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April Producer Livestream Wrap-up


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Can we please start addressing the elephant in the room. You need to address class balance in these streams. It is honestly really insulting at this point, lengths at which you are going to ignore your playerbase on this issue.


They have stated that they are happy with the class balance. If you're offended at this point it's your own doing because you are waiting for something that's not going to happen until the next level bump likely.

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Hopefully somebody will ask in the chat then (or my question will be taken directly from here) about, why the game doesn't show a capital letter after the space in the new naming stuff, even though it does so on the charecter select screen, just not in the actuual game...


That is a great question and I'd also like to know the answer.

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Didn't have much luck last time getting questions answered but here goes.


Why is so much of the story 'filler' with nothing really happening between the player and the eternal empire outside of by products of recruitment missions i.e. when recruiting firebrand that she wants to blow things up, or when helping Havoc tap a coms station (which makes no sense cause even Arcann would change protocol after finding all his troops by a com relay dead) that a frequency is found. With the latest two chapters a day dream and building a weapon with few questions answered and the next being a vault break in. When are we going to get to fight something of a war.


When will there be repeatable content that involves more than fighting 10 rounds in the EC. Why are there no end zones which offer some form of repeatable content ? By this I mean areas designed for level 65 players to explore where there are multiple factions or groups that you can side with against each other that allow some for of advancement with said faction while losing it with the other faction (cause you are killing them) with unique and decent rewards. In short somewhere hopefully tied to Kofte that offers end game content not tied solely to boss fights that is over in 15 mins.

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Hello. My question is a constant concern that I have from being on the forums. ...


There's your mistake. Do NOT assume or believe that what is posted on the forum is indicative of, well, much of anything. There are, quite literally, people who do naught but haunt gaming forums screaming doom and gloom. There are, also, thousands who are happily playing the game without needing to attempt to predict the demise of the game.


Some folks have been predicting the game is "dying" for years.


Surprise! It is not.

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They have stated that they are happy with the class balance. If you're offended at this point it's your own doing because you are waiting for something that's not going to happen until the next level bump likely.


Bioware are balancing classes around PvE stories not PvP combat for a change there is not really much problems with balances in PvE.

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Hello. My question is a constant concern that I have from being on the forums. Is this game dying? I hear plenty of people say it and others claim they are fear-mongering and I do not know which is right. In addition, due to Darkspore's shutdown I am worried.


In summary, can you guys confirm anything about whether this game is doing well or not?


While I don't work at BioWare. SWTOR was fourth highest grossing pay to play MMORPG in February 2016. It's making more money than FFXIV and that game is doing very well according to Square Enix. It also made more than Blade and Soul.


Here is my source: https://www.superdataresearch.com/blog/us-digital-games-market/

Edited by Dirtnose
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While I don't work at BioWare. SWTOR was fourth highest grossing pay to play MMORPG in February 2016. It's making more money than FFXIV and that game is doing very well according to Square Enix. It also made more than Blade and Soul.


Here is my source: https://www.superdataresearch.com/blog/us-digital-games-market/


Fantastic. Now perhaps they could use some of that revenue to create some actual endgame content.


These streams are a joke.

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Ok here is my question and this is a spoiler alert if you have not played thru Chapter 12 yet you might want to skip this.


Q. With the latest chapter you added a tame ability for animals, could their be some sort of creature handling class coming to the game since no new classes have been added since launch, or might this be like a sub ability (even if it's for subscribers only, I would resub any accounts I have just for it).


I would love to see something new come out besides to continue the current story. Something to make me want to play from the beginning again would be nice. I loved this tame feature and would like to see more of it even if you have to tone down the companions to compensate.

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  • Dev Post
When is Ashara's Defiance mission going to be fixed?


The team is still working through what exactly is causing the issue. We are getting closer to having a fix though! Tait will post any future updates in the bug report forums.


Moving forward, could you please at least consider not having the live stream the same day that a new chapter is released?


Normally, our Producer streams are on Thursdays. However, Ben is traveling later this week and so we had to move it up.



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Talking about moving forward, since there is not a single word about ranked season, is it safe to say ranked is not anymore part of the galaxy and i should move forward?


Season 7 started yesterday along with the 2 warzone maps look at patch notes

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While I don't work at BioWare. SWTOR was fourth highest grossing pay to play MMORPG in February 2016. It's making more money than FFXIV and that game is doing very well according to Square Enix. It also made more than Blade and Soul.


Here is my source: https://www.superdataresearch.com/blog/us-digital-games-market/


Can you explain where Superdata got the figures from? Given how little is known about the number of players or revenue of SWTOR it would be nice to find out where they got this insider knowledge?


Likewise is this high turnover evident in game with number of players or content updates or paid expansions. WoW is the known world leader and launches a paid expansion every 2 years, cause their players are willing to pay for a large chunk of additional content. If on the other hand the vast majority of your players are F2P and therefore not willing to invest in paid expansions its not cost effective in doing them. Which way does it appear ToR is going?


I'm happy if SWTOR is doing so well, I really hope it is. But the game play experience is not such, the future content does not support that this game is doing amazingly well. Last October saw a rise in subscribers which was excellent but then 4 months with no new content and then a chapter that few other that die hard Kayilo fans would term a break through.


None of the subsequent chapters (I know only 2 but next month isn't shaping up much better) have really offered much to get exited about. Story that offers no choice, combat which is easy and often for story telling forces you into a I lose situation, less customization and no real end game content. And a dev team that appear to have given up and seem sadly oblivious that there isn't much to get excited about. But no doubt we should all be excited to have an HK skin for our service droid!!! Or the next Chapter you Oceans 11 a vault only the game play doesn't allow for sneaking (your either a stealth class or your not) or much in the way of traps/locks/slicing to make a stealthy vault break out to be anything more than walking up and killing everyone and taking what you want which will amount to 3000 credits!


Let me guess the big choice at the end will be if you double cross your partner so all the lot is yours meaning a bonus 500 credits! All the best loot in the galaxy sells for 3500 credits!

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State of the Galaxy

  • Chat and mail spam – We have seen quite a few reports as of late regarding chat and mail spam. We have many automated systems in place to help weed this out. The best thing you can do as a player is to always report this behavior.

Will you guys please fix the system so it doesn't clog up your tickets when you report someone? I report mail and other credit sales spam every time, and those tickets with negative ID remain open for a long time and I can't submit a real ticket on any of my characters if I have an immediate problem and get stuck until those spam tickets are resolved, which often takes months! Neither can I close these spam report tickets with negative ID manually either. These reports shouldn't count towards the open tickets!


Chapter XII: Visions in the Dark

  • Early access live today, full subscriber access on Thursday.
  • Valkorion, the Eternal Emperor, has brutal plans for the Outlander.
  • New Visionary Pack is live in the Cartel Market.
  • New Alliance Proving Ground Warzone
  • New Arena, the Rishi Cove.
  • Quality of life improvements to Guilds, Strongholds, characters names, and instancing.


Subscriber Rewards

  • April rewards have been delivered
    • HK-55 weapon set: Sniper Rifle, Blaster Pistol, and Vibrosword
    • Early access to Chapter XII

    [*]May rewards

    • HK-55 inspired Ship Droid Appearances
    • Early access to Chapter XIII: Profit and Plunder


May the 4th

  • M4-I6 Astromech
  • Double XP
  • Musco Marathon Stream
  • And more...


Eternal Championship

  • Launching with Chapter XIII
  • Bowdaar Recruitment Mission coming as well
  • Now live on PTS


Chapter XIII: Profit and Plunder

  • Early access on May 3rd
  • Join Vette and Gault on a clandestine strike to plunder Arcann's secret treasury.

Feel free to ask any questions we didn’t cover on the stream!



What about chat bubbles? Have you at least scheduled a target patch for them yet? If not, please do so immediately. It's really about time after all these years, to finally fix them and implement them into the game as a client-side toggle option! Edited by Glzmo
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A list of questions and a suggestion on what is coming up for us and is this on the list and if not can it be added...


1. Current max level for characters is 65. Any word on when it will increase?

2. Current max level for legacy is 50. I know that for some, even while they are doing the new chapters and are not increasing in character level, they are increasing in legacy level. Then there are a few of us who have maxed out on legacy level (some a long time ago) and now only get a few credits and some affection with companions. Will the cap be raised here and will those who are maxed get any other bumps for making it there?

3. Now we can have five strongholds (great news). So before we rush out and pick up the one we dropped to get Yavin, any other strongholds in the pipe for us to look at?

4. New companions, new chances at romance with the new chapters. Yet for most, the courting gifts do not do anything to increase their affection, even when it says you are in a relationship with the companion. Any fixes to that on the table?

5. Strongholds got an increase in the number of common items that can be placed. What about an increase in the NPCs? As mentioned above, we have a lot more companions now and we can not place them all in our strongholds. Can we get an increase in the number there?

6. Just a suggestion, how about a dye pack that we can use to change the color of a wall, floor, or ceiling of a stronghold?

7. Any way to expand on the current strongholds? Secret passages, hidden rooms, and/or expand into those other balconies on Tatoonie?

8. Before anyone comments that they need to fix all the other bugs before they add any thing more to the game, please can we get the other bugs fixed (but at the same time, work on a few of these)?


Thanks for the monthly steams and taking the time to read this.

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[Yeah Inquisitor was my first character...and I finally gave up on Ashara s incomplete mission..Deception...I think it was. So I moved on through rest of SWTOR , to KotFE. I don't know if not doing her last mission affected anything...but we were a couple..hope she comes back in KotFE..but not as of the newest chapter or the upcoming May chapter.



QUOTE=squirrelballz;8885104]Keep posting, it needs to be addressed its been there for months hopefully they fix it soon.

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I hope they didn't make the encounter with Vette in the the future chapter generic. I didn't play a dark side sith and I treated Vette like a friend so I hope she doesn't hate me like my shipdroid which I also treated with respect.


A list of questions and a suggestion on what is coming up for us and is this on the list and if not can it be added...


1. Current max level for characters is 65. Any word on when it will increase?

What's the point in increasing the level when we don't get additional utility points to spend, speeder rank never increases and also because the gear level increases even without a level cap increase? There's literally no point at all to increase the level cap when you can simply add harder content with gear cap increase and recommended minimum gear score requirement.

Edited by Noyjitat
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I just married Vette yesterday and I'm a level 50 Sith warrior level 3 Dark..I'll be REALLY disappointed..if I can't hook up with my Wife in May!!!!!!


QUOTE=SebastiaanZ;8885559]Only need to know one thing ... yf2fyywill Vette be recruitable in the next chapter? Surely you can answer that. Hopefully she of all companions won't get the Tanno Vik treatment.

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