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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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Harbringer is sucking whatever life is left out of all remaining servers. It is happening on every server. Shadowlands which is reportedly the second highest populated server has had entire guilds of people transferring. Its even worse on slower servers. One of Shadowlands largest guild Republic and Imperial Bowling League is now in mass on TheHarbringer. This phenomenon is happening all over. Harbringer now is the "GO TO" server and people are flocking there daily. As a result Harbringer is kept on life support longer and the other servers are paying a heavy price as people leave for a stronger population.


For anyone who came from Star Wars Galaxies prior to the release of this game would have remembered the same phenomenon on a server called Starsider. SWG's issue was a little different for the reason why it happened there but the results are the same and perfectly predictable. It is a very simple process that is inevitable when this type of pattern starts.


The sad reality for me playing this game is that different than SWG, this could have been avoided or at least massively reduced by this game having a server to server que system. This game is built on que based game play for an enormous amount of game play both PVP and PVE alike. Not having this system up and running is a deathblow to a potentially awesome game.


SWG's fix to what happened with Starsider was a little different. SWG need to create a mega server because it relied so heavily on open world PVP and an ops system strictly based on groups forming without an form of a que system needed or used. Two different issues, but same exact predictable results.


This shift of players from all servers to TheHarbringer is not going to change. As a matter of fact it is 100% predictably going to enhance as the player base on any other server other than TheHarbringer lightens up. The exact same thing happened to SWG when Starsider was determined to be the GOTO server. The only thing that saved a full out total disaster is that Starsider was so populated the lag was absolutely unplayable a lot of the time. It was bad enough that small groups of guild would goto Flurry for some lag relief and still have decent open world PVP.


That problem most likely wont happen here because even with all the the hordes of players leaving their less populated servers to goto TheHarbringer, TheHarbringer while still the most populated server hands down gets all the refugees, it seems the amount of people quiting the game is just as much.


I am not going to debate the population issue. As far as I am concerned, the population of the remaining 8 servers besides TheHarbringer is without any doubt on decline. Anyone who argues that will have to argue it with someone else. I do not want to debate a completely obvious fact to any normal thinking person. Either way anyone who comments on the fact that all 8 servers have not been on a downward trend can do it without a response from me. Go troll someone else. I have had enough of debating with the small cults about this issue.


Bottom line is this. What are you planning on doing about this immanent issue that is not coming our way, but it is here right now. This issue will get progressively worse each day that more people transfer to TheHarbringer. I have lived thru it and it is without any doubt predictable with absolutely no other possible outcome at its current state. What is going to be done about this perfect storm heading our way?


'Dont worry we have something better than Crossserver'

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I was wondering how long until I would have to wait for another "SWG" comparison., that it came from MadCuzBad ... brilliant. :D


to be fair he is spot on, i went through the same **** in SWG. However i do not mention it as much as he does, but what he saying is still spot on.

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I've been having quite a lot of success on Jedi Covenant, though I admit I don't play during off hours. Usually 150-200 people in fleet, several big guilds and its share of progression guilds like Holocron. Unlike MadCuzBad, I don't really do ranked PvP anymore, but for WZs I never have to wait for a pop.


I'm also building fully outfitting 2 guild flagships for personal use, and I've been rarely unable to buy frameworks at a decent rate. That seems to tell me that there are guilds doing conquest and killing commanders.


Is it as healthy as Harbinger? No. Is it healthy? Yes. I remain optimistic about the server's health (but keep 100 mil in the guildbank so I can buy 2 more ships if I have to server hop. Just in case)

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I play on Shadowlands and I don't see it suffering in the least, there are still loads of people all over the place, there are still things going on, plenty of healthy competition on the GTN, and I just don't see this as having any sort of truth to it.


It almost read to me like Harbinger propaganda, like, everyone go there, cause it's the place to be. :rolleyes:

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I have played to L65 on Harbinger, Shadowlands, Jedi Cov, Begeren, Ebon Hawk and POT5. I can say the Harb is a lot more popular and queues do pop very fast there. The three PvP servers do seem dead and honestly I think they should be shut down. However the other middle class four servers are all fine. You can get PFs, PvP, GSF and Ops there. I was recently on Begeren Colony and my guild had an event with 48 players on in the same room at the same time for a guild meeting.


Shadowlands, Jedi Cov, Begeren and Ebon Hawk may not be as popular as the Harbinger but they are far from dead.

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Hate to say it, but about 20 million people would beg to differ with you on that number.


20 million? Really? That's what, 5 times as many people that had subs at launch. Seems legit. :eek::rak_02:


Edit: Copy/Pasted response to protect against Ninja edits.

Edited by robertthebard
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Well let me ask you a question. If you had to bet your life saving, would you say more people are leaving Shadowlands for TheHarbringer, or would you say more people are leaving TheHarbringer for Shadowlands? End of story.


How? What about the people that are doing neither of these? What if this number is higher than both of your examples combined?


Wait, I know, "But I said it, so it's on the internet, and it must be true", right? Just like


Hate to say it, but about 20 million people would beg to differ with you on that number.


must be true, even though that's what, 5x as many people that ever had a sub here? Don't let tiny things like facts get in your way. Go forth, fight the good fight, in another 4 years, you might be right.

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Flawed analysis, AGAIN, filled with opinion and largely absent fact. Did you really need a brand new thread to keep posting the same nonsense over and over again. Take it back to your original thread.


To any new readers... the OPs context is strictly PvP play, and specifically group play. To him, there is nothing in this game but group queued PvP. So.. take that as context.


This thread should be folded back into the OPs other thread, IMO. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=875472

Nothing like a personal attack to deflect from the point of the OP.


PvP or PvE or GSF or leveling...Harbinger is the place to be.



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Nothing like a personal attack to deflect from the point of the OP.


PvP or PvE or GSF or leveling...Harbinger is the place to be.




West coast servers are flat out a bad idea for anyone east of a certain point, due to the ping/lag issues, and Harbinger is a west coast server.

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I was trying to figure out which server to roll a new toon on recently, so i did some statistical stuff by checking out certain area's pop numbers at certain times of the day..


I found that Harb always had more ppl than any other server, but it wasnt as crazy as some are making it out to be. For example, on night the fleet had 97 ppl on Harb at 2 am, Shadowlands had 74, JC had 68, and TEH had 84; And my home of Pot5 had 13 lol. And at other times, each server had similar % differences.. I can live with those east coast numbers. Im rolling a toon on Shadowlands.

Edited by AndriusAjax
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West coast servers are flat out a bad idea for anyone east of a certain point, due to the ping/lag issues, and Harbinger is a west coast server.

I play on Harb with people in Boston, Philly and Florida...

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I play on Harb with people in Boston and Florida...


I dont doubt it exists, but how is their experience?


Ive played numerous matches on Harb and I live in Florida. The GCD allows the ping of 100ms not to matter too much, but as an Operative, that sh;t was annoying.

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