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Can't romance Lana


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Please don't start new threads. That's the worse thing you can do.


Please remember that these forums are player driven with little input from the dev team or staff. All you're doing is taking time away from those here who are trying to help others.


There's already threads like this one on the topic: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=875543


Also on many professional forums (unlike this one) stating that you're going to purposely create dupe threads is seen as harassment and usually an auto ban. May want to give some thought about that.




Never said I was posted nonstop threads I said it as people who have this bug need to post threads so yes this community driven forums can get more people aware of it. No one is taking away from anyone trying to help since the only people that can help is the devs since its a bug so they can fix it like I said this happened with 4.1 beginning of Feb. and at that time there was a few threads but still no word of it. Were all subs so this is a well forum thread theres no difference between this on and the one you linked maybe if they was a dev response but no. I have the right as well as other subs to post threads about bugs that affect us and go unnoticed

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If only they would fix the bugs instead of making new. Lana's romance is just broken beyond repair it seems and nobody a Bioware wants to admit the mistake. It's not like Bioware will fix it unless it affects them directly.


Lana prior to recent patch "Oh i love you, I'm going to save you!" smoochiesmoochie.


In comes the new patch. Nico now hates you so much he refuses to do work for you or accompany you on your adventures, meanwhile Lana doesn't give you a second look cause of course she has lost her memory and forgot she was exploring your mouth during the previous patch. But Theron is on Odessen and he wants your body now, though you never showed him interest and treat him like dirt., why you ask? well that's easy because him mom is a jedi.


But hey your cloak doesn't drag under your speeder when you ride now and that Varactyl well your cloak still drags on him. You armor will always clip here and there, your butt will show through belts at times, your slave garments will clip up under you.


Those new packs come out with cubes that give you old stuff. Red glowing eyes, Emote Menace. Yes you wasted money on the cartel market trying to get that Unstable Lightsaber just so you can look like a cheap knock off of Kylo Ren.


Those credit cases that you could slice and those wonder blue credit cases...yeah we don't want you to make money easily because you'll just buy off the GTN instead of buying from us and supporting our coffee breaks! We must have our coffee breaks 7 hours out of our 8 hour work day. 5 days a week. We go home and play the games that don't have problems because fixing problems in our own games is just too much like work!


In the end. Welcome to Star Wars: The Old Republic, Attack of the bugs and home of the cartel market.




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This is definitely still an issue. And on the "consistently" thing that Bioware said... I'm pretty sure "chose the flirt option every single time", which I did, counts as "consistently". I'm also kinda sick of the help staff in-game blaming me for not clicking on the right buttons. I've been clicking button for decades! I know what I'm clicking!


I'm wondering if it didn't trigger because I chose Valk's power in chapter 8 - which didn't give a post-fight flirt option. Or because Koth hates me and ran off in a huff at the beginning of the cantina scene.

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Using Valkorion's power at least once is safe. I did that with all my characters that went through FE, and romanced Lana with 5 out of 6. (Number 6 went for Theron).

One [Flirt] option (the one in the swamp while looking for fresh water) can also be skipped.

So you don't have to pick every single [Flirt] option, no.

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I did Kotfe and romance Lana a week ago and I was able to confirm My romance in the Catina scene. You guys might have already now this, but what it looks like is if people were not yet in chapter 10 during 4.2 romance flag bugged out. They might have to manually activate the romance flag lIke ask people to post the character who bugged on the forum.
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If you took Valkorion's power at all, does that negate any relationship with Theron?


My Jedi Knight

I know took it to save Lana, and I guess took it one other time, because when I went to deny him during Asylum, I could not. So yeah, she's been pretty bad.



This is why having these kinds of RPG choices but no ability to go back to a save point make this hybrid type of game annoying af.


Edit: Also: She romanced Theron during SoR, and

at the cantina during Ch. 9, said she wanted to talk to Theron, but he never triggered any flirt options and no romance started.



And even though she ended things with Doc officially, like told him no, he still sent her the letter after chapter 2. Please tell me she won't be stuck with him as her only option.

Edited by AnisaBadgett
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Update: Have discussed this and the Theron issue with several players and it does seem to be bugged for some of us. Also, why make it so surreptitious/difficult trying to re-kindle a romance with someone we've already romanced?


WE GET IT. OUR CHOICES MATTER. BUT IN REAL LIFE, there are better clues. And fewer bugs. At least, I hope your life is not as buggy as this game.

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I made a post about this, but I guess one is on going....go figure.


I certainly choose every flirt option, he is smuggler afterall.


I would really like to continue with my smuggy, but not if it means locking this romance out. Sounds lame a reason, but i preplanned it to be this romance for my character, even shot down both risha and the mando chick.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mine's broke too. I flirted with her every time then at the cantina party I didn't get a [Flirt] I need to talk with one of you, I got [Flirt] Theron, I need to talk to you


I had no idea this was the glitch, because I was trying to play un-spoiled, but after the convo with Lana alone was over, I was going.. Um shouldn't we have kissed or even got a flirt?? thats when I found this out.


BW FIX THIS PLEASE!! AT least give us a CH9 redo!!



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First: do not finish chapter 9. ESC during the cantina scene and reset the chapter. I hope that will make a fix later on easier.

And: welcome to the club. :(


P.S.: you haven't done anything wrong. It's a bug that happens when you start the KOTFE story during one game update, and play chapter 9 after the next update. Updates erase romance flags.

Edited by DesertusRatticus
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I tested this out on one character and it definitely seems to be bugged. Koth is the one that shows up in Chapter 8 even though Lana is the only one I've flirted with.


Or does not telling her about Valkorian disqualify the romance?


EDIT: So I tried replaying the chapter after going to the fleet and giving Lana some gifts. This somehow made it work properly. Not only did the flirt option near the beginning actually result in a kiss, but she did show up to save me at the end. Is this actually how it's supposed to work? Because that doesn't seem right.


If I didn't artificially raise Lana's influence by leaving the story, I might have missed out on her romance. If that's not a bug it seems like a poor design choice.

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I doubt you'll get anywhere with your ticket tbh. I submitted one too, asking for the flag to be reset (I didn't finish the chapter), but I got a reply asking me to create a bug report, because there was nothing they could do :(
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I am so mad right now. I first couldn't even start KOTFE because of the bug that they had with Ashara. Then when I am in the content there is now a bug with Lana. I didn't even catch the issue until after I fought Arcann. I had her affection up high, I was honest with her, I flirted with her ever chance but still this was broken. Every time there is a new patch or update it seems that they break something for me in this game. I submitted a ticket but I know how that goes. They will say submit a bug report and then nothing will ever happen. I am really close to just saying goodbye to this game right now.
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EDIT: So I tried replaying the chapter after going to the fleet and giving Lana some gifts. This somehow made it work properly. Not only did the flirt option near the beginning actually result in a kiss, but she did show up to save me at the end. Is this actually how it's supposed to work? Because that doesn't seem right.


If I didn't artificially raise Lana's influence by leaving the story, I might have missed out on her romance. If that's not a bug it seems like a poor design choice.

Oh, thanks, I will try that. Luckily I'm still at the point before the cantina scene and have that option.



I doubt you'll get anywhere with your ticket tbh. I submitted one too, asking for the flag to be reset (I didn't finish the chapter), but I got a reply asking me to create a bug report, because there was nothing they could do :(

That is exactly what I did. Submitted a ticket, got the same response to file a bug report, which I did.

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Well, it took them a year to fix the broken SoR romance intros, you probably have another 6 months to go for a fix for this issue... :rolleyes:


But they managed to make sure you can flirt with Satele in the latest chapter... :rolleyes:

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