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Subscribers check your cartel coin ledgers, BioWare may be ripping you off.


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The point is, you're being cheated out of something someone agreed to give you for your purchase. Minimal or not, it's a sham.


It's not that your single 3-day delay is that big of a deal, it's that those 3-days multiplied by every player, multiplied by every 3-day extension, works out to a very significant amount that people are being cheated out of.

You make a valid point. Imagine all the pretend profit SWTOR earned by investing those stacks and stacks of CCs ... even if only for three days. It's why pretty much every business seeks to delay payment as long as possible ... the more time they can use the money, the more they can earn off the money. It's why insurance companies drag their feet paying settlements ... compound one claim by the thousands that are pending at any one time, and the insurers can throw all that soon-to-be-outgoing cash into a short-term investment, keep the profit, and only then pay the claims. Yeah, the lag on CC awards is just like that.

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If it's so much of a "nit", why are you even bothering to post?


Right now, what you're doing isn't relaxing, but rather a juvenile attempt to belittle other people's concerns.


Feeling pretty relaxed.


It is my opinion those concerns are petty.

Is that opinion not allowed?


Using the same 'principle' logic, one of mine is to speak up when I see gamers being petty.


Referring to 'getting ripped off' and 'how long have they known', these are petty.


Had the thread been more like "Hey, I think see an issue" for instance, I might not have even posted.

Vague, inflammatory rhetoric is to be crushed.


My principles are just as important as the next persons are, right?

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I would guess they knew after this was first reported and looked at it once more people reported an issue. I think that probably how often subs are getting our CC is not high on their radar of things to monitor. Just my observation anyway.


Good that they are fixing it, as they should.


It's just a bit hard to believe that they only came to know about this just now.

This would've been a nice opportunity to create a bit of positive PR if it had been addressed before it went public, but now there is room for doubt.

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You make a valid point. Imagine all the pretend profit SWTOR earned by investing those stacks and stacks of CCs ... even if only for three days. It's why pretty much every business seeks to delay payment as long as possible ... the more time they can use the money, the more they can earn off the money. It's why insurance companies drag their feet paying settlements ... compound one claim by the thousands that are pending at any one time, and the insurers can throw all that soon-to-be-outgoing cash into a short-term investment, keep the profit, and only then pay the claims. Yeah, the lag on CC awards is just like that.

Obviously the situations are slightly different - I was thinking it was a way to remove millions of "free" CC's from the game.

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Hey folks,


I wanted to pop in this thread and address your concerns with the 3 day delay on Cartel Coin grants. Since August of last year an issue creeped into our granting system which caused Cartel Coins to be granted every 33 days, instead of every 30 days as intended. As you pointed out, if this issue went on for a long period of time, your monthly grant could be affected and so we definitely did not want that to happen. As of right now the only effect is that your grant may be delayed.


With that in mind, we have a fix for this issue planned with next week’s maintenance. After next week your grants should continue forward, 30 days apart, as intended. Thank you for raising this issue so we could get it addressed.




so what about our missing CC accumulated over time? between my two accounts i have 800 CC negative. Are we being compensated for this? or is this your way of saying we dont care deal with it?

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Obviously the situations are slightly different - I was thinking it was a way to remove millions of "free" CC's from the game.

For three days each month? And not even the same three days? A plot to "mistakenly" postpone all CC awards until a week after a new pack releases? Indefensible, nefarious, and deserving of derision. But this? A harmless error that is getting rectified.


Sorry, TUXs, you're usually pretty reasonable, but your tinfoil hat is little too snug today.

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so what about our missing CC accumulated over time? between my two accounts i have 800 CC negative. Are we being compensated for this? or is this your way of saying we dont care deal with it?


They also gave 1050 free CC last month which they didn't have to do so.

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They also gave 1050 free CC last month which they didn't have to do so.


which they did cos they cant present you with any content, it was to ease the whining.


So with your logic if you get a xmas reward from your employer its then okay for him to delay your salary each month from there on?

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For three days each month? And not even the same three days? A plot to "mistakenly" postpone all CC awards until a week after a new pack releases? Indefensible, nefarious, and deserving of derision. But this? A harmless error that is getting rectified.


Sorry, TUXs, you're usually pretty reasonable, but your tinfoil hat is little too snug today.


Mhm, makes sense to me though. The less free CC they hand out, the higher the possibility of someone finding himself some CC short of being able to buy something and spending $ to make up for the difference. Looking at the whole player base(well subs that is), this might well earn them some pretty extra $.

Edited by Knorlac
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Translate the CCs people weren't granted across the entire sub base into CCs people then had to buy with real world money. Anyone who wanted to buy something from the cartel market, but couldn't because they were juuuust short of CCs becomes a potential $ spender to make up the difference. That cartel pack you wanted is just 200 CCs out of reach? Oh, well, get that $5 grant, or maybe splurge and get the $20 one for the better exchange rate. Every purchase like that would have been less likely had the grant dates not been tweeked.


If you think BW didn't profit monetarily off of this mistake, you're deluding yourself. They certainly weren't losing anything on their end because of it.


It doesn't mean they did anything illegal or deliberately scummy, it just looks bad, which leads to Eric responding as quickly as he did and acknowledging the issue.

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which they did cos they cant present you with any content, it was to ease the whining.


So with your logic if you get a xmas reward from your employer its then okay for him to delay your salary each month from there on?


Just saying its a virtual currency that you're getting for free from being a sub, it isn't that big of a deal....And if the issue ends being fixed than its over. They're not going to compensate people for it.


Unless the only reason you're a sub is to get a low 500 monthly CC grant...

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Just saying its a virtual currency that you're getting for free from being a sub, it isn't that big of a deal....And if the issue ends being fixed than its over. They're not going to compensate people for it.


Unless the only reason you're a sub is to get a low 500 monthly CC grant...


its not the only reason. However they made the claim to sub every 30 days get your cartel coins, dont make a claim u will not keep. I dont even care about the cartel coins its about the principal.

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Just saying its a virtual currency that you're getting for free from being a sub, it isn't that big of a deal....And if the issue ends being fixed than its over. They're not going to compensate people for it.


Unless the only reason you're a sub is to get a low 500 monthly CC grant...

You know, there was a time where the devs cared about the monthly CC, and even tuned the Cartel Market prices around your free CC so you could buy some nice things with them. So players are within their full right to feel strongly about them, after all they are one of the subcriber benefits, not just a free bonus. When you calculate the sub price ($2 cost to buy a WZ pass, $2 cost to buy a Ops pass, $5 CC grant), it's not worth it too much without the free CC. And don't tell me about the HK sub rewards or 2-day early access to the chapters, I'm sure most players can pass on those and would rather play through it without bugs in bigger-sized pieces.

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For three days each month? And not even the same three days? A plot to "mistakenly" postpone all CC awards until a week after a new pack releases? Indefensible, nefarious, and deserving of derision. But this? A harmless error that is getting rectified.


Sorry, TUXs, you're usually pretty reasonable, but your tinfoil hat is little too snug today.



How am I being unreasonable? I was simply explaining that the 3-day delay, on a singular level, is "no big deal"...multiply that by tens or hundreds of thousands, and it's suddenly a VERY large amount of days and CC's not going out.


This 'minor' delay has removed 10% of the CC's they would have given out. What do you find unreasonable about that?

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Obviously the situations are slightly different - I was thinking it was a way to remove millions of "free" CC's from the game.


Come on TUX. You know that - contrary to what you usually write - what's in that quote is just a piece of paranoid rambling that has no place in a factual discussion about the issue.


Sh*t happens, and system errors which don't "break" a component but only delay something by an insignificant amount of time can go unnoticed for weeks.


The amount of vile "idiocy" towards Bioware is becoming nothing short of paranoid and useless at this point, and that's coming from someone who has more than one issue with them right now.


What do you find unreasonable about that?


That you use something that is effectively a simple system error to validate an injustifiable claim to Bioware's integrity as a contract partner. It's constructing the actual event to fit into a negative thesis you have made about the issue. Where I am from, claiming something like "They wanted to fraud us! Listen to that!" based on something as this happening? Spreading that would result in a lawsuit against you, and the company would win the court.

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The point is, you're being cheated out of something someone agreed to give you for your purchase. Minimal or not, it's a sham.


It's not that your single 3-day delay is that big of a deal, it's that those 3-days multiplied by every player, multiplied by every 3-day extension, works out to a very significant amount that people are being cheated out of.


Yeah. I'm guessing these folks would be perfectly understanding of BW immediately demoting them to preferred if their sub payments were "delayed" by 3 days. No big deal right? Especially for a company as big as EA. It would be funny if it wasn't such a good representation of the broader modern consumer culture. In this context, it's easy to understand how the hilariously corrupt SCOTUS can rob everyone of their right to litigate collectively... and nobody gives a ****.



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Come on TUX. You know that - contrary to what you usually write - what's in that quote is just a piece of paranoid rambling that has no place in a factual discussion about the issue.


Sh*t happens, and system errors which don't "break" a component but only delay something by an insignificant amount of time can go unnoticed for weeks.


The amount of vile "idiocy" towards Bioware is becoming nothing short of paranoid and useless at this point, and that's coming from someone who has more than one issue with them right now.

What the hell people...


I'm not suggesting it was intentional...nowhere have I said that nor is that my belief in any way, so drop that assumption ffs!


10% less free coins going out is a significant number of coins. THAT is my only point.

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That you use something that is effectively a simple system error to validate an injustifiable claim to Bioware's integrity as a contract partner. It's constructing the actual event to fit into a negative thesis you have made about the issue. Where I am from, claiming something like "They wanted to fraud us! Listen to that!" based on something as this happening? Spreading that would result in a lawsuit against you, and the company would win the court.

It would be "un"justifiable if I had made any claim...but I didn't.


Your imagined story is a fun read, but nothing I said, so defend yourself against your pretend issues.

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Yeah. I'm guessing these folks would be perfectly understanding of BW immediately demoting them to preferred if their sub payments were "delayed" by 3 days. No big deal right? Especially for a company as big as EA. It would be funny if it wasn't such a good representation of the broader modern consumer culture. In this context, it's easy to understand how the hilariously corrupt SCOTUS can rob everyone of their right to litigate collectively... and nobody gives a ****.



Absolutely!!! It's scary tbh.

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10% less free coins going out is a significant number of coins. THAT is my only point.


Then I missunderstood based on what I quoted up in my post. Maybe that was incredibly badly worded on both sides, seeing we don't have gesticular and the sound of voice to make out sarcasm/intention.


Anyway, I simply believe suggesting in any way that this is an attempt made to cheat us out of something (e.g assuming a vile intention) is simply too far away from the actual issue and is - without a doubt - a ridiculous claim born out of spite/negative emotions towards Bioware.


Your imagined story is a fun read, but nothing I said, so defend yourself against your pretend issues.


Don't play this game with me TUX. You said so. I directly quoted you on it. Whether it was sarcasm/a joke is another matter, seeing one can scarcely deduct serious sarcasm from a negative post on this forum. But you wrote it, whether you want to like it or not. See here:


Obviously the situations are slightly different - I was thinking it was a way to remove millions of "free" CC's from the game.


So, what did I "Make up" there?

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Its sad to see that even with the number of us that have each month put in a ticket on day 4 after being billed as to why the coins are not there. Not counting those that may have used the 60 day cards. I know back in Dec I got the one time code for the out lander and it gave me 90 days and even with that they where still 4 days late and came on day 5 after a request was put in. All so you should check your Refer a Friend. I have one that I know is a sub but yet its tell me she is not but we live together and both add 60 day game time cards the same day.
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This 'minor' delay has removed 10% of the CC's they would have given out. What do you find unreasonable about that?
I'll just use myself as an example. According to my CC history, the glitch first appeared with the October award, which was three days late. Counting from October through March, I should have received six CC awards. I see that I only received six CC awards in that period. Wait, what? One, two, three ... yep. Six. Granted, my sixth award (March) arrived eighteen days "late" (which I expected: six months x three days each month). But CC's are not "justice" ... delayed CCs are not denied CCs.


As for this being a "big deal", I disagree. There is no basis on which to view this incident in the macro perspective. Sure, a small issue can affect a large number of people. But it can also do so and remain a small issue. There is no benefit to SWTOR and no harm to the overall player-base. Any "harm" is on the micro level ... a series of minor impacts on the players individually. This has, at worst, been an inconvenience. My opinion can be changed only when confronted by proof that, because of this glitch, a player never receives CCs to which he is entitled. Only then can we start tossing about terms like "sham."

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Don't play this game with me TUX. You said so. I directly quoted you on it. Whether it was sarcasm/a joke is another matter, seeing one can scarcely deduct serious sarcasm from a negative post on this forum. But you wrote it, whether you want to like it or not.

Context matters:


Thor made the analogy to how insurance companies float checks to extend the number of days the money remains in their account while being technically "paid".


I was suggesting that it was more analogous to removing free CC since there is no real $ involved, just an extension on when it's given out.


At no time have I suggested it was intentional.

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