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Your most hilarious baddie rants or moments in a WZ


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I got called out for losing a node in Civil War once. The guy was very angry, calling me all sorts of stuff, hinting that i might be the worst player and certinatly the worst guard ever. He also wanted me to uninstall the game and go play some childs game instead, i mean how could i just stand there and let them cap!? -He asked.


The thing was though...I was never guarding, HE was. He just took all the things he did wrong at that node and blamed them on me! And when i tried to defend myself, he just kept calling me bad and telling me to stop blaming others =D


That was probably the most hilarious baddie rant i've gotten so far lol. Kudos to him for mastering the art of trolling :D

Why trolling? He might be genuinely trying to save face. It's pathetic and sad really.

Edited by Kaedusz
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.....I just sat and watched him die to that Jugg and two other enemy players. Okay, maybe not hilarious. LOL I'd like to hear your thug baddie stories, though. :)


I'd tell you my stories, but as Scrapper Scoundrel, your initial post is a pretty much a variant of what happens to me more often than nont.


I try not to ninja unless absolutely necessary around round 3. If you don't have anyone on your team trying to cap for two rounds, it generally makes the guard relax a bit and not expect anyone as you alluded to.


Explaining these kind of tactics to random players usually is pointless though. Hell even some guys in my own guild don't even listen to me and just try and get it first round. Most people aren't thinking 3 or 4 moves ahead.

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ACW. My Sniper caps snow.

I called snow 1

I called snow 2

I called snow 3

I called inc Snow lots! FFS!

Snow lost. I can't repel that magnitude of firepower.


Some Assassin started chewing me out with lots of salty stars in ops chat for not holding snow, saying no incs called. :confused:

When I mouse over our players on the map, he's at grass, with 2 'friends', certainly not fighting anyone.... while the rest of us 5 battle the enemy 8 trying to get snow and mid back.

We lose. I manage 14 medals. ( tho' not top) The guy raging scored no DPS or protection whatsoever.

God bless our healers, they certainly earned their medals that match.


Edited by Storm-Cutter
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Silly question. Why was some kid going on an insulting rant when I capped the other teams node last night. I would think thats a tactic that would work. Although happy to hurl insulting comments about my play style (or lack of it:-) their comments did not help my understanding of the subject in the slightest .Even after several whispers All they could do was talk smack. So why shouldn't I do that when playing hyper gates?
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I bet your premade killed him several times on the opposing faction, and he finally decided to hop characters to find your group. I have done similar stuff and it comes from a place of sheer frustration. He might be inexperience (early enemy node cap) but he also might have tried to deliberately throw the match.


It's nearly impossible to know, Lundorff. It had been Imp vs Imp for a while and, far as I can remember, he was on our team most the time. He just suddenly went off. The thing about him trying to cap early was less about him capping early and more about him suddenly demanding I help him after insulting my guildies and I for 3 minutes straight and telling us HE wouldn't help US.


So...I did not help him. Fair's fair, yeah?

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ACW. My Sniper caps snow.

I called snow 1

I called snow 2

I called snow 3

I called inc Snow lots! FFS!

Snow lost. I can't repel that magnitude of firepower.


Some Assassin started chewing me out with lots of salty stars in ops chat for not holding snow, saying no incs called. :confused:

When I mouse over our players on the map, he's at grass, with 2 'friends', certainly not fighting anyone.... while the rest of us 5 battle the enemy 8 trying to get snow and mid back.

We lose. I manage 14 medals. ( tho' not top) The guy raging scored no DPS or protection whatsoever.

God bless our healers, they certainly earned their medals that match.



For some reason that reminds me of a time when I was guarding snow in ACW. I was sitting 30 meters or so away from the cap but still within easy closing distance. Random guy on our team calls me something like, "U fu***** tar*! Why r u so far away from the cap!? U ned to be right next to it!" LOL I rationalized that if he didn't understand why we stay well out of stun capping range then there was no point in explaining it.

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Silly question. Why was some kid going on an insulting rant when I capped the other teams node last night. I would think thats a tactic that would work. Although happy to hurl insulting comments about my play style (or lack of it:-) their comments did not help my understanding of the subject in the slightest .Even after several whispers All they could do was talk smack. So why shouldn't I do that when playing hyper gates?


Nogo, it's very difficult to pinpoint what gets these people torqued in the first place. It's all very random most of the time. Like another player here posted, he got insulted for being a sh**** node guard when, in fact, the guy insulting him was guarding that node. LOL All you can do, I think, is laugh at'em and then /ignore.


Capping an enemy node does indeed help your team often times by putting pressure on the opposing team to come take it back, and thus having fewer people on their team to defend or keep another node.

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Ive seen people completely leave a node unguarded to go to try to take the other teams node so that it will "distract them and get them to focus on guarding that node." Mean while the other team just caps the node that was left undefended :rolleyes:
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I try not to ninja unless absolutely necessary around round 3. If you don't have anyone on your team trying to cap for two rounds, it generally makes the guard relax a bit and not expect anyone as you alluded to.
More importantly, you realistically can expect only one successful ninja. Delaying it can be the difference between ending the game a round earlier or not. The first round alone is worth so few points that a decent team can overcome the deficit.
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Silly question. Why was some kid going on an insulting rant when I capped the other teams node last night. I would think thats a tactic that would work. Although happy to hurl insulting comments about my play style (or lack of it:-) their comments did not help my understanding of the subject in the slightest .Even after several whispers All they could do was talk smack. So why shouldn't I do that when playing hyper gates?


In AHG, capping the other teams node is not a good tactic if it's capped early and cannot be held. They get a recap bonus when they get it back and if the game is close it could be the deciding factor in the match.

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My favorite is still the time I was following an operative on my team who had the huttball. I was healing from behind. He gets 10m from the endzone, stops, and throws the ball into the scoring area to no one, like it was the world's widest basketball hoop. He stealthed after the throw and I never saw him again in the wz (he did not drop warzone, either)
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I've been called out in an unranked warzone chat for "intentionally throwing solo ranked matches." Naturally, I was confused and replied with "Uhhh, I think you have the wrong guy." I was then informed that I had been reported to BW for trolling ranked. After the game, I took a peek at the leaderboards - my rating was higher than that guy's rating. So...if I was throwing ranked matches, then that guy...ummm...yeah. :D I tried to whisper him after the game and tell him to actually look at the leaderboards and get the right person prior to making such an accusation, but I was being ignored haha. No wonder it takes so long to get any action against real win trading - BW has to filter out a bunch of bogus reports.


I've also seen somebody call out an AP PT on our team in a solo ranked match for throwing games. The person was lamenting that it was going to be an automatic loss for us. The PT did not respond. We won in the first two rounds. Later on in the season, that AP PT was very close to tier 1. So, most definitely NOT throwing matches.

Edited by teclado
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Was healing for about the second time in 2 years and i was grouped with one guildy. My team cleared out mid, and the gen chat rant started "nice premade!". My guildie and I were the only 2 people from the same guild in the group. This is why I have such a hard time giving any credit to the "premade max problem N/A" people.
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Was healing for about the second time in 2 years and i was grouped with one guildy. My team cleared out mid, and the gen chat rant started "nice premade!". My guildie and I were the only 2 people from the same guild in the group. This is why I have such a hard time giving any credit to the "premade max problem N/A" people.


Apparently the definition of "premade" largely depends, anymore, on the level of butthurt from the insulting player. Little do they know that a large number of premades aren't always from the same guild. So what they may think is an extremely good PUG....is actually a premade. LOL

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My favorite is still the time I was following an operative on my team who had the huttball. I was healing from behind. He gets 10m from the endzone, stops, and throws the ball into the scoring area to no one, like it was the world's widest basketball hoop. He stealthed after the throw and I never saw him again in the wz (he did not drop warzone, either)


I'm going to have to do this one lol. I bet it makes my team soooo angry after I do it a couple of times.

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I'm going to have to do this one lol. I bet it makes my team soooo angry after I do it a couple of times.


Another huttball one, Queshball this time. We were down 1-0. One of our pugmates gets the ball and starts running up the ramp into our own goal. I pulled him back to the other ramp, but he must have thought I was just an enemy, and he kept running back to the other ramp. I can just imagine what's going through his head that whole time, because the enemy is obviously not attacking him, and our own players are running around not being able to do anything to stop him in his pursuit of scoring, so it looks like he has a massive entourage of supporters (except me, being dumbfounded back at the other ramp typing he's going the wrong way, I think his chat was off because he did not stop). He was finally gonna score his first goal in Queshball!! The other team thanks him for the score and the rest of the match goes 6-0 in short order after our team drops like flies or just gives up and stands at mid.


To be fair to him, if you don't know the map at all, it's easy to get turned around until you get your bearings.


To be conspiratorial, is that what win-trading looks like?

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Apparently the definition of "premade" largely depends, anymore, on the level of butthurt from the insulting player. Little do they know that a large number of premades aren't always from the same guild. So what they may think is an extremely good PUG....is actually a premade. LOL


That's what I see often. Sometimes I don't even check the rest of my team, I'm just there to play. Suddenly the other side starts complaining, so I check my team and see one pair from a guild and the rest are pugs. I don't say anything, I assume telling the other team that there isn't a big premade on our side would just be piling on at that point...

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this one happened to me last night. we had an op that decided he was going to spend the entire match in stealth at their pylon. going on in chat about don't worry, he was gonna stealth cap it, blah blah blah. coming back from my fifth respawn in the first round (ya one of those matches), i see a sentinel trying to run an orb, so i jump on him right outside the center area, trying to get him to stand and fight rather than run the orb. unfortunately, he wasn't falling for it, force choked me and predationed off, so i moved the 15 meters back into center. of course, fail op fails the cap, so then he starts ranting in chat about how it was my fault and i ****ed it all up. tells his guildie not to heal me anymore, etc.
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So i dont usually do pvp at 65 becos the players there are usually idiots who think every regular warzone is the most important game of the year! Especially if its huttball (let it be known i hate, deeply hate huttball in every way adn mostly never even try during a game of that crap)


So i grouped with a guildie to get some conquest done and cos lets face it, pvp is about the closest thing to entertaining endgame we have left..


So ofcourse we get huttball, what else... We zone in, realize no one in our team is actively trying to go for the ball + reps have a cute premade. I was the only one healing in our team so my little ****** sorc i dont take out all too often since my pve healer is an operative, gets stunlocked often, like, often often, everytime we get the ball im 70m away from the carrier so when the game is at 4-1 for reps i get called out for ****** heals, cos you know, its ridiculously easy to heal people on the other side of the map! Aaaaanyway, the game end and thus begins the funniest whispers i've received in a long time:

Tryhard: "are u retarded? cos you only healed like 0.5k more than me and im dps"

me: yea im a retard, want a hug or something?

tryhard: lol u pve scrub ur a *******

me: yes i am

tryhard: lololol ur so bad, how do u only do 2.5k on sorc?

me: cos im a *******?

ttryhard contineues to insult me and tell me how bad i am (cos i give a crap right?) and should focus on crafting and flashpoints like all bads ever becos bads are not allowed to play with the big boys


I ended up giving him a "<3" to end the whipers from my side, he went on for a while but i had other things to do and stopped following..


I can understand rage when you que for ranked and get some ****** group, but for a regular warzone during server primetime? oh well, not like i expect anything else from people in pvp guilds on a pve server

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So i dont usually do pvp at 65 becos the players there are usually idiots who think every regular warzone is the most important game of the year! Especially if its huttball (let it be known i hate, deeply hate huttball in every way adn mostly never even try during a game of that crap)


So i grouped with a guildie to get some conquest done and cos lets face it, pvp is about the closest thing to entertaining endgame we have left..


So ofcourse we get huttball, what else... We zone in, realize no one in our team is actively trying to go for the ball + reps have a cute premade. I was the only one healing in our team so my little ****** sorc i dont take out all too often since my pve healer is an operative, gets stunlocked often, like, often often, everytime we get the ball im 70m away from the carrier so when the game is at 4-1 for reps i get called out for ****** heals, cos you know, its ridiculously easy to heal people on the other side of the map! Aaaaanyway, the game end and thus begins the funniest whispers i've received in a long time:

Tryhard: "are u retarded? cos you only healed like 0.5k more than me and im dps"

me: yea im a retard, want a hug or something?

tryhard: lol u pve scrub ur a *******

me: yes i am

tryhard: lololol ur so bad, how do u only do 2.5k on sorc?

me: cos im a *******?

ttryhard contineues to insult me and tell me how bad i am (cos i give a crap right?) and should focus on crafting and flashpoints like all bads ever becos bads are not allowed to play with the big boys


I ended up giving him a "<3" to end the whipers from my side, he went on for a while but i had other things to do and stopped following..


I can understand rage when you que for ranked and get some ****** group, but for a regular warzone during server primetime? oh well, not like i expect anything else from people in pvp guilds on a pve server


I just wanted to encourage you, Madeklu, that most PvP'ers aren't like this person. I know I'm off topic on my own post, but please don't let that child colour your opinion of all PvP'ers. I even received lengthy whispering insults from some weirdo one night because.....I used a WZ medpac in a 1v1 with him. He lost that duel, which is why I think he became emotionally unbalanced over something so silly. I put him on ignore and then focused him every time I saw him in a WZ. :D Was that childish of me? lol

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Maybe this won't be necessarily hilarious to some of you, but it amused me. :D


Last night in a Hypergate, on my Con-Op, I say to the team at the very tippy start of the match, "Please don't try and ninja their pylon until round 2"


Angry player, "I'm not helping a loser coward premade" I remain silent. A guildy says, basically, "Then go afk under spawn" The angry player calls him several offensive names and then challenges my guildy to a 1v1 after the match. This goes back and forth for a few seconds with the angry player insulting us, among which they frequently called us a "coward loser premade". Bear in mind, please, that we didn't even know this guy, had never said anything to him before, or otherwise had any interaction with him.


He goes to their pylon on the first round and caps it 2 minutes early. He is nearly instantly crushed by 4 enemy players and they retake their pylon, gaining more points in the process, of course. Round 2. I go to theirs to attempt a stun cap. Angry player is on his way as well, I notice. Their guard is smart and is way away from the pylon but within easy closing distance of it. Angry player sleep darts him with nearly 2 minutes to go before sync (total noob move). I just watch. He then calls me a loser a-hole something or other and demands that I help him.


I just sat and watched him die to that Jugg and two other enemy players. Okay, maybe not hilarious. LOL I'd like to hear your thug baddie stories, though. :)


Regardless of his rant.. Which is pretty funny... His tactic in the first round is viable if you get out of mid and help..

You do know that holding both nodes or even preventing them capping one is better than box orbs?

Being in a premade does not give you the right to dictate the game or strategy.. Maybe watch the map and if you see some of your guys or even one head there and your node is safe.. Get out of mid and help.. Unless your team is so bad and can't hold 2 nodes or prevent them capping one.. In which case he was probably right on how bad you were,

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I did see a funny rant last night in void star.. This guy kept telling everyone they were sh*t and he wasn't getting healed either.. Also kept calling help inc, but not how many.. ran out of range of the healers who were trying to keep people alive at the doors because the reps just continued to door spam while AOEing it..

We just ignored him as everyone else on the team was using the map and also knew when to switch sides before the fool even called.. But the best part of his rant was how their team had made it across the bridge and were trying to cap the door, he was still telling us how bad we were for letting them through and the I look at the map and he is still in the first room.. I LMAO at that point.. Made a note of his name to make sure he is my focus target if on the other teams.

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