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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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The servers will shut down and maybe they start over.


Good luck on that little fantasy.

Put it out of your mind, starting over never happens.

When all the servers shut down, it's game over. Forever.


SWG - killed off a month before SWTOR. SWTOR is not a rewrite of SWG.



Warhammer Online

Matrix Online

and many others...dead, dead, and more dead.


There is never starting over.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Game is dead, servers are down, log in is down, my cat fell down, my hamster died while running my computer, and the girl in the basement threw her bucket at me cause i wouldn't put the lotion on her skin.
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Game is dead, servers are down, log in is down, my cat fell down, my hamster died while running my computer, and the girl in the basement threw her bucket at me cause i wouldn't put the lotion on her skin.


My gold fish caught on fire while the moon was throwing baseball cards at the sun who used them as a credit card to buy sun block.

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My gold fish caught on fire while the moon was throwing baseball cards at the sun who used them as a credit card to buy sun block.


My car died, my tire flew off, my dog chocked on a bone, my toilet overflowed, I puked up my lunch, and then to top it off my hair started on fire.

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I miss the days where is could take you 6+ months to level to 50

Since when was that a thing? The hardest part about the old times was the numerous bugs that stopped you from being able to finish quests (Like the bloody enemies disappearing beneath the floor!), PvP and the group content.

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Since when was that a thing? The hardest part about the old times was the numerous bugs that stopped you from being able to finish quests (Like the bloody enemies disappearing beneath the floor!), PvP and the group content.


At least then you could occasionally die unintentionally in combat doing leveling content. Now you have to try to die.

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Since when was that a thing? The hardest part about the old times was the numerous bugs that stopped you from being able to finish quests (Like the bloody enemies disappearing beneath the floor!), PvP and the group content.


I agree 100%. Aside from the population dissolving in this game, the game itself is better than ever.

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There is plenty of population, at least on my server, they're just not doing the queues, quite frankly. This is for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is "PVP in this game is about as fun as having a root canal" Most people are playing KOTFE because it's what's interesting to them. I have no problem getting a group for a star fortress. Ask that same group if they want to do anything even vaguely PVP and you'll scatter them to the furthest reaches of the Outer Rim.


The move away from labelling servers as PVP, PVE, or RP based seems pretty intentional, and signals to me that Bioware isn't interested in fixing this, either.

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There is plenty of population, at least on my server, they're just not doing the queues, quite frankly. This is for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is "PVP in this game is about as fun as having a root canal" Most people are playing KOTFE because it's what's interesting to them. I have no problem getting a group for a star fortress. Ask that same group if they want to do anything even vaguely PVP and you'll scatter them to the furthest reaches of the Outer Rim.


The move away from labelling servers as PVP, PVE, or RP based seems pretty intentional, and signals to me that Bioware isn't interested in fixing this, either.


This post is very assumptive and not in the least bit helpful. I can easily put together a group for PvP that will scatter when you mention doing SF at all, and laugh in your face if you are wanting to group for it. That doesn't mean anything.

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This post is very assumptive and not in the least bit helpful. I can easily put together a group for PvP that will scatter when you mention doing SF at all, and laugh in your face if you are wanting to group for it. That doesn't mean anything.


Well I guess warzone queues aren't a problem then, huh?

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This post is very assumptive and not in the least bit helpful. I can easily put together a group for PvP that will scatter when you mention doing SF at all, and laugh in your face if you are wanting to group for it. That doesn't mean anything.


You also may ever think why people avoid PVP like the plague..... perhaps the ... I don't know... classes balance.... the two year staleness... the constant game breaking bugs.... nah?


What server are you on anyway... the few times I pop at Odessian it has less than 30 people and maybe one person asking to do a star fortress.

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You also may ever think why people avoid PVP like the plague..... perhaps the ... I don't know... classes balance.... the two year staleness... the constant game breaking bugs.... nah?


What server are you on anyway... the few times I pop at Odessian it has less than 30 people and maybe one person asking to do a star fortress.


MMORPG PVP has always been dicey to be honest. I've been playing massively multiplayer games since they were called "multi-user dungeons" and few get this aspect of it right. Personally, PVP is rarely to my tastes these days anyways, but I wouldn't go on a PVP game and then declare it to be dead because people aren't playing PVE. Bioware does one thing it's known for: story-writing. And this is, without a doubt in my mind, why the most populous worlds I see right now are those with the strongest story content. This game is a story-based PVE MMO, so declaring it dead on the basis of warzones, ops, or starfighter's relative lack of people playing that content (I have literally not been able to get more than a single round of starfighter since it's release fwiw) seems at best misguided.


I'm on several really, but I've been playing on The Red Eclipse of late since it lets me keep gaming with me wife whose in the UK atm. Currently working on trying to get Legendary status on that server but I don't know why I try since I ran into that act 3 not giving the achievement bug on my Smuggler and the ticket asking for them to fix that character's been outstanding for days.


[edit]: I really, really think Bioware did themselves a disservice by removing the RP/PVE/PVP labels from the servers. It makes it much harder for players to find people with similar interests to their own.

Edited by CaitiVoltaire
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There is plenty of population, at least on my server, they're just not doing the queues, quite frankly. This is for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is "PVP in this game is about as fun as having a root canal" Most people are playing KOTFE because it's what's interesting to them. I have no problem getting a group for a star fortress. Ask that same group if they want to do anything even vaguely PVP and you'll scatter them to the furthest reaches of the Outer Rim.


The move away from labelling servers as PVP, PVE, or RP based seems pretty intentional, and signals to me that Bioware isn't interested in fixing this, either.


I PVP 24/7 with a probably one of the largest PVP guilds on Harbringer and the same thing goes too for PVE. If there is 15 people in mumble and you even mentioned Star Fortress 90% of them would say "whats that?". Out of the entire guild not even 1 time have we ever ran an OPS and Ive been with them for 2 1/2 years now. Never do we do anything but PVP 24/7. The even mentioning of anything to do with PVE is most definatly laughed at and ignored immediately.


It makes no difference. If you PVE then have fun. If you PVP have fun. If you do both have fun. My only point is that the games population is dissolving and the development team needs to do something quickly because the snow ball down the hill effect this trend has goes very quickly. The longer you wait the worse the damage becomes almost daily.

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I PVP 24/7 with a probably one of the largest PVP guilds on Harbringer and the same thing goes too for PVE. If there is 15 people in mumble and you even mentioned Star Fortress 90% of them would say "whats that?". Out of the entire guild not even 1 time have we ever ran an OPS and Ive been with them for 2 1/2 years now. Never do we do anything but PVP 24/7. The even mentioning of anything to do with PVE is most definatly laughed at and ignored immediately.


It makes no difference. If you PVE then have fun. If you PVP have fun. If you do both have fun. My only point is that the games population is dissolving and the development team needs to do something quickly because the snow ball down the hill effect this trend has goes very quickly. The longer you wait the worse the damage becomes almost daily.


I agree with this really, but I think that it's PVP-centric as some people have suggested is incorrect. Rather, its "the game is stale"-centric. Other than KOTFE, which is kind of a one-shot-per-character deal and riddled with it's own issues, the core content of this game has not changed significantly in a long time.


I recently came back from a long absence (last time I played prior to when I resubbed just before Christmas was when Hutt Cartel was released) and nothing of the class content had changed, I was still using the same methods, going through the same quests, and having the same interactions. I could go through most of the content on the game by muscle memory and was (and have been) casually answering questions my wife's asked about the story quests and similar content almost entirely from memory without having to worry much about anything having changed, because it hasn't.


While PVP is a little more complex in this regard since it involves people, it suffers from the same problem. The core content is stale, and at best this turns it into inoffensive grind as we do the content that interests us, at worst, it turns into people getting bored and going off to other games, which don't get me wrong I acknowledge is happening 100%.

Edited by CaitiVoltaire
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MMORPG PVP has always been dicey to be honest. I've been playing massively multiplayer games since they were called "multi-user dungeons" and few get this aspect of it right. Personally, PVP is rarely to my tastes these days anyways, but I wouldn't go on a PVP game and then declare it to be dead because people aren't playing PVE. Bioware does one thing it's known for: story-writing.

This isn't a "PvE" game either. PvP, GSF, GSH, PvE Space, Ops, FPs...those are ALL part of this game. That's what makes an MMO unique...it appeals to fans of multiple interests.


You can brag about "story" all you like, but anyone being honest about it could point out how absolutely terrible almost every story is. Revan being 300+ years old, Valkorian killing an entire planet with the 'farce', KOTFE making every character a 'jedi', going on a bank heist in the middle of the most dangerous and critical mission yet, acquiring yet ANOTHER HK series droid...i mean come on...

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This isn't a "PvE" game either. PvP, GSF, GSH, PvE Space, Ops, FPs...those are ALL part of this game. That's what makes an MMO unique...it appeals to fans of multiple interests.


You can brag about "story" all you like, but anyone being honest about it could point out how absolutely terrible almost every story is. Revan being 300+ years old, Valkorian killing an entire planet with the 'farce', KOTFE making every character a 'jedi', going on a bank heist in the middle of the most dangerous and critical mission yet, acquiring yet ANOTHER HK series droid...i mean come on...


I...I...like (most) of the stories.

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