so good and you're inspiring!


I'm tickled that you guys had such a good time! :D Our man Marr might not have gotten his answer this time, but all in good time. I'm glad Marr managed to get his revenge too, I think it was a bit unexpected for him, but that's how things go sometimes. I think he's only disappointed he couldn't make them suffer more. I suspect if he had it would have been 50x worse than what he did to Liaseph's family.


Rylister is clever in his own right and he does have some resources too, and he's a man of his word...well to a degree. :) And thank you so much for the kind comment! ^^


What JennyFlynn said....damnit!!:) I want more NOW! If I had the whole story right now I probably wouldn't be able to stop reading until I reached the end, forget sleeping or eating!. As always, can't wait for the next chapter!:)


Thank you! That's like one of the compliments any writer could hope for. ^^


An almost idyllic backdrop for such a foul industry, nice touch.


What next, Marr? Where to next? To be so close to the name of the buyer and to have it snatched away, frustrating for him and me as a reader, argh. :eek:


Rylister doing his part, as agreed, wonder what will happen if he finds Lia first? The ultimate showdown? It will be interesting to see the outcome of his and Marr's uneasy accord.


And a Tarkin, now where have I heard that name before? :D


An excellent, edge of the seat chapter. Cannot wait for more.


I wish I could take all the credit for that backdrop for the Zygerrians, but that world was already established by The Clone Wars, it's actually a thing, where slavers live on such a nice world with those pyramids. ^^


I'm glad the frustration Marr felt translated. I worried a bit about that, having the information snatched away like that, but then I also thought that he and the readers got resolution about his adoptive parent's death, so it balanced out, I hope.


And yes, Tarkin, is a name you've heard before :D Like in

Spy Vs. Spy...it's what I named my Keeper, so this young agent is young Keeper out on one of his first solo missions.

Thanks so much for the lovely comment! Means a lot. ^^

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The fame of your name proceeds you Madam Fox :D


I have only so far read the prologue which like you said, did seem to be the product of sudden and built up inspiration <3 I love being around all the writers here!


The prologue gives a good sense of anticipation to the reader I think. I felt like I was about to find out much more about Marr, which already peaked many curiosities in the game


Hope to read and comment more as I go!

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The fame of your name proceeds you Madam Fox :D


I have only so far read the prologue which like you said, did seem to be the product of sudden and built up inspiration <3 I love being around all the writers here!


The prologue gives a good sense of anticipation to the reader I think. I felt like I was about to find out much more about Marr, which already peaked many curiosities in the game


Hope to read and comment more as I go!


Thank you! *bows* I hope you enjoy the story, and the others I've written as well. There are many lovely and talented people here, so I'm glad you're taking the time to sample everything here, I guarantee you won't be disappointed. It's nice to be a part of something as special as the fanfiction forums here. I often think people don't know what they're missing, here in our quiet corner of the universe.


Looking forward to hearing from you again, once you get more settled into the story. Thanks for reading and commenting. ^^

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Star Wars: The Old Republic



~Chapter Twenty-Three~



Our past is the foundation upon which we build.


The speeder broke down less than a kilometer away from the shuttle. The agent cursed and then apologized. I waved his words away and trudged toward the speeder with leaden feet.


My vision clouded and the mesas appeared on the verge of splitting apart like cells in the midst of mitosis. The shuttle and its ghostly twin lay ahead, quivering on their landing gear. I stopped and shook my head, in hopes of clearing away the stupor taking over.


Agent Tarkin slowed and studied me with an anxious gaze. “My lord? Are you unwell? Might I assist you to the shuttle?”


My tongue had thickened and I couldn’t form the words I wanted to say. I reached out to steady myself and stumbled forward. The agent caught my arm and held me up. “Walk with me, my lord. The shuttle isn’t far. It appears you’ve been poisoned.”


I nodded and we pressed on toward the shuttle. I kept my focus on the monumental task of putting one foot before the other.


The usually stable boarding ramp had turned flexible and wobbled under every step. My armour burned where it touched my flesh and sweat inched down my body like a mass of worms.


“Almost there, my lord.” The agent gritted his teeth and carried the brunt of my bulk against his shoulder.


He positioned me in the rear of the shuttle and leapt into the cockpit. “Emergency override, Imperial Intelligence clearance, Orenth, Resh, Aurek, Cresh, Leth, Esk. Set a course for the Erinyes and hail the commanding officer at once. Inform him a medical team is required for Darth Marr. Engage autopilot.”


The shuttle shuddered as the thrusters kicked in and the last thing I remembered seeing was the agent rummaging through the shuttle’s medkit.




From the darkness, a vision began to form, along with the knowledge that despite the new revelations I would become privy to, the past and future would never change. I was an insect trapped in amber—allowed to observe, but powerless to intervene. The vision was set; it was truth and would never change, no matter how much I wanted it to.


An unmarked shuttle dropped into an underground spaceport. The iris covering the portal closed and the vegetation-covered plates above it ground together to camouflage the entrance. An aerial view would reveal nothing but a jungle, and on the ground, the area teemed with savage beasts, contained and herded by invisible shielding.


Liaseph was the last of a dozen women to disembark from the slaver’s shuttle. She wore a floor-length gown of wine velvet with matching elbow length gloves—clothing befitting an evening at the opera rather than a night in a smoke-filled cantina. Her hair was swept up in an elegant twist and held in place by a pearl encrusted comb.


The other slaves, dressed in scanty dancer’s togs, gathered in small groups. They whispered amongst themselves and threw scornful glances at Liaseph when she got too close.


A luxury subterranean rail car screeched to a stop and the slave captain in charge of the new arrivals herded the women on board. “Move along.”


Liaseph remained rooted where she stood.


“You too,” the captain barked.


She shook her head and refused to move. The slave captain gripped her elbow and fought her toward the rail car, his blaster pistol jammed under her ribs.


“Damn, you smell kriffin’ good,” he muttered. “Like uncut spice with twice the kick.”


He pulled her to him and buried his face against her throat. His eyes closed as he breathed her in.


“Get away from me, you filth,” she hissed.


Her words passed over him as if he didn’t even hear her. He tightened his grip. “Do you taste as good as you kriffin’ smell?”


“Let me go,” she bit out through clenched teeth.


“You’re a keeper…Don’t care how much you cost... you’re mine now.”


The slave captain lost himself so completely, he was oblivious to the armed droid behind him until its blaster barrel dug into his back.


The assassin droid jabbed the captain until he tore himself away.


“What? Damn droid.”


“Inquiry: Where is your respirator, Captain? You are in violation of safety code twenty-seven. Respirators are to be worn at all times when transferring genetically modified prototypes. Move away from the commodity.”


The slaver backed away and shook off the all-consuming trance that had possessed him with some effort. “Kark me...” He pulled a respirator mask hanging off a nearby peg and tugged it over his nose and mouth. “Move along, slave. Now.”


The assassin droid positioned himself between the captain and Liaseph. “Declaration: You heard him. Board the train or I will electrify your subdermal pain nodes.”


Liaseph soothed her elbow and boarded the subway car without a fight.


The droid opened fire on the careless slave captain and the man dropped. Liaseph’s gaze narrowed and her lip crept up smugly. The train lurched and chugged steadily forward before she could sit.


She braced herself against the seats as she moved down the aisle, scanning for an empty seat. If she showed interest in a spot, those occupying it would spread out and shake their head. Some smirked, their eyes fixed with contempt while others looked away to avoid eye contact as if she were a beggar.


Liaseph continued to the next compartment and sat alone in the middle section by the window. No sooner had the glass doors between the cars shut, the women resumed their chatter and more annoyingly, their laughter. The more she strained to listen, the more it sounded like ridicule and it stung.


She stared out the window at the tunnel lights as they flicked past the windows. The glass was cool against her cheek, but her eyes burned. She swiped at them to ease the itchy heat under her lashes, but no tears would come.


The lights populating the tunnel grew fewer and farther between and plunged the compartment into occasional darkness. The combination of low light and the din creeping in from the other compartment jolted her. She stiffened and a rash of goose pimples ran up her arms.


She swatted at her arms as if fighting away unseen hands that pawed at her and screamed. The next car fell silent, but no one came to check on her.


She stared vacantly into the headrest of the seat ahead of her until she lost herself in the jagged patterns stamped into the leather.


The subterranean car slowed and ground to a stop. Once again, she was the last to emerge. She kept her distance from the others and while they were secured with golden chains and thinly disguised shock collars like a pack of dogs being taken for a mass walk, a prim shiny protocol droid clattered toward her and set a fur wrap over her shoulders.


“Courtesy of my master, for your comfort, mistress. I am ME-D8, but you may call me Midi. If you will accompany upstairs?”


“What about them? Where are they going?” She wrinkled her nose as the pack was led away.


“To the cantina, mistress, they are public assets. You are a private asset.”


“What does that mean exactly?”


“It means that you belong to the club, but you are under exclusive lease to my master. You will service him and any of his contacts if he chooses for you to do so.”


“Who’s my master?”


“You will be introduced in short order if you’ll come along now?”


“Where exactly am I?”


“I regret I am not permitted to disclose that information, mistress. Your location is irrelevant.”


Liaseph glanced about the underground station. Armed guards flanked every entrance and a force field trapped the train between barriers of green light.


She nodded and followed the droid onto the lift. Another force field activated around the platform as it rose upward.


“I suppose that’s in case someone decides they’d rather jump than serve.”


“It’s for your protection, mistress. My master insisted on every precaution. He would see his investment well protected.”


“He can’t watch me every minute.” She folded her arms and scowled.


“You are quite mistaken, mistress. You will find that he can. You are under our constant protection and you are quite safe here. I would recommend that you please him and show him respect.”


“Hmph. Who’s going to keep me safe from him?”


The droid ignored her. The lift stopped and he extended his hand to her. “This way, mistress. I will show you to your rooms.”


The droid led her down an elegantly appointed corridor, complete with expensive furnishings and artwork crafted by the most gifted artisans.


“Is this where your master lives?”


“No, this is a private establishment that houses commodities such as yourself and is frequented by only the most noteworthy clientele. There are several common areas, such as the cantina, the lounge, banquet hall and ballroom, but for the time being you are restricted to your apartment.”


“Why doesn’t he keep me at his own home?”


“Many of our clientele, including your master have matrimonial commitments to others, often for political benefit. Your function is to provide that which the master may or may not receive at home. In short, you are to do everything in your power to bring him joy and ease his stress.”


Liaseph rolled her eyes. “Goody.”


“In return, you will be protected, sheltered and provided with the finest items required for your healthy maintenance. This includes medicine and a private physician if you should fall ill, nourishing food and drink and fine clothing. The master has been known to be generous to those who please him. Treat him well and you will receive pleasing gifts. Which reminds me, what are your gift preferences, so that I may relay the information to my master?”


“I don’t want anything from him. I want to be free.”


“I see, mistress. As freedom is an impossibility here, shall I suggest the usual courting, luxury and cultural gifts to secure your affection?”


“I don’t want courting gifts. My love can’t be bought with presents.”


“The emotion is not a requirement, only your active participation.”


“My…active participation? I see.”


“Perhaps the emotion will manifest over time. Ah, here we are.” The droid tapped in a keycode and the apartment door slid open. “Your new home mistress.”


The droid removed the fur wrap from her shoulders and set it aside.


Liaseph took a few tentative steps inside. The room was filled with elegant furnishings, art, and entertainment technology. A massive fireplace dominated one end of the sitting room, a healthy blaze roaring within the firebox.


She bypassed the art and fireplace in favour of the windowed wall before her. She pressed her fingers to the glass and stared at the vast cityscape before her. Obsidian glass towers ruled the metropolis and the buildings were anchored in jungle canyons. A light rain pelted the glass and flashes of purple lightning flashed across the dull skies.


“I’ve never seen a city like this before…it’s enormous. It goes for kilometers! We must be hundreds of feet above it. The towers are even bigger than those on Alderaan.”


“If the urban view displeases you, there are other settings you may select.” The droid plucked a remote pad from the nearby table and tapped in a code for a forest scene, then a palm-filled beach with an ultramarine blue ocean lapping over the pale sand and yet another island view, this one with a waterfall and basking varactyls.


“There are also seasonal settings…if you prefer—winter, for example.”


The view changed again to a forest with snow-laden spruce trees. Large flakes of fluffy snow fell and even stuck to the artificial glass.


Liaseph’s shoulders slumped as she backed away from the display. “These aren’t really windows…they’re monitors.”


The droid returned the view to the default cityscape. “The master thought you would appreciate a variety. Do you approve mistress?”


“It’s a cage, Midi—a fancy cage. When you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all,” she murmured sullenly and grasped her elbows to hold herself. Her cheeks flushed with the urge to cry, but no tears came.


“If there is nothing further, mistress? I have other duties.”


She shook her head and the droid clattered out of the apartment.


No more than twenty minutes had passed since the droid departed and Liaseph sensed a new presence behind her.


She remained frozen and refused to turn around. She stared out at the rainy cityscape, but the reflection of a man with slicked back auburn hair approached her from behind. She narrowed her eyes, trying to decide whether the markings on the man’s face were tattoos, implants or both.


“I knew you were beautiful, but I must say your holo portrait fails to do you justice.”


She said nothing and didn’t move.


“I brought you a gift…Liaseph.”


The man cracked open an elongated box and removed a dazzling choker. He cast the box aside and drew the necklace about her throat, fingers lazing over her collarbones and the nape of her neck as he fastened it.


“Diamonds, from the Moon of Nothoiin,” he whispered. He fanned the jewels across her throat until they were perfectly spaced. His fingertips crept over her shoulders, idly toying with the cap sleeves drooping across her upper arms.


“Have you nothing to say? A million credits worth of diamonds grace your throat…”


She remained silent and kept her gaze fixed on the rain sliding down the false window. If she’d heard him, she gave no indication of it.


“Will you not look at your lord?”


She remained a mannequin—cold, unmoving and silent.


He closed his eyes and breathed her in. “You smell divine…like Corellian blood roses…and nectar.” He tugged at the dainty cap sleeves, and the dress slipped lower until mounds of creamy flesh threatened to spill free from their velvet cage.


“Speak…I command it!” He barked.


She broke away and tore the diamonds from her throat and threw them at his feet. “No!”



((to be continued…))

Edited by Lunafox
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Good on Tarkin taking care of Marr like that though he'd better!


And that vision.. poor Liaseph, she's probably going to regret that rejection of his evilness with a hardon for things that aren't his. :mad: Good on you though lady and I can only imagine what Marr's going through witnessing all this now.. I'm still half torn between who the man is and I'm leaning heavily more towards one over the other but grr. Time will tell, right?! :D


Great chapter as always!!

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I was an insect trapped in amber—allowed to observe, but powerless to intervene. The vision was set; it was truth and would never change, no matter how much I wanted it to.

Such beautiful writing....and so very sad. I hope that at least he learns where she is from this vision and who has her. Hoping as well that he has a rapid recovery from the effects of that poison. Poor Darth Marr.....I don't know who I feel the sorriest for, him, or Liaseph. As always, looking forward to the next update.

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Tarkin steps up to the plate in taking care of Marr, good fellow, because he seems to do it with concern and not completely out of a sense of duty although I am sure that is a big part of it due to the climate of the empire.


It is also nice to see that you have made Marr as vulnerable as a common man where certain elements are concerned, such as poison. I feel that this will be another lesson for him in the long run.


And not to be able to escape the vision must be torture for him in a certain sense, but will also strengthen his resolve.


I feel that Liaseph is in for some very rough times, I just hope she doesn't break but learns to play the game to her advantage. And, thanks for the cliffhanger. Argh. :eek: I have tried and tried to picture an auburn haired man Marr has run across in his travels and it eludes me. Guess I will just wait and see unless I get some epiphany somewhere between now and the next chapter.



Great read, looking forward to the next to get some answers.

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Good on Tarkin taking care of Marr like that though he'd better!


And that vision.. poor Liaseph, she's probably going to regret that rejection of his evilness with a hardon for things that aren't his. :mad: Good on you though lady and I can only imagine what Marr's going through witnessing all this now.. I'm still half torn between who the man is and I'm leaning heavily more towards one over the other but grr. Time will tell, right?! :D


Great chapter as always!!


I imagine the agent's sincere efforts will not go unrewarded. :)


Oh, I imagine she will have several regrets over the course of that involvement. At the moment, Marr is in an odd place, he's incapable of real reaction because he's out from the poison, and even when he recovers, there is nothing he can change, he's basically participating in a replay of his life, but through death, he is getting the answers he never had before, so he will gain a complete picture of how he affected others, and they affected him. I'm actually amazed that no one seems to know the man. I thought I had pretty much given it away. Oh well, the mystery will unfold soon enough. Thanks for reading and for the lovely comment! :)


I was an insect trapped in amber—allowed to observe, but powerless to intervene. The vision was set; it was truth and would never change, no matter how much I wanted it to.

Such beautiful writing....and so very sad. I hope that at least he learns where she is from this vision and who has her. Hoping as well that he has a rapid recovery from the effects of that poison. Poor Darth Marr.....I don't know who I feel the sorriest for, him, or Liaseph. As always, looking forward to the next update.


Thank you so much :D He'll be learning many things he wasn't privy to in life. It's not so much that he can do anything about it, his life is basically set in stone, as is hers, they're both dead, but it will given him an understanding about why things unfolded as they did and he'll finally get answers to mysteries that spanned his lifetime, that he never learned the answers to. Thanks so much for the lovely comment and for reading! ^^


Tarkin steps up to the plate in taking care of Marr, good fellow, because he seems to do it with concern and not completely out of a sense of duty although I am sure that is a big part of it due to the climate of the empire.


It is also nice to see that you have made Marr as vulnerable as a common man where certain elements are concerned, such as poison. I feel that this will be another lesson for him in the long run.


And not to be able to escape the vision must be torture for him in a certain sense, but will also strengthen his resolve.


I feel that Liaseph is in for some very rough times, I just hope she doesn't break but learns to play the game to her advantage. And, thanks for the cliffhanger. Argh. :eek: I have tried and tried to picture an auburn haired man Marr has run across in his travels and it eludes me. Guess I will just wait and see unless I get some epiphany somewhere between now and the next chapter.



Great read, looking forward to the next to get some answers.


I think for the most part, our young agent is a good, honorable man, something he works hard to retain as he ages, even if his motives for doing the things he does seem dodgy. At his core, I think he means well and is a good person.


So far, Marr has been relatively untouchable and I think it actually made him a bit cocky to a certain degree and I think he underestimated the slaver. There were few if any people that were on parr with Marr's duelling skills, seeing as he learned his techniques from Tulak himself, then there is the matter of the darkness (there are reasons besides wisdom that he spent over 50 yrs on the dark council), so he needed to have vulnerabilities and something like a poison blade is simple enough to escape his notice...but never again, it's a mistake that for all he is, almost cost him.


It is a rough situation in many ways with the visions...he can't escape them, he can't change anything, their lives are set in stone, but what he will get is the full truth about his life, hers and why things happened as they did, which while painful is worthwhile. Mysteries that have confounded him his entire life, will be revealed, and it should be something that gives him peace...the Force/Void has its reasons for doing the things it does. :)


A lot of things happen to Liaseph, I don't want to say she gets broken, but to a degree, she does. I think the relationships in her life are complicated at best. Her feelings get to be quite...messy. The things that go on in her mind fascinate me endlessly, and I hope I'm able to translate that to the page.


I'm just amazed that the man is still a mystery. I really thought I'd given him away. :D Thanks for reading and for the thoughtful comments! ^^


I hope Marr will find Liaseph soon.

He has a lot of resources at his disposal after all.


The history of the story dictates that a couple of years will go by before he does, even though he's getting new information, he can't affect what's already happened, it just gives him a clear picture of what happened through his life. Thanks so much for reading and commenting! ^^


The bad feeling I got in an earlier chapter is only getting worse ... poor Liaseph :(


And I'm guessing Marr being forced to watch through a vision is killing him.


In less morose news, I liked that Tarkin's Imperial Intelligence clearance spelled out Oracle! Clever!


The visions are tough to endure, maddening because he is helpless and can't change anything. He's just getting the whole picture.


And you got ORACLE!! You're the only one who said anything :D I'm glad you liked it, I like hiding things like that in my stories. This might just be a nerdy thing for me, but I chose 'oracle' because it means 'someone through whom a god speaks'...and in this situation, the 'god' is unable to speak for himself, so he is speaking through the agent. It just made sense to me and amused me. ^^ Thanks for reading and for commenting! :D

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Additional thoughts and a thank you.



Sometimes I forget that this is Marr reliving his life from the aspect of a force ghost and through the force itself. You are correct in reminding us that everything is already set in stone, it has already happened and what he seeks now is clarity to the purpose of his life and the things that made him the man, Darth, Dark Council member and warrior of the empire. I think he is also wanting answers to what error, if any, he made that led to his death.


Everything seems so present day, as it should, but thanks for reminding me of the original reasons behind the story. It is still most intriguing to see someone's life unfold, especially someone I truly enjoy, like Marr.


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