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Favorite color crystal?


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The ones I use most are the


*Purple with the white core

*Yellow with the black core

*Purple with the black core


I have always wanted a solid silver crystal or a black crystal. But as far as I know the all black one doesn't exist, & the silver one is so rare it could be classified as "urban legend" lol

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Depends on my characters

Jedi blue for sentinel. Amethyst for my consul, and another consul has green whilst another has pink

Sith war red, whilst my inquis has a mixture of orange, amethyst, or green

Only one I dislike is the yellow ones

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The black-cored purple look nice enough, and they're a free fill-in. They give me something fairly nice looking, maximized for their stat, that I can use on any character until I find, buy, or make something better.


After that, it depends on the character, etc. My single favorite is the black-cored red.



I've never had any use for the 80s-saturday-morning-cartoon "this is a villain" nonsense about color-coding characters by their saber blade color.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Call me bland and boring, but for me it has always been classic blue/green/purple for Jedi and red for Sith. Other colors, especially black core and mixed ones, don't really feel like Star Wars to me.

Yeah, those colors are much more reminiscent of that other fictional universe that has light sabers in it.

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I was lucky enough to get an Orange-Black Eviscerating in a pack once, or maybe it was cheap on the GTN....


I spent some time saving up pre-4.0 for the Orange-Black Hawkeye for all my toons. Yknow, cuz we used to want to stack power and all.. anyway I'm glad that Eviscerating one was equipped and collected. There's just something about an orange lightsaber......

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Jedi Guardian: Green (used to be orange, but he's redeemed)

Jedi Shadow: Blue

Sith Juggernaut: Hot Orange (used to be blood red, but I found hot orange describing his aggression better in my little world)

Sith Sorcerer: Purple or Magenta (depends on a day)


Can't stand any black core sabers for some reason.

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With all the different toons I run, most of them having different looks and colors (dye mods) I always try to color coordinate their crystal to their armor. Last night I rolled a new trooper in the Stalker Armor, put a white/light orange dye mod on her, then equipped her with the Advanced Black-Orange Indestructible crystal. Jorgan was matched exactly the same way (yes I know companions don't need stats anymore but they still have to Look right to me). My Sith Juggernaut DPS is running with Advanced Black/Red, Sith Juggernaut Tank is running with Dark Blue/Indigo, Inquisitor Tank is running with Black/Purple .... everything has to match their armor and profession. Okay, Okay, I know I'm being girlie but hey ... it works for me! :D
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I prefer the traditional red, green, and blue. I'll sometimes use "subscriber reward" black/purple in off hand items like generators, vibroknives, focii, etc. I have a couple of farmhand blues and sea greens because they can't be vendored and they're so ubiquitous you can't give them away. But my preference is for the traditional red, blue and green crystals, by far. No tutti-frutti lightsabers for me, thank you anyway.
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What's your favorite color crystals and why? Simple as that.

red for Sith; green or blue for Jedi; green for Imperials; red for Pubic blasters.


I am quite unhappy I can't have the classical colors in the Cartellmarket. :(

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As simple as it gets: Cyan, Magenta and Purple. They're not cartel market items (and never should become), and they were really tough to acquire back in the days of columi/rakata gear. My artificer toon can build them all, guess how much I invested to get to that point! Which is precisely why I do not want the schematics to be vendor stuff - to me those crystals are almosy the same as the CE reward black-green crystals, access to them (at least considering crafting schematics) should be limited to those who actually earn them.


When it comes to CM crystals, farmhand blue is kinda nice, but I also had my SI use a lime-green one with her green outfit (not light side, just individual ;-)). Occasionally I also use black-purple in all variations, and what absolutely got me is the fire orange crystal. Wielding a lava saber is kinda cool, I'll acquire some of those for me.


Weirdest combo IMHO is stuff like yellow-blue and those other "three color" crystals. I think this is just too much. In time we'll have a rainbow color crystal.


Only thing I'd definitely still look forward to is the "blacklight/UV" crystal, I guess that'd be kinda cool.

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