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The Power Stat


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Just wondering, in simplistic speak what exactly power does and why would having more power be better than say having Mastery?


I read the description in game of course and looked round, but Im not sure how it translates into actual usage when I use an ability. Maybe Im just being stupid, its possible, but, I have never truly understood power. And I fear that lack of understanding may be making my characters weaker than they need to be.

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I am going to quote Oofalong's Annihilation guide that has a nice explanation to your question.

"Mastery boosts Damage Bonus by 0.20 per point, and it contributes to our Critical Chance or Crit %"

"Power boosts Damage Bonus by 0.23 per point"


Also, when it comes to taking mastery over power or power over mastery. I will give you an example:


Advanced Lethal Mod 43 ( this is the best piece out there for 220 rating).

Stats: 141 Mastery, 110 Endurance, 121 Power.


Advanced Lethal Mod 43A ( So called, unoptimized mod)

Stats: 169 Mastery, 121 Endurance, 73 Power.


So in your case question would be why not take the 2nd over the 1st. It has more mastery.

The thing is, it is not really about mastery or power in this case. And that will be like that pretty much always. 2nd mod has way too much endurance - that's the problem.

Let's count not-endurance stat: 141+121=262 effective stats for a dps/heal.

And 169+73=242 effective stats for a dps/heal.


As you can see, we get more Mastery, yes. But in total we sacrifice effective stats to endurance.

Another way of putting it - 28 additional mastery is not worth losing 48 power. That's obvious.


Now there might be a situation while leveling or something when you have different level of gear and then the question might be what is better 10 more mastery or 10 more power? When the amount of stats is exactly the same. That's where hard calculcations come in and, quoting Oofalong again, "Mastery boosts Damage Bonus by 0.20 per point", "Power boosts Damage Bonus by 0.23 per point".


So in the end, the piece that has the higher power, will be a better one. Always. (If we are talking about same level gear pieces, of course)


Hope it helps.

Edited by Equeliber
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I am going to quote Oofalong's Annihilation guide that has a nice explanation to your question.

"Mastery boosts Damage Bonus by 0.20 per point, and it contributes to our Critical Chance or Crit %"

"Power boosts Damage Bonus by 0.23 per point"


...what is better 10 more mastery or 10 more power? When the amount of stats is exactly the same. That's where hard calculcations come in and, quoting Oofalong again, "Mastery boosts Damage Bonus by 0.20 per point", "Power boosts Damage Bonus by 0.23 per point".


I'm noting that the bonus to crit vanishes the second time you quote him.

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In short:

Power gives slightly more bonus damage but mastery gives both bonus damage and crit chance.

The dps increase from both of these stats is actually pretty close to same.


Even if Mastery is better than Power for overall dps, you should still choose the mods with highest power instead of highest mastery if the increase in power is is at least 1.1 times greater than the amount of mastery lost.


If you replace a high mastery A-mod with a high power unlettered mod you loose some mastery, but the amount of power gained is over 1.8 times greater than the amount mastery lost.


Therefore the mod with highest power is the best.


To simplify it even more, it is not about mastery or power alone, but which mod has the highest amount of the 2 stats combined

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The answer is easy, I won't get into too many details but roughly it looks like this:


Ability_Damage = Basic_Damage + Bonus_Damage


Basic_Damage usually is a factor of your weapon rating and your level (again slightly more complicated, but no need to dwell on the details)


Bonus_Damage is a factor of how much power and mastery you have. The more power and more mastery you have the greater that value is, and the greater the pre-crit damage you can do.

Edited by znihilist
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Power directly increases damage dealt. This is helpful in a variety of ways. It improves the base damage that is multiplied when you crit, it improves overall burst and dps, aids healing, and is just an all-around helpful stat. Mastery improves both power and crit, but not at the same rate as they would be improved by just directly investing in either.
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Mastery augments > power augments


Otherwise, if you're aiming for max DPS or healing, follow the advice to maximize the combined mastery and power provided by a given mod.


If you're talking about PVE then tertiary statsd augments are way better than power or even mastery augments.

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