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Do you think Vette will...


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...become a romancable option for fems as well?


I saw my sith warrior getting flirt options from that imp agent companion chick (idk how r

to spell her name sorry), so i wondered if vette will too suddenly become romancable?


Though, tbh, i just hope she will ateast appear in the KOTFE storyline lol.


FOR AMYONE ROLLING THEIR EYES AND THINKING; why is everyone so obssesed with having gay romance options , - how would you, as a straight person feel if you could only romance same sex people? Since you're in an rpg, i guess you're into the whole emersion thing and making yourself in another world etc, amd romance does add some spice to the story so do understand .

FOR ANYONE THINKING; Get a RL girlfriend. - i already do, thats not the point!




Okay so now that thats out of the way...do you think or would you want Vette as a romance option now?

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I am flirting everything that does not run on a tree. No matter if I play as male or as female. That is why my inquisitor stuck with uncompleted ( bugged ) Ashara quest... but thats a story for different topic. From my point of view they should make all class companions romancable and make them fight and whine about it... in every chapter :D
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...become a romancable option for fems as well?


I saw my sith warrior getting flirt options from that imp agent companion chick (idk how r

to spell her name sorry), so i wondered if vette will too suddenly become romancable?


Though, tbh, i just hope she will ateast appear in the KOTFE storyline lol.


FOR AMYONE ROLLING THEIR EYES AND THINKING; why is everyone so obssesed with having gay romance options , - how would you, as a straight person feel if you could only romance same sex people? Since you're in an rpg, i guess you're into the whole emersion thing and making yourself in another world etc, amd romance does add some spice to the story so do understand .

FOR ANYONE THINKING; Get a RL girlfriend. - i already do, thats not the point!




Okay so now that thats out of the way...do you think or would you want Vette as a romance option now?


We already had gay only, ROTHC. Can't say I cared.


Try not to get defensive before anyone has even replied, it gives the impression that you are seeking some kind of homophobic persecution (not saying that's your goal of course, but people can, and will, take it that way.).

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I think that you get the option for Kaliyo because sh'e openly bi in the sith storyline, though female agents don't get the option to flirt with her. I'm thinking that gender restrictions that are already in place will stay that way. Shame, as my male knight would totally go for Doc if he could.
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FOR AMYONE ROLLING THEIR EYES AND THINKING; why is everyone so obssesed with having gay romance options , - how would you, as a straight person feel if you could only romance same sex people? Since you're in an rpg, i guess you're into the whole emersion thing and making yourself in another world etc, amd romance does add some spice to the story so do understand .


As a Bi person, I still thin this is stupid. Bioware does not HAVE to include same sex romance or even Opposite sex romance, they don't even have to include romance at all. They have included these things as icing to the tasty cake that is companions. If there were no straight romances, I wouldn't care. Though someone would of course complain, because someone will complain about anything if you search hard enough. The biggest reaction would only be of confusion that there's a bioware game where you can't get your cross-species freak on.

And to roll my eyes even more, you already have same sex options in KOFTE. So the scenario you presented doesn;t make sense.


On to the topic, no, Vette will not suddenly turn gay.

1, Because it would be stupid. Just like it was in Dragon Age 2, making their sexuality less like apart of their character and more just a sticker placed on their character sheet.

2. As shown in the last two chapters, the returning characters are only romancable by the characters that have already romanced them before KOFTE.

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"FOR AMYONE ROLLING THEIR EYES AND THINKING; why is everyone so obssesed with having gay romance options , - how would you, as a straight person feel if you could only romance same sex people? Since you're in an rpg, i guess you're into the whole emersion thing and making yourself in another world etc, amd romance does add some spice to the story so do understand ."



I don't have a problem with same sex relationships in this game however it is odd how every NPC now is openly bi sexual... Should be more like Mass effect some are bi however some will turn down opposite/ same sex relationships and be exclusive.


Considering the vast majority of people are straight there doesn't need to be tons of same sex options... Only having same sex romances wouldn't make much sense

Edited by Newyankalt
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Let me point out your error of argument.

FOR AMYONE ROLLING THEIR EYES AND THINKING; why is everyone so obssesed with having gay romance options , - how would you, as a straight person feel if you could only romance same sex people? Since you're in an rpg, i guess you're into the whole emersion thing and making yourself in another world etc, amd romance does add some spice to the story so do understand .

Feel. Your "argument" is a pure appeal to emotion, thus not a valid argument for or against anything. I shall henceforth dismiss it completely.


Also, romance in this game, the way I see it, is completely overdone. It's everywhere, but it's particularly laughable for the FS characters on both Imp and Rep side. For a Sith Warrior, the Emperor's Wrath, to romance a snakehead slave is ludicrous. He (or she) is a Lord of the Sith, way above such pitiful anchors that only mundanes cling to. A union with another Sith Lord, something that is beneficial, sure, but what does Vette bring? Nothing a Sith can't get with ease some place else. In fact, if you go for her, she'll drag you across the galaxy looking for her family (wow, you damn little trope fest, Vette) and from that your character gets no benefits whatsoever.


Getting the rep up enough to romance a character is worth it for only one reason: crafting. Other than that, the dialogues are cheesy as F, and there's zero benefit from a romance.


As for Vette herself, she's nuts. I married her on my LS SW and she is the very textbook definition of crazy. She sent me letters, plenty of them, planning everything, talking about babies, painting rooms on my damn ship, etc.


I started another male SW. Enjoy that slave collar Vette! It's quite.... shocking!

Edited by Diefenbaker
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On to the topic, no, Vette will not suddenly turn gay.

1, Because it would be stupid. Just like it was in Dragon Age 2, making their sexuality less like apart of their character and more just a sticker placed on their character sheet.

2. As shown in the last two chapters, the returning characters are only romancable by the characters that have already romanced them before KOFTE.


Yes I tried to do a lesbian relationship with Kaliyo on my fem trooper. All the flirt options were there but in the end when she put the hard word on her, Kaliyo threw it back in her face. So I'm assuming she is only romancable with agent characters.


I'd be interested to know if she could now be romanced with a female agent tho.

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Yes I tried to do a lesbian relationship with Kaliyo on my fem trooper. All the flirt options were there but in the end when she put the hard word on her, Kaliyo threw it back in her face. So I'm assuming she is only romancable with agent characters.


I'd be interested to know if she could now be romanced with a female agent tho.


Kaliyo saids that she tried being a lesbian once, but couldn't get into it.

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I have no problem with varied orientations among the companions and contacts. However, NPCs, as with other characters, should be whatever orientation they are as characters, and not come across as blank slates ready to fall into whatever role the player wishes.


An NPC should be straight, or bi, or gay, or whatever, and just be that -- this whole "Schrodinger's cat" thing that goes on with their orientation now takes away from them as characters in their own right.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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I have no problem with varied orientations among the companions and contacts. However, NPCs, as with other characters, should be whatever orientation they are as characters, and not come across as blank slates ready to fall into whatever role the player wishes.


Every character gets the 'Player-Sexual' sticker!

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I have no problem with varied orientations among the companions and contacts. However, NPCs, as with other characters, should be whatever orientation they are as characters, and not come across as blank slates ready to fall into whatever role the player wishes.


An NPC should be straight, or bi, or gay, or whatever, and just be that -- this whole "Schrodinger's cat" thing that goes on with their orientation now takes away from them as characters in their own right.


It's a difference of storytelling style, how much influence the player (separate from the character) has on the story. I don't have strong feelings one way or another, as long as the story "works."

Edited by IanArgent
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2. As shown in the last two chapters, the returning characters are only romancable by the characters that have already romanced them before KOFTE.


That's not entirely true actually.


My Jedi Knight had flirt options with Kaliyo. Out of curiosity I I picked them before hitting escape and reselecting another dialogue option (he's loyal to Kira), and the flirt you get in the Cantina at the end of her chapter leads to the two characters having casual sex. So Kaliyo at least is romanceable in KotFE by characters other than the Agent.


Of course Kaliyo might be a special case, because it's sort of in character for her to hook up with random people she's just met. Not so much for Vette....

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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That's not entirely true actually.


My Jedi Knight had flirt options with Kaliyo. Out of curiosity I I picked them before hitting escape and reselecting another dialogue option (he's loyal to Kira), and the flirt you get in the Cantina at the end of her chapter leads to the two characters having casual sex. So Kaliyo at least is romanceable in KotFE by characters other than the Agent.


Of course Kaliyo might be a special case, because it's sort of in character for her to hook up with random people she's just met. Not so much for Vette....


You have a video link? Because in my own playthrough as a knight and others on youtube, all that flirted were rejected.

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I'm in duality about the idea. A part of me believes every player should have equal opportunity when it comes to flirts and romances in all aspects. On the other hand as someone else pointed out, I wouldn't want a NPC's known character to suddenly be adjusted for the sake of fairness. All these companions have their own known traits, their own personality whether we enjoy them or not, it's who they are. The thought of an NPC such as say, Quinn, suddenly turning gay just makes little sense (sorry Theron/Quinn slashers!). For some like Kaliyo it could make sense and I could even see it for Doc somehow but not this late in the game.


As for Vette specifically.. I'm openly bi myself but I've never considered a romance with her. She's the bratty little sister type but I couldn't picture myself trying to flirt with her. In fact few women in game have captured my interest and I think Lana's the only one who's come even remotely close in that aspect. I might consider Risha, she's pretty cool I think.

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I'm in duality about the idea. A part of me believes every player should have equal opportunity when it comes to flirts and romances in all aspects. On the other hand as someone else pointed out, I wouldn't want a NPC's known character to suddenly be adjusted for the sake of fairness. All these companions have their own known traits, their own personality whether we enjoy them or not, it's who they are. The thought of an NPC such as say, Quinn, suddenly turning gay just makes little sense (sorry Theron/Quinn slashers!). For some like Kaliyo it could make sense and I could even see it for Doc somehow but not this late in the game.


As for Vette specifically.. I'm openly bi myself but I've never considered a romance with her. She's the bratty little sister type but I couldn't picture myself trying to flirt with her. In fact few women in game have captured my interest and I think Lana's the only one who's come even remotely close in that aspect. I might consider Risha, she's pretty cool I think.

Back before I realised there was no SGR's at launch, my male trooper was slapping Jorgan with gifts (This was before I met my beloved M1-4X... And I already knew you couldn't bang droids, even droids gods), yearning for some attention. But all he got was a friendly 'Friendzoned' nod... *Sniffle*

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Back before I realised there was no SGR's at launch, my male trooper was slapping Jorgan with gifts (This was before I met my beloved M1-4X... And I already knew you could bang droids, even droids gods), yearning for some attention. But all he got was a friendly 'Friendzoned' nod... *Sniffle*


Wait, how do you bang droids?

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You have a video link? Because in my own playthrough as a knight and others on youtube, all that flirted were rejected.


I didn't record it, sorry. The line she gave the (male) Jedi Knight after the final flirt in the Cantina was something like, "You show me your secrets and I'll show you mine? Makes sense." They then started to leave the Cantina together.


Was that the same response with an Agent? I'm wondering now if the option to romance her with the JK was a bug, or if she is a LI of sorts for other classes. A different line of dialogue would indicate it was intended. I was hitting escape and exiting out of conversations after the flirts, so any previous ones also shouldn't have counted.

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I didn't record it, sorry. The line she gave the (male) Jedi Knight after the final flirt in the Cantina was something like, "You show me your secrets and I'll show you mine? Makes sense." They then started to leave the Cantina together.


Was that the same response with an Agent? I'm wondering now if the option to romance her with the JK was a bug, or if she is a LI of sorts for other classes. A different line of dialogue would indicate it was intended. I was hitting escape and exiting out of conversations after the flirts, so any previous ones also shouldn't have counted.


She said that to all who flirt with her (Aside from already romanced agent), then after five seconds she tells you that she isn't interested. If you pressed escape that fast, you might of missed the dialouge after

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I am flirting everything that does not run on a tree. No matter if I play as male or as female. That is why my inquisitor stuck with uncompleted ( bugged ) Ashara quest... but thats a story for different topic. From my point of view they should make all class companions romancable and make them fight and whine about it... in every chapter :D


ahahahahahahahaha dude you made me fell of my chair :D


About same sex romance I will never go for it I dont like it but I also have no objections to that but PLS PLS NO Vette in kotfe guys pls !


Oke she is funny,she is kinda charming and she has his own personality but she is not a suitable fit for dark side players.


While I was playing as Sith Warrior I remember stucking between Vette and Jeesaa then in the converstations I saw an option which says "I deserve you both " I thought that it was funny I selected it.


Vette refused it immedietly.Oke that is understandable but after that she said one sentece and at that point I regret taking her shock collar off.


She said something like "Oke you can take and have fun with your Aldreaan Trash"


With this she meant Jeesa Willsam who is from Aldreaan.


I was like hold on you slave who the hell you think you are that you are talking like this I mean the person you trash talk is a sith and can chop you into pieces in a blink of an eye plus she is someone I have romance with so how the hell you can talk like that.


So thats when I hated Vette and since then I want looking for an opportunity to punish her for her behavior I hope I never see her in game ever again.

Edited by Fizy
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ahahahahahahahaha dude you made me fell of my chair :D


About same sex romance I have no objections to that but PLS PLS NO Vette in kotfe guys pls !


Oke she is funny,she is kinda charming and she has his own personality but she is not a suitable fit for dark side players.


While I was playing as Sith Warrior I remember stucking between Vette and Jeesaa then in the converstations I saw an option which says "I deserve you both " I thought that it was funny I selected it.


Vette refused it immedietly.Oke that is understandable but after that she said one sentece and at that point I regret taking her shock collar off.


She said something like "Oke you can take and have fun with your Aldreaan Trash"


With this she meant Jeesa Willsam who is from Aldreaan.


I was like hold on you slave who the hell you think you are that you are talking like this I mean the person you trash talk is a sith and can chop you into pieces in a blink of an eye plus she is someone I have romance with so how the hell you can talk like that.


So thats when I hated Vette and I hope I never see her in game ever again.


...Your Sith is the most wimpy Sith ever. Seriously, how did he survive to KOFTE when he's clearly incompetent?

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