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Survey on the story


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I am writing this to get a feel on what everyone thinks of the story since KoTFE, especially when comparing the story portion of the game to single player RPG style games out there (Games like Fallout 4 and Witcher 3). Is the single player story portion of the game really worth it? Is continuing on the single player story driven style going to be sustainable? Do you wish there was more multi-player options? Would you like to see more flashpoints and op especially if the coincide with the story arc? Or is it great the way the path is currently going? I look forward to reading replies.
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I've always played SWtOR as a single player game (since I started in early 2012), to me it's like any other good BioWare SP game, as such it's the only MMO I have ever liked. Personally I don't use any of the multiplayer content, though I did enjoy the Esseles/Black Talon flashpoints with other people, the few flashpoints I tried after that had very few cutscenes and conversations and did not interest me. I have never tried ops, PvP, starfighter, etc...and have no desire to. Though I do miss the individual class stories of the base 1-50 game, I know that's not sustainable and still greatly enjoyed SoR, Ziost, and KotFE (so far). Edited by Nefla
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I've always played SWtOR as a single player game (since I started in early 2012), to me it's like any other good BioWare SP game, as such it's the only MMO I have ever liked. Personally I don't use any of the multiplayer content, though I did enjoy the Esseles/Black Talon flashpoints with other people, the few flashpoints I tried after that had very few cutscenes and conversations and did not interest me. I have never tried ops, PvP, starfighter, etc...and have no desire to. Though I do miss the individual class stories of the base 1-50 game, I know that's not sustainable and still greatly enjoyed SoR, Ziost, and KotFE (so far).


Same here. No pvp, ops, starfighter, or grouping, just pve and single mode flashpoints. Can't say I've played too many other MMOs but I have played a couple other BW games in the past.


I feel like KoFtE is a little weaker storywise than, say, Mass Effect, but I'm still enjoying it a lot--cut scenes are half the fun for me, so I like that there's plenty of them (although the black bars of doom can DIAF). And having everything turned on its head after five years in carbonite makes for a refreshing perspective on the same characters and setting.


Didn't enjoy SoR as much due to being disappointed about Revan, but it was still fun otherwise. I like plots where everybody, especially long-standing enemies, has to work together. Lots of snark and threats and getting to see characters interact that you never imagined would, like Darth Marr and Satele Shan :D

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I've always played SWtOR as a single player game (since I started in early 2012), to me it's like any other good BioWare SP game, as such it's the only MMO I have ever liked. Personally I don't use any of the multiplayer content, though I did enjoy the Esseles/Black Talon flashpoints with other people, the few flashpoints I tried after that had very few cutscenes and conversations and did not interest me. I have never tried ops, PvP, starfighter, etc...and have no desire to. Though I do miss the individual class stories of the base 1-50 game, I know that's not sustainable and still greatly enjoyed SoR, Ziost, and KotFE (so far).


Same here. I play primarily for the class and planetary story arcs. I also tend to approach swtor as a single player game, and the only complaint I have in that regard is the lack of class-specific content in the continuing story. To be fair it's probably unwieldy and expensive, and I do enjoy kotfe so far.


The only extracurricular activities I engage in are occasional flashpoints or random pvp.

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I've always played SWtOR as a single player game (since I started in early 2012), to me it's like any other good BioWare SP game, as such it's the only MMO I have ever liked. Personally I don't use any of the multiplayer content, though I did enjoy the Esseles/Black Talon flashpoints with other people, the few flashpoints I tried after that had very few cutscenes and conversations and did not interest me. I have never tried ops, PvP, starfighter, etc...and have no desire to. Though I do miss the individual class stories of the base 1-50 game, I know that's not sustainable and still greatly enjoyed SoR, Ziost, and KotFE (so far).


Agree with this 100%

Edited by GreyLisa
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Well, compare to others MMO that has a single story, main story, etc.... TOR is far ahead. For KOTFE even though i prefer to continue the 8 classes story i understand that it wont be possible with the current finance problem, I like KOTFE since it make our choices actually mean something. I mean when we play an offline game we all know we can safely load back the save point to change our decisions, but with this, we actually think carefully about each choice. This is the feeling when i first started to play TOR, so great to have it back. I hope that with the support from fans and players they can make differences animation for each classes in season 2.


p/s: yes , i know i can choose not to save any file when play rpg but the prospect of have no choice at all is better.

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I understand why some people like the solo part but for me and some members of my guild we don't like the fact that we really can't group up with our boyfriends/significant others.


For us we started playing (at launch) with each other and now its like we don't matter to them. Two of my friends stopped playing because of this (and they are not into end game/flashpoints) but they were able before to do things together and now because bw has made this story solo we actually can't unless we want to do it twice and then if we group up a lot of times it bugs on us to the point we have to log out to reset it. That is not fun nor fair to those of us that like grouping up.


Yea, I know what a lot of you are going to say. Deal with it. Well we have been and two of them dealt with for as long as they could and left and they were long time subs.


Then with the stupid EC championship where you don't get the rewards (which is not worth it anyways) if you do it in a group they are basically making you solo it if you want the blasted rewards.


I know that the story is supposed to be like our class story except for one thing they are all the same thing so there is no reason they couldn't make it a choice for people who like to group up to let us decide if we were willing to accept the decision in a group setting or solo it but I have heard it over and over that its was that way from the beginning but they are giving us less things we can do as a group (unless you do end game stuff), unless you count the heroics but considering I am already at rank 20 there is less reason for those that get to rank 20 (alliance specialist) to do it.


So no I am not thrilled at how things are right now but I know most of you are going to say tough or deal with it and some have dealt with this and decided enough is enough and left.

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KOTFE? Not really impressed. It seems like they want to do KOTOR 3, while still giving us unique lines a la Makeb and Rishi/Yavin. Choices are supposed to matter, but as I watched and played it, the only big issue is whether or not you take Valk's power.

The whole story? I still love the classes. I do tend to play by myself since I work a lot, and with heroics being revamped it's even easier now.

What I think BW should do is try to balance MMO elements while allowing single players to advance as well. They should allow an option for a solo ending to Oricon, like the ending to SOR. To compromise, they should add a new operation for raiders, or bring back NIM KP and EV.

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I personally love the story and the single player thing. I would want a new flashpoint that also has a solo-mode. Dont need more group content cause I mostly play this game for the story. But I do wish the chapters were a bit longer, they are too short :/
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I'm not really interested in the story, mostly because now it's just a classic Bioware hero story instead of each class inspired by different SW characters, but they can't go back to this now so I just log in every month, play the released chapter with my 3 mains and log out until next month.
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I have greatly enjoyed the storylines in the vanilla game for all classes, though some more than others. While I was disappointed at the time that Makeb was only two storylines, I grew a lot more appreciative of it later, since that was the last time there was a decent storyline.


SoR had fanboy nostalgia cash cow written all over it and I was annoyed with it before I even played it. Would it kill someone to do something new with a Star Wars story, for crying out loud?


I wasn't happy with the direction of end game switching from group content to single player story, but I could stomach it because I assumed we would get similar quality story to the vanilla game. I was wrong.


That's not to say I was expecting class stories for everyone. I knew it would be one storyline. I just expected it to actually seem like a Bioware rpg, with characters you get to know and converse with and make decisions that affect the course of things.


Instead, we've gotten a cast of characters that are either completely bland (to which they keep adding more), do things that make no sense given their supposed personalities, or continue to be inexplicably absent with no good excuse for it.


The pc has been turned into bland hero x. Doesn't matter what your past has been. Doesn't matter what your alignment. Doesn't matter what faction you are. Doesn't matter what you choose or chose. At this point, someone could throw a Kowakian Monkey Lizard in the titular role and no one would know the difference.


Valkorion in the throne room (sees pc): "holy %@! a blank slate that will be important somehow later. Ima possess me that hot bod and write new destinies huehuehue!"


Then there's the whole "Choices that matter" thing. Something Bioware specifically promised, yet has delivered in the most miniscule way possible, continuing to promise that it matters "later", and yet 12 chapters in and any dialogue or choice continues to "not" matter. At this point, I'm starting to feel like a donkey chasing a carrot on a stick.


If they've gotten too lazy/financially strapped that they can't make a choice matter in a game, then there's not much hope of a good story at all, and there's certainly no replayability, two things that will sink this game even faster than lack of group content or bad cartel market design.


And that's not even going into the similar tropes from other Bioware games that have somehow popped up again and are supposed to pass for a great story.


I feel like I've given it enough of a chance. Keeping a monthly sub up for this isn't worth it to me. I'll probably stay subbed for the EC next month then wait for the end of the year before seeing if it's worth coming back.

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I actually do like the single player story driven factor alot. It isn't like any other MMOs. It's the reason I love this MMO so much. It is just story filled and draws you in by making you feel like your character is important and not just a robot who does quests and PvP. It also is not just story mode because it has many multiplayer quests, Flashpoints (dungeons) and Warzones (PvP) which also makes it great. I think the single player story driven factor is great because for people who are not a big fan of MMOs can get something that doesn't exactly feel like an MMO.
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I have greatly enjoyed the storylines in the vanilla game for all classes, though some more than others. While I was disappointed at the time that Makeb was only two storylines, I grew a lot more appreciative of it later, since that was the last time there was a decent storyline.


SoR had fanboy nostalgia cash cow written all over it and I was annoyed with it before I even played it. Would it kill someone to do something new with a Star Wars story, for crying out loud?


I wasn't happy with the direction of end game switching from group content to single player story, but I could stomach it because I assumed we would get similar quality story to the vanilla game. I was wrong.


That's not to say I was expecting class stories for everyone. I knew it would be one storyline. I just expected it to actually seem like a Bioware rpg, with characters you get to know and converse with and make decisions that affect the course of things.


Instead, we've gotten a cast of characters that are either completely bland (to which they keep adding more), do things that make no sense given their supposed personalities, or continue to be inexplicably absent with no good excuse for it.


The pc has been turned into bland hero x. Doesn't matter what your past has been. Doesn't matter what your alignment. Doesn't matter what faction you are. Doesn't matter what you choose or chose. At this point, someone could throw a Kowakian Monkey Lizard in the titular role and no one would know the difference.


Valkorion in the throne room (sees pc): "holy %@! a blank slate that will be important somehow later. Ima possess me that hot bod and write new destinies huehuehue!"


Then there's the whole "Choices that matter" thing. Something Bioware specifically promised, yet has delivered in the most miniscule way possible, continuing to promise that it matters "later", and yet 12 chapters in and any dialogue or choice continues to "not" matter. At this point, I'm starting to feel like a donkey chasing a carrot on a stick.


If they've gotten too lazy/financially strapped that they can't make a choice matter in a game, then there's not much hope of a good story at all, and there's certainly no replayability, two things that will sink this game even faster than lack of group content or bad cartel market design.


And that's not even going into the similar tropes from other Bioware games that have somehow popped up again and are supposed to pass for a great story.


I feel like I've given it enough of a chance. Keeping a monthly sub up for this isn't worth it to me. I'll probably stay subbed for the EC next month then wait for the end of the year before seeing if it's worth coming back.


Choices Do Matter,Apparently You Haven't Been Paying Enough Attention.

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At this point choices seem to matter in more subtle ways than bashing you in the head with a baseball bat.



If you decide to save the crew on Marr's ship rather than crashing it into the Eternal Fleet you win over Len. He ends up staying with the Alliance rather than mutinying with Koth if you decide to blow up the Spire. This may seem inconsequential, but the fact that Bioware makes it a point to let you know that he remembers what you do or not do gives you an indication that he will be important further down the line. It's the same for the faceless Imperial soldier who disapproves of your decision to save the soldiers on Marr's ship, Why did they give that particular soldier a name unless he wasn't important?



A lot of people are so focused on the fact there are 16 chapters listed by Bioware so far, but forget the fact that this is season 1. Have any of the developers actually confirmed that we'll have defeated Arcann and taken down the Eternal Empire by then?

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I think KotFE is their best story writing so far. I haven't played all classes but found the class story chapters 1 - 3 OK and a mixture of exciting and uninteresting. The KotFE story (and game mechanic changes) has really drawn me into this game now so it's become my number 1 game atm.


I play mostly solo but that's because of lack of available time to team, but I do occasionally team up and I enjoy some of the pre KotFE shareable missions and their stories.


The only other MMO I know with comparable story telling is TSW, which I think has more interesting story but it's close. I find it hard now to play non story drive MMOs.


All up I'm loving this game now and am hanging out for the next episode.

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Other than Koth potentially leaving, in what way have any of the Kotfe choices mattered so far?


Valkorians power offers have been quite interesting as well. If you accept his power the first times then refuse, that choice matters. I suspect most of the choices made in season 1 will carry over to season 2 for the repurcussions or rewards depending on how things are going.


Story will still be linear but it shou,d affect how things turn out.

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Other than Koth potentially leaving, in what way have any of the Kotfe choices mattered so far?


IDK them all,a fellow listed one a posts back,there is one that if you accept valkorion's power the first 2 times(to save Lana then to just own the zakuul scion)and refuses when fighting Arcann he basically takes control of you and possess you like the force ghosts did at the dark temple of Dromund Kaas,so basically he says something about not letting you put everything you 2 at risk and assumes control of your body shooting lightning.

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IDK them all,a fellow listed one a posts back,there is one that if you accept valkorion's power the first 2 times(to save Lana then to just own the zakuul scion)and refuses when fighting Arcann he basically takes control of you and possess you like the force ghosts did at the dark temple of Dromund Kaas,so basically he says something about not letting you put everything you 2 at risk and assumes control of your body shooting lightning.


So, counting Koth leaving and Valk taking control as opposed to surrendering control, that's two consequences for how many decisions now?


Outside of LS/DS points (which no one is really in any need of/has any benefit) or some slight convo differences in a few places, how are the outcomes of any other choices any different?


Even with Valkorion taking control, the outcomes of those "control events" through the story is nearly identical and in some cases is exactly identical as if you hadn't. The more the outcomes are the same, the more moot the PC "choices" become.

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At this point choices seem to matter in more subtle ways than bashing you in the head with a baseball bat.



If you decide to save the crew on Marr's ship rather than crashing it into the Eternal Fleet you win over Len. He ends up staying with the Alliance rather than mutinying with Koth if you decide to blow up the Spire. This may seem inconsequential, but the fact that Bioware makes it a point to let you know that he remembers what you do or not do gives you an indication that he will be important further down the line. It's the same for the faceless Imperial soldier who disapproves of your decision to save the soldiers on Marr's ship, Why did they give that particular soldier a name unless he wasn't important?



A lot of people are so focused on the fact there are 16 chapters listed by Bioware so far, but forget the fact that this is season 1. Have any of the developers actually confirmed that we'll have defeated Arcann and taken down the Eternal Empire by then?


Marr had the same thing, but he's dead.

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So, counting Koth leaving and Valk taking control as opposed to surrendering control, that's two consequences for how many decisions now?


Outside of LS/DS points (which no one is really in any need of/has any benefit) or some slight convo differences in a few places, how are the outcomes of any other choices any different?


Even with Valkorion taking control, the outcomes of those "control events" through the story is nearly identical and in some cases is exactly identical as if you hadn't. The more the outcomes are the same, the more moot the PC "choices" become.


I'm not really understanding your complaint here. These are chapters in a story. we are now 11 chapters into a 16 chapter story.


Rhetorical Question: In what part of a story is the climax and the "big reveals" and "holy ****, didn't see that coming!" kind of stuff most likely to be found? the first, second, third or final quarter?



Come back in August after Chapter 16 releases and this conversation might actually mean something.

Edited by MadDutchman
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I'm not really understanding your complaint here. These are chapters in a story. we are now 11 chapters into a 16 chapter story.


Rhetorical Question: In what part of a story is the climax and the "big reveals" and "holy ****, didn't see that coming!" kind of stuff most likely to be found? the first, second, third or final quarter?



Come back in August after Chapter 16 releases and this conversation might actually mean something.


For a story to be good, it doesn't have to hinge on one big "gotcha" moment. Bioware has employed that formula a number of times already and if they try to persist with it, it will entertain some no doubt, but those that have played all those other games (Kotor 1, Jade Empire etc.) will find it cliched and predictable.


The main complaint is the deliberate lack of direct consequences for numerous decisions all through the story up to this point. Case in point: Valkorion's "control" choices.

1. Will Lana Beniko die if you don't use Valkorion's power? no, Koth will just show up opportunely. End result is the same: Lana injured and crisis averted.

2. Does it matter if you use his power to defeat Heskal? no, Heskal gets defeated and finds out about Valkorion anyway.

3. Does it matter if you use Valkorion's power to defeat Arcann? not really, end result is the same, PC badly injured and Arcann knocked off the platform but survives somehow.


It's not a new complaint. Look on any other of the threads about things ppl wished were different or should be improved with Kotfe and you'll find the "choices that matter" thing come up repeatedly.


I'm aware that these might make some difference down the road and I hope they do, but it's no fun running through these first 12 chapters on alts because the story changes so little no matter what choices you make.


My fear is that Bioware Austin are so strapped for personnel/money/creativity/common sense/whatever that they're herding everyone down the same path regardless of what they choose simply because they can't/don't want to develop any other cutscenes/outcomes for different choices.

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