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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Game has died, Nowhere to go


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I'm talking about things being the opposite from what they were from 5 years ago. I'm not sure you have been around long enough to even have any idea what I'm talking about.




However, if you WERE around, back then, perhaps you will remember this quote:


“The first was that although we had not originally planned the game to be heavily PVP-focused, the ease of getting in and playing the Warzones combined with their fun design gave us the highest PvP participation of any modern triple-A MMO. At that point we turned a huge amount of our resources to PVP development"


It was a long time ago, I know, but there was a very large and extremely active PvP community here once upon a time. While PvE was still being worked on, it was this community that helped to keep SWTOR afloat.


There's no "confirmation bias", just a simple statement of facts.


I find that quote dubious at best, love to know what metrics they measured that on and why going forth PVP got so little attention if it supposedly had "a huge amounts of resources" directed at it ... the question is then if that's at all true ... what went wrong? I blame the gear grind ;)

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1) Game launched 4years and 3 months ago. Your decision to round up to 5 years is classic for the confirmation bias crowd... exaggerate often... and then do it some more.


2) You stated that PvP was keeping the game afloat ahead of F2P. You are simply and flat out wrong. Hence, confirmation bias, which you did once again here.. by taking one comment from early after launch and then declaring it your prima facie grounds for trying so hard to sell us on your personal bias. You will use any quote or comment to support your contention, no matter the context. That is first class confirmation bias in action.


Ahead of the F2P conversion, the biggest segment of complainers and quitters of the game were PvPers, followed by raid junkies, followed by people who will only play one character and are not into alts. A lot of PvPers that did not simply quit...in fact went went free-range and rerolled to The Fatman and declared it to be PvP heaven. The PvPers declared The Fatman to be the home of PvP in the US. It was not. They toxified the server and then left in droves as it was well into collapse before it was folded in the last server merge.


Add to that if the comment was prior to F2P then the focus the comment implies towards PVP could be argued to have been what nearly killed the game and thus required a focus away from PVP and the F2P model to begin with ... I would also wager whoever made the comment, or at least the decision to fucos on PVP, no longer works for BWA on this game?


Interesting you state this:

Ahead of the F2P conversion, the biggest segment of complainers and quitters of the game were PvPers, followed by raid junkies, followed by people who will only play one character and are not into alts.


We are almost back in that same situation albeit without the PVP complainers either from them having left mostly or the new incoming content. However once you remove all the players you mention there then you aren't really left with much in the way of a sustainable player base I believe thus it pays to take on board the comaplints ... especially from that later group as I would be willing to bet they would make up the largest portion of the games playerbase ( before they complain and leave that is ;) ).

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The secret of the universe is change. Just because PvP was unexpectedly popular shortly after launch, doesn't mean it still is. Or the queues would still be popping.


You seem to be assuming that I don't understand that.


I just found it to be ironic in an amusing sort of way.


Arguing that there wasn't a large PvP community that contributed to the longevity of the game shortly after launch is just silly, as that's simply just a fact.


I don't have an agenda. I don't even care about the game enough anymore to have one. I only returned because it was a fun memory and I thought I'd give it another shot after all of these years.


I find it hilarious, however, that the remaining community is acting in this manner from a simple casual observation.


It's no wonder this game is dead if this is the community that players have been encountering, though. Ah well, guess I'm outta here again. Not like there's not plenty of other (active) fish in the sea.



Edited by Varicite
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I would say I'm in the same boat as Varicite. I just got a invite from some old Guild friends from AoC. So I will be off to greener pastures this summer. I will hang around SWTOR because it is the only Star Wars MMO out, but it will be on a very casual basses. Hope the game remains fun for the players that still like it. I might reconsider if they put in cross servers or make mega servers, but until they do I dont see this as a go to game. and this isn't a demand, just what I think I would need to play this game like I once did. witch was all the time and yes this game survived off the pvp community back in the day since it was the only end game. Just curious, but what is end game now?
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I would say I'm in the same boat as Varicite. I just got a invite from some old Guild friends from AoC. So I will be off to greener pastures this summer. I will hang around SWTOR because it is the only Star Wars MMO out, but it will be on a very casual basses. Hope the game remains fun for the players that still like it. I might reconsider if they put in cross servers or make mega servers, but until they do I dont see this as a go to game. and this isn't a demand, just what I think I would need to play this game like I once did. witch was all the time and yes this game survived off the pvp community back in the day since it was the only end game. Just curious, but what is end game now?


Unfortunately for this game, what you just said is the majority not the minority. You basically parroted what the OP was trying to say. Cross servers or a mega server better be in the plans soon for this game or I'm afraid things might get bad quickly.


Maybe I'm wrong and everything will be fine but what you just said seems to be going thru this game like the plague lately and I am in a guild of 500 members and nobody is ever on. There has been 2 people out of 500 that have logged in the game is the past 2 days if you examine the guild log. And both logged on when I wasn't.

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I haven't been online in days in the game, which is unusual for me. I usually log in to at least do some GTN stuff and a warzone or two...


It is Tuesday night, haven't been on since Friday afternoon... I may well not log in all week, which is fine, but really, I think the game is done for me, which is sad...


I haven't even played the most recent chapter yet, I just don't care anymore. :(

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I haven't been online in days in the game, which is unusual for me. I usually log in to at least do some GTN stuff and a warzone or two...


It is Tuesday night, haven't been on since Friday afternoon... I may well not log in all week, which is fine, but really, I think the game is done for me, which is sad...


I haven't even played the most recent chapter yet, I just don't care anymore. :(


Come on TX... I use to see you all the time when I stalked you... err ... I... I... I mean the forums.....we have wonderful chance cubes, beta testing, and information about EC which has been delayed for 2 months now!!!


I hope the new chapter lights that spark for you to return to the game and enjoy your GTN surfing, perhaps some PVP as well, maybe even operations.... TOS HM achievement required however. If the new chapter doesn't do it, I wish you the best of luck in finding another game you like, and getting that spark to return to SWTOR.

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I haven't been online in days in the game, which is unusual for me. I usually log in to at least do some GTN stuff and a warzone or two...


It is Tuesday night, haven't been on since Friday afternoon... I may well not log in all week, which is fine, but really, I think the game is done for me, which is sad...


I haven't even played the most recent chapter yet, I just don't care anymore. :(


Sorry to say but this is exactly what I am hearing from almost everyone I am or have been guilded with. I am in several PVP guilds on both Republic and Imperial sides. And I can not believe what were active and very busy guilds are now sluggish, inactive, and when people do log in they say exactly what this person just said.


I personally like the game for its PVP. I hate to see so many people falling away from it but it is a reality. And for the life of me, I don't understand why this game company doesn't take serious action and either create a Mega-Server for all remaining servers, or institute server to server que system.


We have the ranked PVP system even on the busiest server, TheHarbringer absolutely dissolved because of the current lack of ques. All the PVP servers are totally wrecked, and the rest of the servers are all hanging on by a shoe string besides Harbs.


This company better do something soon because the this storm is not only not going anywhere, but it is gaining intensity. This recent patter of people leaving the game or just not logging in goes from bad to worse rapidly. These people better catch this before its too late, that's if it isn't too late already.

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You know if people put you on ignore, they won't get grouped with you - maybe that's why it takes so long to get a queue to pop for you?


Could you please stop. I mean SERIOUSLY?


I have 30 toons that I toggle thru for PVP. You honestly think that all 30 of my toons are on ignore lists across the server? I mean seriously look at what you are grasping at. How desperate are you to cheerlead?


And worse than that it being ridicules to say what you said, ignore has zero effect on PVP ques. I have ignored several trolls in my time only to play next to them game after game.


Seriously though stop. Just stop. Not for my sake or the sake of this thread but for you. It just looks pathetic. Stop doing that.

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Could you please stop. I mean SERIOUSLY?


I have 30 toons that I toggle thru for PVP. You honestly think that all 30 of my toons are on ignore lists across the server? I mean seriously look at what you are grasping at. How desperate are you to cheerlead?


And worse than that it being ridicules to say what you said, ignore has zero effect on PVP ques. I have ignored several trolls in my time only to play next to them game after game.


Seriously though stop. Just stop. Not for my sake or the sake of this thread but for you. It just looks pathetic. Stop doing that.


I have 30 toons that I toggle thru for PVP. You honestly think that all 30 of my toons are on ignore lists across the server?



If you act inside the game the way you act on the forums... it wouldn't be a surprise if they were all on ignore.

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Could you please stop. I mean SERIOUSLY?


I have 30 toons that I toggle thru for PVP. You honestly think that all 30 of my toons are on ignore lists across the server? I mean seriously look at what you are grasping at. How desperate are you to cheerlead?


And worse than that it being ridicules to say what you said, ignore has zero effect on PVP ques. I have ignored several trolls in my time only to play next to them game after game.


Seriously though stop. Just stop. Not for my sake or the sake of this thread but for you. It just looks pathetic. Stop doing that.


I was merely offering a possible reason. But thanks for confirming the attitude that probably DOES have you on ignore for most people. umadbro?

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Could you please stop. I mean SERIOUSLY?


I have 30 toons that I toggle thru for PVP. You honestly think that all 30 of my toons are on ignore lists across the server? I mean seriously look at what you are grasping at. How desperate are you to cheerlead?


And worse than that it being ridicules to say what you said, ignore has zero effect on PVP ques. I have ignored several trolls in my time only to play next to them game after game.


Seriously though stop. Just stop. Not for my sake or the sake of this thread but for you. It just looks pathetic. Stop doing that.


I think if you're the same way on all thirty of them that you are here, it would be a distinct possibility. For myself? I find it amusing to watch someone that's playing carebear PvP like it's some kind of life or death situation calling everyone else carebears. I realize how hard it must be for you, waiting 10 minutes for an opportunity to teabag someone, but frankly, it just doesn't have the "bite" it should have. How's your Asmodian coming in Aion? Did you roll one up yet?

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If you act inside the game the way you act on the forums... it wouldn't be a surprise if they were all on ignore.


And if they were, what would that have to do with slow que times for PVP?


And how I act here? For real? Have you ever taken a look at yourself? You have been viscously attacking me and this thread since it started. Wow. What is this "do what I say not what I do?" That's called hypocrisy.


Your another one who needs to stop. And like I said not for me or the sake of this thread but for yourself. Everyone here on this thread got your point along time ago. We all heard you about "everything is fine here. The game is going strong. We don't need PVP people ruining our game. etc etc etc" If you feel that way, make your own thread and tell people about how awesome the game is and how it is perfectly healthy instead of running around these forums day and night trolling other people threads. And trolling it is. Unless of course your in denial.

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I was merely offering a possible reason. But thanks for confirming the attitude that probably DOES have you on ignore for most people. umadbro?


And once again if I was ignored by everyone on the entire server, it still wouldn't change the PVP ques one bit. So why are you going on and on about me being ignored in the game and that's probly why I don't get que pops? Everyone explained to you that ignore doesn't effect PVP. And yet your still going on about ignores?

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And once again if I was ignored by everyone on the entire server, it still wouldn't change the PVP ques one bit. So why are you going on and on about me being ignored in the game and that's probly why I don't get que pops? Everyone explained to you that ignore doesn't effect PVP. And yet your still going on about ignores?


I haven't been going on and on about it - I offered a possible reason, and as Joesixxpack kindly pointed out, it doesn't affect queues. I didn't know, but am happy to be corrected. I did however comment on your wonderful attitude, and that it probably had you on ignore with most of your server. I didn't persist that it was the reason that you weren't queueing. You are the one who is mistakenly persisting in saying that I am still saying you being on ignore is the problem with your queues. I'd try to make things clearer for you in future, but I don't think they have a "crayon" setting for the font.



Edited by CrazyCT
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I haven't been going on and on about it - I offered a possible reason, and as Joesixxpack kindly pointed out, it doesn't affect queues. I didn't know, but am happy to be corrected. I did however comment on your wonderful attitude, and that it probably had you on ignore with most of your server. I didn't persist that it was the reason that you weren't queueing. You are the one who is mistakenly persisting in saying that I am still saying you being on ignore is the problem with your queues. I'd try to make things clearer for you in future, but I don't think they have a "crayon" setting for the font.




It was brought up earlier in this thread. I mistakenly thought it was you, but I just reviewed your posts and it wasn't you. So I apologize for thinking it was you. But just to clear this issue up, ignore has no effect on PVP groups.


It just seems that there is a certain small group of people who keep grasping at straws to try and deny or flat out reject the claims that this game in many areas in in serious trouble. And to see the same small group continue to keep taking cheap shots at you because what you are saying they don't like gets old.


Everything in this thread I have brought up is real. It is not made up. The dead servers, my 3 server mergers, the slowing up que times, the fact that there are no more high cap servers left after TheHarbringer, etc etc etc are all real. And to continually get these things thrown up at me like "your probably ignored by everyone on the server" is just ridicules. Its counter productive and gets old. Flaming and trolling me only makes me get defensive when you continue these ridicules come backs. Get over it.

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When you attack a person instead of the issue they are talking about, it makes you look ignorant. Ignore has nothing to due with pvp or gsf ques. and as many have stated we all want different things out of the experience we get from playing the same game. I am not here to defend him or pvp but he has a point. The game is not in a good state, and once a game dips beyond a certain point it gets shelved and put on life support. It has happened to many games I have played. Yes the game will be here and yes some will play it. But to the people that leave it behind, the game just died for them. And a quick look at populations on many of the servers would suggest the game is dying for many.
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I had the same thought the what makes it sort of worse is even though it's seemingly slower than it has been in the past there is seemingly more doom and gloom threads than ever before. So less overall posts/topics but more posts/topics about doom n gloom or some issue with the direction of the game?


Doesn't make overly positive reading.

Does that surprise you? Less and less players means longer queues for everyone, more downtime for players and more boredom.


Sadly, there's literally NOTHING coming that seems like it will help. The PvP maps surely won't because without a balance pass for PvP, the results will be the same as they have been for the past 2+ years. The new story each month...meh...I don't mind them, but they aren't attracting new players and they aren't retaining old ones.


Without something from Bioware to look forward to, I'm afraid we're in a spiral that won't slow until we hit the bottom.

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When you attack a person instead of the issue they are talking about, it makes you look ignorant. Ignore has nothing to due with pvp or gsf ques. and as many have stated we all want different things out of the experience we get from playing the same game. I am not here to defend him or pvp but he has a point. The game is not in a good state, and once a game dips beyond a certain point it gets shelved and put on life support. It has happened to many games I have played. Yes the game will be here and yes some will play it. But to the people that leave it behind, the game just died for them. And a quick look at populations on many of the servers would suggest the game is dying for many.

YOU'RE the problem!!! :p


I kid of course, I just couldn't resist :) You're exactly right...

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Go back, read the entire thread, and then honestly tell me that you shouldn't be directing that advice at the OP.


Yes, go back and read. I just did that earlier. And it seems every time I got my back up or snapped off it was in defensive mode, not offensive. Go start on page 1. This thread started off perfectly fine. Go thru the first 3 pages and nothing at all until the attackers jumped in.


And yes you attack me I attack back. I am not perfect by any means and I am not saying I am right, but you go back and re read the thread and in its context and look at how many times I was attacked. And you want me to just lay down and take it? Or not defend my position? You defend your position. I cant defend mine?


The person most attacked on here has been me. Most of the time I attack it is in response to someone trashing me or my position. Go back and re read it. I did.

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The person most attacked on here has been me. Most of the time I attack it is in response to someone trashing me or my position. Go back and re read it. I did.




It seems there's a double standard for many people here. They can attack you, but then they get bent outta shape if you reply in kind...not that I think you should, but it's hard not to.

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