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Arsenal Mercenary is completely overpowerd


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Time to bring this FOTM spec into the light. Warzones are now nothing but electronets, 4 mercs per team average most games with the rest being sorcs. This spec is totally over performing right now and it needs to be brought down to Marksmanship dps numbers. There is absolutely no reason Arsenal spec should be doing more dps than most DoT specs in sustained damage. Why has BW not nerfed the surge on this spec, down to 10% like all the other specs. Trying to play a melee spec while being killed by 7k ticks from electronet, and 8k ticks of blazing bolts is just ridiculous. Not to mention the other totally insane burst hits they have, capable of achieving well over 35k in 2 global cooldowns with crits from HSM and rail shot.


I know there is a ton of merc fan boys out there that are gonna be upset about this post, but I really think people have just been afraid to come out and say how OP arsenal spec is, because mercs were garbage for so long. There is currently nothing in the game that can burst like an arsenal merc, and almost nothing aside from marauder that can match its sustained dps. IO is supposed to be your high dps spec, currently we see NONE of them. Why? because arsenal is so OP its totally unreal. And don't even say that they have weak defensive cooldowns. Its way harder to kill an arsenal merc than it is a Sorc, don't kid yourself.


The only reason this spec is sliding by right now is because they are overshadowed by Sorc healers. But I assure you once sorc heals get neutered into uselessness arsenal is next in line.

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Early April fool posts are the best :D


Yeah now all the arsenal mercs are gonna come here and act all innocent with their 2/10 comments like the spec is gimped or something. You're not fooling anyone with your passive aggressive resentment for the actuality that is the truth. Arsenal is OP its not a joke, I know all you backpeddlers finally found a spec you can trot in reverse in for 30m while clicking your rotation. I know you clickers have been fighting for arsenal supremacy for years now and finally got it. But its just not right, you need to learn to keybind like the rest of us. Arsenal Mercs make up the largest majority of back peddlers in the game, its no false observation, its reality. Back peddle + hydraulic overrides for the win.

Edited by alienwareguy
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Lol, it seems you never played merc...

And besides why does everyone that gets wrecked by a class in wz come cry about it ?

if you "nerf" this class, there will always be another class who will wreck you, and should we "nerf" that class just because you can't handle it ?

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Lol, it seems you never played merc...

And besides why does everyone that gets wrecked by a class in wz come cry about it ?

if you "nerf" this class, there will always be another class who will wreck you, and should we "nerf" that class just because you can't handle it ?


Its not about handling it. It doesn't take a genius to realize this spec is over performing. Just go visit any site that lists current parses and you'll see that this spec is parsing higher than all other ranged burst specs by a marginal amount, without sacrificing anything. When a spec is over performing, something needs to be done if everyone kept their mouth closed things would never change, someone needs to speak up. If the country was enslaving citizens would you just passively sit back and watch? I sure hope not, id be outside protesting, because I believe in change not living in denial and suffering.

Edited by alienwareguy
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over preforming ? is that a joke ? sure some mercs/mando got skill and will wreck you. Anyway what class do you play that you hate mercs, sorc/sage ?


I have every class pub side and imp side. All over valor 90, even merc so I assure you its not a l2p issue. This spec is OP, its not an opinion, its a fact. Look at the PVE statistics for reference just to give hard evidence that this spec is capable of putting out dps that other ranged burst specs are not capable of without sacrificing mobility. Furthermore, anyone that pays any attention will notice a sharp rise in arsenal spec mercenary's, which is generally a good indication of a spec that is doing very well, or over performing. In arsenals case its over performing. How can one justify a ranged spec being able to dish out a 24k HSM followed by a 17k rail shot, and blazing bolts that tick over 7k. Marksmanship and lightning cant output this amount of burst, not even close. And Marksmanship has no self heals, and no where near the mobility, and yet its highest parse is only in the 6600 range at best. Yet arsenal mercs achieving 7k. Where is the justification in that???

Edited by alienwareguy
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over preforming ? is that a joke ? sure some mercs/mando got skill and will wreck you. Anyway what class do you play that you hate mercs, sorc/sage ?


So funny how people trying to protect merc. They are _OVERPOWERED_ at the moment and i totally agree with the OP. How stupid are you if you cant see that every warzone is full of mercs and sorcs atm.

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I have every class pub side and imp side. All over valor 90, even merc so I assure you its not a l2p issue. This spec is OP, its not an opinion, its a fact. Look at the PVE statistics for reference just to give hard evidence that this spec is capable of putting out dps that other ranged burst specs are not capable of without sacrificing mobility. Furthermore, anyone that pays any attention will notice a sharp rise in arsenal spec mercenary's, which is generally a good indication of a spec that is doing very well, or over performing. In arsenals case its over performing. How can one justify a ranged spec being able to dish out a 24k HSM followed by a 17k rail shot, and blazing bolts that tick over 7k. Marksmanship and lightning cant output this amount of burst, not even close. And Marksmanship has no self heals, and no where near the mobility, and yet its highest parse is only in the 6600 range at best. Yet arsenal mercs achieving 7k. Where is the justification in that???


Dont mix up PVE with PVP. And to get a 24k HSM is so rare and 17k rail shot you got to be IO cause i never got close to that with my arsenal merc, and the self heals lol compare to sorc its so weak. I dont understand how merc is a problem cause usualy most of them get wrecked quick.

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So funny how people trying to protect merc. They are _OVERPOWERED_ at the moment and i totally agree with the OP. How stupid are you if you cant see that every warzone is full of mercs and sorcs atm.


What serv do you play on ? cause on my server it is so rare to be more then 2 mercs in the wz

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Time to bring this FOTM spec into the light. Warzones are now nothing but electronets, 4 mercs per team average most games with the rest being sorcs. This spec is totally over performing right now and it needs to be brought down to Marksmanship dps numbers. There is absolutely no reason Arsenal spec should be doing more dps than most DoT specs in sustained damage. Why has BW not nerfed the surge on this spec, down to 10% like all the other specs. Trying to play a melee spec while being killed by 7k ticks from electronet, and 8k ticks of blazing bolts is just ridiculous. Not to mention the other totally insane burst hits they have, capable of achieving well over 35k in 2 global cooldowns with crits from HSM and rail shot.


I know there is a ton of merc fan boys out there that are gonna be upset about this post, but I really think people have just been afraid to come out and say how OP arsenal spec is, because mercs were garbage for so long. There is currently nothing in the game that can burst like an arsenal merc, and almost nothing aside from marauder that can match its sustained dps. IO is supposed to be your high dps spec, currently we see NONE of them. Why? because arsenal is so OP its totally unreal. And don't even say that they have weak defensive cooldowns. Its way harder to kill an arsenal merc than it is a Sorc, don't kid yourself.


The only reason this spec is sliding by right now is because they are overshadowed by Sorc healers. But I assure you once sorc heals get neutered into uselessness arsenal is next in line.


90% troll

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Yep Arsenal Mercs hit hard.


Do they hit too hard? Meh. I don't think so, because their defensives aren't anything to write home about. They have no "Jesus take the wheel" move, unless you count Rocket Out, because Rocket Out is kinda like letting an invisible driver (that may or may not be there) steer you directly into a wall two feet away. But hey, sometimes he gets it right and propels you to safety.


Mercs are a high priority target. You see one? Take it out. If you don't, you'll soon know why you should have.


I play my merc quite a bit. I feel dangerous and confident, but that's probably because I try to pay close attention to my positioning. I have also never stepped foot in Ranked with her, but I think they are hitting for the appropriate amount for ranked. They get targeted first. Always. At least this way, they may take someone out with them.


As far as them being hard to kill?


With Love and Respect,


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Time to bring this FOTM spec into the light. Warzones are now nothing but electronets, 4 mercs per team average most games with the rest being sorcs. This spec is totally over performing right now and it needs to be brought down to Marksmanship dps numbers. There is absolutely no reason Arsenal spec should be doing more dps than most DoT specs in sustained damage. Why has BW not nerfed the surge on this spec, down to 10% like all the other specs. Trying to play a melee spec while being killed by 7k ticks from electronet, and 8k ticks of blazing bolts is just ridiculous. Not to mention the other totally insane burst hits they have, capable of achieving well over 35k in 2 global cooldowns with crits from HSM and rail shot.


I know there is a ton of merc fan boys out there that are gonna be upset about this post, but I really think people have just been afraid to come out and say how OP arsenal spec is, because mercs were garbage for so long. There is currently nothing in the game that can burst like an arsenal merc, and almost nothing aside from marauder that can match its sustained dps. IO is supposed to be your high dps spec, currently we see NONE of them. Why? because arsenal is so OP its totally unreal. And don't even say that they have weak defensive cooldowns. Its way harder to kill an arsenal merc than it is a Sorc, don't kid yourself.


The only reason this spec is sliding by right now is because they are overshadowed by Sorc healers. But I assure you once sorc heals get neutered into uselessness arsenal is next in line.


Let me analyse arsenal spec with my decent pvp (ranked and not) and little pve experience.

How does arsenal perform in pvp?


1v1 - Completely great. All melee specs (except concealment ofc) are killable 1v1 and you can try even a jugg tank. From ranged specs, if there are LoS objects madness can win. In contrary, sniper can win only if there are completely no LoS objects.

Regs: Completely great. Ranged, mobility, self heals - check.

Yolo ranked - Below medium, because mercs are easy to shut down by several people. Still better than IO or pyrotech. If they left to freecast, or there is 1v1 fight then arsenal shines.

Team ranked - I didn't play team ranked with my mando, but experienced people say that arsenal is average in team ranked. The reason is that they are easy to interrupt. However I saw arsenal team ranked movies with crazy hardswaps. So I still think arsenal merc is viable in team ranked, maybe not as much as AP PT.


Let's compare this to some specs that typically are considered OP (not my position though):


1) AP PT - 1v1 good, regs good, solo ranked decent, team ranked - awesome.

2) Vengeance jugg - 1v1 good, regs good, solo ranked great, team ranked - bad.

3) Madness sorc - 1v1 awesome, regs awesome, solo ranked great, team ranked average.


How does it perform in pve?

As I know, best parsing specs are still annihilation and engineering. The fact that arsenal parses more than I.O. with rotation easiness doesn't mean that arsenal is OP. Just devs are not competent in specs balance and nerfed I.O. without any reason.


What advantages does arsenal have?


1) Crazy burst. Hands down the highest spike of all classes, however AP PT has longer burst.

2) Self heals. Weaker than sorc ones, but still great. 0.2 sec cast after two tracers is lovely

3) Decent mobility. Even with nerfed HO, I still found overall merc mobility great. Rocket out is very useful.

4) Very good CC. Hardstun, solo mezz, electro net, aoe knockback, huge slow on boltstorm.


What cons?


1) With heavy armor and all cooldowns still squishy. Not really squishy though, just not designed to resist many people's attacks.

2) No oh sheet button, that's why all mercs are often getting focused first.

3) With all instant-use buffs, arsenal is still a caster with no CC immunity -> vulnerable.



There are 2 points of view:

First - arsenal is typical glass cannon, his burst and squishiness are features of the class.

Second - damage needs to be toned down a little (probably only boltstorm ticks) and survivability must be redisigned in favor of arenas.


Overall, I certainly don't think arsenal is completely OP, its damage (mainly boltstorm ticks) may be a little too much, but in case of nerf mercs should gain survivability in return.

Edited by DerSchneider
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current parses and you'll see that this spec is parsing higher than all other ranged burst specs by a marginal amount, without sacrificing anything.


Parses? PVP is highly situational, you can't "run" parses and prove **** for PVP. Secondly, have you played a merc dps? They SACRIFICE NOTHING? lol.... You lose 100% credibility when you spout ignorance like this.


Hop on a 65 merc, and then tell people how they sacrifice nothing. They sacrifice tons of defense that other classes get for their mobility and burst.


They require fair amount of kiting, and they blow up fast from PTs, marauders, juggs, with extremely limited ways to try to get distance between themselves and those classes.


The whining is ridiculous now.


Let me point you in the direction of a place called the Mercenary/Commando Forums Section where threads are titled:


DPS Mercs offer nothing to the team... ( 1 2 3 ... Last Page)

Commando / Merc classes are utter sh*t for PvP ( 1 2 3 ... Last Page)

A suggestion to improve mercenaries a little.


Go check some of those threads out, then come whining here about how the class is OP'd. Actually, make one and play it in 65 pvp, then tell us how easy it is and how they sacrifice nothing.

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Arsenal Mercenary overpowered ? I don't think so, personally. Or, rather, I tend to not think so. I have an Commando at level 65 right now ( not on Harbinger ), but he doesn't have full PvP gear.


He gets defeated fairly easily at the hands of 2-3 people - especially melee, since his defences are mostly 1v1 oriented, it seems to me ( like Gunslinger, I suspect ).


I really haven't played him a lot in PvP, so I can't say in how far the "boom me backwards" ability is good or bad there.



However, my purely personal choice of "being overpowered" would still rather go to AP PTs, rather than Mercs.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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We need to nerf Pyrotech instead.


Arsenal Mercenary overpowered ? I don't think so, personally. Or, rather, I tend to not think so. I have an Commando at level 65 right now ( not on Harbinger ), but he doesn't have full PvP gear.


He gets defeated fairly easily at the hands of 2-3 people - especially melee, since his defences are mostly 1v1 oriented, it seems to me ( like Gunslinger, I suspect ).


I really haven't played him a lot in PvP, so I can't say in how far the "boom me backwards" ability is good or bad there.



However, my purely personal choice of "being overpowered" would still rather go to AP PTs, rather than Mercs.


AP PT is easier to focus and shot down then arsenal merc, just saying. :rolleyes: the difference is AP can do more DMG before death, coz all instant and freecasting arsenal merc>freecasting AP PT. Even vengeance yagis can be defeated by 2-3 players fast too. Classes without escapes get focused and dies, what a surprise yes? kappa


Nerf mercs burst and give them stronger DCD's instead and "boom" - they are focused not so hard, but will be new threads - "BW bring back OUR BURST FFS!!! - we are useless!"

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We need to nerf Pyrotech instead.




AP PT is easier to focus and shot down then arsenal merc, just saying. :rolleyes: the difference is AP can do more DMG before death, coz all instant and freecasting arsenal merc>freecasting AP PT. Even vengeance yagis can be defeated by 2-3 players fast too. Classes without escapes get focused and dies, what a surprise yes? kappa


I just got to disagree here. I group and fight a guildie frequently now, he often plays a PT, and I play a merc. Long story short, he always puts up bigger numbers than me, whether he is focused or not and vice versa.


Granted he is a great player on a PT, but I have seen great players on mercs and they do not consistently put up the numbers and kills he does, ever.


This myth of PTs being easy to shutdown, and having lack of defenses is perpetuated over and over and false imo.


AP/PTs get an innate 30% DR defensive, ffs. A very strong defense that requires zero thought on their behalf to use! They also have a leap, and a very powerful movement buff with HO which can be lengthened in utilities and given a lower cooldown for use. They truly are not "easy" to shut down.


I aint saying they need nerfed, I am just tired of hearing these "oh pity me" comments on behalf of PTs. They are quite clearly a very strong, powerful class in PVP.

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I just got to disagree here. I group and fight a guildie frequently now, he often plays a PT, and I play a merc. Long story short, he always puts up bigger numbers than me, whether he is focused or not and vice versa.


Granted he is a great player on a PT, but I have seen great players on mercs and they do not consistently put up the numbers and kills he does, ever.


This myth of PTs being easy to shutdown, and having lack of defenses is perpetuated over and over and false imo.


AP/PTs get an innate 30% DR defensive, ffs. A very strong defense that requires zero thought on their behalf to use! They also have a leap, and a very powerful movement buff with HO which can be lengthened in utilities and given a lower cooldown for use. They truly are not "easy" to shut down.


I aint saying they need nerfed, I am just tired of hearing these "oh pity me" comments on behalf of PTs. They are quite clearly a very strong, powerful class in PVP.


30% while stunned never save u against being focused. It can help sometimes in some situations yes, its good to have it, yes, but nothing more. As for numbers AP PT have better initial burst and AOE, but potential arsenal merc burst and his tunnels hurt pretty much more. Played both, arsenal now is much better than been pre 2.0, much. And have a great spot right now. What i want to say, stop complaining about mercs DCDs they are fine for burst output for range class with nice ofheals - ofc not sorc. And u will not repeat deception fate - when some of them start complain about deception survivability and geting kited and where deception right now? Or look at lightning, look where is this spec now? Peoples complain about survivability too - its was priority for them.


If u want all 3 specs be viable in PvE and PvP u need to be a mara. Hueueue.

Edited by helpmewin
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Just Wow! I play an arsenal Merc in PvP, and 7k electronet ticks? omg I wish! If anything I spend too much time trying to survive. I pray for healers. I have full ranked gear, aug'd and using every stim or adrenal I can, and 7k ticks on electronet, I do not see that.


If anything, Mercs need a buff in dps, and esp defenses. When I play my Jugg in PvP, and I see a Merc, I think, "easy kill" and I kill the Merc.


Maybe you saw a Sorc dot ticking 7k a pop, cause that I can see happening, but not a Merc's electronet.


April Fool's is right!

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looks like someone got netted and globaled.



if you play on an RP server, you do see a lot more of those VG + Mando comps (always pub side for some reason).


kinda like the LD boys who made that gravvy guild. except you see it a lot more frequently cuz there are 5-10 "military" guilds on RP servers. man. that's annoying to run into them (as almost all class stacking is).

You're in denial, I bet you main an arsenal merc. Own up to it. The spec is totally OP right now.

I'm fairly certain he has every spec in the game at this point. but no. I usually see him running around on a mara.

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