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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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Whenever I go into a PvP warzone I just ignore chat comments mostly, sometimes they are helpful with the usual incoming etc but comments about peoples performance just go over my head.


So you're the one that doesn't come when I'm screaming "inc W", "inc 2", "INC 4", "OMG INC ALL *** GUYS" :(

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Whenever I go into a PvP warzone I just ignore chat comments mostly, sometimes they are helpful with the usual incoming etc but comments about peoples performance just go over my head.


I just turn op chat off completely. Its so much more enjoyable. Do I miss calls for help and such, yeah, but its worth it in the long run.

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I just turn op chat off completely. Its so much more enjoyable. Do I miss calls for help and such, yeah, but its worth it in the long run.


IMO, this is a bad thing to do. It's not as bad as the people screaming "L2P!!!" but you're now a detriment to your team as you can no longer see what's going on, and PVP is a team based game. A team based game requires communication, and which ever team communicates the most is almost always the winner. Unless you know full well what your doing, please, be more considerate of others and turn chat on and just ignore the cancer and be more aware for useful call outs. It is NOT worth putting your entire team down because of a few others.

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I just turn op chat off completely. Its so much more enjoyable. Do I miss calls for help and such, yeah, but its worth it in the long run.


Just individually mute people who are talking ****. Muting your whole team just makes you a bad teammate.

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Again, emphasis mine. Production on this game is not slowing down.

Not slowing down? Is that because it's already been slow as hell? Is that what you mean? It's no slower than it has been the past year?

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IMO, this is a bad thing to do. It's not as bad as the people screaming "L2P!!!" but you're now a detriment to your team as you can no longer see what's going on, and PVP is a team based game. A team based game requires communication, and which ever team communicates the most is almost always the winner. Unless you know full well what your doing, please, be more considerate of others and turn chat on and just ignore the cancer and be more aware for useful call outs. It is NOT worth putting your entire team down because of a few others.


I agree. I was pretty surprised to read it actually.

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IMO, this is a bad thing to do. It's not as bad as the people screaming "L2P!!!" but you're now a detriment to your team as you can no longer see what's going on, and PVP is a team based game. A team based game requires communication, and which ever team communicates the most is almost always the winner. Unless you know full well what your doing, please, be more considerate of others and turn chat on and just ignore the cancer and be more aware for useful call outs. It is NOT worth putting your entire team down because of a few others.


^^ Agree.


IF you join a group encounter, and then ignore all group chat... YOU are as much a problem as anything that might go wrong during the encounter.

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I gave up due a combination of player idiocy and my own lack of anything remotely resembling skill.


I did enjoy it in realm v. realm games and, oddly, in Warhammer but aside from those, not me. I'll just be a "carebear" and frolic about in my PvE world. :)


I think your under estimating yourself. I think you would fit in nicely :rolleyes:

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Maybe MMOs are really not your thing. Did you ever give that a thought?


But I'm still having fun or else I would. You seem to be a sucker for punishment though as all you can do is whinge on the forums about the sky falling ...

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IMO, this is a bad thing to do. It's not as bad as the people screaming "L2P!!!" but you're now a detriment to your team as you can no longer see what's going on, and PVP is a team based game. A team based game requires communication, and which ever team communicates the most is almost always the winner. Unless you know full well what your doing, please, be more considerate of others and turn chat on and just ignore the cancer and be more aware for useful call outs. It is NOT worth putting your entire team down because of a few others.


Maybe PVP just needs some good ole casual solo modes and removing the stupid gear grind concept to put everyone on a level playing field.


That would make it more fun.

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Maybe PVP just needs some good ole casual solo modes and removing the stupid gear grind concept to put everyone on a level playing field.


That would make it more fun.


Best thing I read since Ben posted in the other thread, please remove that stupid expertise gear gap as it only serves as a way for veterans to beat the living daylights out of newer players, and it isn't through skill.

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Best thing I read since Ben posted in the other thread, please remove that stupid expertise gear gap as it only serves as a way for veterans to beat the living daylights out of newer players, and it isn't through skill.


I agree with that. If you're only big and bad because of gear, not skill, you're not really big and bad. You're just long in the tooth.

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I agree with that. If you're only big and bad because of gear, not skill, you're not really big and bad. You're just long in the tooth.


inb4 the gear monkeys come in and bash for you for this anathema. :p


On a serious note, I do agree that PvP should be about skill and cunning and gear really should not be a factor. But then what carrots do you hang for the PvPers? ...... because it seems most of them simply won't play unless there are plenty of carrots to be harvested. Some players do actually play for the pure thrill and skill of PvP..... but it seems WoW has taught many of them to gear grind, and grief others, whenever possible.

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inb4 the gear monkeys come in and bash for you for this anathema. :p


On a serious note, I do agree that PvP should be about skill and cunning and gear really should not be a factor. But then what carrots do you hang for the PvPers? ...... because it seems most of them simply won't play unless there are plenty of carrots to be harvested. Some players do actually play for the pure thrill and skill of PvP..... but it seems WoW has taught many of them to gear grind, and grief others, whenever possible.


Strange because every time I broach this topic the PVP community tells me "you're being stupid, it takes you no time at all to gear up and then you're on par with everyone else".


That being the case there never is any carrot in regards to gear ( except an initial burst when a gear tier is added ) for the PVP community then is there?

All players that PVP now would long since be geared up and whatever has them continuing to PVP can't be gear grind right?


There is ranked which is a pretty good carrot imo ... I see people with sabers and crystals from that and often get jealous. ;)


Point is having the gear grind isn't going to stop people PVPing in the current environment imo for the above reasons - removing it is definitely going to add some new players though. Myself for example would PVP more if I didn't always think "meh gear" every time I considered it. Heck even if I had PVP gear I'm still too lazy to bother changing it all the time.

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The current bolster almost (but not totally) negates the gear advantage


Odd, people keep telling me if I go in in my favorite usual PVE gear I'm getting disadvantaged by bolster ... can't say I've looked into it enough lately to know for sure though.

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Odd, people keep telling me if I go in in my favorite usual PVE gear I'm getting disadvantaged by bolster ... can't say I've looked into it enough lately to know for sure though.


Because your normal raid gear doesn't bolster well. Wear something around 192 or so. Anything that gets you to 2018 expertise with bolster is fine.

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Odd, people keep telling me if I go in in my favorite usual PVE gear I'm getting disadvantaged by bolster ... can't say I've looked into it enough lately to know for sure though.


Seconded. I've been running warzones to get Forex and Pierce for a while now and the feedback I hear is that my PvE gear isn't welcome, and that I should instead buy the 204 PvP gear. It seems bolster doesn't quite bridge that gap.

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Because your normal raid gear doesn't bolster well. Wear something around 192 or so. Anything that gets you to 2018 expertise with bolster is fine.


Aaaand now we're back to why gear shouldn't mean jack in PVP.


I mean it can of course, just not for me any anyone who thinks similarly. I maintain removing the gearing concept from PVP would make it more popular, not less.

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A final bump for good measure before I log off, as when I come back tomorrow I expect 2k replies!!!


After we reach 2k, we shall conquer general discussion and get more views than the introductory discussion and prove PVP is alive and well!


I shall do my best to make your vision a reality. :D



Edited by squirrelballz
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A final bump for good measure before I log off, as when I come back tomorrow I expect 2k replies!!!


After we reach 2k, we shall conquer general discussion and get more views than the introductory discussion and prove PVP is alive and well!


So, this is why the game is dying. We're not paying for the game, we're paying to argue on the forms! :D

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So, this is why the game is dying. We're not paying for the game, we're paying to argue on the forms! :D


After the recent "give us free transfers" debacle, I'm surprised some people even pay to do that. Their money is too hard-earned to just throw away like that. :p

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