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Why do you care? That's my point. I see guys AND girls dressed up in trash outfits...some people do it because they're teenage boys, some people are trying to upset people like you, some people just have terrible taste. It's not this game, it's EVERY game ever that has had this happen. SWTOR actually does a decent job of not making things too creepy imo.


My suggestion that you just ignore it and focus on what YOU enjoy, has nothing at all to do with treating woman or men a certain way irl...it's just that dwelling on things you can't control, like how people dress their companions, will drive you insane...and it's trivial.


I know you think you're trying to help, but the thing is, it comes off a bit paternalistic and condescending. I'm not trying to say that as an attack, either. I can tell it's not coming from a place of malice.


The thing is, everybody has a part where they draw the line in this game, and everybody has a right to that, and this is probably mine. If Lana and Senya, two extraordinary representations of women I can look up to in this game, who aren't damsels and have agency in the story, get turned into bikini models, that is one of the very few things that will get me to unsub and leave this game far behind.


Again, I don't have a problem with people lusting after them, or even doing dirty fanart with them, but if the game itself is going to enable that? That's Bioware's way of telling me that my subscription really isn't wanted.

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Yes, please, because no guy ever told me to "lighten up" when I expressed discomfort at the way women are treated in video games. Whatever was I thinking? :rolleyes:


Especially funny given the number of trivial garbage people make whole threads about, like the HK helmet and slicing nodes, but clearly I'm the one who needs to "lighten up" because I don't want to see Lana turned into a sex doll for creeps in a game I enjoy.


How about you lighten up and stop paternalistically telling people what they're allowed to take seriously, 'kay? Especially on these forums.


Except you're not "expressing discomfort", you're generalizing, attacking and basically raging. This isn't anything like people complaining about the helmet or BW's cartel market scams. This isn't you saying "I don't want to see sexy outfits". This is you saying "anyone that does want to see/put sexy outfits on their companions is wrong + creepy + knuckledragging scum".

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You can couch your argument in whatever terms you want, but your end goal is pretty plainly to objectify the characters and make the game just a little bit more uncomfortable for people who don't want to see their favorite character reduced to a sex doll in-game.


If you want sexy-Lana then by all means go commission an artist for some rule-34 (and if you find a good one who can draw her and Theron, lemme know) and leave the game-proper for the rest of us.


To quote Bill Engvall. "...WHU?! Evel Knievel couldn't have made that leap!"

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The thing is, everybody has a part where they draw the line in this game, and everybody has a right to that, and this is probably mine. If Lana and Senya, two extraordinary representations of women I can look up to in this game, who aren't damsels and have agency in the story, get turned into bikini models, that is one of the very few things that will get me to unsub and leave this game far behind.


Again, I don't have a problem with people lusting after them, or even doing dirty fanart with them, but if the game itself is going to enable that? That's Bioware's way of telling me that my subscription really isn't wanted.


1. What? You're dismissing all the other awesome female characters in the game?

2. While I think Lana is bland as all hell, I agree that Senya is an awesome character. But here's a thing, putting them in sexy clothing won't change that. Putting them in a revealing outfit won't stain their awesomeness one bit, the biggest effect it will have is making serious scenes look ridiculous (Like when Jorgan is trying to have an emotional moment in his underwear, or Skadge attempts to threaten us when wearing nothing but a thong).

3. If them wearing a revealing outfit is such a travesty to you, there is only few options. Either grow some thicker skin, because it's just some damn skin being shown. Or leave, because it's obvious that games in general are too much for you to handle.

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No, I have heard nothing to suggest we will ever be able to dress up the new crew. Given that part of the KOTFE hard sell was that "our choices would matter," I remain flummoxed that EA/BW refuses to let our fashion choices matter.


Especially given how little our choices actually matter. If BW had made this xpac with a brain in their heads, they might have been able to do it well. As it stands, I can't imagine they're getting near the influx of players they had hoped for, nor is their retention very good.


Anecdotal - light posting on the forum used to net me about 15-20K CC per month in referral clicks. These days it's about 7K. Do with that what you will.

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Except you're not "expressing discomfort", you're generalizing, attacking and basically raging. This isn't anything like people complaining about the helmet or BW's cartel market scams. This isn't you saying "I don't want to see sexy outfits". This is you saying "anyone that does want to see/put sexy outfits on their companions is wrong + creepy + knuckledragging scum".


Dude, if I see someone with a comp in that kind of outfit my first instinct is, "Ewww... gross." It's as simple as that, and not something I need to defend anymore than you would if someone walked by you wearing cologne that smelled like they swam in bile.

Edited by ZanyaCross
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It's like you went through a checklist of typical rebuttals for an MRA :rolleyes:




It's like you can't actually address my statements without a ooze of smug and making it out to be that I have some personal problem, while also almost completely ignoring anything I said.


Dude, if I see someone with a comp in that kind of outfit my first instinct is, "Ewww... gross." It's as simple as that, and not something I need to defend anymore than you would if someone walked by you wearing cologne that smelled like they swam in bile

This really makes me wonder how you treat woman and men in real life who dress up in revealing outfits, who feel it only empowers them.

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OMG, why is it that every time this topic comes up, it gets completely derailed into an argument about companions in slave girl outfits and such nonsense?


WHO CARES! Every time this topic gets derailed in such a manner, it takes the spotlight off of the bigger question, which is why did Bioware take the shortcut on it's programming, which removed a core feature from the game?


You people with your incessant bickering about companion dress codes are the reason Bioware is being let off the hook and why they can continue turning a blind eye to the topic instead of being held accountable to their customers.



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This really makes me wonder how you treat woman and men in real life who dress up in revealing outfits, who feel it only empowers them.


Well, since I've said in this very thread that I don't care how people dress up their own characters, I'm pretty sure anyone who bothered to listen to what I was saying could probably infer the answer to that pretty easily on their own. :rolleyes:

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Thus leading to you resubbing, AGAIN.


This is the longest I have been subbed since the game started, 6 months. I play for a month or 2 and have quit for as long as 2 years. I usually stay gone for about 6 months, hoping in that time that they fix all the bugs, add some really fun content, just basically take the boring out of the game. If it wasn't for the friends I have from SWG and the guild we started here ( the reason I still sub once in a while ), it would be really easy to unsub and never look back.

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From a story point of view, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to have Lana, Theron, et al, running around in Slave Girl outfits and/or underwear - which you know is what would happen. :eek:



My thoughts exactly!

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Dude, if I see someone with a comp in that kind of outfit my first instinct is, "Ewww... gross." It's as simple as that, and not something I need to defend anymore than you would if someone walked by you wearing cologne that smelled like they swam in bile.


:( Noooo ZenyaCross.


You won't like my companions. All of my companions are wearing a tube top dyed black/black, slave girl bottom, trouble maker gloves, saul karath's hat, satele boots, covert waist energy armor, and covert wrist energy armor.

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IJust another nail in the coffin to get me to unsub-AGAIN!


How many times are we going to hear the unsub threat. As if other games like WoW are different. I am sure Blizzard just does everything their player base wants :rolleyes: Reminds me of "I'll never shop in this store again," only to see the person back a couple weeks later.

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I've suggested before that all they have to do is flip the same switch on Lana and Senya and whoever that prevents guys from wearing "female clothing", which would allow them to still wear 95% of the gear out there, and not have beloved characters dragged through the slime by the most disgusting element of the player-base. Everybody wins except for the knuckle-draggers who think women aren't objectified enough in video games.


Naturally, though, every time I make that suggestion disgusting toads never fail to slime their way into the discussion to tell me how against freedom and choice and apple pie I am. And people wonder why we can't have nice things. :rolleyes:




Since you're so against "objectification," I'm going to go ahead and assume you're some divine angel that graces our presence from the heavens, and you've never looked at a man with his shirt off in a sexual way. Because if you have...How dare you?! How dare you objectify men with their shirts off! What are we, lifeless objects to fuel your sexual desires? The horror! Allowing male characters to take their shirts off in-game is an insult to myself and other men around the world. Those filthy women just want to sexualize us! I call for removing all humanoid realism in the game, in favor of having a big black cube where our male characters should be whenever they take their shirts off. Better yet, lets remove character and companion customization from the game completely so that women don't have a chance to objectify us men! (By the way, I know multiple females in game that dress their characters in slave outfits, those dirty-rotten turncoats!) :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Nice job insulting as many people who disagree with you as possible, even if it has nothing to do with your idea of "objectification." Your logic of "I like this option...but only if you do it my way so that I can get what I want, regardless of what anyone else wants" is why we can't have nice things.


I don't fancy my companions running around in slave girl outfits, but I might give it a try now...;)

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While we're at it (and in a vain attempt to dowse the current flame war over tastes in clothing), I would like to see a vendor made available at our super-secrety base that will allow us to buy the customizations for "old" companions (T7, Elara, etc.), regardless of original Imp/Pub affiliation. As it stands, for instance, my Marauder can't acquire a skin for T7 so he's limited to the "vanilla" (non-customized) appearance. Having a vendor that sold all the skins would be quite welcome. :D
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I do hope that they add companion customizations to them either via cartel market, or security key vendor and adding them to vendors on odessan and other places for coms or wz tokens etc. Even if it's not a fully customized outfit they could come up with a lot of variations on what the new NPCs are wearing while keeping the character's basic features like hair/face and any custom or unique intact to reduce the redundancy in the outfits, but keep the character's unique look intact.


As Abataamala said - it'd be nice if they added customizations for opposite faction NPCs for everyone.


On the off topic crap;



1. What? You're dismissing all the other awesome female characters in the game?

2. While I think Lana is bland as all hell, I agree that Senya is an awesome character. But here's a thing, putting them in sexy clothing won't change that. Putting them in a revealing outfit won't stain their awesomeness one bit, the biggest effect it will have is making serious scenes look ridiculous (Like when Jorgan is trying to have an emotional moment in his underwear, or Skadge attempts to threaten us when wearing nothing but a thong).


Pretty much... this...


This really makes me wonder how you treat woman and men in real life who dress up in revealing outfits, who feel it only empowers them.

I'd wonder that too...


I always like seeing the slave girl outfits on all the NPCs - but honestly, it doesn't diminish what that character is. I don't think my opinion should be something that prevents another player from dressing their character or companions up how they want. Just like if I hated revealing outfits and tight clothing my opinion shouldn't do **** to stop you from wearing it (I wear skinny jeans and a fitted T-shirt all the time so.. I don't really but meh, I hope you get the idea).


I generally put full armor/uniforms on my companions. It's not because of the 'objectification' etc, it's just because to me it makes more sense. Armor etc takes better to fighting and going through dense forests etc better than a bikini would. Even if it's a 'slave' that's following the PC around generally they'd want that individual protected if they took them into the field enough that they wouldn't blemish the slave's skin etc...


I get what she's upset about. There's a major push to stop objectifying women - but I don't think it's why they decided not to let us dress the companions up. I do firmly believe it is (as others mentioned) because of cutscenes and has nothing to do with females being 'objectified'. I think she's missing that player choice in this game should matter, even if it's something that she'd consider to be tasteless with how the companions are dressed. While some people would dress the companions up in skimpy armor - others like me would be putting them into heavier armor.




Edited by Manathayria
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As an aside, that's what we all plan to do if we ever get to dress the new Companions, right? Put Lana in some bulky, all-concealing trooper armor?

Speak for yourself. My intention is to crank some bounty contracts and buy me another set of Bounty Tracker gear and a black/deep red dye.


Because that's *my* Havoc Squad uniform.

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Im just getting sick of seeing all these companion clones running or standing around. Go to odessen in the cantina or cargo hold room and there are half a dozen Lana's all looking the same, 3-4 Theron's looking clones. Its ridiculous that they wont add the option to change their outfits. Also, not everyone puts slave girl outfits on their female companions, some of us like to put them in bad arse clothing or armor to match our character or affiliation. Just another nail in the coffin to get me to unsub-AGAIN!


If companions were handled the way the temporary ones are in ESO, we wouldn't need to change their clothes. ESO changes the companion to look like a generic NPC for all players but the one using the companion. That's what SWTOR needs to start doing. Can't believe they haven't, unique outfits or not, it's just silly to have a million Kira Carsens running around.

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If companions were handled the way the temporary ones are in ESO, we wouldn't need to change their clothes. ESO changes the companion to look like a generic NPC for all players but the one using the companion. That's what SWTOR needs to start doing. Can't believe they haven't, unique outfits or not, it's just silly to have a million Kira Carsens running around.


I have a BH that's kitted out to look like a droid. On that character, Mako and Torian are also kitted out to look like droids, with different details.


What you're saying is, you don't think that droid BH should be able to go out in public with droid-Mako or droid-Torian.

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I have a BH that's kitted out to look like a droid. On that character, Mako and Torian are also kitted out to look like droids, with different details.


What you're saying is, you don't think that droid BH should be able to go out in public with droid-Mako or droid-Torian.


Some people think everyone should play the same way they do.

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Sorry, but it is relevant. You can dress your own character however you choose because that's your avatar in the game. Doing that to your comps removes even the illusion of agency from them, and is pretty much the very definition of objectification. They cease being characters at all with likes, dislikes, and history and just end up being dolls for people to live out their gross fantasies with (and if you want to do that, more power to you, but have the good taste keep it in your strongholds and ship at least).



There's a reason I speak in very general terms when I talk about this, but lo and behold, someone always chimes in to show everyone how much they resemble my remark. :rolleyes:


BS> that's what every comment of yours is on this topic is, complete BS.

You make totally irrelevant remarks while saying everyone's else choice is the definition of objectification if they disagree.

First you do not have the right to tell others how to dress there own character which you admit this, this however is no different than telling others how to dress there companions. This and your point IS IRRELEVANT as you can already do so with 30+ characters companions already.


The fact that BW has not allowed new companions to change outfits HAS F ALL to do with anything other than a time and cost saving exercise. BW are not going to turn round and tell players you cannot dress up your characters in outfits WHICH WE SOLD TO YOU. They did this to save money and that's all this was about.


Also re-reads you're posts you do not speak in general terms when talking about this topic at all you lying sod


As someone else has already pointed out this is not about what you dress up your characters in its about being not able do dress your companions in anything at all

. If BW said this is about how players dress up characters and companions then all options to change outfits right across the game would have been removed including your own character and all; original companions . Which proves it has nothing NOTHING to do with that at all.


OH and BTW none of my characters or companions over the 200+ I have across all my accounts have slave girl outfits. The most revelling outfit I have is just a top that top being Mira's top. Hardly revelling. If you have a problem with tops like Mira's then that's just it, YOU HAVE A PROBLEM.

So not coming at this from the point of view about have any companions wearing nothing. Plus considering how much I have spent on cartel armour, I should have the right to use it how I see fit, not how you think I should use it. who the f** do you think you are?.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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While we're at it (and in a vain attempt to dowse the current flame war over tastes in clothing), I would like to see a vendor made available at our super-secrety base that will allow us to buy the customizations for "old" companions (T7, Elara, etc.), regardless of original Imp/Pub affiliation. As it stands, for instance, my Marauder can't acquire a skin for T7 so he's limited to the "vanilla" (non-customized) appearance. Having a vendor that sold all the skins would be quite welcome. :D


A lot of cartel customizations for some companions such as T7 you can get of GTN, I admit this will not get you the range of options as the venders but at least give you a few options. I do fully support your request though about having a customization venter on neutral ground

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OMG, why is it that every time this topic comes up, it gets completely derailed into an argument about companions in slave girl outfits and such nonsense?


WHO CARES! Every time this topic gets derailed in such a manner, it takes the spotlight off of the bigger question, which is why did Bioware take the shortcut on it's programming, which removed a core feature from the game?


You people with your incessant bickering about companion dress codes are the reason Bioware is being let off the hook and why they can continue turning a blind eye to the topic instead of being held accountable to their customers.




Hear hear! This is a pet peeve of mine too. Are people so narrowly focused that it doesn't ever occur to them that wanting the ability to dress our companions again has nothing to do with some nefarious plot to overrun the galaxy with slave Lanas? Do you really think that everyone should be punished and have that ability taken away just to prevent some people from using the skimpy gear (that BW provided us)?


How about these for reasons: Maybe I wanted all my companions to look like they are a real trooper squad? Or maybe I wanted to get Corso out of that ridiculous bountry hunter/trooper get ups the game always used to give him and put him into some clothes that actually make him look like a fellow smuggler alongside me? Or maybe I wanted to get poor Vector out of those scary faceless masks and skirts that inquisitors wear and make him, you know, actually look like a respectable diplomat?


It's the same with the new companions. Why is it that Lana gets s new outfit every time we see her on a new planet (I've seen at least 3 different outfits on her now), yet Theron has been stuck in the same darn red jacket for 5 years? Can't I dress him in some new clothes for a change?


Why are our choices being taken away? Trust me, this has nothing to do with skimpy gear. Are some people going to pick really outrageous outfits that make me roll my eyes? Of course they are. But that's what this game should be about. Choice.


I just want some kind of dev response as to when the ability to dress our companions will be returned to us again, for ALL companions.

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While we're at it (and in a vain attempt to dowse the current flame war over tastes in clothing), I would like to see a vendor made available at our super-secrety base that will allow us to buy the customizations for "old" companions (T7, Elara, etc.), regardless of original Imp/Pub affiliation. As it stands, for instance, my Marauder can't acquire a skin for T7 so he's limited to the "vanilla" (non-customized) appearance. Having a vendor that sold all the skins would be quite welcome. :D




Especially if we get Scourge, I much prefer his mohawk customization over the "I just ate a lemon that im allergic to" default face.

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It seems to require some kind of double-think that some characters retain their outfits during and after KotFE ( Theron, Lana etc.) and some can be changed ( Aric, Kalio etc).


My guess would be that some of the cinematics didn't render all the outfits properly, as well as it being cheaper to have their outfits fixed.


It would make sense that your alliance alert companions could come with costomisable clothing, but again, probably down to budget restraints, they don't.


It's several months already since KotFE launched, so any changes to the status quo are unlikely, unless there's a technical change, or Cartel Market sale in it.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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