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please remove Battle of Rishi from the Hard Mode selection


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And somehow I manage to survive. You are simply another precious snowflake who wants the game to be changed to solve what you view as a problem. You have your choices: queue for everything so you can get the daily and "risk" the group folding if it's an undesired FP or queue without the offending FPs selected and forego the daily.


Decisions, decisions ...

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And somehow I manage to survive. You are simply another precious snowflake who wants the game to be changed to solve what you view as a problem. You have your choices: queue for everything so you can get the daily and "risk" the group folding if it's an undesired FP or queue without the offending FPs selected and forego the daily.


Decisions, decisions ...


im not sure how im a special snowflake when like half the playerbase agrees that something needs to be done about HM Rishi


but go ahead and keep projecting irrelevant stuff to get your post count up

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im not sure how im a special snowflake when like half the playerbase agrees

"Half the playerbase." Do tell.


that something needs to be done about HM Rishi

Yes, what "needs" to happen is that people either do it, drop group, or don't queue for it. I myself have never successfully done it, but people I am inclined to think are not lying say they have done it.

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People who dip out on Rishi need to have some faith in themselves and dive in. It's absolutely the best flashpoint in the game at the moment.


im completely okay with at least trying to do it, even despite the fact that the average pug has like 63k Hp


but it seems like people just dont even bother anymore

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Would be the easiest way to solve not getting it but if you do that then you lose out on the daily reward for a random FP as it would no longer be random.

Deselecting one shouldn't eliminate them as being a part of the reward. As long as 50%+ are marked, I think it should still count.

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I totally read Bran's first comment in Ursula's voice.. oy. >.>


Why didn't you just add your opinion there instead of making a new thread here? And 55 posts of which I'm sure some are counterpoints and repeated posters is far from "half the playerbase".


BoR can be a lot of fun if people had the will and patience to get thru it together instead of throwing in the towel at the start. Still, I'm sure it's not so crippling that it hinders you on a daily basis?

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Deselecting one shouldn't eliminate them as being a part of the reward. As long as 50%+ are marked, I think it should still count.


considering how many FP's there are, they should let each person pick 1 FP to 'block'


though that still leaves False Emperor HM and its bugged to hell and back first boss

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I totally read Bran's first comment in Ursula's voice.. oy. >.>



Why didn't you just add your opinion there instead of making a new thread here? And 55 posts of which I'm sure some are counterpoints and repeated posters is far from "half the playerbase".


BoR can be a lot of fun if people had the will and patience to get thru it together instead of throwing in the towel at the start. Still, I'm sure it's not so crippling that it hinders you on a daily basis?


tbh its because I just seached it now, after the fact


and i never said it was crippling, its just annoying to have to re-queue and wait another 30+ mins because people dont even want to bother with it

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im not sure how im a special snowflake when like half the playerbase agrees that something needs to be done about HM Rishi


but go ahead and keep projecting irrelevant stuff to get your post count up

Just ignore that guy, he has been doing nothing but trolling this board since forever.

On topic, yeah, If the vast majority of players tend to leave as soon as they set foot in a certain FP than there's a problem which should be solved.

It would also be nice if the FP group didn't disband when there's only one member left so the said member could actually reform the group by putting himself back in the queue.

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Just ignore that guy, he has been doing nothing but trolling this board since forever.

On topic, yeah, If the vast majority of players tend to leave as soon as they set foot in a certain FP than there's a problem which should be solved.

It would also be nice if the FP group didn't disband when there's only one member left so the said member could actually reform the group by putting himself back in the queue.


That would be helpful yeah. I rarely do HMs, perhaps the occasional Tactical while leveling but that usually proves to be a nightmare.

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tbh its because I just seached it now, after the fact


and i never said it was crippling, its just annoying to have to re-queue and wait another 30+ mins because people dont even want to bother with it

That's their choice. How often does it happen to you? I guarantee you it happens less than once a day, probably less than once a week.


In essence you are saying "Make this change because the way it works now annoys me (and 30 others)."

Edited by branmakmuffin
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That's their choice. How often does it happen to you? I guarantee you it happens less than once a day, probably less than once a week.


In essence you are saying "Make this change because the way it works now annoys me (and 30 others)."


i dont know if you are new here, but a good portion of balance changes in MMOs are based on player feedback. in fact, part of the reasons forums exist is to provide feedback. whining about people having opinions seems a bit childish, doesnt it?


at this point im not even sure what you're point is either, other than arguing for the sake of arguing

Edited by blacksarevok
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im completely okay with at least trying to do it, even despite the fact that the average pug has like 63k Hp


but it seems like people just dont even bother anymore


I'd caution against judging players based on hp. The one thing I could agree is that the bonus boss could get tuned down. I haven't tried mokan in 4.0 but in 3.0 I found that sucker to be a good challenge and far above regular pug groups level of skill. I think most people probably struggle with the adds on the final walker and sure they can be nerfed a little bit. It's a really simple fight though so I couldn't say either way what is best. Needing a nerf on it seems ok it's not a lose lose situation at all. If a nerf gets people to play it more I'd be for it. It's such a good instance overall that it's really a shame people aren't playing it.

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