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Your most hilarious baddie rants or moments in a WZ


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Maybe this won't be necessarily hilarious to some of you, but it amused me. :D


Last night in a Hypergate, on my Con-Op, I say to the team at the very tippy start of the match, "Please don't try and ninja their pylon until round 2"


Angry player, "I'm not helping a loser coward premade" I remain silent. A guildy says, basically, "Then go afk under spawn" The angry player calls him several offensive names and then challenges my guildy to a 1v1 after the match. This goes back and forth for a few seconds with the angry player insulting us, among which they frequently called us a "coward loser premade". Bear in mind, please, that we didn't even know this guy, had never said anything to him before, or otherwise had any interaction with him.


He goes to their pylon on the first round and caps it 2 minutes early. He is nearly instantly crushed by 4 enemy players and they retake their pylon, gaining more points in the process, of course. Round 2. I go to theirs to attempt a stun cap. Angry player is on his way as well, I notice. Their guard is smart and is way away from the pylon but within easy closing distance of it. Angry player sleep darts him with nearly 2 minutes to go before sync (total noob move). I just watch. He then calls me a loser a-hole something or other and demands that I help him.


I just sat and watched him die to that Jugg and two other enemy players. Okay, maybe not hilarious. LOL I'd like to hear your thug baddie stories, though. :)

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One night I was playing my sage and I had a bad marauder stalking me all night the final score for the night may have been 30-0 I kited and killed him repeatedly all night. Both of us ignored objectives and I just farmed him all night.


The funny part was he wss totally convincef that I was being "dishonorable" for "running" and should stand and fight him face-to-face he got so beligerant through the night he only typed in caps


some of his hightlights were







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Once I played carnage mara and somehow ended up guarding a node on Novare coast.

A little later I saw AP PT (pre-nerf) running to me. We engaged into 1v1 and suddenly I was ambushed by 2 or 3 stealthers. I cloaked and called for help, after this ran to health boost, popped cooldowns and managed to kill that PT.

I even survived later because healer arrived quickly and helped me.

After I become alone again I saw PT running once more. He didn't kite and allowed me to destroy him. Then he wrote something like "fk me, warriors are easy class, designed for mongoloids for insta-win".

I lolled and said that AP PT should ALWAYS kill mara, especially carnage. He said to fk me again and that all force users are OP and should be nerfed. :D

Of course his dps on the scoreboard was around 500-600.

Edited by DerSchneider
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I can't recall any grand awesome rants, but generally the ones that humor me the most begin in the warzone.


A guy will /say, "hacks you been reported", or something like that. Usually that gets followed by a second "BS hacks enjoy your ban" when they die again.


After the match, they follow that up with a personal tell... "Just wanted to let you know I reported that cheating **** you did in the wz".


THEN, I go to respond to the guy and I get the "you have been ignored" or whatever the ignore message says.


The guy sends me harassing tells, then before I can respond he sticks me on ignore. Those are the best. :rolleyes:

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I got accused of exploiting on one of my marauders while I was leveling it in midbies. I was guarding Grass in an ACW, and this merc came to the node. I call it out, but help didn't come so I figured I'd just kill him. I was playing carnage at the time, and this was around... patch 2.6 or so?


I was getting to low HP, and was waiting for my gore/force scream to come off CD, so I jumped below the node platform and the merc just sat there.. after about 3 seconds, he just says "lol nice exploit. reported".


I was very confused and whispered him after I killed him. Apparently, using LoS is an exploit because he "couldn't shoot me".


Also more recently, been called a hacker playing Fury with the CC immunity by several bad assassins, and a jugg.

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I got accused of hacking, top tier pvp to boot too. I was helping my sentinel friend try to capture a node. And apparently my friends Transcendence ( Predation ) and my force speed, is speed hacking.


“Nice hacking, recorded and reported.”

"Speed hacks?, Really (My name)"


I definitely got a kick out of it, and then I force sped on CD around him and run around him in circles the rest of the match. Zoom zoom zoom! :p:p:p



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Also more recently, been called a hacker playing Fury with the CC immunity by several bad assassins, and a jugg.



This. I play Concentration and I'm terrible at it, but it never fails to get a "Fkn HACKER using exploits to have full resolve 24/7" -- I've stopped using /s Force Exhaustion gives CC immunity.


It never sinks in.


Last night had some Gunslinger constantly talking smack saying "RUN FROM YOUR GEAR shatters* " and the such.

He did 200k damage the entire Voidstar.

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This. I play Concentration and I'm terrible at it, but it never fails to get a "Fkn HACKER using exploits to have full resolve 24/7" -- I've stopped using /s Force Exhaustion gives CC immunity.


It never sinks in.


Last night had some Gunslinger constantly talking smack saying "RUN FROM YOUR GEAR shatters* " and the such.

He did 200k damage the entire Voidstar.


Haha, yeah I 1v1'd this Deception Assassin on my conc sent in an ACW about 5 times in a row, every time she died she was like, "hmm, something is odd with you" in the chat and I just kept going, "yeah, you kept trying to stun me while my CC immunity was up", then finally she accused me of hacks. Hilarious how stupid some people are.

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Thats funny. On that topic I was dancing with a mara on my sin he kept stealthing out and running off to heal then coming back and having another go, every time I would break contact via stealth, the stealth would be broken in a couple of secs and he would be on me again. I have no idea why as I'm specced to shroud when I cloak. Its like he could see me through my stealth and knew where I was to throw sabers at me and stuff. Or maybe its chilling scream breaking me out? Totally pass, but it did confuse me.


Another Derp moment from me was stood still on my Sin in the middle of a voidstar trying desperately to cloak, force speed anything to get away from the 3 warriors all ravaging me at the same time. Couldn't figure out why nothing was ahppening. Was it lag? was I hacked? then I saw the laughing BH and was like "oh... electronet...why didnt I CC break?" I have got to learn what all these debuffs do :( been too long since I played.

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Thats funny. On that topic I was dancing with a mara on my sin he kept stealthing out and running off to heal then coming back and having another go, every time I would break contact via stealth, the stealth would be broken in a couple of secs and he would be on me again. I have no idea why as I'm specced to shroud when I cloak. Its like he could see me through my stealth and knew where I was to throw sabers at me and stuff. Or maybe its chilling scream breaking me out? Totally pass, but it did confuse me.


Another Derp moment from me was stood still on my Sin in the middle of a voidstar trying desperately to cloak, force speed anything to get away from the 3 warriors all ravaging me at the same time. Couldn't figure out why nothing was ahppening. Was it lag? was I hacked? then I saw the laughing BH and was like "oh... electronet...why didnt I CC break?" I have got to learn what all these debuffs do :( been too long since I played.


It's -very- easy to get sins out of stealth with a quick Sweeping Slash/Cyclone Slash after they vanish out. White damage (melee) goes through Shroud (which only protects from yellow), so if you're fast and the sin doesn't also phasewalk before vanishing, you can pop them out of stealth pretty reliably every time they vanish out, as a mara or jugg.

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Maybe this won't be necessarily hilarious to some of you, but it amused me. :D


Last night in a Hypergate, on my Con-Op, I say to the team at the very tippy start of the match, "Please don't try and ninja their pylon until round 2"


Angry player, "I'm not helping a loser coward premade" I remain silent. A guildy says, basically, "Then go afk under spawn" The angry player calls him several offensive names and then challenges my guildy to a 1v1 after the match. This goes back and forth for a few seconds with the angry player insulting us, among which they frequently called us a "coward loser premade". Bear in mind, please, that we didn't even know this guy, had never said anything to him before, or otherwise had any interaction with him.


He goes to their pylon on the first round and caps it 2 minutes early. He is nearly instantly crushed by 4 enemy players and they retake their pylon, gaining more points in the process, of course. Round 2. I go to theirs to attempt a stun cap. Angry player is on his way as well, I notice. Their guard is smart and is way away from the pylon but within easy closing distance of it. Angry player sleep darts him with nearly 2 minutes to go before sync (total noob move). I just watch. He then calls me a loser a-hole something or other and demands that I help him.


I just sat and watched him die to that Jugg and two other enemy players. Okay, maybe not hilarious. LOL I'd like to hear your thug baddie stories, though. :)


Yeah, but what you forget geezer is that most of you have no idea what the hell you are doing most of the time in this game, especially in PVP and then you have those people in pre-mades who think they are good because they have heals protecting them and guards and such, but reality of the matter is they are bollocks like most of you at this game, bar a few who know who I am talking about. So when you come up against say a solo uber player, who is efficient and knows what he or she is doing, and most of you piss about not knowing what you are doing, then expect a rant, period. If you do not like that, then simply do not play PVP, it is that blunt and simple geezer. You think he can av a rant like I can at you?. No, I will show you what a rant is mate, if you want, haha.


I like a good rant now and again, not because of a loss, but because of some of the idiotic things people constantly do in PVP matches which are seriously lamer and brain-dead decisions. From just not working as a team right through to no strategy, just run around aimlessly. Which then leads to a bum bashing, all because most sides just like to run around with no heads.


Oh by the way, Shifted guild your pre-made vs mine, sorry no match. I proved that 2 weeks ago before I had to go away on business and deal with real life, you do know what real life is yes Shifted?. I am going to prove it again because I think you hide behind loads of people for protection, and I will tag any guild who I think uses hard protection because most are unable to solo and are if I am being blunt again, inept at PVP in solo form. What I am saying is, your rubbish. On your own, bar a few respectable individuals you have in that guild, you are weak solo and rely too heavily on your pre-mades.


What was it, my last war zone a few weeks back, Shifted all over me like a fly on a turd, but unfortunately for them, I have my lads with me, so your over 1m damage on me was futile, as I have one of the best pre 65 healers that I group with, lol. So not only did we own you in that match, but I took 1m damage and dealt 1.5m damage. You had nothing to say about that did ya?. You only have something to say, like most of you, when I am solo pvping, because you all gang up thinking you can intimidate, ha ha. Na, nothing can intimidate me :). I can intimidate you though obviously, because when I am owing you lot, all of a sudden your mouths have all of a sudden tightly shut up. Strange a?.


I can categorically say this, that bar a few guilds, they know who they are who I respect in my own way, but the rest patch over their inefficiencies with specific groups to cover over their inept PVP skills.


Have a nice day, and how is that for a rant sir.


Kind regards



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Yeah, but what you forget geezer is that most of you have no idea what the hell you are doing most of the time in this game, especially in PVP and then you have those people in pre-mades who think they are good because they have heals protecting them and guards and such, but reality of the matter is they are bollocks like most of you at this game, bar a few who know who I am talking about. So when you come up against say a solo uber player, who is efficient and knows what he or she is doing, and most of you piss about not knowing what you are doing, then expect a rant, period. If you do not like that, then simply do not play PVP, it is that blunt and simple geezer. You think he can av a rant like I can at you?. No, I will show you what a rant is mate, if you want, haha.


I like a good rant now and again, not because of a loss, but because of some of the idiotic things people constantly do in PVP matches which are seriously lamer and brain-dead decisions. From just not working as a team right through to no strategy, just run around aimlessly. Which then leads to a bum bashing, all because most sides just like to run around with no heads.


Oh by the way, Shifted guild your pre-made vs mine, sorry no match. I proved that 2 weeks ago before I had to go away on business and deal with real life, you do know what real life is yes Shifted?. I am going to prove it again because I think you hide behind loads of people for protection, and I will tag any guild who I think uses hard protection because most are unable to solo and are if I am being blunt again, inept at PVP in solo form. What I am saying is, your rubbish. On your own, bar a few respectable individuals you have in that guild, you are weak solo and rely too heavily on your pre-mades.


What was it, my last war zone a few weeks back, Shifted all over me like a fly on a turd, but unfortunately for them, I have my lads with me, so your over 1m damage on me was futile, as I have one of the best pre 65 healers that I group with, lol. So not only did we own you in that match, but I took 1m damage and dealt 1.5m damage. You had nothing to say about that did ya?. You only have something to say, like most of you, when I am solo pvping, because you all gang up thinking you can intimidate, ha ha. Na, nothing can intimidate me :). I can intimidate you though obviously, because when I am owing you lot, all of a sudden your mouths have all of a sudden tightly shut up. Strange a?.


I can categorically say this, that bar a few guilds, they know who they are who I respect in my own way, but the rest patch over their inefficiencies with specific groups to cover over their inept PVP skills.


Have a nice day, and how is that for a rant sir.


Kind regards




Why place so much emphasis on 1 vs 1 ability in a team-based game?

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Why place so much emphasis on 1 vs 1 ability in a team-based game?


Lol yeah, even as someone who mains an operative DPS, I don't think 1v1 skill is the most important thing to have. Sure, it's useful especially if you're guarding an objective, but knowing how to use your cooldowns properly to not die in that scenario, regardless of if you kill the guy or not, is more important.

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I got called out for losing a node in Civil War once. The guy was very angry, calling me all sorts of stuff, hinting that i might be the worst player and certinatly the worst guard ever. He also wanted me to uninstall the game and go play some childs game instead, i mean how could i just stand there and let them cap!? -He asked.


The thing was though...I was never guarding, HE was. He just took all the things he did wrong at that node and blamed them on me! And when i tried to defend myself, he just kept calling me bad and telling me to stop blaming others =D


That was probably the most hilarious baddie rant i've gotten so far lol. Kudos to him for mastering the art of trolling :D

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The thing was though...I was never guarding, HE was. He just took all the things he did wrong at that node and blamed them on me! And when i tried to defend myself, he just kept calling me bad and telling me to stop blaming others =D


I know this behaviour from psychology. I know it as "projection".

Projecting all own bad sides on others.

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Why place so much emphasis on 1 vs 1 ability in a team-based game?


If not then the lame and silly excuse complaining about premades is gne.


Besides I think 1 vs 1 would be awesome to shut their faces, Let see a DPS with faster then usual cooldowns, very very hard to even hit due to HIGH defenses, deals ALOT of damage fast and with critting more often then hitting......mmmmmmm I LOVE 1 on 1.

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Yeah, but what you forget geezer is that most of you have no idea what the hell you are doing most of the time in this game, especially in PVP and then you have those people in pre-mades who think they are good because they have heals protecting them and guards and such, but reality of the matter is they are bollocks like most of you at this game, bar a few who know who I am talking about. So when you come up against say a solo uber player, who is efficient and knows what he or she is doing, and most of you piss about not knowing what you are doing, then expect a rant, period. If you do not like that, then simply do not play PVP, it is that blunt and simple geezer. You think he can av a rant like I can at you?. No, I will show you what a rant is mate, if you want, haha.


I like a good rant now and again, not because of a loss, but because of some of the idiotic things people constantly do in PVP matches which are seriously lamer and brain-dead decisions. From just not working as a team right through to no strategy, just run around aimlessly. Which then leads to a bum bashing, all because most sides just like to run around with no heads.


Oh by the way, Shifted guild your pre-made vs mine, sorry no match. I proved that 2 weeks ago before I had to go away on business and deal with real life, you do know what real life is yes Shifted?. I am going to prove it again because I think you hide behind loads of people for protection, and I will tag any guild who I think uses hard protection because most are unable to solo and are if I am being blunt again, inept at PVP in solo form. What I am saying is, your rubbish. On your own, bar a few respectable individuals you have in that guild, you are weak solo and rely too heavily on your pre-mades.


What was it, my last war zone a few weeks back, Shifted all over me like a fly on a turd, but unfortunately for them, I have my lads with me, so your over 1m damage on me was futile, as I have one of the best pre 65 healers that I group with, lol. So not only did we own you in that match, but I took 1m damage and dealt 1.5m damage. You had nothing to say about that did ya?. You only have something to say, like most of you, when I am solo pvping, because you all gang up thinking you can intimidate, ha ha. Na, nothing can intimidate me :). I can intimidate you though obviously, because when I am owing you lot, all of a sudden your mouths have all of a sudden tightly shut up. Strange a?.


I can categorically say this, that bar a few guilds, they know who they are who I respect in my own way, but the rest patch over their inefficiencies with specific groups to cover over their inept PVP skills.


Have a nice day, and how is that for a rant sir.


Kind regards




Ha ha ha ha ha! Ahhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha! Edd, that's not a rant. It's a ramble. What makes this even funnier, to me, is that I think you think I'm somebody else. LOL Who is this "Shifted" of whom you speak? Or did you just "name and shame" somebody?

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Maybe this won't be necessarily hilarious to some of you, but it amused me. :D


Last night in a Hypergate, on my Con-Op, I say to the team at the very tippy start of the match, "Please don't try and ninja their pylon until round 2"


Angry player, "I'm not helping a loser coward premade" I remain silent. A guildy says, basically, "Then go afk under spawn" The angry player calls him several offensive names and then challenges my guildy to a 1v1 after the match. This goes back and forth for a few seconds with the angry player insulting us, among which they frequently called us a "coward loser premade". Bear in mind, please, that we didn't even know this guy, had never said anything to him before, or otherwise had any interaction with him.


He goes to their pylon on the first round and caps it 2 minutes early. He is nearly instantly crushed by 4 enemy players and they retake their pylon, gaining more points in the process, of course. Round 2. I go to theirs to attempt a stun cap. Angry player is on his way as well, I notice. Their guard is smart and is way away from the pylon but within easy closing distance of it. Angry player sleep darts him with nearly 2 minutes to go before sync (total noob move). I just watch. He then calls me a loser a-hole something or other and demands that I help him.


I just sat and watched him die to that Jugg and two other enemy players. Okay, maybe not hilarious. LOL I'd like to hear your thug baddie stories, though. :)


I bet your premade killed him several times on the opposing faction, and he finally decided to hop characters to find your group. I have done similar stuff and it comes from a place of sheer frustration. He might be inexperience (early enemy node cap) but he also might have tried to deliberately throw the match.

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I got called out for losing a node in Civil War once. The guy was very angry, calling me all sorts of stuff, hinting that i might be the worst player and certinatly the worst guard ever. He also wanted me to uninstall the game and go play some childs game instead, i mean how could i just stand there and let them cap!? -He asked.


The thing was though...I was never guarding, HE was. He just took all the things he did wrong at that node and blamed them on me! And when i tried to defend myself, he just kept calling me bad and telling me to stop blaming others =D


That was probably the most hilarious baddie rant i've gotten so far lol. Kudos to him for mastering the art of trolling :D


This is the funniest story yet.

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