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Am I the only one who hates Kira?


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I have few problems with Kira. I think she gets a little arrogant at times but I pretty much ignore that. She does take certain things to the extreme though like that whole quote about the Jedi and Republic and a grab for power. I looked for the 'smack that arrogant smile off her face' dialog option but it wasn't there. :rolleyes:



I don't particularly hate any of the companions, not even Skadge, but there are some who get on my nerves. See, I love Doc, and think he's funny in a creepy ****-stache way. But I'm the same girl who has a crush on Tharan Cedrax and he's a tad creepy too. Though women liking Scourge makes me want to toss my computer against a wall just because I swear they weren't paying attention to his dialogue and only went 'oh he's so dreamy' yeah no.


But again, I like Doc and Tharan C so...it's all a matter of taste.


My male knight won't romance Kira, but as a friend who happens to be a girl, ie BFFs, she's alright.


What's wrong with liking Scourge?! I've seen and listened to his dialogs a 100 times and I don't understand which line exactly indicates that liking him is a terrible idea? Now me personally, I'm a natural sucker for the bad boys. The dark and mysterious kind, the unattainable kind. Can't help it! I adore Doc, my JK married him because he does have something amusing and endearing about him but she'd drop him in a heartbeat for Scourge. Well actually I'd re-roll for Scourge because I'd feel bad for Doc otherwise..


And it is a matter of taste because Tharan makes me barf. He's on the 'to-be-spaced' list right behind Corso.

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What's wrong with liking Scourge?! I've seen and listened to his dialogs a 100 times and I don't understand which line exactly indicates that liking him is a terrible idea? Now me personally, I'm a natural sucker for the bad boys. The dark and mysterious kind, the unattainable kind. Can't help it! I adore Doc, my JK married him because he does have something amusing and endearing about him but she'd drop him in a heartbeat for Scourge. Well actually I'd re-roll for Scourge because I'd feel bad for Doc otherwise..


And it is a matter of taste because Tharan makes me barf. He's on the 'to-be-spaced' list right behind Corso.


I said it once, I'll say it again. Scourge is a crimson Edward Cullen. Both are emotionless hunks that mkae the fan girls scream. Though at least Scourge doesn't spend his time moaping about and telling the PC how much of a monster he is.

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I said it once, I'll say it again. Scourge is a crimson Edward Cullen. Both are emotionless hunks that mkae the fan girls scream. Though at least Scourge doesn't spend his time moaping about and telling the PC how much of a monster he is.


He also has a more compelling back and immortality story than "Well I was dying and then this other shiny pretty guy fed me his blood. I was reborn and he became my daddy in a family full of shiny sparkly pretty people."


It's not his looks (though I do very much approve there) that make him appealing. I genuinely like his backstory, his history within the lore. You are talking about a Pureblood Sith who has for most of his career helped, yet stood against, the Emperor. Biding his time for 300 years based on a simple vision. Sacrificing the joys and pleasures of life, the chance to one day simply die, just so he could be around when this mystery Jedi shows up. To help save the entire galaxy, likely saving more lives than our 8 precious heroes combined. And now he's stuck. He can't go back to the Empire, he won't become Jedi, the only Republic grudgingly accepts him.. all in all I think he's a wonderful and interesting character within the game and in that aspect, very appealing too.

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He also has a more compelling back and immortality story than "Well I was dying and then this other shiny pretty guy fed me his blood. I was reborn and he became my daddy in a family full of shiny sparkly pretty people."


It's not his looks (though I do very much approve there) that make him appealing. I genuinely like his backstory, his history within the lore. You are talking about a Pureblood Sith who has for most of his career helped, yet stood against, the Emperor. Biding his time for 300 years based on a simple vision. Sacrificing the joys and pleasures of life, the chance to one day simply die, just so he could be around when this mystery Jedi shows up. To help save the entire galaxy, likely saving more lives than our 8 precious heroes combined. And now he's stuck. He can't go back to the Empire, he won't become Jedi, the only Republic grudgingly accepts him.. all in all I think he's a wonderful and interesting character within the game and in that aspect, very appealing too.


He didn't do this to save the galaxy, he did it because he had a vision of the Emperor killing him. Which is a pretty bull reason considering that force visions are only a possibility and Revan was actually putting up a good fight against Vtiate, hell, this makes him pretty damn stupid. He betrayed his allies in a fight they were winning and allows many others to suffer from Vitiate's plans because there's a fifty/fifty chance of losing that fight and a one in a million chance of the JK showing up at some point.

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Sorry I derailed slightly, I get a little grrr when I'm passionate about stuff. I'll be in my Scourge-loving corner counting to 10. :D


It's okay, it's okay. I'l just read you a page long monologue of Scourge bashing until you learn to block it out.If you want, you can start bashing my creepy obsession with m1-4x

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He didn't do this to save the galaxy, he did it because he had a vision of the Emperor killing him. Which is a pretty bull reason considering that force visions are only a possibility and Revan was actually putting up a good fight against Vtiate, hell, this makes him pretty damn stupid. He betrayed his allies in a fight they were winning and allows many others to suffer from Vitiate's plans because there's a fifty/fifty chance of losing that fight and a one in a million chance of the JK showing up at some point.


He had a vision of all 3 of them (him, Surik and Revan) defeated at the Emperor's feet and the Emperor doing something to his mind.. and once it came down to it, Revan was losing the fight. Witnessing their impending defeat, Scourge betrayed his allies, having seen the JK in his vision, and yes saved his own *** as a result. And his faith in visions was partly to blame on Revan who'd fibbed a vision of his own to Scourge back when he was still a prisoner and they were bonding. Or at least, that's how I know the story to be (I did check wookieepedia to make sure I wasn't losing my mind here :p )


And yeah, I genuinely do not understand any interest in Forex.. he's amusing at best. :p

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He had a vision of all 3 of them (him, Surik and Revan) defeated at the Emperor's feet and the Emperor doing something to his mind.. and once it came down to it, Revan was losing the fight. Witnessing their impending defeat, Scourge betrayed his allies, having seen the JK in his vision, and yes saved his own *** as a result. And his faith in visions was partly to blame on Revan who'd fibbed a vision of his own to Scourge back when he was still a prisoner and they were bonding. Or at least, that's how I know the story to be (I did check wookieepedia to make sure I wasn't losing my mind here :p )



They were winning the fight, while I'm sure Vitite would of pulled out some 'SECRET HIDDEN POWA' at some point, from anyone in the story's point of view, they were winning. Scourge just got to paranoid and made a stupid mistake that makes him almost directly responsible for all the people that die by Vitiate's will. And even when Revan told Scourge about visions, he specifically tells Scourge that any vision is only a possibility.


And yeah, I genuinely do not understand any interest in Forex.. he's amusing at best. :p

His design is badarse, his voice is inspiring (He is the Clone Wars narrator, so it's a given) and his dialouge is a riot to listen to and enjoy. He was specifically made to keep up moral and kick some tail while doing so, needless to say he god damn succeeds. If there was one good decision the republic made, was getting him to recruit people. I mean, he has to give the imps at least a little chance of victory.

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Calling on the dark side, Scourge quickly overwhelmed and dispatched his opponent before answering Surik's cry for them to aid Revan—their ally was losing his battle against the Emperor. The Emperor's storm of lightning had overwhelmed the Jedi, and T3-M4 had been destroyed by the Sith. Surik threw her lightsaber, knocking Revan's own weapon from the Emperor's hands and preventing him from killing Revan—but Scourge realized that had she aimed for the Emperor, she would have killed the Sith at the expense of her friend's life.[1]


As the Sith Lord joined Surik next to a recovered Revan, the Emperor expressed his disappointment with Scourge, but Scourge's mind became filled with thousands of possible futures as Revan spoke to their opponent. Overwhelmed and unable to decide what course of action to take, Scourge suddenly experienced a moment of clarity in which he foresaw a powerful young Jedi standing victorious above a fallen Emperor—but it was neither Revan nor Surik. Realizing what he needed to do, Scourge stepped behind Surik and stabbed her between her shoulders. A shocked Revan quickly fell to the Emperor's lightning, and Scourge fell to his knee before the Emperor.



Which part of that is winning the fight and Scourge merely being paranoid?


Mind you that's Wookieepedia. Perhaps the book is more elaborate and paints a different picture but I've yet to get my hands on it sadly so you could be right after all.


M1-4X's companion dialogs are funny as hell, I've giggled at them plenty but he's still just a clunky droid in my eyes, I don't see it. Robots don't tickle me. ;)

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And to stay on the Kira topic cos I kinda fudged that up though I wasn't the first to bring up others!! This video is highly amusing


I like how Kira implies that the jedi should take over the republic because they have the power to...

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And her voice...Yeah, I really don't like her voice.


This... this is blasphemy!! How can you not like the voice of Laura Bailey?


The voice of Rayne in Bloodrayne; the voice of Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket, the voice of Evangeline in Negima!; Rise Kujikawa in Persona 4; Chun-Li in Street Fighter; Lust in Fullmetal Alchemist; Jaina Proudmoore in WoW; Serah in FFXIII; Catherine in Catherine...


I could go on all night. Either you don't like the sultry voice of a woman (Which is totally fine btw), or you just don't know of what you speak.


Excuse me, I'm going to go watch Crayon Shin-Chan on Hulu... yes she voices Shin-Chan too!!

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; Serah in FFXIII; Catherine in Catherine...





The thing I don't like about her voice is that it always sounds like she's caught a cold and got something stuck in her throat, any minuet I expect to her trying to clear her nose.

Also, I'm more of a Jennifer Hale kind of person.

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I have no issue with Kira's voice, she sounds fine to me. Better than Jaina Proudmoore (I didn't know they were voiced by the same person) who makes me wanna strangle cute little fluffy things though that may be residual raid progression aggravation. Elara Dorne bugs me far more, I genuinely wanna shove my headphones down her throat whenever she opens her mouth. Ashara and Jaesa ought to walk around gagged as well so on the scale of annoying female voices.. Kira's a 5 I'd say. It's more what she says that bothers me than the voice that she says it with.
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It was a long time ago for me, but I remember not liking her, and the biggest reason was that the jk story felt more like the Kira Carson story. Her plot overshadowed everything.


I genuinely wanna shove my headphones down her throat whenever she opens her mouth.


I felt that way ever since Battle for the Undercity. "All I ever wanted was to study. All I ever wanted was to study. All I ever wanted was to study." :mad:

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It was a long time ago for me, but I remember not liking her, and the biggest reason was that the jk story felt more like the Kira Carson story. Her plot overshadowed everything.


"Everything" is a stretch, but the real question your post brings up is:


"What's the matter with that?" A story can have more than one main character, and it's improved when more than one person takes initiative.

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"Everything" is a stretch, but the real question your post brings up is:


"What's the matter with that?" A story can have more than one main character, and it's improved when more than one person takes initiative.


It seems that he/she is implying less 'I do not want two main characters' and more 'The main protaganist is that in name mostly'. I don't see it, but I think that's what he/she was going for.


Like in the show RWBY, the main protagonist is supposed to be the titular character, Ruby. But you never really feel like she's the protagonist until the end of the THIRD SEASON as every other character seems to be more involved with the plot then them.

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I don't think it should be controversial to ask that the jedi knight story revolve around the jedi knight. Instead we get to play random-could-be-anyone-second fiddle to some writer's pet character. A pet character that female jedi knights can't even romance, thus cutting off what I think might possibly make the relationship and thus the interest in Kira Carson's story deeper, more rooted and less arbitrary.


A real life analogy might be like having a really loud and outgoing friend while you're the one who is quiet and reserved. Everyone calls you "Kira's friend", instead of referring to you by your own name. It wouldn't be a fun scenario in real life and it's not a fun scenario to play out in a video game. Unless perhaps it's not a friend but a love interest where you don't mind playing the supporting role.


*shrug* Seems simple enough to me

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I have few problems with Kira. I think she gets a little arrogant at times but I pretty much ignore that. She does take certain things to the extreme though like that whole quote about the Jedi and Republic and a grab for power. I looked for the 'smack that arrogant smile off her face' dialog option but it wasn't there. :rolleyes:





What's wrong with liking Scourge?! I've seen and listened to his dialogs a 100 times and I don't understand which line exactly indicates that liking him is a terrible idea? Now me personally, I'm a natural sucker for the bad boys. The dark and mysterious kind, the unattainable kind. Can't help it! I adore Doc, my JK married him because he does have something amusing and endearing about him but she'd drop him in a heartbeat for Scourge. Well actually I'd re-roll for Scourge because I'd feel bad for Doc otherwise..


And it is a matter of taste because Tharan makes me barf. He's on the 'to-be-spaced' list right behind Corso.


Scourge as a companion is fine, in fact I like him. But he can't feel emotion. You could have him sit there on the bed and do naughty things all over his person and he could be reading a book about how flies form on dead meat. I know it's all the rituals and such he went through, but I just don't get the attraction. I personally go for the super intelligent and goofy variety. I've never been into bad boys, ever. They have to be cute, have to be smart, a jack of all trades, and actually bring something useful.


My own husband, won't be on the cover of GQ, but he's damn cute and super smart and he's literally a jack of all trades.


It's why I love Quinn. I don't care he betrays you. What I find sexy is how they made him look and that he's a complete nerd when it comes to anything military. That's what gets my motor revving. Doc is a doctor, he's corny, but he's smart. Tharan slaps his intelligence all in your face.


On topic: I didn't even realize Laura voiced Jaina. Now I need to hear some dialogue from WoW again. Last I heard Jaina was in Halls of Reflection.

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Scourge as a companion is fine, in fact I like him. But he can't feel emotion. You could have him sit there on the bed and do naughty things all over his person and he could be reading a book about how flies form on dead meat. I know it's all the rituals and such he went through, but I just don't get the attraction. I personally go for the super intelligent and goofy variety. I've never been into bad boys, ever. They have to be cute, have to be smart, a jack of all trades, and actually bring something useful.


My own husband, won't be on the cover of GQ, but he's damn cute and super smart and he's literally a jack of all trades.


It's why I love Quinn. I don't care he betrays you. What I find sexy is how they made him look and that he's a complete nerd when it comes to anything military. That's what gets my motor revving. Doc is a doctor, he's corny, but he's smart. Tharan slaps his intelligence all in your face.


On topic: I didn't even realize Laura voiced Jaina. Now I need to hear some dialogue from WoW again. Last I heard Jaina was in Halls of Reflection.


Oh I'm aware of his lack of emotions, the fact he could thus far never actually love you in return or really even get a happy (I think??) but that doesn't make him any less attractive in my eyes. It's a "I would if he could" type deal and i do think he's most definitely a smart man. I respect him in a great many ways.


And my fiance in RL isn't a male fashion model either by any means but he's smart, he's funny as hell, he's very creative, he's my cuddle bear and he's the one person in the entire world who can manage to make me smile when I need it most and feel like I never will again. Somehow my crushes on fictional characters are nothing like my RL ones but I guess that works out? lol


I love your lively description of the whole Lord Scourge thing though, your comments usually make me chuckle.


As for Jaina.. I spent months progressing on Siege of Ogrimmar and pugging it daily.. if I ever hear one more "I've conjured a blizzard, lead them into it" I'll probably punch a hole in my screen. :rolleyes:

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It's why I love Quinn. I don't care he betrays you.


I don't care either. I mean ideally, I'd prefer it if we could talk him out of "it" but the thing I like best about that romance is that it's fraught and troubled. I just find the tension appealing.


Are any other romances quite like Quinn's? I mean like, difficult. I actually know very little about many of them, including Kira's.

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I felt that way ever since Battle for the Undercity. "All I ever wanted was to study. All I ever wanted was to study. All I ever wanted was to study." :mad:


I loved the Wrathgate story line up until that point, I was also a bit miffed when they removed it. I can't stand Jaina Proudmoore, and it was never her voice! At least Gideon Emery voices Lor'themar Theron. Sounds exactly like Fenris from DA2. Troy Baker (Zenith and Theron) also voices Gul'dan. That's even more hilarious.

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Oh I'm aware of his lack of emotions, the fact he could thus far never actually love you in return or really even get a happy (I think??) but that doesn't make him any less attractive in my eyes. It's a "I would if he could" type deal and i do think he's most definitely a smart man. I respect him in a great many ways.


Great. Now I'm picturing the female jk um....doing naughty things to him. A stirring is happening, she gets excited, looks up with doe eyes at Scourge and says 'oh you feeling anything?'


And Scourge responds with 'I need to pee.'


Well, mood killer and off he goes to tinkle while you rethink maybe Rusk or Doc would have been better. :p

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Troy Baker (Zenith and Theron) also voices Gul'dan. That's even more hilarious.


lolwut :eek:


Great. Now I'm picturing the female jk um....doing naughty things to him. A stirring is happening, she gets excited, looks up with doe eyes at Scourge and says 'oh you feeling anything?'


I don't suppose you've ever seen the Syfy show Haven? This reminds me of it. :jawa_biggrin::jawa_angel:

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