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if you just gonna leave the flashpoint cause of non spacebarers


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Very selfish and childish of you, but you know, not that surprised.....really sad so many anti-social personalities find their way to MMO's, but it's easy to understand.

You've spent more time insulting, belittling and spewing hate speech in this thread than in trying to present a clean and coherent argument.


You're hardly a shining representative of a "social personality".


I run group content because I like playing with other people. Those other players are the ACTUAL content. Not the cut scenes I've seen a zillion times over the last 4 years I've been playing. If someone wants to watch them, I don't mind. If someone wants to skip them, I don't mind either.


I would never force someone to watch the cutscenes who didn't want to. But YOU would. Who's anti-social here?

Edited by Khevar
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First of all, of all the people to call angry in the thread, im certain it's not going to be me. I withdrew personal insults for a long time, yet you seemed so keen on bringing them up and anyone who disagrees with you is a evil American.

Second... Robert gave a really nice response...


I never said "evil American' with regards to disagreeing with me, but if the shoe fits....


"Robert" is doing nothing but stating an ABUSE of the kick feature, if people have no clue what they are doing, have no clothes, are pulling mobs on purpose to troll the group", then okay, that is what that is for, not for watching the included movies(that are there for a reason, to be watched).

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Are you really going to call out other people for supposed self defense mechanisms when anyone who disagrees with you is either anti social or a American... oh wait... children too... whether physically or mentally. Look, bring up the same responses 100 times or not, just do so without the personal insults.


Yes, I reposted the same factual response, but people refused to accept the factual information that is based on the game itself, so in order for them to understand what is going on, I had to lay it out there. If it hurts, it's because it's true.

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I never said "evil American' with regards to disagreeing with me, but if the shoe fits....


"Robert" is doing nothing but stating an ABUSE of the kick feature, if people have no clue what they are doing, have no clothes, are pulling mobs on purpose to troll the group", then okay, that is what that is for, not for watching the included movies(that are there for a reason, to be watched).

I really don't give a wamprat's fart whether we watch the movie or not. But it seems ... I'll say, "inconsistent" ... to assert that the fact that the game's inclusion of convos in FPs provides justification to compel other players to watch the show, then deny the application of the game's inclusion of other features (e.g., the spacebar and a vote-kick system that allows players ... by majority vote ... to kick someone for any reason they want).


If you queue for a FP, you do so knowing that the spacebar exists for a reason, and you might be asked to use it. If you're adamant about not using the spacebar, then run it solo ... or with friends ... or with your Guild ... or with three random strangers who also want to watch the show ... or, at the very least, find three random strangers who don't give a woomprat's fart whether you watch the movie or not.


To quote EA (entirely out of context) ... If it's in the game, it's in the game.

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Actually your wrong. It's selfish for 1 person to hold up the entire group. Your simply not getting that. if 3 want to skip the 1 person that doesn't want to is being selfish. Your all there to do the FP, the FP has the option by default to skip and 1 person is holding up 3 other people while he watches them? that person deserves to be kicked period. They can do it in Solo mode and watch all the cutscenes they want, and not waste other peoples time.


Not when the goal of the game, is to be a MMO WITH STORY. If you don't like the movies or don't have time, don't queue. People have a right to watch them, and ESPECIALLY the new players. The ONLY reason I watch them is if someone else is because I don't want to be stuck at the choice scene, and my wife does the same now that she's seen them all, but just as she was a new player, she understand there are many others and just looks at her clothes or the other people and we just enjoy it because the whole point is the story, just because you've seen it doesn't mean others have. It's not a mindless grind(rat on a wheel in a cage) for many and that's a good thing, they are bored and going to leave the game soon. Btw, it's YOU'RE** all there to do the FP. What do they teach you there if not English?

You saying they deserve to be kicked for enjoying their game, the one they chose because it was an MMO WITH STORY, REALLY says it all about your character and personality. Selfish, self-entitled and anti-social, not to mention a prime cause of why MMO's suffer from declining playerbases, bc of people like you who don't let new and returning players enjoy what they came for, what the game INCLUDES BY DEFAULT. Solo mode will not get you the crystals or gear you need for other group content, some people have a job, a life and limited play time and you don't get to choose how they enjoy it bc you wanna grind and are in a hurry, the movies are included, BY DEFAULT, FOR A REASON.

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And if the group was formed by someone saying on fleet chat -- "LF speed run of ________" ?


Do you still expect to show up and watch the cutscenes without getting flack?


Depends. Initially I'd be happy to skip as I'm going in with established parameters. However, if someone felt the need to keep reiterating 'SB!' the second a cut scene shows up, then suddenly I'll want to stay for the whole show.

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Depends. Initially I'd be happy to skip as I'm going in with established parameters. However, if someone felt the need to keep reiterating 'SB!' the second a cut scene shows up, then suddenly I'll want to stay for the whole show.
I won't condemn such behavior. I've done it myself. But let's all agree how immature it is, especially if you joined what was advertised to be a speed run.
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I never said "evil American' with regards to disagreeing with me, but if the shoe fits....


"Robert" is doing nothing but stating an ABUSE of the kick feature, if people have no clue what they are doing, have no clothes, are pulling mobs on purpose to troll the group", then okay, that is what that is for, not for watching the included movies(that are there for a reason, to be watched).


No, you didn't say "evil American" and I apologize for that, but however you tried incredibly hard to make America seem bad, and that all of the evil lies in nationalty of the person.


Yes, I reposted the same factual response, but people refused to accept the factual information that is based on the game itself, so in order for them to understand what is going on, I had to lay it out there. If it hurts, it's because it's true.


You can lay out the truth without going "Those Americans lack empathy" or "You must be a American." Also no, it doesn't hurt seeing someone simply insult my nation, it hurts to see someone attack it this much on the internet and be so vigorous attacking a nation while defending another group of players. Even when other posters didn't come at you with personal insults, you still proceeded to call them "American."


All I'm saying is you can state you point without insults.

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Now you're just being willfully ignorant in order to justify your anti-social behavior, which is to be expected, it's a self-defense mechanism employed when one realizes they are wrong, but the mechanism kicks in and allows a someone genuine sounding response of rejection of the facts at hand. You children really don't know how obvious you are, and yes, that includes children of adult age. The mechanic to skip the cutscenes is so that you can skip it if you do not care to see it, if others do, then you sit at the end screen and wait, do you get it yet? If it so happens that all skip if, then you get to move on sooner than you would have if someone wanted to watch it. You are playing an MMO WITH STORY and they are included by default for people to watch. Your anti-social behavior does nothing but ruin the fun for people(although some really enjoy the schadenfreude of watching/reading you flip out bc they aren't skipping) and you drive players, and some paying away from the game. That is some REALLY immature behavior, and childish, grow up and get over yourself.


Ironically enough, if you search my posts in this very thread, you'll see the lie to this opening statement. I'm against "stacking the deck" to kick, and all for laying out the ground rules before the FP/Op starts as far as convos in the content go. I guess, however, that disagreeing that everyone should be required to sit them every time they enter them means I'm antisocial. I'll own that. I'll also own that people that tell me I have to do something the way they want to do it get added to my ignore list, and pray, for the sake of your group, that I'm not the tank when I drop group. As I have said, numerous times, your "rights" end where mine begin. If you're infringing on my fun, you're out, or I am, and if I'm the tank, or the healer, you're just going to have to refill. There may be others in the group that, upon my dropping, decide that they don't want to wait another 45 minutes for a tank, and drop too.


You see, discussing how the group expects things to run at the beginning of a FP isn't antisocial. In fact, I'd say it's closer to the definition of social. So I'd suggest you take your closing advice, and get over yourself. You are not the center of my universe. I have bigger concerns than you in the Southwest Region. (props if you can name where that quote comes from) Your "I'm paying for this game, so you have to do what I want" doesn't float. I'm paying too. I'll do what I want. You're not required to do so, you have to option to drop group and form another, or to get vote kicked, if that is the consensus of the group. Neither option blocks you from running the content, it simply means you're not running it with me. If that concept is too difficult for you to understand, why are you trying to educate me on what social behavior is?

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People have been rude to each other since there have been people.


What is or is not available in terms of software functionality in this games interface is irrelevant.


People will find a way to be jerks using the same tools others will use for creating communities.


No software interface can change millions of years of evolution.

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If you truly get upset because someone is forcing you to watch a short snippet in a group-based game, then you might have larger issues.


I prefer to skip, but could care less if I'm forced to wait. If I'm in hurry, I might get irritated, but I consider that a "me" problem, and not worthy of bringing it up. There's always something to do while you're waiting.


We all enter into an unspoken social contract when we play this game. When you start denying the game

to others because their choices don't line up with yours, you're violating said contract. And, for those that are self-aware enough to see both sides of the issue? Who assumes more harm? The person(s) who earnestly wants to watch the movie that is denied or kicked? Or, the person(s) that can't stand waiting who is forced to watch? To be denied a part of the game seems like the greater harm to me...especially when you consider that waiting on others is an integral aspect of this social game. So...I choose to wait...and chill. In fact, if more people just chilled out, then this game would have significantly less social issues. RIP the dream. :rolleyes:



Exactly, what I've been saying, but in a more kind way, but these selfish jerks won't have any of it, they're far too selfish and prideful to ever admit they're wrong.

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I am willing to wager that most of this APAC community that can't speak English like you say are likely f2p players anyways... I doubt they would pay for a continuous subscription of a heavy story based game they cannot understand. Most of the real APAC community can probably either speak good English or at least know the basics.


Uh... you do know the GAME is in their language, right? Just because you as a player are typing in a language they don't understand, the localized versions of the game are in French, German etc...


Look, here is the game in

So, this player's ability to speak English has no bearing on his subscription to this heavy story based game...
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I've been here almost 5 years. I done seen and did everything. Literally, if it exists, I've done it. But I do like to watch the cutscenes. If someone POLITELY asks to spacebar, I'll spacebar, no problem. Or with the Starfortresses, I like watching Theron grabbing me between the legs to haul me up onto the shuttle.


If someone demands OMGWTFSPACEBARYOU&%(@!!!!


I will sit there and watch the entirety of the cutscene even if it's my 10 billionth time being there.


You be nice, I'll be nice. You be an ***, I'll be one. There is no 'oh be better than that person'. No, I'm extremely vengeful and proud of it, don't piss me off for no reason whatsoever.


You ask nicely before, during or after. You don't get all uppity and be an *** with me.

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And if the group was formed by someone saying on fleet chat -- "LF speed run of ________" ?


Do you still expect to show up and watch the cutscenes without getting flack?



Why would you join a dedicated speed run group if you had no interest in a speed run? I think we're talking about GF'er groups here. Formed groups are a different animal and belong in a separate conversation.

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Just adding an update to the thread for the latecomers, TL;DR version


dude wants to watch all the cutscenes while the rest of the party doesnt share his will, yadda, yadda, yadda, complains about being booted from the group and blames others being antisocial while he is the one being an *** in the first place.

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And if the group was formed by someone saying on fleet chat -- "LF speed run of ________" ?


Do you still expect to show up and watch the cutscenes without getting flack?


Well surely they'd get 4 that are looking for a speed run, if not, they KNOWINGLY take the risk of getting a barely skilled new player that wants to watch the movies. Do they want to take the extra time to find a 4th? Or extra time in the fp.

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I've been here almost 5 years. I done seen and did everything. Literally, if it exists, I've done it. But I do like to watch the cutscenes. If someone POLITELY asks to spacebar, I'll spacebar, no problem. Or with the Starfortresses, I like watching Theron grabbing me between the legs to haul me up onto the shuttle.


If someone demands OMGWTFSPACEBARYOU&%(@!!!!


I will sit there and watch the entirety of the cutscene even if it's my 10 billionth time being there.


You be nice, I'll be nice. You be an ***, I'll be one. There is no 'oh be better than that person'. No, I'm extremely vengeful and proud of it, don't piss me off for no reason whatsoever.


You ask nicely before, during or after. You don't get all uppity and be an *** with me.


What class does he do that too? Not inquisitor or Mara right??

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Just adding an update to the thread for the latecomers, TL;DR version


dude wants to watch all the cutscenes while the rest of the party doesnt share his will, yadda, yadda, yadda, complains about being booted from the group and blames others being antisocial while he is the one being an *** in the first place.


Dude above is a complete selfish narcissistic jerk that misquotes everything said because he knows he's dead wrong and can't make a valid statement, so he misquotes.


Again, they're included for a reason, I don't care to watch them and I skip them, BUT WE HAVE MANY NEW PLAYERS you selfish CHILD. Now GROW UP, I know that's so hard for many of you to do. Pathetic children of adult age. Good place over there to get an education, bad place to live if you don't like children of adult age. You stop maturing in high school and it's REALLY evident to everyone but yourselves. GROW UP.

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Ironically enough, if you search my posts in this very thread, you'll see the lie to this opening statement. I'm against "stacking the deck" to kick, and all for laying out the ground rules before the FP/Op starts as far as convos in the content go. I guess, however, that disagreeing that everyone should be required to sit them every time they enter them means I'm antisocial. I'll own that. I'll also own that people that tell me I have to do something the way they want to do it get added to my ignore list, and pray, for the sake of your group, that I'm not the tank when I drop group. As I have said, numerous times, your "rights" end where mine begin. If you're infringing on my fun, you're out, or I am, and if I'm the tank, or the healer, you're just going to have to refill. There may be others in the group that, upon my dropping, decide that they don't want to wait another 45 minutes for a tank, and drop too.


You see, discussing how the group expects things to run at the beginning of a FP isn't antisocial. In fact, I'd say it's closer to the definition of social. So I'd suggest you take your closing advice, and get over yourself. You are not the center of my universe. I have bigger concerns than you in the Southwest Region. (props if you can name where that quote comes from) Your "I'm paying for this game, so you have to do what I want" doesn't float. I'm paying too. I'll do what I want. You're not required to do so, you have to option to drop group and form another, or to get vote kicked, if that is the consensus of the group. Neither option blocks you from running the content, it simply means you're not running it with me. If that concept is too difficult for you to understand, why are you trying to educate me on what social behavior is?



THANKFULLY, with level 50 comps you tanks aren't all that needed anymore. I've gotten fp's like rishi and the tank drop bc he has low HP and I can use comp tank just fine on many HM FP's, not all, but MANY, and the tacticals, as long as it doesn't bug out, a lvl 50 comp does just as good, same for lvl 50 healer comps, it goes just fine. Blood Hunt tactical bugs out and the comp ends up just laying on the ground animation, I think they got knocked off, but yeah, tanks, not that special anymore for FP's.

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Dude above is a complete selfish narcissistic jerk that misquotes everything said because he knows he's dead wrong and can't make a valid statement, so he misquotes.


Again, they're included for a reason, I don't care to watch them and I skip them, BUT WE HAVE MANY NEW PLAYERS you selfish CHILD. Now GROW UP, I know that's so hard for many of you to do. Pathetic children of adult age. Good place over there to get an education, bad place to live if you don't like children of adult age. You stop maturing in high school and it's REALLY evident to everyone but yourselves. GROW UP.


Yeah majority want to skip and one person is watching the cutscenes... The majority is obviously the selfish ones in this case...



Do you just like hating on Americans over the Internet? This the only forum you do that on? I see you like the generalize a lot because I haven't seen many people state they're specifically American either...

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Yes and the movies include the option to, ermagherd, SKIP! People have a right via paying their subscription (and actually even those that don't) to SKIP the included movies in an MMO WITH STORY. You just don't like it and are an extremely selfish person, plain and simple, facts are facts, you're dead wrong and just selfish!


I usually don't skip the cutscenes when leveling a new toon, because I want full experience in all of my playthroughs, NOBODY should force me to skip content. If someone asks if please we could skip the cutscenes because he/she is in a hurry, I gladly spacebar my way through, then requeue and do it normally. BUT if someone spams "SKIP, SPACEBAARR" in the chat then I will take my leisure time watching everything. Not because I'm selfish, but because he/she is. It's the same thing when someone asks me politely for cigarettes on the street, or someone just comes to me and says "Gimme a cigarette!'.

If we are speaking of hard modes, then of course the default behavior is skipping everything in my opinion.


... And if a group kicks me for not skipping cutscenes, they have the right and method to do so. I'll requeue, who gives.. And if we're talking about my current toon, good luck finding another healer or have the frustration doing the fp with 4 dps.

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Just adding an update to the thread for the latecomers, TL;DR version


dude wants to watch all the cutscenes while the rest of the party doesnt share his will, yadda, yadda, yadda, complains about being booted from the group and blames others being antisocial while he is the one being an *** in the first place.


well since its my thread i spose i should respond at least once. no that isnt what this is about. i never said wanted to watch the cuts. it says its it all in ttile, if you are gonna leave because of people who dont spacebar then why you even joining.

Everyone knows very well right or wrong that other people in the flashpoint are entitled to do with their 15 dollar sub as they see fit. if that includes watch the conversation then they can do that and there isnt thing one you can do to change that. if you arent gonna kick, then tough.


dont like it then you can leave simple as that. want to rush through? make your own group or put a suggestion in for them to change how you sign up for FPs as in a tick mark for auto skip cuts and conversations.



think this falls right in line with people who go 90mph in the left lane and then complain the person going 80 in a 65 is doing it wrong.


sign says 65, then you going 65. dont get angry when you get a ticket.


people watch the cuts? its their 15 dollars.

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