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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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That you appear to be acquaintances outside of the forums which explains your blind defense of him even though he is one of the more obvious trolls of recent times on the forums.


Your bias towards him is rather obvious from my perspective and thus many of your arguments in his defense are flawed.

Thank you for answering. I know a lot of players in-game and others from on the forum, very few cross over...I have no idea who he actually is in game though - my toons are easy, they all have TUX in them in some way. It does appear that way though, you're right...but in all honesty, I wouldn't know him if he came into mumble and said "hi" to me.


My "bias" was simply based on his original post...which to me, I could summarize as this:

I've been on 4 servers since this game started. I've been forced off of 2 that closed and moved off of one that died...I'm now on Harbinger, the last BIG server left in-game. Where do I go when Harbinger dies? The decline is already happening and it worries me.

Clearly he didn't say exactly that, but that was the gist of his post. To me, it's a legitimate question...one that won't be answered obviously, but one that Bioware should be aware of. KOTFE has hurt this game and harmed the populations...it's troubling to some of us who enjoy this game, which I do.

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But if he is trolling isn't that sort of reaction he is after? Shouldn't you therefore detest him?

I didn't think he was (see my summary above), and trolling doesn't necessarily mean they deserve to be crucified by others. The best troll ever was SirCopperfield...and I found his posts quite entertaining. Here, I just felt like he was pushed into a defensive stance for, what I think, was a legitimate observation/concern.

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I just feel that you're been giving MO more of a free pass on some of his behaviour. :)


As do I.

MO hasn't exactly been the shining example of how you treat others who you disagree with. In fact he's been downright rude, insulting & argumentative.

Which I think is why I & others are shocked at your staunch standing up for him. :)


The rest of your post helps us all understand why TUXs is so defensive of you at least, could never work it out before.



That you appear to be acquaintances outside of the forums which explains your blind defense of him even though he is one of the more obvious trolls of recent times on the forums.


Your bias towards him is rather obvious from my perspective and thus many of your arguments in his defense are flawed.


Well if MO/MCB knows TUX outside of the forums, it's because they're friends in game not the guild. I'm in the same guild as TUX & use the same Mumble...I have no idea who this MO/MCB is. But I am not a fan of him & think he's rather a jerk. Even if people have attacked you, you do NOT have to respond, especially the way he has. NO excuse for that; and to see him do it over & over...NOPE!

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Well if MO/MCB knows TUX outside of the forums, it's because they're friends in game not the guild. I'm in the same guild as TUX & use the same Mumble...I have no idea who this MO/MCB is.

Wait...who the heck are YOU? :p


I don't mean to support the way MO replied to people, I supported his OP and took issue with those who launched personal attacks at him.

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Wait...who the heck are YOU? :p


I don't mean to support the way MO replied to people, I supported his OP and took issue with those who launched personal attacks at him.


*menacing voice* Oh you know me. :rak_01:


Yeah well it's kind of twisted up now, like most things do on the internet. But it was just this post that caused it. One weekend he started post after post & jumped & derailed other threads. Was pathetic. Didn't garner him any favor for his OP.

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Look I'm with Tux on this one. I think when you look beyond the insults, rage, and vile comments that have been in this thread there are good points to both sides. While I understand people don't like or agree with MCB or MO(I myself am no fan of them) I don't think they are wrong about their view of the game but it's not an honest assessment either. I think what people forget to see is that truth often lies in the middle. What I mean by this is exactly what those who have been concerned about MMO aspects of this game have been stating now for months that the population for group content is dwindling at an alarming rate. At the same time though I feel solo players has steadily increased.


So when TUX is defending this I don't understand why you guys are on Tux's case. Don't look at who Tux is defending look at what he is defending about them. Tux has already said he doesn't agree with the insults or poor language that was used:


I've been on 4 servers since this game started. I've been forced off of 2 that closed and moved off of one that died...I'm now on Harbinger, the last BIG server left in-game. Where do I go when Harbinger dies? The decline is already happening and it worries me.


That's a fair point by Tux because where do players go for group content once the harbinger dwindles in population? For myself I know that in my experience it's been much harder to complete group content since 4.0. This can be anything from PVP, OPS, FP's, to even heroics sometimes. When the harbinger declines further there is no other server for people who like group content can go to. I don't see this as being negative or bashing the game I think this is a legitimate concern. I feel BW hasn't done much for the MMO players since 4.0 was released.


Now on the flip side do I think this game is dying? No way not by a long shot? However is the MMO elements in this game dying? Yes and there is quite a good amount of players who feel this way. Now only BW has those numbers for sure but I feel that group play has probably been at it's lowest since 4.0 released. I think though KOTFE has shown that story is quite profitable and that the Cartel Market can carry this game for years.


Now I commend them for doing what's best for the game financially but frankly speaking it sucks as a player who enjoys all parts of this game. The truth for some of us is that we've seen people leave and that our reality shows that the parts we enjoy may one day no longer be part of this game. I accept that but that doesn't change how I want the direction of the game to be instead. However this is BW's game and not mine and if the Solo players are what keeps the lights on then by all means continue on that avenue just know that it sucks that alot of us will be tossed aside in the process. Just my two cartel coins as I've tried to mostly avoid commenting in this thread.

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Have you ever read your own posts?


You're the last person who should be asking that question.


Come on y'all you're better than this. Quit this nonsense bickering that's been going on back and forth. Whatever disagreements y'all may have this game is better with both of you in it, period. I happen to quite like both of your posts and think you guys are some of the good members we have here on the forums. So please if we are gonna argue lets do it about the topic and not each other.


*Gives a bear hug to Codedrago and Tux* :D


Now I'm going to go back to being a scummy fence sitter and pick these sunflowers up here. :p

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Come on y'all you're better than this. Quit this nonsense bickering that's been going on back and forth. Whatever disagreements y'all may have this game is better with both of you in it, period. I happen to quite like both of your posts and think you guys are some of the good members we have here on the forums. So please if we are gonna argue lets do it about the topic and not each other.


*Gives a bear hug to Codedrago and Tux* :D


Now I'm going to go back to being a scummy fence sitter and pick these sunflowers up here. :p

Thank you Squirrel - for both posts :)


Code...I don't try to be insulting. If I am, just let me know and I'll try to clarify what I'm saying.

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Come on y'all you're better than this. Quit this nonsense bickering that's been going on back and forth. Whatever disagreements y'all may have this game is better with both of you in it, period. I happen to quite like both of your posts and think you guys are some of the good members we have here on the forums. So please if we are gonna argue lets do it about the topic and not each other.


*Gives a bear hug to Codedrago and Tux* :D


Now I'm going to go back to being a scummy fence sitter and pick these sunflowers up here. :p


Pick a side already!!!



Honestly I wish we would at times focus more on the subject at hand rather than the specific poster behind it.



I'm telling you... its this thread man...it... messes with your brain... almost... like... a

frozen forest.




PS: Are their any rules and regulations against the use of spoiler tags?



EDIT- Props to Squirrel for once again being that middle man and trying to bridge both sides together.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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These threads end up being all about focusing in on the worst of the posts. If someone is being a Dbag, stop responding to them. There are plenty of level headed personalities on both sides of the argument to work with.

ESPECIALLY a thread that's lived this damn long...makes me yearn for the AC Change thread again...

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These threads end up being all about focusing in on the worst of the posts. If someone is being a Dbag, stop responding to them. There are plenty of level headed personalities on both sides of the argument to work with.


That's why I put you-know-who and his sockpuppet account on ignore.

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Come on y'all you're better than this.


I refuse to beleive that.


So please if we are gonna argue lets do it about the topic and not each other.

I'm pretty sure that boat sailed a long time ago, about quarter way through this thread is when it really devolved into a ccritique on additude.


Now I'm going to go back to being a scummy fence sitter and pick these sunflowers up here. :p

...What did I say, Squirrel!? WHAT DID I SAY!? :D

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Pick a side already!!!


I had a hard enough time picking a side in this. What makes you think I could ever choose a side? :p


Honestly I wish we would at times focus more on the subject at hand rather than the specific poster behind it.


Agreed Peter you know you are the one who pointed this out to me a long time ago hopefully I've gotten better at this at least I hope so. I'm sure I've faltered elsewhere but alas one day I'll succeed. :)


I'm telling you... its this thread man...it... messes with your brain... almost... like... a

frozen forest.




PS: Are their any rules and regulations against the use of spoiler tags?



EDIT- Props to Squirrel for once again being that middle man and trying to bridge both sides together.


I learned from your demeanor and example. I agree I think alot of people are passionate about this topic. I don't think both sides are wrong but we gotta start seeing the concerns of the other party. Otherwise how are things going to improve? Or what will we suggest to improve it?

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I told you man... this thread will be the largest ever on the SWTOR forums... ill make sure of it. So large it will have to be restarted... several times.


He did try to restart it, several times, and they all got merged back into this thread...

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I refuse to beleive that.



I'm pretty sure that boat sailed a long time ago, about quarter way through this thread is when it really devolved into a ccritique on additude.



...What did I say, Squirrel!? WHAT DID I SAY!? :D


Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit! I've been caught again. Look I can explain, it just so happened that one day as I was climbing on top of a fence I saw some sunflowers up there and decided I'd like to plant my existence there. :o

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Code...I don't try to be insulting. If I am, just let me know and I'll try to clarify what I'm saying.


I never said you were insulting, I was saying that you were increasingly showing a double standard. I'm okay with you taking what we say towards him as an insult, I would see it as you being a tad bit sensetive, but I would not think less of you for it.


But, my problem comes when you're scolding people for what you call 'attacking', yet refuse to call it out when MCB or MO do it. And when others call them out for it, you tell them that it's still no excuse, yet still give him a free pass on it. THere's more I have a problem with, but those are problems I can't prove because those are in threads that have been removed.

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Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit! I've been caught again. Look I can explain, it just so happened that one day as I was climbing on top of a fence I saw some sunflowers up there and decided I'd like to plant my existence there. :o


Oh you punny bastard!

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I don't even play any longer.

I only keep my sub going now for anything special that is given to players that have an active sub.

I have thousands of CC and quite frankly going F2P ruined this game for me.

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That's why I put you-know-who and his sockpuppet account on ignore.


I understand why you did that Max. Everyone has a threshold of what they are willing to tolerate. That said I find that finding a way to get those who disagree with me to either agree with me or help me change my mind a far greater avenue. I feel that it's those you disagree with most that can bring out the best and sometimes worst in you.


Direct action is not always the best way. It is a far greater victory to make another see through your eyes than to close theirs forever. ~Kreia


Oh you punny bastard!


LOL I knew you'd catch it. :p

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