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Any Active SW:TOR Streamers or Youtubers?


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I stream to hitbox, twitch and YouTube.

SWTOR.tv has all 3 embedded.

Vëttë operative healer and Vádër Jugg tank on Shadowlands are my 2 65's

Usually online during the day, not so much on the weekends or week nights. I do have somewhat of a life. I won't PvP while overseas due to ping. It's not worth the trouble for team mates. But I'm usually running HMFP for new players.








No BS discussions, comments, opinions. Just PvP and new PvE content. Sometimes I group up for war zones but mostly solo queues. I'm a bad. Nothing special, I simply stream all my content.


Most of my viewers watch from work.

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I wanted to but 1) most of what I do is uninteresting and 2) my crappy rural internet means extremely low quality video so I pretty much stopped.


I used to stream some guild activities but a lot of our focus shifted after 4.0 so now when I play it's mostly just solo grinding through KotFE with yet another alt or running heroics... way too mundane to want to lag myself out with a stream.


So no, not completely inactive but very, very random.

I'm told that the city is getting an internet upgrade later this year and maybe I'll finally be able to get back to streaming semi-regularly.




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  • 7 months later...
I stream to hitbox, twitch and YouTube.

SWTOR.tv has all 3 embedded.

Vëttë Operative Healer , Vádër Jugg Tank, Sýlas Sniper on Shadowlands are my 3 65's

Usually online during the day, not so much on the weekends or week nights. I do have somewhat of a life. I won't PvP while overseas due to ping. It's not worth the trouble for team mates. But I'm usually running War Zones but will be ready for HMFP for new Dark vs Light player on my Mara named Harkún.








No BS discussions, comments, opinions. Just PvP and new PvE content. Sometimes I group up for war zones but mostly solo queues. I'm a bad. Nothing special, I simply stream all my content. Mostly my failures in War Zones!


Most of my viewers watch from work.


I use restream.io to push 1 feed to hitbox, twitch, and YouTube. I also use restream chat to chat to all 3 streams at once. My mumble is open to the public as well. I have been helping people since I returned from my deployment with changes in the game and info on projected 5.0 changes.



I'm back from overseas and still streaming to SWTOR.tv


Shadowlands PvP and leveling a DvsL Mara

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There is also TcThief, probably the best streamer now!


Also Beschutje is playing Overwatch, most of the dedicated streamers left swtor, well, no wonder!


It's hard to stay motivated to stream SWTOR because there is little to no audience. Most of the time there are some where between 50 - 150 viewers in total watching SWTOR streams. In contrast when the developers stream there will be 1,000 - 3,000 viewers. So that is why there are few SWTOR streamers, because they are not supported by the community.

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