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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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A person who tries to please everyone, pleases no one.

Agreed! I don't think there's a content group atm...story players are pissed it's all ONE story, PvPers are pissed because it's so egregiously imbalanced and Raiders have no idea if they'll ever get a new Op, when was the last emote added for RPers? GSF has a terribly high skill gap and hasn't been touched since like 3-months after it was added...


Bottom line, Bioware's not pleasing anyone because NOBODY is getting the attention they need. Stagnation and mismanagement.

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I...I...like (most) of the stories.


I actually enjoyed the most recent chapter, but it made literally no sense given the context of the overall storyline at the time. And the story no longer makes sense to any of my non-force using characters, not to mention basically going against all jedi/sith lore of the past.


But those are my own personal opinions and I recognize others may like the story as it is. I still prefer the original storylines over KotFE.

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Agreed! I don't think there's a content group atm...story players are pissed it's all ONE story, PvPers are pissed because it's so egregiously imbalanced and Raiders have no idea if they'll ever get a new Op, when was the last emote added for RPers? GSF has a terribly high skill gap and hasn't been touched since like 3-months after it was added...


Bottom line, Bioware's not pleasing anyone because NOBODY is getting the attention they need. Stagnation and mismanagement.


To be fair, class balance is blown way out of proportion. Healing classes are imbalanced, DPS and tank specs are pretty close to each other overall. If you are talking about solo ranked, then good luck balancing that for anything ever.


But I digress.

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Agreed! I don't think there's a content group atm...story players are pissed it's all ONE story, PvPers are pissed because it's so egregiously imbalanced and Raiders have no idea if they'll ever get a new Op, when was the last emote added for RPers? GSF has a terribly high skill gap and hasn't been touched since like 3-months after it was added...


Bottom line, Bioware's not pleasing anyone because NOBODY is getting the attention they need. Stagnation and mismanagement.


No disagreement here; however, I would prefer them just picking one or two things and like really fixing them, as opposed to half-measures on everything. At least with the former you would have a few people happy. The latter just has everyone unhappy that they got a half-arsed "fix" that didn't actually address the majority of the issues with that aspect of the game.

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No disagreement here; however, I would prefer them just picking one or two things and like really fixing them, as opposed to half-measures on everything. At least with the former you would have a few people happy. The latter just has everyone unhappy that they got a half-arsed "fix" that didn't actually address the majority of the issues with that aspect of the game.

I agree. Instead, we have an ALL IN move on a one size fits all story...:(

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To be fair, class balance is blown way out of proportion. Healing classes are imbalanced, DPS and tank specs are pretty close to each other overall. If you are talking about solo ranked, then good luck balancing that for anything ever.


But I digress.

Mostly true, it's healing that's the issue, but there are a couple classes that REALLY need help.

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I actually enjoyed the most recent chapter, but it made literally no sense given the context of the overall storyline at the time. And the story no longer makes sense to any of my non-force using characters, not to mention basically going against all jedi/sith lore of the past.


But those are my own personal opinions and I recognize others may like the story as it is. I still prefer the original storylines over KotFE.


Hence the "most". I'm still chewing on the force bit myself. It did make me curious to see how they play this out.


I agree, the original stories are preferable. But I'm dyin' to see how they bring this all together in KotFE.

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Bottom line, Bioware's not pleasing anyone because NOBODY is getting the attention they need.


Lol more hyperbole ... does anyone actually have a valid argument to make in this thread anymore and a more serious question ... are MCB and TUXs related?


Yes ... no one is pleased, everyone is paying money to play a game that doesn't please them :rolleyes:


I would say if nothing about this game pleases you it's time to go somewhere else.

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Hence the "most". I'm still chewing on the force bit myself. It did make me curious to see how they play this out.


I agree, the original stories are preferable. But I'm dyin' to see how they bring this all together in KotFE.


The minor spoilers and these sorts of posts make me glad I stopped at 9 and instead plan on doing 10-16 after it's all out.

It will hopefully make the filler it in a bit better and make the whole thing feel far more interesting than I think I would have found it 1 chapter at a time.

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This isn't a "PvE" game either. PvP, GSF, GSH, PvE Space, Ops, FPs...those are ALL part of this game. That's what makes an MMO unique...it appeals to fans of multiple interests.


You can brag about "story" all you like, but anyone being honest about it could point out how absolutely terrible almost every story is. Revan being 300+ years old, Valkorian killing an entire planet with the 'farce', KOTFE making every character a 'jedi', going on a bank heist in the middle of the most dangerous and critical mission yet, acquiring yet ANOTHER HK series droid...i mean come on...


Love the Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior and Agent stories.. I'm almost always level 65 before hitting SoR content yet I choose to play through it because I enjoy it and though it's the same story each time, it's one I enjoy. It's kinda like re-reading my favorite book on an almost yearly basis. I don't enjoy the repetition of KotFE when doing it on more than 2 characters HOWEVER.. I do enjoy the story itself and each month eagerly await a new Chapter. I'm sorry if that makes me a liar in your eyes TUXs but it's the truth for me whether you can appreciate and accept that or not.

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Your shared form of "logic" and "facts" demonstrated in this thread a few times now. ;)

Explain that better please...I tend to think you're being insulting just to be insulting...so please explain better.

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Lol more hyperbole ... does anyone actually have a valid argument to make in this thread anymore and a more serious question ... are MCB and TUXs related?


Yes ... no one is pleased, everyone is paying money to play a game that doesn't please them :rolleyes:


I would say if nothing about this game pleases you it's time to go somewhere else.


I'd have to say not - I occasionally agree with TUXs; and even when we disagree, TUXs can make a point.

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The minor spoilers and these sorts of posts make me glad I stopped at 9 and instead plan on doing 10-16 after it's all out.

It will hopefully make the filler it in a bit better and make the whole thing feel far more interesting than I think I would have found it 1 chapter at a time.


I think it's been up and down. Some of the chapters were okay, some I disliked and one I really liked.


You might have a good idea there, though. I'm struggling with the thought of taking anyone through that horrible Kaliyo thing...again. I just hate it and her.

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I think it's been up and down. Some of the chapters were okay, some I disliked and one I really liked.


You might have a good idea there, though. I'm struggling with the thought of taking anyone through that horrible Kaliyo thing...again. I just hate it and her.


Ch.X is the most mechanically awful of all the chapters. Pointlessly tedious, uninteresting boss fight, and a moral "choice" where one side is cartoonishly sociopathic. At least Ch.XI more than redeems, from a mechanics and tediousness standpoint (though, again, the storyline choices are pretty shallow). Give me an honest railroad instead of "choices."

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Why would that make you a liar to me Jenny?

I think it's because you said:


You can brag about "story" all you like, but anyone being honest about it could point out how absolutely terrible almost every story is.

If "anyone being honest" would point out that the story is "absolutely terrible", then it would follow that anyone saying the story is good must not be being honest.


I don't think you necessarily meant it that way, since I've generally not seen you as someone who labels subjective things (like how good a story is) in absolutist terms - but that line, in isolation, could easily be read in the same vein as the "anyone who disagrees with me must be lying or have an alternative agenda" type crap that gets thrown around here all too often.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Ch.X is the most mechanically awful of all the chapters. Pointlessly tedious, uninteresting boss fight, and a moral "choice" where one side is cartoonishly sociopathic. At least Ch.XI more than redeems, from a mechanics and tediousness standpoint (though, again, the storyline choices are pretty shallow). Give me an honest railroad instead of "choices."


Chapter 11 kind of sucked as well with that pointless run around and find the panels shtick and the boss fight wasn't that good, little more interesting than 10 however, but better than a bad rehashed one in 13. Much better on point with story however, and it feels like it pertains to certain classes more depending on your morality of course, RIP AHAHAHA villains.

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If "anyone being honest" would point out that the story is "absolutely terrible", then it would follow that anyone saying the story is good must not be being honest.


I don't think you necessarily meant it that way, since I've generally not seen you as someone who labels subjective things (like how good a story is) in absolutist terms - but that line, in isolation, could easily be read in the same vein as the "anyone who disagrees with me must be lying or have an alternative agenda" type crap that gets thrown around here all too often.

No no no...I didn't mean anyone who liked them was lying, just that suggesting that I go fetch items some farmer left behind at his home on Taris, isn't exactly that strong of a story when I'm supposed to be saving the freaking galaxy.

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I think it's because you said:



If "anyone being honest" would point out that the story is "absolutely terrible", then it would follow that anyone saying the story is good must not be being honest.


I don't think you necessarily meant it that way, since I've generally not seen you as someone who labels subjective things (like how good a story is) in absolutist terms - but that line, in isolation, could easily be read in the same vein as the "anyone who disagrees with me must be lying or have an alternative agenda" type crap that gets thrown around here all too often.


Lol you beat me to it Dymond but yes.


I took that line as "Anyone who claims the story is good isn't being honest" aka a liar. I would HOPE you didn't mean it as such because you're TUXs but it did come across more.. harsh and judgey than I'm used to from you. I mean.. had I posted something like "Anyone being honest would tell you OPs are terrible and a waste of time".. you, or others who DO enjoy OPs would likely get offended/defensive too thinking I'm calling you all liars. And that's just an example btw but you get my point right?


I'm not mad obviously, just seemed like a poor statement coming from you. Your personal dislike or lack of enjoyment of the story doesn't mean everyone who does enjoy it or thought it was good, isn't being honest. Their opinion simply differs from yours.

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