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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Producer Livestream Recap 3/9


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Hey folks,


Thank you to everyone who tuned into the Livestream this afternoon. Here is a recap of what we talked about:

Community Topics

  • Eternal Championship - As many of you know we have decided to delay EC, more on this later.
  • Chapter XI Launch - Yesterday was our Early Access launch, tomorrow is the full launch. We know that there were a few pretty nasty bugs present with launch. We will be doing a patch tomorrow to correct some of them, with more changes likely incoming next week.
  • Community content - Just a shout out to all of you great content makers out there. Blogs, podcasts, youtubers. streamers, and more!

Chapter XI: Disavowed

  • Chapter XI is live as of tomorrow.
  • Venture deep into enemy territory and change the course of the war on the Eternal Throne.
  • Disavowed Cartel Market pack is also live.

Odessen Proving Grounds & Rishi Arena

  • Both will launch April 5th
  • Thank you to everyone who tested and provided feedback in making Odessen a great Warzone.

Quality of life improvements coming with Chapter 12 in April

  • Stronghold limit and decoration limit changes
  • Guild Improvements, including a raised cap to 1,000
  • Updated naming which allows spaces
  • PvE and PvP Instance types
  • Updated server select UI
  • Social window improvements

Eternal Championship

  • We will announce the new launch date on the next Producer Livestream
  • PTS planned for the end of March
  • Blog planned for the same time

Chapter XII: Visions in the Dark

  • New information leads to a potentially deadly mission for the Alliance
  • Valkorion, the Eternal Emperor, has brutal plans for the Outlander
  • Special return appearance from some fan-favorite characters!
  • Akghal Usar Recruitment Mission

Thank you everyone for tuning in!



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Thanks for the stream! Here are my questions:


How does the conquest bonus work for the 5th stronghold? There are plenty of players from my guild interested in that question.


What is your policy on names, and will it be strictly enforced by Customer Service in the future? (like having Jedi or Lord in the title)


With the upcoming PvE/PvP instances, how do the open-world PvP areas on Ilum and Tatooine work in PvE instances? On the PTS, players are not flagged inside those areas, so what will happen to the PvP quests from the Gree event?


Are the new HK-55 weapons from the April subscriber reward bound to legacy?

Edited by Jerba
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Let's talk Legacy Names sorting in guilds and Main-Character tags:


Legacy Names are NOT unique. What happens when multiple guild members have the same Legacy name? This happens often especially with friends/spouses/families playing in the same guild. Still no way to tell which characters belong to which Player.


You should instead create Main-Character tab and automatically flag first character that joins guild as the Main. If the player brings in more character to the guild they could change it, but since Character Names are actually unique (while Legacy ain't) this would ensure no 2 accounts could be mistaken as the same one due to idential Legacy name.

Edited by Pietrastor
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Chapter XII: Visions in the Dark


So it's a bug that it's called something different currently in-game?


Special return appearance from some fan-favorite characters!


But no reunion with an old companion?


Akghal Usar Recruitment Mission


Does this guy replace Khem Val or we will get two Dashades (which I find unlikely)?

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A lot of guildies approached me and voiced concerns and confusion about that legacy name thing. There are options to hide legacy name for a reason, so not everyone can/should be able to read them and know. The question is, who will be able to see that. I seem to recall something about "GM only" which could mean guildmaster only? If anyone has any more details, would be appreciated!
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A lot of guildies approached me and voiced concerns and confusion about that legacy name thing. There are options to hide legacy name for a reason, so not everyone can/should be able to read them and know. The question is, who will be able to see that. I seem to recall something about "GM only" which could mean guildmaster only? If anyone has any more details, would be appreciated!

Everyone inside the guild can see the legacy name, and it is immediately visible when you open the guild window, you don't even need to change some columns around to see it.

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Everyone inside the guild can see the legacy name, and it is immediately visible when you open the guild window, you don't even need to change some columns around to see it.

Wait, so it's just attatched to the regular Name? Not even in separate tab? So we won'tbe even able to sort by Legacy names (even if they duplicate)?

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Everyone inside the guild can see the legacy name, and it is immediately visible when you open the guild window, you don't even need to change some columns around to see it.


That's... odd. A lot of people wont be too happy about that, but thanks for the info! Here's hoping there is changing it or something, because as it stands, not sure.. I don't mind that much, everyone knows my alts, but not everyone likes that, and it brings up the question: Why can we even hide our legacy names if it will be shown by force? Many reasons to hide legacy name (in terms of RP and whatnot), ugh..


Wait, so it's just attatched to the regular Name? Not even in separate tab? So we won'tbe even able to sort by Legacy names (even if they duplicate)?


I think they mean that the extra column is visible right away and you don't need to sort it (like you have to do it now between member note, etc)

Edited by Elyon
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Everyone inside the guild can see the legacy name, and it is immediately visible when you open the guild window, you don't even need to change some columns around to see it.


WOW! So much for the arguments against legacy-wide friend or ignore features! I can't possibly see this getting abused or causing drama at all. :rolleyes:

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Why was Chapter 11 so short? Or is this the standard length of the new chapters and we shouldn't be surprised when they can be completed in 30 minutes?


What is on the table for end game content?


Are there any plans to make more robust areas that have multiple levels and therefore more options to progress passed opponents or get the drop on them?


Linked to the 3 previous points, are you aware that a large number of guilds are leaving, if so is anything being done to address this?


What if anything is being done to allow smaller guilds (should any survive) be relevant to conquest with the new 1000 character limit?


Was there really such demand for 1000 character limit guilds? It seems to be a massive focus of the quality of life changes yet it seems hard pressed to say that many servers have 1000 on at any time. How many of these are made up of F2P accounts that may not even be active?


Are there any plans to improve or balance combat. It seems gear is vastly the most important factor and must be a contributing factor in why some people find the new content so boringly easy and others are dying against trash? Skill seems to have nothing to do with it as its easy to basic attack on my merc through most everything. This sought of game play may have seen its day.


The last two chapters has seen the outlander recruit a known terrorist who is one step down form trash and a die hard Republic commando. This makes for some implausible writing and seriously undermines much of the excellent work done in the first 50 levels of establishing a personality and therefore attachment to the character. Will future chapters continue to shoe horn the outlander into absurd situations or will they offer some choice in an either or capacity so an Imperial will be approaching a loyal imperial to assist with a mission rather than following someone round that can countermand every dialogue option and there is nothing you can do about it?


Why Akghal Usar instead of Khem Val? It sounds like he has the same back story having been frozen in time, is it because of the multiple personality of Khem Val? If this is the case does it mean Khem Val is never returning?


Can we get a list of companions that are never returning?


Following from above, if the companion is never returning can we get them restored separately to out roster in their own section so we can use them. Rather than waiting for their scripted return which will never happen?


As Jaesa has two possible personalities, is it fair to say she will be treated in the same way as Khem Val?

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Quality of Life question:

Are there any plans to change the Character Selection screen back to having 8 *visible* characters (as it was since the original launch of the game)?

If not, is there any chance you could share with us the "why" of changing to only 6 *visible* characters after almost 4 years of having 8 *visible* characters?


Thank you.

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Is the Eternal Championship going to be on Zakuul? I seem to recall that.


How will that be made to make sense in terms of the KotFE story? Do we really want our Outlander to go showing herself/himself in a public brawling event with Arkann murdering millions to try and force us out of hiding?


Also, "throwing companions willy nilly back into the story" and "waiting two years for our LI" are not the same thing. Just want to get that out there. The KotFE story should not be about waiting for (X person we already know all about) to return, but about ending the Valkorion family drama and saving the galaxy.

Edited by AnisaBadgett
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