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Jedi Covenant and Toxic Attitudes

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So... you heard some rumors, and with no proof or justification, you're saying negative things about part of another server's community here on the forums.


Pot, meet kettle.


I never said about your whole guild, or the whole server, I said a few members there. I assumed it was an exception to the rule, cause I used to play on TEH a lot.


But again, as I have said several times now, evidently I was wrong to bring up this whole conversation. I'm sorry to Saevius and Desponn, and I'm done posting here. I'll see you all in game or whatever.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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@Kinsha ,what I meant was we did not totally massacre imp pilots or go spawn camp either unlike most imperial pilots on these days ..... Instead we rolled imperial toons and flew imp side against pub premades taught newbies how to fly basically balanced it out .... We really did not have to do it but we chose to for the good of the community ,while I have been away I notice most of these imperial veterans and returned and some new faces , Some of whom which show no mercy ,have no care in the world to teach players instead focus on one player and ruin any hope they might have of being good at GSF ,when I kill someone I would go and teach them later how I play what builds I use and such I have not seeing anything of that sort from these people so don't get me wrong ,but you don't know what your talking about. I won't be naming said people but they know who they are.
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Why don't you folks just fly both factions? Progenitor has at least half of the regulars switching factions more or less constantly.


Most people on JC do indeed fly both sides. Most pilots I know fall into that category. But, like anywhere, there are still a handful of folks who remain glued to one faction.

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@Kinsha ,what I meant was we did not totally massacre imp pilots or go spawn camp either unlike most imperial pilots on these days ..... Instead we rolled imperial toons and flew imp side against pub premades taught newbies how to fly basically balanced it out .... We really did not have to do it but we chose to for the good of the community ,while I have been away I notice most of these imperial veterans and returned and some new faces , Some of whom which show no mercy ,have no care in the world to teach players instead focus on one player and ruin any hope they might have of being good at GSF ,when I kill someone I would go and teach them later how I play what builds I use and such I have not seeing anything of that sort from these people so don't get me wrong ,but you don't know what your talking about. I won't be naming said people but they know who they are.


I know there are people who do exactly what you say(both the good and the bad) on both sides, but your message is exactly what I was talking about. I've grouped with you before both when we getting our asses handed to us and when we were the ones kicking ***. We were BOTH exhibiting the exact behavior I was mentioning.


I haven't really gotten to fly afternoons on JC that much as of late, but when I do get a chance to GSF the same stuff happens on both sides. It's not really by faction, but just depends on who is flying at the moment. And yes I fly both sides and have been playing GSF pretty much since launch on JC.

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But again, as I have said several times now, evidently I was wrong to bring up this whole conversation


Just be happy that we play on a server with most of the time not premades where everyone can fly the ship they want and hopefully be competative.

Also, playing / flying with chat turned off or a semi private chat where whisper / ops / gsf chat is turned off is sometimes very effective.

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Just be happy that we play on a server with most of the time not premades where everyone can fly the ship they want and hopefully be competative.

Here's the thing... when one faction has players that really know the game and fly the proper ships for any given situation, and the other faction doesn't, you will not see competitive matches happen very often.


Matches where either side can win only happen when the teams are of roughly equal skill level, or a team has someone good enough to carry the players who aren't getting the job done.


Premades are just groups of players, and they can be a good thing for players of any skill level, especially if people are grouped with someone more experienced then them who can help them improve. 'Premade' is used like a curse word a lot of the time, and it's foolish to dismiss the benefits of grouping or to assign premades some mystical power that confers them unfair advantages.


If you (and I am speaking to anyone flying on JC) truly want competitive matches on JC, then the players on both sides need to learn the techniques and choices necessary to be successful. Yes, that means flying 'meta' ships when your opponents are doing so. Yes, that also means being aware of the best practices for using those ships and not being the sort that dismisses a ship class outright (ie the 'gunships are for cowards' crowd).


In the spirit of trying to improve conditions on JC, I am offering now to hold one or more GSF workshops there. We can pick a day and a time, and I'll either hang out in the GSF channel for an hour or so taking questions or we can make a channel for it in-game and people can come learn a few things. I'd gear it towards beginner and intermediate players and try to cover some of the most important topics for being a successful contributor in a GSF team. Setting a more formal period of time for this sort of workshop would allow the message to get around to new players or those struggling to get better.


If those reading this thread have interest in that sort of instruction, speak up.



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Most of JC's crowd don't read the forum, but yeah that's the one thing I have been utterly unable to do: give good instructions to new players on how to fly. I can encourage them, but I really can't teach them, it's just not my thing.


So yeah, that's a pretty good idea Desponn. I'll have Secforce get the word out. Feel free to message me or whatever, on here or in-game.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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I do my best not to feed fires or spread damage, but I can type of my recent experiences on JC. If I'm on late afternoon/early evening, the channel is quiet and not welcoming of "no named" fliers (pub side). Imp side is a bit more welcoming but still the channel is quiet.

Later evening, after 10pm est, pub side /gsf is quite active and chatty. Even to "no named" pilots. I have yet to be imp side that late and have been with friends on the pub side.

Nothing toxic has been displayed to me though.

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I have yet to be imp side that late and have been with friends on the pub side.


I think both sides are considerably busier/chattier later in the evening. At least, that's been my experience. Imp side /gsf is definitely pretty dead during the day, but it can be pretty entertaining at night.

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Pub side GSF can be pretty chatty during the daytime, usually when Traesha (Nasja up there^^) and I are in queue with whomever else are online.


Something I often type at the beginning and end of matches is ./cjoin GSF


~ Eudoxia

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In the spirit of trying to improve conditions on JC, I am offering now to hold one or more GSF workshops there. We can pick a day and a time, and I'll either hang out in the GSF channel for an hour or so taking questions or we can make a channel for it in-game and people can come learn a few things. I'd gear it towards beginner and intermediate players and try to cover some of the most important topics for being a successful contributor in a GSF team. Setting a more formal period of time for this sort of workshop would allow the message to get around to new players or those struggling to get better.


If those reading this thread have interest in that sort of instruction, speak up.



*raises hand* Ooh, yes please! I've been reading guides, watching YouTube vids, practicing flying around in the tutorial, and then attempting to contribute in a match or two to at least get my daily done. And although I am not crashing and burning quite as much, I still am usually in the bottom tier of the scoreboard and not very consistent. There is so much information in the Stasipedia, posts, and other guides that my brain just can't seem to absorb it all. I've got problems with power management, nevermind trying to look with the cameras while I'm moving (which I'm sure is some manifestation of CWAG (Can't Walk And Chew gum) syndrome.)


I've gotten some great tips from some of my guildies who GSF, but still have a ton of questions. I won't post them here as this probably isn't the right place for them and maybe some of the information I need is in the guides (and I keep reading through them over and over.) But I would find it really helpful to be able to ask questions, get an answer, then go and practice that skill/technique/manoeuvre in a match, and then hopefully get some constructive critique on the mistakes I'm making. I'd really like to get better at this game. Surely it can't be very entertaining for you veteran players to just down us noobs spawn after spawn after spawn... (Or, I don't know, maybe it is for some. :) )


So yes, please, Despon--if you're willing to take the time to give a Q&A/Training session on JC, that would be absolutely fabulous. I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd be very grateful for your advice.

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*raises hand* Ooh, yes please! I've been reading guides, watching YouTube vids, practicing flying around in the tutorial, and then attempting to contribute in a match or two to at least get my daily done. And although I am not crashing and burning quite as much, I still am usually in the bottom tier of the scoreboard and not very consistent. There is so much information in the Stasipedia, posts, and other guides that my brain just can't seem to absorb it all. I've got problems with power management, nevermind trying to look with the cameras while I'm moving (which I'm sure is some manifestation of CWAG (Can't Walk And Chew gum) syndrome.)


I've gotten some great tips from some of my guildies who GSF, but still have a ton of questions. I won't post them here as this probably isn't the right place for them and maybe some of the information I need is in the guides (and I keep reading through them over and over.) But I would find it really helpful to be able to ask questions, get an answer, then go and practice that skill/technique/manoeuvre in a match, and then hopefully get some constructive critique on the mistakes I'm making. I'd really like to get better at this game. Surely it can't be very entertaining for you veteran players to just down us noobs spawn after spawn after spawn... (Or, I don't know, maybe it is for some. :) )


So yes, please, Despon--if you're willing to take the time to give a Q&A/Training session on JC, that would be absolutely fabulous. I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd be very grateful for your advice.


Hi Jasral, I don't know if you've seen my other thread (link here). You can always post any questions you want answered there and I or some of the other really knowledgeable players will get to your questions as fast as possible.


I also offer one on one teaching with anyone that asks for it. My schedule is currently very busy but if you are interested we could schedule some time to get started.


I'm not trying to highjack you from Despon or anything he's a great pilot and you should definitely go talk to/fly with him. I'm just trying to give you even more resources to work with if you so choose.

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