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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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You know, there's this great urban legend about this guy who had his floating ribs removed so that he could... well, nevermind, not appropriate for these forums. :rak_01:


Wow it is almost embarrassing that someone has to prop himself up by commenting and complimenting himself. I guess that way he can make himself feel like he will be missed lol.

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Wow it is almost embarrassing that someone has to prop himself up by commenting and complimenting himself. I guess that way he can make himself feel like he will be missed lol.


Whats even more embarrassing is the fact that you think I am someone else. I think its awesome, but if I was standing in your shoes I would feel like a *******. And don't say that your just joking or something lame like that. I have watched you post for a long time now and you surely believe I am madcuzbad. So don't try to weasel out and say your kidding when everyone knows your not.

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I'd just like to say that in my opinion I think this event will cause a good amount of veterans to unsub. However fortunately for BW they will probably gain the right amount of new players to negate the overall effect. Basically I'd like to say at this point Vets have died, nowhere to go. Also New MMO Content has died, nowhere to go. This game will continue for a long time because they'll continue to find ways to isolate vets and gain new players at a rapid rate. BW is happy, new players are happy, and veterans well bye felicia. Well played BW you win checkmate the joke is and always was on those who are loyal and have done your old content already. :(
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I'd just like to say that in my opinion I think this event will cause a good amount of veterans to unsub. However fortunately for BW they will probably gain the right amount of new players to negate the overall effect. Basically I'd like to say at this point Vets have died, nowhere to go. Also New MMO Content has died, nowhere to go. This game will continue for a long time because they'll continue to find ways to isolate vets and gain new players at a rapid rate. BW is happy, new players are happy, and veterans well bye felicia. Well played BW you win checkmate the joke is and always was on those who are loyal and have done your old content already. :(


EA has always been more interested in the customers they might get than the customers they already have.


See, making ME3 as much like Halo and GoW as they could.

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EA has always been more interested in the customers they might get than the customers they already have.


See, making ME3 as much like Halo and GoW as they could.

Well, duh. New players are that hot girl that moved into your building who seems really cool and approachable and stuff. Old players are your current girlfriend, with whom things have grown a little bit stale, despite the fact that she put you through Chainsaw Carving School, has consistently chosen to stay with you rather than run off with other, better guys, and even paid to fix the muffler on your crappy car after you spent your last dime installing new speakers so you can "Blast that bass, baby!"


I thought this was common knowledge. :confused:

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Well, duh. New players are that hot girl that moved into your building who seems really cool and approachable and stuff. Old players are your current girlfriend, with whom things have grown a little bit stale, despite the fact that she put you through Chainsaw Carving School, has consistently chosen to stay with you rather than run off with other, better guys, and even paid to fix the muffler on your crappy car after you spent your last dime installing new speakers so you can "Blast that bass, baby!"


I thought this was common knowledge. :confused:


And the fool that steps out with a harlot ends up getting VD, aids, herpes, and paying child support to someone they barely know and usually is all alone because all the people who care about them leave them because of the fact that they cant be trusted and are ultimately a dirt bag. I thought that was common knowledge.

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because this event said


"hey you know those characters you have played for years? well forget those jokers and start again but this time do all that in a few months!"


yeah not happening. It also brings NOTHING to the game, no ops, no GSF, no PvP, hell even no story just a "Do it again" from the devs, not good.

the ops community wants new raids since they have had nothing for almost 2 years

the GSF community want new stuff as they have had nothing since it launched

the PvP community want an apology and replacements for those terrible new maps and a season 7 plagued by hackers in balance and bugs.


This post is pretty much how I feel right now along with sorrow, despair, and disconsolate . :(

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In all seriousness, madcuzbad if your out there please post. You are hands down my favorite on the forums and my account ends tomorrow. I normally don't do call outs, but you not posting lately has made these forums dull. Do not let these white knights win. I got your back. Just jump back in the forums if your still out there reading this.

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This post is pretty much how I feel right now along with sorrow, despair, and disconsolate . :(
How can anyone be so morose when it's Chimichanga Night at my house tonight?


The worst case for veterans is that EA/BW gave us nothing to do this summer. If a bunch of new players race around doing this event and acquire all that swag, I will not feel cheated. Just like I don't feel cheated when other players earn rewards doing anything else in SWTOR I cannot stomach (yeah, I'm looking at you PvP!). I don't enjoy OPs and, hence, will never get those rewards. So what? I still enjoy the game. This event is just one more activity that holds no interest for me.


Besides, did I mention it's Chimichanga Night!? :D

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LOL Codedrago thanks for cheering me up with that post even though I feel like crap. I'm going to unsub on August 5th after I get the HK chapter but you guys and my guild are what made this game great for me. I love the vets here all of you guys even those who I disagree with because I wouldn't have enjoyed this game without y'all. All of you guys contribute in one way or another and I'm grateful for the people I got to meet here. I've just never felt this defeated before and it's disheartening. :(

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That was a blanket statement not directed at any one individual.


It's addressed to anyone who disagreed with you, and aside from Andrya, all incuded have displayed much more reason to assume they hate the game then be 'white kngiht' defenders of it.

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How can anyone be so morose when it's Chimichanga Night at my house tonight?


The worst case for veterans is that EA/BW gave us nothing to do this summer. If a bunch of new players race around doing this event and acquire all that swag, I will not feel cheated. Just like I don't feel cheated when other players earn rewards doing anything else in SWTOR I cannot stomach (yeah, I'm looking at you PvP!). I don't enjoy OPs and, hence, will never get those rewards. So what? I still enjoy the game. This event is just one more activity that holds no interest for me.


Besides, did I mention it's Chimichanga Night!? :D


Thor I'm honestly very happy for new players and I'm dead serious when I say that. Three of my close friends will have the opportunity to really enjoy the game since they are new players and I'm ecstatic for them. As a matter of fact I've already gotten several things lined up for them. I've bought extra character slots, account unlocks, about 10 mil in credits and 5 hypercrates for each person, along with several other things. I want them to have enjoy the hell out of this game even if it means I won't. Heck I'm trying to help BW but I can't justify this anymore for myself. I hope you understand where I'm coming from. :(

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it's addressed to anyone who disagreed with you, and aside from andrya, all incuded have displayed much more reason to assume they hate the game then be 'white kngiht' defenders of it.



Edited by CrazyCT
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LOL Codedrago thanks for cheering me up with that post even though I feel like crap.


Then clearly I'm not trying hard enough, I'm supposed to bring you down, not raise yah! Life is limited and you wasted it typing on a fourm to soe random shi-head who is probably a nazi in one way! FEEL SAD, DAMN IT!


All of you guys contribute in one way or another and I'm grateful for the people I got to meet here. I've just never felt this defeated before and it's disheartening. :(

Defeated? No matter what bull the game pulls, I find it hard to iagine a situation where you could feel 'defeated', unless all the bull occurs because you lost a bet or somthing... Squirrel, is there somthing you'd like to admit to? :D

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Defeated? No matter what bull the game pulls, I find it hard to iagine a situation where you could feel 'defeated', unless all the bull occurs because you lost a bet or somthing... Squirrel, is there somthing you'd like to admit to? :D


OK FINE I ADMIIT IT!!! Valkorion and I played a game of Dejarik and he cheated because he got inside my head. Yes I'm pretty salty about it right meow. :p

Edited by squirrelballz
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OK FINE I ADMIIT IT!!! Valkorion and I played a game of Dejarik and he cheated because he got inside my head. Yes I'm pretty salty about it right meow. :p


Dude, you never dance with the Devil unless you're prepared to knee him in the happy sacks and steal his horns.

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Thor I'm honestly very happy for new players and I'm dead serious when I say that. Three of my close friends will have the opportunity to really enjoy the game since they are new players and I'm ecstatic for them. As a matter of fact I've already gotten several things lined up for them. I've bought extra character slots, account unlocks, about 10 mil in credits and 5 hypercrates for each person, along with several other things. I want them to have enjoy the hell out of this game even if it means I won't. Heck I'm trying to help BW but I can't justify this anymore for myself. I hope you understand where I'm coming from. :(


The odds are they wont last. Make sure they goto Harbinger because when they want group queues at least they have a half of a chance off peak to get them there. The rest of the servers are in horrible shape. Someone earlier was just posting about Bergean being absolutely dead now. 9 people on fleet, and zero on correlia. At least if they goto Harbinger they might have a half of chance of staying.


I have helped countless people start out in this game. I have given away 100s of millions of credits and items to new players and 90% of them quit the game. I really hate to say this but its been my experience. This game has an amazing how hard it has been to retain players.


I really think that EA dropped the ball and allowed this game to slip away. This is what happens when you don't keep your finger on the pulse of an MMO and make your adjustments quickly when needed. The dead server should have been closed over a year ago. Why hasn't that been done? We have at least 4 servers that are ghost towns that still are available for new players to create toons on. That in and of itself is disgusting. The company should be ashamed of itself to allow this to go for so long. That's only 1 of an entire list of things people have been waiting for not just a year, but for YEARS. That is un excusable. And that is why this game is in horrible shape.

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