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Knights of the Fallen Empire and Jeasa Willsaam


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I've heard many people say that they want Jeasa Willsaam to return but they don't even realize how hard that may be. Light side Jeasa and Dark Side Jeasa are like two separate companions in the same person. For the people who aren't Sith Warriors, what is Bioware going to do about how she is aligned? Would she be Dark Side or Light Side? Would it be how you character is aligned or would it be that Jeasa is just neutral or something else. Any ideas?
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With any luck, they will let Imperial players who are not Warriors to choose which Jaesa they want. My one Bounty Hunter who is doing KOTFE wouldn't want "a debased apprentice" on her ship, and probably nowhere in her vicinity.

I know it's assumed(used to be assumed?) that the Imperial characters were batty, but since choices matter now(supposedly), we should be able to make a decision. Then again, Kaliyo is forced upon us, so.

Likely, a Warrior who reunites with her will automatically get the Jaesa they had.

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The last two posts really. The SW will most likely be the only one who (depending on previous choices) can meet a LS Jaesa from the beginning and for the rest DS Jaesa who will hopefully be redeemable...

..at least that seems the most logical to me since if you are not a particular class they still exist. If you are something other than a SW there is still a darth Baras and his apprentice who is tasked with finding Jaesa and all that....but as a sith this SW is probably DS so will corrupt Jaesa most likely:)



....similar problem is with Khem and Zash, but maybe even more difficult since it isn't so simple as whether the SW is LS or DS....

Edited by Saelinne
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The last two posts really. The SW will most likely be the only one who (depending on previous choices) can meet a LS Jaesa from the beginning and for the rest DS Jaesa who will hopefully be redeemable...

..at least that seems the most logical to me since if you are not a particular class they still exist. If you are something other than a SW there is still a darth Baras and his apprentice who is tasked with finding Jaesa and all that....but as a sith this SW is probably DS so will corrupt Jaesa most likely:)



....similar problem is with Khem and Zash, but maybe even more difficult since it isn't so simple as whether the SW is LS or DS....


True. Khem is very hard. Also, my inquisitor didn't complete all of his companion quests so I am scared to what might happen to Zash.

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they could go a middle route, and make jaesa become kinda grey.


with khem, if you don't help him or zash, khem wins in the mind tug of war. so, base khem for other classes could be khem, and either khem or zash if you're the inquisitor.


i always help my khemmy. i definitely want him back.

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they could go a middle route, and make jaesa become kinda grey.


with khem, if you don't help him or zash, khem wins in the mind tug of war. so, base khem for other classes could be khem, and either khem or zash if you're the inquisitor.


i always help my khemmy. i definitely want him back.


...I am not sure Khem will win against Zash for who control his body if no help from the Inquisitor...Zash is just too smart and manipulative:)

...but best case scenario - they are still sharing and ultimately the decision is up to the Outsider who finds them...


...and why would you prefer Khem to Zash with Khem's strength btw? As far as I can see that is just a 'lose lose'...

...unless you just believe Zash is going to betray you ofcourse....no...even then I am not sure if she is not worth it:)


PS: unless I have missed something the game never tells who lose and they just continue to share a body....?

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no, like, during the quest you got the option to help zash, help khem, or help neither.


khem wins if you choose to help neither, his will is stronger.


as for why i'd want khem over her, he's just the best. he's not a liar and schemer, like zash. he's also your greatest advocate and pledges himself to you eternally after you help him.


his darker outlook on life spawns some good quotes, too.

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no, like, during the quest you got the option to help zash, help khem, or help neither.


khem wins if you choose to help neither, his will is stronger.


Hmm I see - never took this option:)


As for Khem - yes, I can understand how he is a powerful....if simple...tool, but Zash is just the reason you are alive as Inquisitor. The combination of smarts and strength is just too tempting, even if you can't be sure if she won't betray you:)

Edited by Saelinne
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I can tell BioWare is trying to avoid establishing an exact canon, so I can't see them forcing a specific Jaesa on us.


I'm hoping that in the future, we can import decisions made in other class stories. That way, we can have Jaesa (or Khem) without any concerns of uproar from the community.

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they could go a middle route, and make jaesa become kinda grey.


with khem, if you don't help him or zash, khem wins in the mind tug of war. so, base khem for other classes could be khem, and either khem or zash if you're the inquisitor.


i always help my khemmy. i definitely want him back.

To be honest, I hope they would default as to both of them still controlling the body if you aren't an inquisitor. I don't wanna loose my Zashy Poo.

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With Jeasa and with every companion, 5 years is a long time and a great deal could have happened.


While I hope the story team don't screw it up too much she could easily have fallen to the darkside or been redeemed by the light in the time since she was apprentice to the sith warrior. I would hope that choices previously made in the story would have some impact, but equally I think it most likely she would have gone grey and remain so in order for the writing to be kept simple.


In many ways she is the most likely force user to return, as she can be played out as an option for either jedi or sith characters either looking to redeem her or continue her training. Few of the other jedi/sith companions fit the role as they didn't have as well defined recruitment missions leading them to be harder to fall in eqaully behind a jedi or sith master.

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With Jeasa and with every companion, 5 years is a long time and a great deal could have happened.


While I hope the story team don't screw it up too much she could easily have fallen to the darkside or been redeemed by the light in the time since she was apprentice to the sith warrior. I would hope that choices previously made in the story would have some impact, but equally I think it most likely she would have gone grey and remain so in order for the writing to be kept simple.


In many ways she is the most likely force user to return, as she can be played out as an option for either jedi or sith characters either looking to redeem her or continue her training. Few of the other jedi/sith companions fit the role as they didn't have as well defined recruitment missions leading them to be harder to fall in eqaully behind a jedi or sith master.


...to be honest I can't really see Jaesa going grey, as she seems to either fall deep or be utterly (and disgustingly:) ) LS...but let me hurry and add that I don't like her character (and hated her when I made her DS) so I am biased:)

The only way she will end being grey is if another powerful Sith get ahold of her leash...sorry....become her master:)

...and to be honest they will have a very hard battle with DS Jaesa...

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