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Who hates the title "Outlander"


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I don't know about the rest of your, but I absolutely hate being referred to as "The Outlander". Though I get it, cause my PC is not from a specific planet or culture, I feel like I lost the respect my previous titles like Darth or Jedi Battlemaster had weight for.


In later chapters, I hope my PCs will regain their former titles and be addressed as such

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The Outlander is a kind of a stupid title even within the game's own story, as everyone Zakuul is fighting is an Outlander. It's just their word for foreigner.

No, all the people that the Zakuulians are fighting are outlanders (small "o"). Your character is The Outlander, with Initial Capitals.

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Oh come on. You are called Outlander only by the people of Zakuul (Koth calls you commander when he's pleased and outlande when he's angry with you)


Zakuulans do not know anything about the core worlds or you, they only know you as an outlander.

People in your alliance call you commander.

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According to the Webster dictionary, an Out-lander is a person who belongs to another region or culture, but is currently residing in another. With that in mind "Outlander" is fitting, though people like Kaliyo, Lana, Aric, are all Outlanders as well. But The Zakulian ruling government,only identifies you. Edited by cool-dude
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Yes I do, it's one of the things I dislike about Fallen Empire, along with being called commander. Why Commander, it isn't even a high rank. Lana can have the title commander I'll have General, seeing as there is a precedent for a jedi being called general.

I much prefered the Sith, Jedi, Hunter titles used through all the previous chapters.

I lke " hey boss" better than Outlander.

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I really disliked it as well, until I figured out there was meaning behind it. In one of the Star Fortresses, there is a datapad explaining the significance of the title.


The Old God of Zakuul, Tyth, was the God of rage and fury, meant to defend Zakuul from the "outlanders."


When they're calling you the Outlander, they're calling you the prophesized threat.

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Yes I do, it's one of the things I dislike about Fallen Empire, along with being called commander. Why Commander, it isn't even a high rank. Lana can have the title commander I'll have General, seeing as there is a precedent for a jedi being called general.

I much prefered the Sith, Jedi, Hunter titles used through all the previous chapters.

I lke " hey boss" better than Outlander.


Commander refers to the one in charge in the context, it has no specific hierarchy.

I'm okay with the title 'Outlander' personally, Zakuul's people don't know who you are or where you come from or anything about your past, you're just a guy who came out of nowhere and killed their Emperor, so you're a threat to them and they're scared ******** of you, it honestly makes me feel like the boogeyman. It's a pretty intimidating title when you think about it from their perspective.

Edited by Lazproperty
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I hate the Outlander title with all of my hate. Ok, I kinda get it that Zakuulians call us that, but our Alliance is made up mainly from non-Zakuulians. And everyone knows Hero of Tython, the Grand Champion etc. Why is it so hard for them to call us by our names? And even Zakuulians should have learnt our names by now, since storywise there is only 1 outlander, so even their pea-brains can take that much information like Lord Wrath.
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Commander refers to the one in charge in the context, it has no specific hierarchy.

I'm okay with the title 'Outlander' personally, Zakuul's people don't know who you are or where you come from or anything about your past, you're just a guy who came out of nowhere and killed their Emperor, so you're a threat to them and they're scared ******** of you, it honestly makes me feel like the boogeyman. It's a pretty intimidating title when you think about it from their perspective.


also it's worth noting Commander in the Republic military isn't even a rank so much as an honorriffic given to only the best commanders out there irregardless of rank

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i'd definitely prefer to be called "alliance commander" by people in the alliance.


i'd also like that to be an actual title you display in game.


There is a title for alliance commander but you have to get all the alliance specialist to Rank 20. I just got the title last night.

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also it's worth noting Commander in the Republic military isn't even a rank so much as an honorriffic given to only the best commanders out there irregardless of rank


Yes, it's just a generic term. Of course it can be a rank too in the military, but in the Outlander's case it really has nothing to do with it.

Edited by Lazproperty
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Not really.


There's a convo you can have where you go "I'm a Sith" or "I'm a Jedi" and the NPC just goes "what's that? who cares?"


Also, a lot of your old titles don't make all that much sense anymore.


Trooper: Jorgan is in charge of Havoc now, not you.

Smuggler: great, you killed a nasty Imp 5 years ago. Now we got nastier people to deal with.

Jedi Knight: Hero of Tython, guess it's a one time thing, kinda screwed up that whole thing.

Jedi Consular: Barsen'thor of a near extinct Jedi Order? well done on the whole Jedi Warder thing.


Bounty Hunter: Champion of the Great Hunt, an old Mandalorian tradition that doesn't mean jack all anymore

Agent: Commander of Imperial Intelligence, I mean Sith Intelligence, I mean... or forget it.

Sith Warrior: Wrath of what Empire exactly?

Sith Inquisitor: Dark Council member of... what Dark Council?

Edited by MadDutchman
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According to the Webster dictionary, an Out-lander is a person who belongs to another region or culture, but is currently residing in another. With that in mind "Outlander" is fitting, though people like Kaliyo, Lana, Aric, are all Outlanders as well. But The Zakulian ruling government,only identifies you.


Kind of fits outside Zakul, too, as you the galaxy you knew before your character was frozen is no longer the same.


Not really.


There's a convo you can have where you go "I'm a Sith" or "I'm a Jedi" and the NPC just goes "what's that? who cares?"

Yeah, I think that occurs on Zakul, where their ignorance of that is kinda understandable (I believe they don't even recognize you as the Outlander, either - at least until Arcaan flashes your holo-image in the square).

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Not really.


There's a convo you can have where you go "I'm a Sith" or "I'm a Jedi" and the NPC just goes "what's that? who cares?"


Also, a lot of your old titles don't make all that much sense anymore.


Trooper: Jorgan is in charge of Havoc now, not you.

Smuggler: great, you killed a nasty Imp 5 years ago. Now we got nastier people to deal with.

Jedi Knight: Hero of Tython, guess it's a one time thing, kinda screwed up that whole thing.

Jedi Consular: Barsen'thor of a near extinct Jedi Order? well done on the whole Jedi Warder thing.


Bounty Hunter: Champion of the Great Hunt, an old Mandalorian tradition that doesn't mean jack all anymore

Agent: Commander of Imperial Intelligence, I mean Sith Intelligence, I mean... or forget it.

Sith Warrior: Wrath of what Empire exactly?

Sith Inquisitor: Dark Council member of... what Dark Council?


Exactly, our past titles and achievements are completely and utterly irrelevant now. :D

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No, all the people that the Zakuulians are fighting are outlanders (small "o"). Your character is The Outlander, with Initial Capitals.


Sure, but would The Foreigner make any sense for a title of your arch enemy, if all your enemies are foreign? That's the problem with The Outlander as a title.

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Not really.


There's a convo you can have where you go "I'm a Sith" or "I'm a Jedi" and the NPC just goes "what's that? who cares?"


Also, a lot of your old titles don't make all that much sense anymore.


Trooper: Jorgan is in charge of Havoc now, not you.

Smuggler: great, you killed a nasty Imp 5 years ago. Now we got nastier people to deal with.

Jedi Knight: Hero of Tython, guess it's a one time thing, kinda screwed up that whole thing.

Jedi Consular: Barsen'thor of a near extinct Jedi Order? well done on the whole Jedi Warder thing.


Bounty Hunter: Champion of the Great Hunt, an old Mandalorian tradition that doesn't mean jack all anymore

Agent: Commander of Imperial Intelligence, I mean Sith Intelligence, I mean... or forget it.

Sith Warrior: Wrath of what Empire exactly?

Sith Inquisitor: Dark Council member of... what Dark Council?


Trooper: I'll punch Jorgan in the face for taking Havoc Squad over Elara. But anyway that's justified, the Trooper doesnt have a name anyway.

Smuggler: Being the Voidhound may not sound that exciting anymore. But Voidhound also stopped Revan, fought against the Emperor on Ziost etc. The Voidhound name is just like Hylo Visz or Nico Okarr. It's the person behind the name, not the name itself.

Jedi Knight: Saving a world is such petty thing I know. Oh wait, destroying the Desolator also saved EVERY planet in the galaxy. Clearly he doesnt deserve to wear his title. Let's just use Jedi Battlemaster. Battlemaster is the one who should teach Padawans for lightsaber combat. The Jedi Order is near extinct now? And so what? It got near extinct for a few times.

Jedi Consular: Just like Jedi Battlemaster. Maybe the Order is weak now, but if an average citizen heard that Bar'senthor is going against Arcann, one of the most powerful Jedi in history...


Bounty Hunter: He really lacks a name, just like the Trooper. Grand Champion of the Great Hunt isnt his name since all champions receive that title. Understandable.

Agent: Cipher 9 never was a well-known name, neither Sith Intelligence Commander, simply because of the nature of the agent. That still doesnt justify that ppl who knew the agent never call him Cipher 9. It would quickly spread among ppl like Agent 007.

Inquisitor: His name is Darth Imperius (or Nox for some I heard :rak_03:) regardless of being part of the Dark Council or not.

Warrior: Wrath of the Emperor->Wrath of the Empire->Wrath of the Sith. Pretty simple.

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I hate the Outlander title with all of my hate. Ok, I kinda get it that Zakuulians call us that, but our Alliance is made up mainly from non-Zakuulians. And everyone knows Hero of Tython, the Grand Champion etc. Why is it so hard for them to call us by our names? And even Zakuulians should have learnt our names by now, since storywise there is only 1 outlander, so even their pea-brains can take that much information like Lord Wrath.


If you remember the chapter with the Lady of Sorrows, you can say you're '<insert class title>' and one of the Zakuulians are like 'what, is that made up?'


Us being Sith or Jedi or Majors or whatevers have no weight with them. You could say you're Darth Nox and sat your *** on the Dark Council and the Zakuulians would be all like 'so? what's that?'

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The only people who would be impressed with who we were before we were frozen would be those from the Core Worlds like Lana, Theron, our companions, the 6 extra we recruit, Nico, Treek, HK-51...they'd be jealous or impressed with our old titles and who we are/were. Lana would be impressed my Darth Imperius sat on the Dark Council, even if it doesn't exist much anymore. Theron would be impressed my Trooper was in charge of Havoc Squad.


Koth and Senya, they know you're a force user (if you're a Jedi or Sith) they've seen it. They know you're good with a ranged weapon if you're a Trooper, Agent, BH, or Smuggler. But your titles don't mean anything to them. You could sit Koth, Senya and all the Zakuulians down in an auditorium and tell everyone you were The Empire's Wrath, or Darth Imperius/Nox/Oculus, Voidhound, Cypher 9, Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, Barsen'thor, Hero of Tython, or Major in Havoc Squad and those titles and what you did doesn't mean anything to them.


It sucks, but in the game world, our accomplishments are nothing compared to the current threat. You could sit there and ***** in your alliance building you dealt with Revan and the Dread Masters, etc, and Lana or Theron would probably remind you that there are more important things to worry about then stuff you did in the past.


The whole reason Lana thawed you out is BECAUSE you took out Revan, destroyed the Dread Masters, won/saved Makeb, became a big shot in your class story. Even Arcann says in a round about way that he's impressed you, a non-Zakuulian did so much in a short time against great opponents.

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If you remember the chapter with the Lady of Sorrows, you can say you're '<insert class title>' and one of the Zakuulians are like 'what, is that made up?'


Us being Sith or Jedi or Majors or whatevers have no weight with them. You could say you're Darth Nox and sat your *** on the Dark Council and the Zakuulians would be all like 'so? what's that?'


Did you actually read my post? How hard would it be for pea-brains to learn about exactly 1 person who's the worst threat in their history? Isn't it common sense to know your enemy? To learn something of the person who killed an Immortal Emperor? Hes an Outlander, wow

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