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TRE jumpers


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Well, last week someone accused Ghost squadron of "ruining GSF for new players", or something of the sort. Since a day afterwards that same person annihilated me twice in a row with eight 5-shippers vs. three of us (and only one ace), I've found myself caring less and less about stomps.


I'll try to balance out as best I can, but I no longer feel the need to play fair.


Also, if/when I meet that particular guy, I will certainly not care about stomping him.

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Well, last week someone accused Ghost squadron of "ruining GSF for new players", or something of the sort. Since a day afterwards that same person annihilated me twice in a row with eight 5-shippers vs. three of us (and only one ace), I've found myself caring less and less about stomps.


I'll try to balance out as best I can, but I no longer feel the need to play fair.


Also, if/when I meet that particular guy, I will certainly not care about stomping him.


Just remember that these imps who whine exit gsf and q for ground pvp, where they stomp us. So i really dont care about what imps think (except Thrantas maybe, they're mostly nice guys). Most enjoyable matches on our server always were republic wargames.

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TRE daily chronicle: things started off better today than they did yesterday. Had a string of 5 wins, a couple with Zarathustra & Redfantom. While most of these wins were stomps, there was at least one good match in there: a mesas dom against some names I recognized (Tilia, Red'Wolf, Maxdestruction, among others). I think we won 1000-780-ish, lots of action.


Of course, that match was followed by a brutal beatdown of a shipyards TDM (50-13 or something), featuring some Ghost Squadron folks. Or so I was told. Then an equally merciless Denon, 311-1000, against largely the same team. Quarrels & Flashfires everywhere.


I'm queueing again now, I guess because I'm a bit of masochist.

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I find it to be a little bit suspect that when members of SRW fly on TRE imp side alone they are assaulted by some of the largest organized premades I have ever seen, yet when SRW comes in force (more than 2 tagged members) all of a sudden the pubs are either totally absent, or they are flying with us on imp side.


We tried to set up organized matches and nobody on that server was interested in letting that happen. This is a server that has some very poor PUG's for some reason, and I think some of the natives of TRE like it that way. I know there are a lot of you who try to help even things out, but from my experience, there is a lot of calculation that goes on among the "aces" on that server to swing the odds in their favor, even if it is done subconsciously.


The funny thing is that when we have come to fly under "hidden" alts in the past (gearing up for progenicide, for example) we had no problem getting good matches, and had a blast on those two weeks with some of the most even matches I have ever seen there.


TRE requires a lot of work to get good matches, and lately I just haven't been interested in putting in the effort to get one, at best two semi-even (and oftentimes laggy for me) matches before the players switch factions.

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TRE daily chronicle: things started off better today than they did yesterday. Had a string of 5 wins, a couple with Zarathustra & Redfantom. While most of these wins were stomps, there was at least one good match in there: a mesas dom against some names I recognized (Tilia, Red'Wolf, Maxdestruction, among others). I think we won 1000-780-ish, lots of action.


Of course, that match was followed by a brutal beatdown of a shipyards TDM (50-13 or something), featuring some Ghost Squadron folks. Or so I was told. Then an equally merciless Denon, 311-1000, against largely the same team. Quarrels & Flashfires everywhere.


I'm queueing again now, I guess because I'm a bit of masochist.


Yes, on that Mesas 1000-780 ur team quite put me in da rage with all this minespam and i calld my guys. Free to queue now, because we're done for today.

Edited by Homodmitrius
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Yes, on that Mesas 1000-780 ur team quite put me in da rage with all this minespam and i calld my guys. Free to queue now, because we're done for today.


lol @ minespam. Probably the same way I felt in the subsequent shipyards TDM, except it was GS spam.


And no worries, you didn't scare me off. I don't stop queuing when things get rough (as mentioned, I'm a masochist). So I kept going after those games, grouped with Zaraad & Mbwun for a couple. I think we had 3 easy wins. Was kinda hoping you guys would pop back.

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lol @ minespam. Probably the same way I felt in the subsequent shipyards TDM, except it was GS spam.


And no worries, you didn't scare me off. I don't stop queuing when things get rough (as mentioned, I'm a masochist). So I kept going after those games, grouped with Zaraad & Mbwun for a couple. I think we had 3 easy wins. Was kinda hoping you guys would pop back.


raid night so only had time for that one game - was a good one. You guys played better than we did, gg :)

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TRE Daily Chronicle part 2: Went repside for 1 modest loss and two utter stomps, one of them embarrassingly merciless GS spawn camping. Not wanting to take part in that any more, went impside, formed Team Stonksalot; Max/Zuck, Mbwun, lymykyl (or however they spell it), r'tard-d-two, fromand, quissin and zarathrustra (not all at the same time, obviously). Stonked all matches, I think.


Balance does seem very hard to get right on TRE. But this isn't news. It is quite new that it can go in imps favour and actually stay there for a while. That's progress I suppose.


Vex, when flying repside, I have seen people call out SRW members as threatening players, but no more than any other threatening players. I think you might be a little paranoid about that, mate.

Edited by MDVZ
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I like to think I speak on behalf of all American players when I say the quality of EU is sorely lacking and there are really no intimidating EU players unless they stack it up real hard. Maybe equixnosis is good, but that's about it. Zarathruster probably has some potential to be great and there are a few progenitor pilots that aren't terrible like etrigamek and tiara. In general progenitor has much more competant pilots than TRE jumpers TBH.


My advice to TRE "aces" is if you want to get better at this game and get to the pro league like harbringer then u should first test the water in progenitor. That would be like farm league equivalent

Edited by Krixarcs
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I like to think I speak on behalf of all American players when I say the quality of EU is sorely lacking and there are really no intimidating EU players unless they stack it up real hard. Maybe equixnosis is good, but that's about it. Zarathruster probably has some potential to be great and there are a few progenitor pilots that aren't terrible like etrigamek and tiara. In general progenitor has much more competant pilots than TRE jumpers TBH.


My advice to TRE "aces" is if you want to get better at this game and get to the pro league like harbringer then u should first test the water in progenitor. That would be like farm league equivalent


Do you really think someone cares about any "leagues"? There aren't even any ranking systems in gsf, so all these separations are based on very very subjective opinions of players themselves. And no one gave the right to some NA server hoppers to decide it.

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I won't take these mocking attempts from some no-named server hopper personally. If you want to bring your toxic attitude to our server - I'd suggest you to stay where you are right now. For example, people like Drakolich or Sithace never behave like you when play on RE. Look at them and learn how to communicate with people properly. I have nothing more to tell you, welcome to black-list, clown. Edited by Homodmitrius
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I find it to be a little bit suspect that when members of SRW fly on TRE imp side alone they are assaulted by some of the largest organized premades I have ever seen, yet when SRW comes in force (more than 2 tagged members) all of a sudden the pubs are either totally absent, or they are flying with us on imp side.


We tried to set up organized matches and nobody on that server was interested in letting that happen. This is a server that has some very poor PUG's for some reason, and I think some of the natives of TRE like it that way. I know there are a lot of you who try to help even things out, but from my experience, there is a lot of calculation that goes on among the "aces" on that server to swing the odds in their favor, even if it is done subconsciously.


The funny thing is that when we have come to fly under "hidden" alts in the past (gearing up for progenicide, for example) we had no problem getting good matches, and had a blast on those two weeks with some of the most even matches I have ever seen there.


TRE requires a lot of work to get good matches, and lately I just haven't been interested in putting in the effort to get one, at best two semi-even (and oftentimes laggy for me) matches before the players switch factions.


I've flown against your folks when you were practicing for the progenitor competition. Most of the times you stomped, no question about it.


The times when you didn't (as well as when you did), people against you knew who you are were.


I'd believe players quitting flying when 8-man premades are against them, and not only yours. I don't know of any players that switch factions, though.

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I won't take these mocking attempts from some no-named server hopper personally. If you want to bring your toxic attitude to our server - I'd suggest you to stay where you are right now. For example, people like Drakolich or Sithace never behave like you when play on RE. Look at them and learn how to communicate with people properly. I have nothing more to tell you, welcome to black-list, clown.


This "no name" pilot singlehandedly beat the top scout record holder in an officialy sanctioned 1v1. what have u done other than stomp noobs?

Edited by Krixarcs
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This "no name" pilot singlehandedly beat the top scout record holder in an officialy sanctioned 1v1. what have u done other than stomp noobs?


You mean the fact that you picked a better build for dueling (BLC+Cluster) vs his Quads+PodS?

Why don't you mention then that you got destroyed by a T2 strike in the next official duel? That should be more embarrassing, don't you think? (there was even a video of that "duel"). The reason was the same. But this time your build of choice was poor.

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KRIXARCS, u can't write your nick on TRE? You're afraid what?


Topic: almost of you know me as Moralist or Dark-Moralist, almost I'm playing on Quarrel/Mangler( i played all ships, my favourites: Quarral/Mangler > Warcarrier/Legion > Rampart mark 4/Razorwire > Star Guard/Rycer > Condor/Jurgoran > Flashfire/Sting). About jumpers, as said topic starter, im almost playing on rep side, and it was always, my main char on ToFN(if u don't know). Me, and my good friend Anakyn(Anakynkill, Anakyncool) prefer to play GS(i don't mind what you think about that, i have opinion about evasion of scouts too, if you're interesting). So i'm jump to imp side in 2 cases:


1. I need to do daily or weekly(for what? This is my business, do not you think?);

2. I need to domy personal conquest.


I'm never played to be always winner, it's not interesting. I'm playing always on ToFn as PvP player, as PvE raid leader, as GM of guild. I like interesting WZ's, intersting GSF matches, i like good enemies(in GSF i rememer our matches on TRE, SRW players, my respect, Vexxial, you're one of best players of Jurgoran/Condor). I like when both sides are balanced, for matches like that i'm playing.


If you want to find other reasons, you will not find them. Most of the things in the world solder than you think.

P.S. And does not judge by yourself, It concerns a topic starter.


P.P.S. If you want to attach anything to this effort, gather the players and teach them to play, and not retrieve your lost here on the forum. This is a normal reaction to the PvP environment.

Edited by Moralist
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Well, sadly, to agree i have to agree with OP to a certain degree. Repside on on TRE, really takes it personal when they loose. Despite some people that enjoy talking crap to other people after their precious scout was blown out of the sky several times, Most pilots i`ve met there are really great folks. It's quite saddening that, when they face a decent opposition they refuse to fly or, relog.


I'm not gonna call names, but the observation is quite correct. I understand why some people might see it as a way to fly only for the win.


The thing is, current state of the game requires effort from players to maintain the balance, it should not be our job, but kind of it is. I've seen groups of pilots switching sides to weaker side many times, but not really splitting the group, changing one rofl stomp to another. And we are all aware of the skill gap between newbies and vets. 4 people are most of the time all you need, especially if you bring out the meta setup(and i'm not saying it's a bad thing!).


I have to also agree with Krix on other thing to a degree as well. Pregonitor has a smaller player base, but has some really great pilots there. Mostly scouts, but some great GS as well.






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I wouldn't know about the progenitor playerbase, but I'm pretty sure that TRE's best can handle themselves vs. most other servers. That's it for measurement contests.


As for people who swap sides when they're losing, I think it would've been better if you would have used names. It's disrespectful and insulting to all of us who regularly fly on TRE when you generalise us like that.

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Not my intention to insult anyone. And nowhere i suggested that every Rep TRE pilot does that.


I sad that i think that the side switching is a thing. And that i understand, why people can take it as "going for the easy win"


Sure i could say: "Unrelenting" is this" "Ghost" is that and "Thrantas" are the other thing. But that's not the thing i`m pointing out.


I pointed out then when you switched sides with 4 good pilots, you easily switch the balance setup, due to skill gap., and when a group switches sides from the loosing end, it can look like they don't want an even match, but want an easy win.


And does people take looses hard? Sure! Ego is the thing that drives us to getting better. And if you are used to consider yourself as "I'm the best at what i do, and what i do is not very nice" and you get your *** kicked, your ego takes a hit.


And since repside was/is clearly so dominant on TRE it's quite visible.


So what i sad means that: I can understand why people can see it that way.



I also never said that Prego pilots are better then TRE pilots. I sad that scout and gs wise it can be more challenging for a individual pilots, due to amount of numbers of good pilots.






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Fact is... things on TRE are quiet when there is an event on US. For real, this is ten time more enjoying and fairplay to don't see some face. When was the next one ?


Is it? Most people on TRE don't attend events on NA servers, as far as I've noticed.

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That's the point.


Eh. I'm still hoping to find out who Krixarcs is flying as on TRE. He might teach me some T2 gunshipping.


Krix, in case you read this: it says so in my signature, but Close-shave pub side, Immem imp side. Give me a whisper!

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Daily TRE chronicle, continued: a bunch of easy wins for the imps, followed by a couple of excellent doms. First of these was a mesas match which we lost 1000-940-ish. I felt like we should've had that one, but the pubs kept flipping sats...we reacted too slowly, good play on their part. I meant to take a screenie but I was too annoyed.


Then there was this spectacular denon game, which we eked out 1000-998. Great play on both sides, A and B kept changing color. Yze'ira's well-placed beacons were probably the difference here. Richthofen was also always in the right place at the right time. I had some bad deaths but also some ridiculously lucky kills (including a point-blank slug to the face on Tilia) which may have saved us a few precious seconds here or there.


This was the match I went out on, because really, I have no idea how to top that.

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