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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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Lol you beat me to it Dymond but yes.


I took that line as "Anyone who claims the story is good isn't being honest" aka a liar. I would HOPE you didn't mean it as such because you're TUXs but it did come across more.. harsh and judgey than I'm used to from you. I mean.. had I posted something like "Anyone being honest would tell you OPs are terrible and a waste of time".. you, or others who DO enjoy OPs would likely get offended/defensive too thinking I'm calling you all liars. And that's just an example btw but you get my point right?


I'm not mad obviously, just seemed like a poor statement coming from you. Your personal dislike or lack of enjoyment of the story doesn't mean everyone who does enjoy it or thought it was good, isn't being honest. Their opinion simply differs from yours.


So does this mean...



Ride to hell is a good game after all depending on point of view?


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No no no...I didn't mean anyone who liked them was lying, just that suggesting that I go fetch items some farmer left behind at his home on Taris, isn't exactly that strong of a story when I'm supposed to be saving the freaking galaxy.


Your playing republic though, Jedi and the rest of the class types are crispy bacon. I mean that regardless of saving the Galaxy everyone has to at some point help granny cross the road! Otherwise you wouldn't be a Jedi, or any other light side character! And Sith do know how to cook bacon! :)

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No no no...I didn't mean anyone who liked them was lying, just that suggesting that I go fetch items some farmer left behind at his home on Taris, isn't exactly that strong of a story when I'm supposed to be saving the freaking galaxy.


anyone being honest about it could point out how absolutely terrible almost every story is.

...You really need to work on your wording then.

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So does this mean...



Ride to hell is a good game after all depending on point of view?


Never heard of the game but I'll bet there's at least 1 person on the planet who genuinely enjoys it or thinks it's good, even if it's only the creator. ;)

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So does this mean...



Ride to hell is a good game after all depending on point of view?


Actually, yes. It's just highly unlikely as objectively the game has too many flaws that you'd be hard pressed to find enjoyable to anyone unironicly.

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Never heard of the game but I'll bet there's at least 1 person on the planet who genuinely enjoys it or thinks it's good, even if it's only the creator. ;)


It's known as one of the worst video games of all time, look up ANgryJoe's or ProJared's review of it.

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Chapter 11 kind of sucked as well with that pointless run around and find the panels shtick and the boss fight wasn't that good, little more interesting than 10 however, but better than a bad rehashed one in 13. Much better on point with story however, and it feels like it pertains to certain classes more depending on your morality of course, RIP AHAHAHA villains.


The light puzzle and the light mechanics for the end boss were both welcome changeups. They couldn't be too intense, but I think they hit a good midpoint.

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If reviews were a deciding factor in playing a game, nobody here would be playing SWTOR. Just sayin.


surprisingly enough, IGN actually gave the first 9 chapters of KOTFE a legit constructive breakdown of its faults and nailed it to the cross practically. I forgot the score, but even IGN wasn't to impressed with KOTFE, and while I wouldn't call this game exactly "great" it wouldn't be "bad" either, so bad review or not, people still play this game. Props to IGN for actually making a good view on KOTFE as well, better than brown nosing it or not even touching its flaws and only mentioning the good aspects of it



If they were paid enough.


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Lol you beat me to it Dymond but yes.


I took that line as "Anyone who claims the story is good isn't being honest" aka a liar. I would HOPE you didn't mean it as such because you're TUXs but it did come across more.. harsh and judgey than I'm used to from you. I mean.. had I posted something like "Anyone being honest would tell you OPs are terrible and a waste of time".. you, or others who DO enjoy OPs would likely get offended/defensive too thinking I'm calling you all liars. And that's just an example btw but you get my point right?


I'm not mad obviously, just seemed like a poor statement coming from you. Your personal dislike or lack of enjoyment of the story doesn't mean everyone who does enjoy it or thought it was good, isn't being honest. Their opinion simply differs from yours.


Get used to it. He does that from time to time, and then role plays contrite and misunderstood. :)


I gave up dialog with him a long time ago, precisely because of this particular style of communications. It just comes across as baiting to me.


Back on topic... the game.. not dead. There are three servers in North America that do appear dead... but the others are fine. I'll leave it to EU players to comment on their servers. :)

Edited by Andryah
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Explain that better please...I tend to think you're being insulting just to be insulting...so please explain better.


Hey if you don't get it, you just won't get it. ;)


Funny you decide to reply to that part though rather than the part where I called you on your "Bioware is not pleasing anyone" hyperbole. :)

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Ch.X is the most mechanically awful of all the chapters. Pointlessly tedious, uninteresting boss fight, and a moral "choice" where one side is cartoonishly sociopathic. At least Ch.XI more than redeems, from a mechanics and tediousness standpoint (though, again, the storyline choices are pretty shallow). Give me an honest railroad instead of "choices."


I'm really going to hate that then since I found almost all of KoTFE like that but the story did keep me interested enough to give it a pass overall.

As an actual gameplay experience though ... very boring.

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Since we blew past the 2k reply mark, now its off to the 100k view goal. I never thought this thread would go longer than a few hours of bickering and then off to never land with the rest of the threads.


If people scream enough, anything is possible.

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Since we blew past the 2k reply mark, now its off to the 100k view goal. I never thought this thread would go longer than a few hours of bickering and then off to never land with the rest of the threads.


Sort of proves the games not dead and the only cult is the cult of two that you and TUXs seem to be part of. ;)

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Since we blew past the 2k reply mark, now its off to the 100k view goal. I never thought this thread would go longer than a few hours of bickering and then off to never land with the rest of the threads.


Everyone needs to use the crapper every now and then.

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You know most guys simply jerk off when they're bored.


Also "written observations that was put down to writing".. marvelous, such a shocker. Who'd have thought to write down written observations? Very classy.


I hope not for this, lol.

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Since we blew past the 2k reply mark, now its off to the 100k view goal. I never thought this thread would go longer than a few hours of bickering and then off to never land with the rest of the threads.


And how many of those are yours? lol

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And how many of those are yours? lol


Well I posted then my alt posted then someone else posted then jenny posted then someone else posted then my twin posted then my uncle ruffus posted then diehexxo posted then louie posted then you posted. So I would say a lot of them were my posts.

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And how many of those are yours? lol


To be fair I have 93 posts, and Menace also doesn't normally multi quote so I imagine we practically make up a 1/10 of the thread. Throw in comedy relief, bickering back and forth, people taking massive stabs at each other, and merges from other threads, and you get this.

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Well I posted then my alt posted then someone else posted then jenny posted then someone else posted then my twin posted then my uncle ruffus posted then diehexxo posted then louie posted then you posted. So I would say a lot of them were my posts.


Funny... I haven't seen maximum ownage in the last few pages... who else is your alt. :D

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