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Khem in KotFE....


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Given what we are hearing about Khem, it does not bode well for either Ashara or Jaesa, as like Khem both seem to have too many options for the current dev team!


So it looks like KotFE is getting even more Republic bias :mad:


Well, Khem is not a Force Sensitive female love-interest. Not that it gives Jaessa and Ashara an immunity from some "interesting" development"cougthjacobprizetaylorcougth"

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Given what we are hearing about Khem, it does not bode well for either Ashara or Jaesa, as like Khem both seem to have too many options for the current dev team!


So it looks like KotFE is getting even more Republic bias :mad:


How does this affect Ashara?

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I have my own theories on the companions and who is coming back and who isn't ( just theories, nothing more ... so take this with a big grain of salt ... )

it is kinda of convoluted and I know no one wants to hear it, so I will not bore you with the details -- all I'll say is that I have a sneaking feeling Jaesa (or like Khem, not her original form) .... will not be back --

Vette, yes --- Jaesa, no


Ashara is the one and ONLY love interest for the male Inquis --- they will have to bring her back or have a massive male protest on their hands ( and I can see the men's reasons, I'd be ticked too if I was male) --

the male Sith Warrior has a possible TWO love interests --- hummm --- interesting ---

fair to bring back both of one and none of the other ?

again; a massive protest will blow up -- not good for the game ( and not smart of the devs )


And so forth and so on for my theories for the other classes, and the pattern I see developing ... but just that .... theories

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You're the worst kind. 'Yes we're probably getting f'ed in the butt with this cheap replacement due to laziness, just deal with it guys, I like paying to get my butt f'ed'


How are we getting ****ed? I'm not a living wiki so I don't remember it well, but didn't the inquisitor and the Dashade "stipulate" (Pass me the term) a Force Bond? That thing means that if the inquisitor dies, the Dashade dies aswell, but if the inquisitor is far away, the Dashade still dies. So after 5 years of being on the opposite sides of galaxy, how can the Dashade still be alive, or at most not in life danger? If it is, it's a miracle.


Plus, if you bothered to play its story, you can chose wheter to keep it as it is or let Zash take 100% control of its body.


Therefore, it makes completely perfect sense to replace it.


Khem Val is canonically and officially MIA at this point in story. Unofficially, however, it's already dead.

And for once you don't even have to go and read datamined informations to avoid spoilers. It's one of the worst kept secrets of this expansion since 4.0 dropped (They included the UI rename from Khem Val to "Dashade" in early access by mistake and decorations had the name changed aswell, things fixed only with the post-exploit patch), so anyone who thought the "amazing" Khem Val was coming back is a fool.

Edited by JeKoCZ
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I wouldn't be surprised if Inquisitors get the version of Khem that they ended up with while every other class gets a different Dashade that fulfills the same things. You can just use the same alien jibberish and change the subtitles like usual.
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How are we getting ****ed? I'm not a living wiki so I don't remember it well, but didn't the inquisitor and the Dashade "stipulate" (Pass me the term) a Force Bond? That thing means that if the inquisitor dies, the Dashade dies aswell, but if the inquisitor is far away, the Dashade still dies. So after 5 years of being on the opposite sides of galaxy, how can the Dashade still be alive, or at most not in life danger? If it is, it's a miracle.


Plus, if you bothered to play its story, you can chose wheter to keep it as it is or let Zash take 100% control of its body.


Therefore, it makes completely perfect sense to replace it.


Khem Val is canonically and officially MIA at this point in story. Unofficially, however, it's already dead.

And for once you don't even have to go and read datamined informations to avoid spoilers. It's one of the worst kept secrets of this expansion since 4.0 dropped (They included the UI rename from Khem Val to "Dashade" in early access by mistake and decorations had the name changed aswell, things fixed only with the post-exploit patch), so anyone who thought the "amazing" Khem Val was coming back is a fool.


Khem was still alive after centuries of separation and death of his previous master. There is always a way to do something impossible in SW. Granted, it could be done in such a cheesy manner that you will prefer the character you like being dead or lost in Unknown Space...


I would like to have Khem back. I do not think he is amazing, but I like him more then that pirate or Ashara. And with the amount of companions we have already, it would be nice to have someone who had some dialog and personality in the class story.


If Khem is dead, which may happen, I think its pretty stupid for SI to find ANOTHER Dashade in stasis. Just the same way we get HK-55 back after Arcann blasts him - is that turn made a perfect sence?


I wouldn't be surprised if Inquisitors get the version of Khem that they ended up with while every other class gets a different Dashade that fulfills the same things. You can just use the same alien jibberish and change the subtitles like usual.


That would be nice indeed.

Edited by RandomName_Ru
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How are we getting ****ed? I'm not a living wiki so I don't remember it well, but didn't the inquisitor and the Dashade "stipulate" (Pass me the term) a Force Bond? That thing means that if the inquisitor dies, the Dashade dies aswell, but if the inquisitor is far away, the Dashade still dies. So after 5 years of being on the opposite sides of galaxy, how can the Dashade still be alive, or at most not in life danger? If it is, it's a miracle.


Plus, if you bothered to play its story, you can chose wheter to keep it as it is or let Zash take 100% control of its body.


Therefore, it makes completely perfect sense to replace it.


Khem Val is canonically and officially MIA at this point in story. Unofficially, however, it's already dead.

And for once you don't even have to go and read datamined informations to avoid spoilers. It's one of the worst kept secrets of this expansion since 4.0 dropped (They included the UI rename from Khem Val to "Dashade" in early access by mistake and decorations had the name changed aswell, things fixed only with the post-exploit patch), so anyone who thought the "amazing" Khem Val was coming back is a fool.


We're getting f'ed because Bioware can't bother to actually come up with a way to bring him back due to the choice in the SI storyline without using tricks and deceit, it doesn't matter if it's leaked since forever.

They said they would never 'override the player's choice', so what to do when you're too lazy to bring the actual companion back, but you want to appear like you kept your promise ? You introduce a brand new companion of the same race and you just put a skin of the previous companion on him, and tada. It's easy not to override the player's choice with companions when they won't come back and you just decide to replace them, CHEAP AND EASY, no need to call back the voiceover actors and deal with two different versions, oh no, that's way too much work and it's not like they saw it coming, I mean it was probably a last minute change due to the recent sto... Oh wait, the SI storyline and the choice with Khem Val was released 5 years ago, I guess they're just amnesic or something then, but it's more likely they don't care much about all this pre-KOTFE annoying stuff heh ?


Also Khem Val survived a thousand years without his previous master who was long dead, I'm sure he can handle five years just fine. And anyway it's not like it would be the first major plot hole to plague this story if that bond thing is true, so I doubt Bioware even thought about this.

Edited by Lazproperty
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Khem was still alive after centuries of separation and death of his previous master. There is always a way to do something impossible in SW. Granted, it could be done in such a cheesy manner that you will prefer the character you like being dead or lost in Unknown Space...


Khem only survived the first time because he was put into stasis, it's not exactly a common thing even in the SW universe so perhaps Khem could not return to stasis while the inquisitor was away and died in the 5 years gap or perhaps he even refused to return to stasis we don't know though I hope that a writer will clarify this at some point, if nothing else but to relieve peoples fear about Jaesa.

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He survived centuries because he was in stasis, which means he was alive but "frozen" in time and space (Just like being frozen in carbonite). Now he's not.


Deal with it, part3.


Well, idk if was not clear enougth or you just like to say "deal with it". Let me repeat myself: he was in statis, yes, but why he did not droped dead then you got him out of it and instead formed a bond with SI?


Also, i will be fine with Khem being dead, i am not fine with getting a copy of him. It becomes overused trick.

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I wonder why people consider "Inquisitor dies = Khem dies", while Khem himself states quite the opposite. If I am not mistaken, near the end of his dialogues he says that he is going to guard Inquisitor's legacy and guard his master's tomb. Which is impossible without being able to survive after Inquisitor's death.

Can anyone give me a clear information on this subject?

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I wonder why people consider "Inquisitor dies = Khem dies", while Khem himself states quite the opposite


Direct quote from Khem Val's companion cutscene


"My master, you do not understand how the bond between us works. I cannot be long away from your side unless you free me"


Now assuming the fact that Khem Val does not get freed because (assume this as I cannot remember a cut scene freeing him), then without stasis or being set free then he is stating that he cannot be away from you for long so 5 years will likely have killed him.

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He survived centuries because he was in stasis, which means he was alive but "frozen" in time and space (Just like being frozen in carbonite). Now he's not.


Deal with it, part3.


I did my research to find some proof about this 'force-bond mean death if separated' thing, and I didn't find any ?


He said in his first conversation (yes I listened to them all over again) with you that the bond can be broken, and he also said in another that he can't long away from your side unless you free him. Not once is it stated he would die from it or anything like that, it's very much described as a bond of servitude or debt that ties him to you because you defeated him, he can't kill you and has to serve you indefinitely, nothing else. At worst he's incapacitated somewhere, and at best the bond is broken due to our forced disappearance.


I would also add that it's described by Khem as I quote a 'law bond' the first time you met him, not magic bond or something like that, it's his species code to fanatically serve and follow a powerful foe who defeated him and we don't know of any side effect if something wrong happens. As shown with Veshikk Urk, the dashade from Khem's companion quest, who is still alive after centuries without his master by his side (probably long dead) and without any statis involved, considering his master was said to be cruel and petty to everyone and also considering Veshikk himself had sith followers, I doubt his master decided to free him back then, so why is he still alive ?


I think you just made up that statement from assumptions to try and prove a point. That's what happens when you talk about something you don't remember very well, I guess.

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Direct quote from Khem Val's companion cutscene


"My master, you do not understand how the bond between us works. I cannot be long away from your side unless you free me"


Now assuming the fact that Khem Val does not get freed because (assume this as I cannot remember a cut scene freeing him), then without stasis or being set free then he is stating that he cannot be away from you for long so 5 years will likely have killed him.


That's not really a proof though, he's not saying he'll die if he's away from you, just that he can't leave you because he's bound to you by his code.


Also as I said above, Veshikk Urk.

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