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Your In Character feelings to new Zakuul characters


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Thought this could be a nod to this thread. What would be your IC opinion of your toon towards the Main Zakuul characters.




Starting with my Republic characters


LS Female JK:

Lana: Despite being a Sith has grown to respect her.

Theron: Trusts his skills and resources and the fact that he is Satele Shan's son.

Koth: Considers him a useful enough soldier.

Senya: Admires her strength and feels a bond could develop between them despite the fact she was Valkorion's wife.

HK-55: Finds him a bit peculiar and strange.

T701: Glad that her resourceful astromech companion is back to help.

Scorpio: Wary of the cold blooded machine.

Aric: Admires his sense of duty and honor and would be willing to romance him if that becomes available down the road.

Kaliyo: Wary of the volatile mercenary.


LS Male JC:

Lana: Appreciates that for a Sith she seems to have a level head and is able respect her opinion enough.

Theron: Also trusts and resspects him as both an agent of the Republic and a relative of Satele Shan.

Koth: Has no quarrel or problem with him.

Senya: Thinks she is trustworthy enough despite her tie with Valkorion.

HK-55: Also finds him peculiar but has no issues with his wanting to protect him and his friends.

T701: Deems the astromech to be a useful team player for the Resistance.

Scorpio: Wary of the cold blooded machine but also intrigued at her possible origins.

Aric: Feels he is a reliable enough soldier and knows havoc Squad can be relied on.

Kaliyo: Feels she will need to be monitored carefully.


DS Female Smuggler:

Lana: Finds her kind of boring for a Sith.

Theron: Good looking enough and has involved herself romantically with him but like Corso would probably not settle down with him permanently.

Koth: Also finds him good looking enough to romance but apparently their moral codes clashed forcing him to snub her and eventually leave. Feels some regret but probably won't last.

Senya: Feels she is too uptight and stiff.

HK-55: Rolls her eyes at his antics. Only useful as another gun to watch her back.

T701: Astromech droids are useful to have around but they are a dime a dozen.

Scorpio: Creepy machine. Agrees with those who suggest she needs to be shutdown eventually.

Aric: Uppity, ramrod, Republic jarhead....

Kaliyo: Thinks she is kind of fun but most likely their personalities would clash enough to escalate into one barroom catfight or another and eventually they would have a falling out.


DS Female Trooper:

Lana: Doesn't particularly like or trust this pretentious Sith.

Theron: Thinks he is kind of good looking but not bad enough for her tastes.

Koth: Would have given him a shot and thinks he is a decent soldier type when it comes to fighting but eventually found him to be a sanctimonious hypocrite.

Senya: Respects her strength but is likely their personalities would clash too much to foster any long term respect or friendship.

HK-55: She likes HK 51 and simply views HK 55 as HK 51's "special cousin". Too weird for her tastes.

T701: OKay..an astromech droid...so what?

Scorpio: Does think this female killing machine is the bomb and enjoys her company just as much as HK 51.

Aric: Great...him again....have to put up with more of his judgemental garbage.

Kaliyo: Also digs her skills and personality. They would probably get into quite a few fights but might be willing to let her run with her.

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And my Empire characters:


DS Male SW:

Lana: Thinks she is too soft for a Sith.

Theron: Chafes at the fact that he has to work with this Republic spy again. Would probably kill him for the hell of it if he could.

Koth: When they meet again will kill him on the spot if allowed.

Senya: Is surprised his beloved Emperor actually married someone. Might actually be willing to kill her as someone who he feels is holding Valkorion back.

HK-55: Would certainly prefer the HK 51 unit over this loudmouth machine.

T701: Barely acknowledges its existence.

Scorpio: Finds the cold blooded machine fascinating but would not hesitate to destroy her if she tried something.

Aric: Coming dangerously close to killing this pretentious Republic trooper almost as much as Koth.

Kaliyo: Delights in the destruction she causes but would also skin her alive if she angered him.


LS Female SW:

Lana: Respects her enough.

Theron: Did fall in love with him during the Revanite arc and they even shared some stories regarding Satele Shan. Still admires him though their romance got put on hold when she fell for Koth for a while.

Koth: Did fall in love with him for a while but he apparently had issue with ehr allowing Kaliyo to blow up the Spire. Sad that he left and feels a bit guilty over it.

Senya: Respects her strength though ocassionally they have spats over minor things.

HK-55: Also finds the machine somewhat peculiar.

T701: Has no issue with the helpful astromech.

Scorpio: Wary of the cold blooded machine like most.

Aric: Can respect a soldier who is all about duty and honor despite the fact he is Republic.

Kaliyo: Acknowledges her strengths and resources but also realizes she needs to be monitored.


DS Female SI:

Lana: Despite the fact that my SI is as cruel and selfish as most Sith, Lana is the one person in the galaxy she cares deeply for ever since Zash and does have romantic feelings for her. One of the few people my SI would probably never misuse or betray.

Theron: Also chafes at having to work with this Republic agent once more and would never stick her head out on the line for him.

Koth: Despies this self righteous worm and would also be willing to kill him the next time they meet. Might eve harbor some jealousy towards whatever feelings he has for Lana.

Senya: No particular feelings for her though does get sick of her ordering around.

HK-55: The quirky machine is beneath her notice.

T701: Just another astromech.

Scorpio: Also somewhat intrigued by the ancient killing machine and wonder what secrets it hides.

Aric: Also somewhat close to killing this uppity Pub soldier who dares to bark orders at her.

Kaliyo: Might delight in her destructive potential but would consider her too boorish and uncouth to have as a friend.


DS Male BH:

Lana: Certainly thinks she is hot but her personality is kid of dull and uptight.

Theron: Somewhat chafes at having to work with this Pub spy.

Koth: Would also probably plug this crybaby in the head next time he sees him.

Senya: Too rigid for his tastes.

HK-55: Again, prefers the more efficient HK 51 over the weirdo HK 55.

T701: Also feels an astromech is an astromech.

Scorpio: Finds the female killing machine interesting but would also smoke her if she threatens him enough.

Aric: Also likely to light up this pretentious Pub buckethead who thinks he can bark orders at him like he was some other grunt.

Kaliyo: Definitely his type of gal. Would certainly want to romance her if the chance ever came up. Would even consider bailing on the Alliance and taking off with her to raise hell across the galaxy.


LS Female Agent:

Lana: Has a low opinion of Sith after what she went through with Jadus but is willing to trust and respect Lana to a degree.

Theron: Respects him a lot. Due to her deal with Ardun Kothe might even rely on him in the future to help her switch sides.

Koth: Also respects and trusts him.

Senya: Trusts her for now.

HK-55: Accepts him as a helpful member who wants to protect.

T701: Definitely finds the astromech helpful and useful.

Scorpio: Was interested in running into her again but now has more questions due to the fact that it seems Scorpio is more than just some combat robot she met on Belsavis.

Aric: Admires his sense of duty and honor and feels he could become a trusted friend if she switches sides.

Kaliyo: Part of her is glad that she ran into her old friend again. Even though they always had differences in opinions does appreciate the fact that Kaliyo's influence motivated her to look beyond just being a mindless killing machine of the Empire. Is not blind to Kaliyo's potential for instability though and realizes she will still have to be firm with her.

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LS Male Smuggler

Lana: Respects her even though doesn't trust Sith after encountering the one Sith on Tatooine.

Theron: Respects him and considers him more of a friend.

Koth: Secretly hates him for his way of thinking finding it annoying and seems to can't reason with him.

Senya: Respected her at first but he's losing the respect he has for her fast.

HK-55: Prefers to hang out with him since he seems more better then the others.

T701: Admires and finds him helpful.

Scorpio: Suspicious of her but thinks she'll be helpful in the future in some way.

Aric: Respects him fully since he worked with other Republic soldiers before.

Kaliyo: Suspicious and thinks her way of doing things is radical but sees things in her perspective and understands why she'll do things her way. Recently thinking of going with her plan should've been better for taking over the Eternal Fleet rather then destroying the controls.

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LS Trooper male:

Lana: Respects her and her commitment to the cause. Helping him break out of Carbonite was a plus.

Koth: Feels he's too wishy washy to be a solider, but respects his asymetrical warfare. Chafes at "I love Valkorion" printed on his underwear.

Senya: Has a hard time believing that she will fight her family, getting really sick of "if you don't do this, I'll kill whomever or take control." Definitely on the **** list.

T7: Handy astromech, glad to have him aboard.

Jorgan: It's like having his right hand back. Nice to have him back with just as a capable squad to lead. also nice to see him make Major.

Scorpio: Doesn't trust the bucket of bolts as far as he can throw it. Though useful in getting data.

Kalyio: Respects her demolition capabilities, but again doesn't trust her far as he can throw her.

Theron: Well he's SIS, but reliable intel. Granted due to his backround and the Deadeyes affair, trusts SIS not very much, though the fact Shan went rogue puts him in a better light.


LS JK male:

Lana: Despite being dark, and the fact he never really fell for Kira(though did the love arc once before because reasons now with the boosted 60, nope) has fallen for this Sith. Granted dark, but she cares deeply for those she fights with and for and does not hesitate to give her last measure for her friends.

Koth: Drives him batty with the "VALKORION ZAKUUL!" nonsense, but the guy is a steady hand at commanding a ship and fighting in ways that do not come to others.

Senya: Valued warrior, but really starting to get annoyed with "We should do what I think and here's why". And if she threatens another member of my team, she's going to find out why I'm one of the best saberists around.

T7: what can't he say about his little buddy. Granted T7 has a puppy like quality, but he's handy in a pinch.

Jorgan: Respects the solider since he's Havoc, but wishes he'd loosen up a bit. But glad he follows orders...mostly.

Scorpio: Wary of the droid, but respects her computer abilities and she saved them all with the Tombstone. Feels she has something else she hasn't told him, waiting for the shoe to drop.

Kalyio: to him is a maniac, but for now, his Maniac, and needs all the help he can get.

Theron: Solid, reliable, and a good right hand.


SI female:

Lana: Feels she's a tad too soft at times, but other times she's a true sith. Good saber at your side.

Koth: Next time she sees the pathetic quim she's ramming her saber down his throat(ala Spartacus vs Glabbar).

Senya: Respects her abilities, questions her resolve. Tries her patience again, she's going to electrocute her to death.

T7: A handy astromech at times, but a little too much pro jedi/republic. Will have to go when the time comes.

Jorgan: He steps out of line one more frakking time, She's going to force crush his ********s for fun.

Scorpio: Wary of the machine, but respects her computer abilities, along as they serve the inquisitor.

Kalyio: girl after the SI's heart. Too bad she can't use the force, what an acolyte this one would be! Murder and mayhem await!

Theron: Peon who gives good intel, but in the end once her rule is cemented, he has to go.


Female Agent:

Lana: Thanks her for busting her out and bringing the agent up to speed, but really needs to chill some and let the agent lead.

Senya: Wants to tranq her till she learns the chain of command.

Koth: Needs his help, and has fallen for him sadly, but will smack him silly for leaving and tie him to the bed so he doesn't go anywhere till he learns where he should be!

T7: Needs to be reprogrammed to follow the Agent's orders, not think for himself,

Jorgan: needs a walk out of an airlock minus a rebreather if he doesn't realize the rutting chain of command. And she'll go get it to beat him with till he understands who's in rutting command around here!

Scorpio: Nice to see her back, but she's a bigger pain in the rear now who has her own end game. need to figure it out and get 1 step ahead.

Kaliyo: Weird to see her again, glad to have her abilities handy, but again doesn't trust her.

Edited by TalonVII
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This was an interesting read - to see how your opinions match or clash with mine, but I'm just too damn lazy to type it all out. Maybe a fun thing to do when I have more time.


My dark fem inq is romancing Theron but only because he's good looking and she's lonely. Roleplay-wise, she figures they'll stay together until she crosses a line. (He should have broken it off with her after Ziost.) But in reality his romance is probably intended as a permanent element no matter what she does.


She doesn't really give a flip about anyone except Talos, the only person she has genuine affection for. Kaliyo was a fun new friend. Doesn't trust her, but doesn't care either. I don't think she hates anyone specifically, it's more like apathy. I remember her talking about being afraid all the time during one of her companion conversations, and I like to think that fear and loneliness is her fuel.


My other character in kotfe is a light fem warrior, and she's having a rough time. She had a rough time forgiving Quinn, since they were already married at the time of his betrayal. She cheated on him with Pierce and Theron but is regretting it after his romantic letter when she was missing.


She treats the alliance as work and her companions as co-workers and waits to hear word that her husband has been located so they can reconcile. I think she probably misses Jaesa too, the only person who really understood how precarious her situation was. She enjoys the diversity of the alliance and learning from people who are different than her. ( I wish the conversation choices reflected that better.) But overall I think my warrior is on edge and off kilter, not just by kotfe but from the entire succession of events in her life.


I'm really looking forward to starting kotfe on my neutral fem bh. I think her personal outlook is a lot lighter and less dreary than my sith. She's easygoing - she'll go with the flow of events even if she doesn't care much how it all turns out. She'll treat it as an adventure.

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I have my JC , JK , SW , SI , IA , BH , Smuggler romancing Lana...so they are all like 'Doh Doh :o:o:o:o'


Lana: Most of my LS (and those who romance her) accept her as she is . Even if she sometimes wouldn't agree with us (like saving civiliant) , unlike some sith , she won't stand in your way .


Theron: I keep getting the vibe he is resentful toward force users . I just can't shake it .


Koth: my LS tolerate him and do the right things . Hopefully...down the road one of those right things will be wrong for him..so I can get some drama :p my DS just want him dead for trying to steal mah ship and interrupting a smoochie . Man that would look good on a paper :D (WANTED FOR STEALING SHIP AND RUINING THE MOOD! 1,00000,000000,000000 Zaakul money!) .


Senya: She is Samara with a temper.....only thing remain to be seen if she has her strenght to get the task done . I'm making kissy face toward her...and hoping for more :p


HK-55: Overrated . Didn't want him , didn't care for him , didn't find him interesting or anything and no , didnt waste a kleenex when he died either . Hopefully..he aint coming back .


T701: Unleash him on Valkorian!!! Death by chatterbox! :D


Scorpio: My DS Agent want to be like her..they have formed a kreia&Exile kinda of Bond .


Aric: My trooper will be romancing him (and me gritting my teeths) cose he Bark too much for a cat .


Kaliyo: Perfect entretainement . She come for free..my Sith Sorc see her as an augment to her already deadly skill .

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Adding mine though in an alternative format. So far I have a JK, JC, SW, SI, Trooper and Smuggler in KotFE.


Limiting this also to mainly Zakuul characters + Theron and Lana. The entire Alliance is too much. ;)



- My JK respects and appreciates her, they get along well.

- My JC accepts her presence but has a neutral POV to her for most part.

- My SW considers Lana part of the family.

- My SI enjoys her company and insight.

- My Trooper isn't fond of the Sith part however she appreciates Lana's pragmatism.

- My Smuggler doesn't give a bleep really.



- Buddy to my Trooper since she's married to Aric.

- All others love him. ;)



- All my toons are of the same opinion; She's useful, pragmatic and a good ally but none trust her when it comes to her children especially.



- General consensus once more; really needs to **** already about Valkorion's awesomeness and the poor people of innocent Zakuul.



- Both my JK and SW are intrigued by him. They won't bow to him nor accept his power but their conversations with him have been interesting in their eyes.

- My Trooper and JC want him dead, deader than dead.

- My Smuggler just wishes he'd jumped into a more attractive and younger body at least before plaguing her mind.

- My SI wishes she could enslave him like the ghosts.


Vaylin & Arcann:

- We all hate both of them, end of story.

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LS trooper



Was always dubious of her and her motives, but lately has let his guard down round her and believes in her and her efforts against Zakuul. Trusts her counsel and generally thinks though she is ruthless she is too useful to get on her case too much.



Thinks he can be a bit of a nitwit and doesn't look at him as a soldier but he is cunning and has contacts he is also very handy in a firefight, trusts Theron.



At first, he liked Koth and felt that Koth would be handy at providing intel on Zakuul. But quickly realised that Koth may not be as useful as he initially thought, and his smart mouth is wearing thin. Also he worries that Koth is clinging to the belief that once Arcann is beaten, that's it, job done. All outlanders can go home and get on with their lives. Just generally questions Koth's stomach for the fight.



He doesn't trust Senya when it comes to Vaylin and Arcann. Doesn't believe any mother could bring herself to destroy her own offspring.



Thinks he's amazing and wishes that he had more HK's to help him against the skytroopers.



Useful, inconspicuous mobile top notch slicing machine who can switch things off. Loves T7



Wouldn't trust her to go to the shop to buy him a sandwich. Also doesn't like how he has no idea what her agenda is and why she is fighting against Zakuul with him. Most people he knows why, this thing... no. That disturbs him.



Glad to have him back. But secretly also glad he outranks Jorgan still. :D



Wouldn't trust her to make a cup of coffee and really doesn't like her one iota, but, he knows she's capable and an excellent guerilla which is what they need. But wants to avoid using her as much as possible.



DS Inquisitor



A former comrade and friend, still remembers how she bungled her position and let Saresh plant a mole right next to her, but has got over it because Lana did get him out of carbonite so that is some brownie points. Also loves how Lana has a secret network to help. But doesn't like how Lana brought Koth into his life.



Thinks he's a bit too lily livered on occasion and though he's not as ruthless as the Inquisitor, he understands that Shan is what he is, and that he has Shan's support even if Shan doesn't agree with him at all or only partially. He also knows Shan isn't afraid to pitch in and get his hands dirty.



Despises him for an entire plethora of reasons. Starting with having the audacity to DEMAND that I save HIS people when they are about to be exploded due to Vaylin? He has two words for that...



Respects her capability as a knight and a warrior. But doesn't like her singing, thinks she's a bipolar, and frankly, doesn't think she has the guts to do what is necessary when it comes down to it concerning Arcann and Vaylin.



Wishes he could program HK to be more vicious, and was delighted when the opportunity to do so was presented to him.



Think he's handy useful and would rather T7 to Koth any day. But wishes he could make T7 a bit less... friendly.



Is ready to blast that tin plated fraud to pieces the moment it steps out of line. He doesn't enjoy the fact its a machine and so can't sense what its thinking and feeling. Doesn't care why it wants to fight Arcann as long as it remembers who is in charge.



Thinks the Cathar has a lot of guts, but also thinks he needs to learn to filter his mouth lest next time he catch him in a not so tolerant mood. Likes that Jorgan is no nonsense and despite not liking his tone is thankful that Jorgan is up front and speaks his feelings.



Psychotic Rattataki. Nuff said.

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Light side Miraluka Female Jedi Knight:

Lana: she's a bit wary of Lana, what with the finale of Ziost, but the two are slowly warming up to each other, more so since D'leah left the Jedi Order, believing that after the Revanite crisis, it lost its soul.

Koth: Even though he admires the man who has continually ruined her life, she knows he's a product of a society that is supposed to worship its Emperor. She is dating him because he's still an okay guy. (That being said, if Koth doesn't straighten up about Valkorion soon, she will either return to Doc, or perhaps even pursue Kira.)

Senya: She respects Senya, who is becoming a second mother to her(D'leah's adoptive mother is my Barsen'thor).

T7: she's glad to have her old droid back.

HK-55: She ignores him.

SCORPIO: She ignores her even more than HK.

Kaliyo: She doesn't trust her at all.

Theron: They get along pretty well. Theron is dating my Warrior on the Ebon Hawk, who is not doing KOTFE.

Jorgan: She knows Jorgan since she and my Trooper are friends and is happy to work with him.



Light side female human Bounty Hunter:

Lana: her ex-girlfriend. They broke up amicably, but Vheta still has feelings for the blonde Sith.

Koth: thinks he's a good man, has a small crush on him, feels like she's in no position to criticize his support of Valkorion since a lot of Mandalorians are reluctant to question Mandalore.

Senya: thinks she's a tough, brave lady.

T7: adores the little astromech.

HK-55: (exasperated Mandalorian noises).

Scorpio: feels that she's useful.

Kaliyo: thinks she's funny.

Jorgan: has a begrudging respect for him.


Light side female human Sith Warrior(I gave her a Mandalorian background...it's a long story):

Lana: she is slowly beginning to trust Lana, with her being impressed with Lana respecting the fact that Bralova doesn't like titles either.

Koth: a bit wary of him, but they get along.

Senya: thinks she's brave to walk away from her position, something which Bralova berates herself for not doing sooner.

T7: a very good droid, probably dotes over him like he's BB-8.

HK: thinks he's bizarrely loyal.

Kaliyo: not impressed.

Jorgan: is impressed by him standing up to the buffoons running the Republic now.

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My LS SI opinions:


1. Lana - cautious. On one hand she is not one of those idiots obsessed with inflicting pain, but on other hand not sure what her goal is after current crisis is over. Would she consider me as someone to be removed after I take the throne? Fortunately (or currently I suppose unfortunately) while she works hard, she lacks the brains to come up with good plans against me.


2. Theron Shan - temporary ally who most likely will turn on me when after taking over throne I turn my attention back to Republic. Shame really, I could use someone of his skills. Wish he located Khem already, I am going to need him to subjucate Vaylin.


3. Koth - while he seems to grate some people at alliance, I do understand that part. The part I wonder is what would be his reaction to me sitting on the Eternal Throne. Also my plans concerning Vaylin probably would not sit well with him at all. Might need to eliminate him at that stage, but until then he can make sure Scorpio does not get her hands on Gravestone.


4. Senya - she is in difficult position, I wonder if she got what it takes to strike down Arcann. Probably best to keep her from directly confronting him. As for my other plans for taking throne and making Vaylin my apprentice I think I can persuade her to support me. Also should my plans concerning Vaylin fail, I might need her to make my ascension to Eternal throne simpler, less bloody.


5. T7 - simple droid with apparently multiple uses. Nothing truly noteworthy beside identity of his former master who supposedly started the chain reaction by killing Emperor on DK. I am going to have to go over his memories to make sure same fate does not happen to me and add some nasty surprises should his former master reunite with him.


6. Scorpio - Do not trust her at all. Right now Koth has only one duty and that is to keep Scorpio away from Gravestone. She is enigma and I wonder if that something she wants from Arcann is something I rather keep to myself. I wonder if there is link between her and Gravestone or Eternal Fleet and if I can take advantage of that, so far Talos has not yet finished his research of that. As soon as Eternal Fleet taken care I am going to have to scrap her.


7. Kaliyo - as soon as I have ascended to Eternal Throne I am going to do galaxy a favor by killing her. Until then I am going to keep her as I might need master inflitrator for missions I can't send Theron to do. She is someone that seems to have short term memory concerning loyalties.


8. Aric - supposedly Havoc Squad is (or was) Republic best unit so having member of that squad is useful to have. At least with someone like him I can be fairly confident that something will get done on field without my assistance, something that has been novelty. Regardless of how he feels about current leadership of Republic, I am going to have to eliminate him once I make my move against Republic.

Edited by Chaloss
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For Darth Imperius:


Lana - Old buddy. One of the few legitimately loyal Sith I've ever dealt with.


Koth - I owe him for the rescue mission and respect his wishes not to kill Zakuul civilians.


Theron - Loyal but annoying. He could use a corrective shock or two.


Senya - Useful but I don't trust her at all. I don't believe she'll destroy her children and I'm suspicious of what she was doing in the Dark Sanctuary on the Gravestone - not to mention what that place is.


SCORPIO - Zero trust. I've worked with sentient AI before. She's not allowed to touch anything.


Kaliyo - Worth gritting my teeth to manage but...lie to me again. Please. I dare you.


Morgan/Havok - Good soldiers.

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Female DS sorcerer (Darth Nox):


1) Lana: One of the few people she (apparently) cares for, but given Nox's new endgame (wanting to commit genocide on Zakuulans), this relationship may come to a crashing halt sometime down the road.


2) Theron: Despite being a Republic wretch, Nox recognize that he has his uses, so she sees him as a pawn. Once his use expends, she will dispose of him accordingly.


3) Koth: Wants to impale and electrocute this worm with extreme prejudice between his self-righteousness, his hypocrisy, any relationship he may have with Lana, and her quest for Zakuulan genocide.


4) Senya: Had a shred of respect for her at first, but every time she spoke her mind after Koth ran away, it has been very grating for Nox to tolerate. Getting up there with Koth.


5) HK-55: Forgettable.


6) T7-01: An astromech with some sense of heroism.


7) SCORPIO: Finds this sociopathic machine intriguing, though she insists on watching her every move.


8) Jorgan:It's very much a wonder why she hasn't killed him yet for his insubordination.


9) Kaliyo: Her destructive nature and mutual desire for destruction of Zakuul makes her a really valuable tool. But like with Theron, when her use runs out, Nox plans to dispose of her.

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Female LS SW:


Lana - Feels indebted to her for breaking her out of that carbonite prison. Genuinely likes her, and in my headcanon she is one of the few people my SW opens up to. Also in my headcanon, my SW made it clear to Lana that she is married to Quinn and intends to respect that dynamic for the time being; she knows full well that he may have moved on in 5 years, but she's going to wait to find out.


Theron - Likes him fine. He's one of the few who will banter playfully with her a la Vette, but she knows that eventually this Alliance thing will end and they'll part ways. They're not close but she respects him and his abilities.


Koth - Tried to appease him at first but realized he's an idiot after the botched looking for Lady of Sorrows quest, where he convinced her to take him instead of Senya so he could "talk local" to the gangs. After that, she went NFG as far as he's concerned and was glad that he left.


T7 - Possibly the first and only droid she's ever liked. The little guy is just handy and she finds that she prefers to take him out and about over any of the others, in part because a) he isn't constantly ogling her like she's some sort of savior come to redeem the galaxy from Zakuul and b) he isn't constantly complaining about her choices/leadership. In headcanon, she (somewhat strangely) talks to him about how much she misses Quinn, which is probably because he's the only one out the lot that won't tell her "yes I know, now focus on saving the galaxy." He just beeps sympathetically; seriously, T7 is the loyal dog my SW never had.


Senya - Respects her abilities, but questions her motivations. This one is probably best described as professional.


Aric - Not sure what to make of this guy yet. So far, he doesn't seem capable of following orders and is devoid of humor. Will have to see how this one pans out next chapter.


Kaliyo - Pegged her as a personification of chaos, and is secretly really, really happy that this chick isn't Sith. As in, the galaxy dodged a bullet on that one. She's obviously capable, creative, and understands that there are going to be casualties. My SW can work with that.


SCORPIO - With the aforementioned exception of T7, my SW hates droids and SCORPIO is probably the worst sort of droid: self-aware with motivations that are not tied to power, prestige, or money, and impossible to "read" with the Force. These things make her a wild card, and something to be handled carefully. My SW wishes Quinn were there in order to puzzle SCORPIO's motivations out, because she thinks he's the only one who could.


Beyond all of this, my SW can work with anyone in order to get the mission done. But she's already seriously considering disappearing when it's all finished, and settling on some remote world where people aren't constantly nagging her to fix their shyt problems. It's amazing that the galaxy didn't manage to implode before she came along.

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DS Female SW:


Lana: Sleeping with her in the hope that she will suffer even more once she can betray and kill her


Theron: Hates his guts, wants to kill him, the sooner the better


Koth: Useless, stupid and rude, KoS


Senya: Likes her asLong as she doesn't find out that she spared her daughter


HK-55: Poor, weak, pitiful excuse of a replacement for HK-51


T701: Why is that scrap still in one piece ? Why does he think I'm his friend exactly ?


Scorpio: Finally someone trustworthy. Well, Not "trustworthy" trustworthy, but DS trustworthy.


Aric: Last Havoc she met, killed him on the spot. Why can't she kill him too, exactly ?


Kaliyo: Dumb rebel without a cause, obviously useless and unreliable.

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Auset Midnight, female twi'lek light side jedi shadow (and the shadow part is at least as important as the jedi part, she likes to listen and observe in silence and when she acts, she strikes swift and hard without warning. She likes good manners and to remain courtly and she likes to play. Imagine a mix of a classic Jedi Knight and James Bond.)



Lana is Auset's counterpart; Auset knows full well that Lana is truely the mastermind behind the alliance. Lana is also her love interest. She likes to think of Lana and herself as two sides of the same coin, much like the Force itself. It's not going to last forever, eventually their interests will clash and they might very well be enemies again one day, but Auset cherishes it while it lasts.



In Auset's opinion he spends too much time thinking about the Force and his place in the world, but he certainly is an outstanding field agent and a good guy without being dull at it.



Auset has a certain distrust him for his faith in the Emperor Valkorian and fate. He also seems to have problems adapting and tends to think in extremes.



Auset doesn't presume to understand for having a family like Senya's truly means. Senya is quick with death threats and outstandingly grim. The world outside that of which she knows seems to be beyond her grasp. She is dangerous.



A funny gadget, if not a particularly thoughtfully designed one. (Auset does not consider droids to be people, and only makes an exception for T7-O1)



A curiosity... there seems to be almost a strange kind of wisdom between his seemingly naive beeps and his databanks run deeper than meets the eye.



A pretty perverse experiment gone rogue, but, with her unique perspective, sometimes still a resourceful asset and delusions of grandure can sometimes be amusing.



Auset's best warrior and commander in the field. She has deep respect for his integrity and relies on his judgement for non force-related things. If Lana wasn't Auset's LI, she also might allow this tomcat to rub her, if he wanted to.



Kaliyo is certainly unpredictable and dangerous. She is also a wild card to be played in order to tip enemies of balance. One must not take her for granted and take her serious, though.


I would also like to mention Vaylin, even though she is an enemy: Vaylin may be cruel, but she is also a kind of riddle. There is something very feline and predatory about her cruelty that Auset likes. Vaylin likes to play. Auset is very curious about Vaylin, even though that would not stop Auset from killing Vaylin with a Shadow Strike out of the dark, given a chance.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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I enjoyed reading everyone's list. Here is some of mine:


Light side Jedi Shadow - Female

Lana: She was always wary of her during Shadow of Revan. Did not like what she did to Theron and hoped to not run into her ever again. Was surprised that Lana rescued her and not Theron. During their time together, she has grown to respect Lana more and has grown closer to her as a friend.

Theron: He was the one guy who got her to break the Jedi code. Not even Ilresso could achieve that one. Theron - young attractive, even after being apart for 5 years fell back in love with him.

Koth: She doesn't have any issues with Koth. But is tired of always having to tell him and Senya to get along and work together.

Senya: She is concerned that she might betray her or the Alliance. Not sure if Senya can really kill her own children if it came down to that.

Aric: He is a good soldier and she feels is needed for the Alliance.

Kaliyo: She likes her sense of humor and really wants to give her a chance and benefit of doubt.

Scorpio: She is curious as to what Arcann has of hers. Thinks it could be useful for the Alliance to defeating him.

Hk-55: Not as annoying as the ship droid.

T7: Useful in certain situations.


Dark Side Sith Warrior - Female

She has a complex personality. She fell in love and married Quinn, then got betrayed by him. She got with Pierce to get even. Messed around with Lana during the Revan campaign. She is actually very fond of Lana but chose to not continue the romance because she didn't want to hurt her. It was the first time she was able to gain some trust in a relationship since Quinn. She flirted with Theron but all was lost when Ziost happened and she murdered Theron's Jedi friend Suro. Fast forward to 5 years in carbonite freezing and she is rescued by Lana.


Lana: They are good friends who once had a relationship. If anything bad happened to Lana, she would probably go on a rampage. They are not romantically linked anymore but still very close.

Koth: She hates him. Hated him from the very beginning. She thinks he has a thing for Lana, which she is very protective about. When he left the Alliance she called him weak. She thinks he is a coward and a hypocrite. Surprisingly she was shocked that Tora stayed even though she force choked her on the Gravestone.

Theron: She hooked up with Theron. At first because of her need for passion and the fact he seemed to forgive and forget what happened on Ziost all those years ago. But the letter Quinn sent her has her thinking. What will happen if he returns in her life? So many years have gone by...

Aric: He is very disrespectful to her because she is a sith. He is unable to get past the fact that as an Alliance empire and republic are working together. They clashed repeatedly. She was angry that he ignored her commands as the leader of the Alliance on several occasions. Given the opportunity, she would kill him.

T7: could care a less about the droid

HK-55: Likes him because Lana initially programmed him to obey her commands.

Scorpio: Doesn't quite get why Scorpio gets offended if you call her a droid. To my warrior, she is just a real smart droid.

Kaliyo: She likes a little anarchy and terror.

Senya: Doesn't trust her completely with regards to her feelings about her children. However, she trusts Lana's judgement that Senya is good to have around.


Light Side Jedi Knight - Female

Lana: Respects her, surprisingly.

Koth: She understands he sees the good things Valkorian did for Zakuul. Hopes that he will understand the person she knows as Vitiate and the one she fought and defeated on Dromand Kaas. The one she saw devour a world.

Theron: She likes him. She respects his wit and loves his caring nature. During Revan she stayed true to her Doc, but so many years has gone by. Doc never seemed like the type who would wait for her. He thinks she is dead. She feels in her heart he has moved on by now. She started a romance with Theron. They have grown close, starting out as friends all those years ago.

Senya: Wishes she would let up on Koth and stop starting problems with other Alliance members. Feels she could beat her in a duel.

T7: Her trusted droid. She saved T7 in that Flesh Raider cave and they have been through a lot together over the years, including fighting with her to defeat the emperor. She was pretty happy to see him when she got rescued.

HK-55: He is loyal.

Scorpio: Not sure about her. Someone to keep an eye on.

Kaliyo: Not sure she can trust her. Sees that she uses people and kills for revenge or money.

Aric: Reminds her of Lt. Rusk for some reason.


I have others but this was a lot to put together. For example, not all of my characters romance Theron.

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