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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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Along with some others.


Of course, they can't seem to make up their mind whether every server other than Harby is dead, and everyone should move to Harby... or even Harby is dead and that means the game is doomed.


Pffft, who can manage consistency when making dramatic, overblown, unsupportable statements and then getting ticked off when their assertions aren't accepted?

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The population may have dwindled down from what it used to be but I believe Harbinger is still one of the most popular servers so it's not dead. I believe keeping community spirits going is far more fruitful to situations like these than fear and panic mongering about impending doom and waving population numbers around. Statements made by the OP and his alter ego are more likely to have the exact opposite effect and discourage people from coming to Harbinger. People don't like being told what to do, they don't like giving into statements such as "join harb cos the game's dying!". It's the nature of the beast to go against the current and the more you hammer on about people needing to come together on 1 server, the less likely people are to actually do so.


If you really want to revive the crowd then put your heads together and think of ways to draw the community and players in. Set up PVP events or things like that.. a positive and fun reason for people to come to Harbinger instead of trying to sell it with doom and gloom. All you're doing right now is say "Buy a coffin because one day you'll die.". People are naturally allergic to such talk so if you truly care, stop chasing them off with negativity and redirect your efforts to make a positive stand instead.

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... it happens every year then picks back up again for the next greatest/latest expansion etc. then dies off again and then picks up again ... you get the idea.


The downturn is more worrisome this time, because what is the next greatest/latest expansion we are getting? We know what we are getting now, and I don't think its holding players as they hoped.

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I could see someone saying the game has died if they're stuck on a dead server, but Harbinger? You can't be serious.


That server is anything but dead.


The OP says the game not a specific server. And I think the OP was very clear why he makes that claim. He knows that harbs is not dead. He never said it was dead yet. read what he says and I think he makes it perfectly clear and I think makes a lot of sense.

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The OP says the game not a specific server. And I think the OP was very clear why he makes that claim. He knows that harbs is not dead. He never said it was dead yet. read what he says and I think he makes it perfectly clear and I think makes a lot of sense.


He was not very clear in fact.


So he moved from a PvP to a PvE server. I assume he means PvP queues then, but he didn't specify which queues he's talking about. If he'd argued that PvP is dead in this game I'd have more understanding for his point, but it's unclear if that's his point.


And that's the thing, I think the game is not dead or dying because BW has already said they have started work on Season 2 of the new story and they also alluded that there is other new content coming that they couldn't talk about yet. This is not the language of a dead or dying game.


However, I've said before that PvP is screwed in this game, but the game overall dying? No I think what's changed the division in player types. BW is clearly focusing on PvE and a lot of soloable content. That's a direction that was chosen for a reason. PvP just got some new warzones but the problems with PvP run much deeper than the amount of warzones we have.


So if PvP is your thing then I feel for you because this game really doesn't have a great set-up for that, but if you go to leveling planets the game is very much alive still. At least that's my experience on my server and others have said the same of a couple of other servers. You tell me what means what, but I think there has been a shift in content creation and usage and not the game dying as such.

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You might want to check the thread title again. :rolleyes:


Is the game 1 server or 1 server the game? He made his point very clearly that the game has died, however due to people leaving dead servers harbinger has been able to sustain a decent population because of the fact that the game is dying off. I thought he was clear and I also agree with his assessment.


You people are just trying to argue and split hairs over every little tid bit that has been said. If you take his context and his point, it is a very good point based on the same observations other players have had. You people that just keep trying to discredit him by twisting his words and taking them out of context only bolster his opinion as truly being correct.

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Is the game 1 server or 1 server the game? He made his point very clearly that the game has died, however due to people leaving dead servers harbinger has been able to sustain a decent population because of the fact that the game is dying off. I thought he was clear and I also agree with his assessment.


You people are just trying to argue and split hairs over every little tid bit that has been said. If you take his context and his point, it is a very good point based on the same observations other players have had. You people that just keep trying to discredit him by twisting his words and taking them out of context only bolster his opinion as truly being correct.


Seems like another MCB clone. I guess everyone needs a cheerleader, he is just doing that for the OP. Support for fellow players is key. :D

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It's why I suspect, off and on, that we're being massively trolled. Is anyone really that utterly lacking in self-awareness and introspection?


I wish I could say it could only be the first but after almost five years of reading these forums I cannot discount the other. Time will tell.

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It's why I suspect, off and on, that we're being massively trolled. Is anyone really that utterly lacking in self-awareness and introspection?


He could also be inconsistent or a gemini....supposedly gemini can maintain opposite views at the same time if you believe that zodiac stuff.


I prefer to think he's inconsistent because he just wants to be right no matter what it takes. That's my take on it at least.

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This is why I run out of popcorn


And if you read this thread he is perfectly clear on what he means by that. Your just being argumentative to the point where you look like a block head. He makes it perfectly clear of why he believes the game has died, and also makes it clear why harbinger has a population higher then the rest. And the fact that Harbinger has been the goto server for a long time is a perfect explanation of why.


Stop trying to make something from nothing. It really does not help your issue of trying to disgrace the OP. Like I said earlier it is having the opposite effect. The OP has nothing in it that I find grounds for this nasty attack a lot of you have plotted against him. I think it is a reasonable concern during a time in the game where servers have had full melt downs and the few remaining servers are only populated because of refugees from other dead servers moving there for refuge,


If you have a problem with that go yell at yourself instead trying to trash the OP. Your problem isn't with him or what he said. Your problem is with your own self. so go trash yourself. It would make more sense if you did that. Because trashing the OP by what his OP said only makes you look like a fool. And that's about as nicely as I can say it.

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Your just being argumentative to the point where you look like a block head.


Stop trying to make something from nothing.



Times like these make me think you're not actually talking to us, but your mirror.


If you have a problem with that go yell at yourself instead trying to trash the OP. Your problem isn't with him or what he said. Your problem is with your own self. so go trash yourself. It would make more sense if you did that. Because trashing the OP by what his OP said only makes you look like a fool. And that's about as nicely as I can say it.


You can't really decide on what the problem with us is, can't you? If you're going to try a pathetic attempt at an emotional outburst along with an insult, try to be consistent or it'll just fall flat on itself.


One moment we're just idiots who can't accept facts.

Then we are just nasties that just want to attack the OP and denying what we know is fact to do so.

Then we're just giant fanboy/white knights in denial

Now we're apparently just mad at ourselves and taking it out on the OP?


But, don't worry. All is well. I got another packet of popcorn.

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Is the game 1 server or 1 server the game? He made his point very clearly that the game has died, however due to people leaving dead servers harbinger has been able to sustain a decent population because of the fact that the game is dying off. I thought he was clear and I also agree with his assessment.


You people are just trying to argue and split hairs over every little tid bit that has been said. If you take his context and his point, it is a very good point based on the same observations other players have had. You people that just keep trying to discredit him by twisting his words and taking them out of context only bolster his opinion as truly being correct.


There is no need for twisting words here. It's pretty straightforward.

You stated - and I quoted it, just in case you forgot what you typed - that "He never said [the game] was dead", and the title of the thread is "Game is dead". You can piss and moan about anything else, call it splitting hairs whatever.


What you said was a lie.


And if that was a lie (and it was), you are using lies to try to back up your claims, then you can't be trusted with anything you say. Even if you came up with a absolute concrete proof, you have proven yourself untrustworthy, and why should I believe anything you say isn't just another lie?


Lie to me once, shame on you........

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Is the game 1 server or 1 server the game? He made his point very clearly that the game has died, however due to people leaving dead servers harbinger has been able to sustain a decent population because of the fact that the game is dying off. I thought he was clear and I also agree with his assessment.


You people are just trying to argue and split hairs over every little tid bit that has been said. If you take his context and his point, it is a very good point based on the same observations other players have had. You people that just keep trying to discredit him by twisting his words and taking them out of context only bolster his opinion as truly being correct.


The game hasn't died, because we can still log into it and BW is still making new content and is already starting on content for next year.


So really, you and his anecdotal evidence prove nothing. And why do I say that, because if all people from your server would be saying the same, then I might believe at least part of what you are saying. However there are people here who have said they haven't noticed any such difference. So you tell me why I would believe your or the op's stories if we can't see this "evidence" you speak of. You say you did reliable testing via the /who function, but hey, you could be making it all up or your testing methods can be less than reliable. Both of which are very plausible options.


Rage all you want, but you have no evidence to show us. No explanation and log book on how you tested this and how you preserved reliability in your test, nor have you shown any of the test results. In essence you are asking us to believe you on your word, whereas there are other people here who disagree with you from the same server.


So why should I believe you and not them? I have no reason to believe you more than them, except.... well, except that they don't make things up about people here and they are not so combative and aggressive about it.


Face it, whatever you claim to have in the way of evidence you cannot reproduce here and yet you expect people to agree with you just because you say so?


That is delusional.


If you had real evidence and explained your way of testing and sampling methods and timings etc. then we could look into that. But I bet you don't have any such records and well that's ok. But don't act as if you had some sort of scientific approach to this when in fact you didn't do that at all.


The op was probably talking about pvp queues if he came from a pvp server...to claim that pvp is in bad shape I think is a fair assessment, but we have clear evidence of how little has been done for PvP over the years in this game. We have some warzones and some ranked stuff that not many people participate in as far as I can tell. Ok, I can accept that PvP is in a bad place. But the game is dying?


Even if it is true, you haven't proven it in any shape or form and as I said there is no sensible reason why BW would continue to create content if the game was really on its last legs.


And by the way....please do us all a favor, and that goes for the OP as well...learn the difference between dead and dying will you. Dead means it's over, gone. That's not a fact until the servers are taken down.

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I think it is a reasonable concern during a time in the game where servers have had full melt downs and the few remaining servers are only populated because of refugees from other dead servers moving there for refuge


A close look at refugees invading the harbinger.


The cause of server meltdowns live from the SWTOR servers.

Edited by squirrelballz
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There is no need for twisting words here. It's pretty straightforward.

You stated - and I quoted it, just in case you forgot what you typed - that "He never said [the game] was dead", and the title of the thread is "Game is dead". You can piss and moan about anything else, call it splitting hairs whatever.


What you said was a lie.


And if that was a lie (and it was), you are using lies to try to back up your claims, then you can't be trusted with anything you say. Even if you came up with a absolute concrete proof, you have proven yourself untrustworthy, and why should I believe anything you say isn't just another lie?


Lie to me once, shame on you........



Ok. Point out to me the part of this OP where he needs to be flocked and beating by you people like you have been since the start of this thread?


I have played on Harbringer for 2 years now. I was forced to server transfer off of POT5 (PVP) server because it became a ghost town. 30 minute que times during peak time. After peak time (mornings and late evenings) no que pops at all.

At the time I had a choice. Goto a populated server with que pops and leave my current server. At the time and still is the most populated server TheHarbringer was really the best choice.

The past 3 to 4 weeks on Harbringer has been the longest que waits in the 2 years I have been playing here. And in the past month has been getting slower each week. I play everyday at the same times so I have my finger on the pulse of Harbringer and know it well.


TLDR: Harbringer is heading down the same road as POT5 and has an eroding population. Only difference is this time for me is that when Harbringer dies off (and it is rapidly heading that way) there is no "GO TO" server like there was in the past. Harbinger dies, where do people run to? As I see it, there is nowhere to run anymore. We have reached the end of the rope.


Why is it that I also have played this game since day 1 too, and I have absolutely no issue whatsoever with what he said here. I am a sub like you, I enjoy playing this game, I don't want the game to die, but I do not see anything inaccurate from my experience or anything in this OP worthy of a flogging. Which leads me to believe that a lot of you are on a witch hunt and have launched a smear campaign against the OP for some other reason.


How can I who play this game and have played this game since day 1 of launch have no issue with the OP of this thread and a handful of you have complete contempt for this? Someone is radically wrong here. And from what I have seen of this game in the past year on harbinger I don't think it is the OP.


Read it again and you tell me that this OP and what's in it is so terribly wrong that you folks had to launch a complete smear campaign against him and this thread.

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I wonder how thin your skin has to be where disagreement = internet 'flocking and beating'


I wonder how thin your skin has to be that there is a thread about the game dying and that you pull your hair out of your head, start screaming and yelling all over the forums and do everything you can in your power to try to create a smear campaign against the person who points it out?

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I wonder how thin your skin has to be that there is a thread about the game dying and that you pull your hair out of your head, start screaming and yelling all over the forums and do everything you can in your power to try to create a smear campaign against the person who points it out?


Pulling my hair out? Screaming, yelling and moaning over small things? Again, stop talking to the mirror and talk to e for once.


I'm very interested in this smear campaign I have. Did I design posters? Can you point me to my campaign?

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