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It is not boifails fault


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as it states its not entirely boifails fault for the state of PVP its the players they are the ones choosing to play the classes that are easy and outperforming and its our fault as a community for following the plebians you want PVP in this game to fail well don't wait cause it has i am letting my sub run out and not renewing i will visit the game time to time cause i do enjoy it but in its current state its just a derp fest of fotm in warzones where the team who has the most tank/skank tank sins/sorc/or healers win and if both teams have equal those numbers nothing dies the few that try other classes to dps with get ran over and then go on there sorc it is a shame hope it changes soon:(
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Oo, oo. I run a healer operative. Did I solo kill you a few times on an off node the last 2 days?

Or was I one my skank Jugg and crush you?


The only 2 classes I've played since beta. Does that make me a FOTM?


I honestly can't tell if you're being serious right now..

Edited by nzologic
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as it states its not entirely boifails fault for the state of PVP its the players they are the ones choosing to play the classes that are easy and outperforming and its our fault as a community for following the plebians you want PVP in this game to fail well don't wait cause it has i am letting my sub run out and not renewing i will visit the game time to time cause i do enjoy it but in its current state its just a derp fest of fotm in warzones where the team who has the most tank/skank tank sins/sorc/or healers win and if both teams have equal those numbers nothing dies the few that try other classes to dps with get ran over and then go on there sorc it is a shame hope it changes soon:(


I ran out of breath trying to finish your sentence.

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as it states its not entirely boifails fault for the state of PVP its the players they are the ones choosing to play the classes that are easy and outperforming and its our fault as a community for following the plebians you want PVP in this game to fail well don't wait cause it has i am letting my sub run out and not renewing i will visit the game time to time cause i do enjoy it but in its current state its just a derp fest of fotm in warzones where the team who has the most tank/skank tank sins/sorc/or healers win and if both teams have equal those numbers nothing dies the few that try other classes to dps with get ran over and then go on there sorc it is a shame hope it changes soon:(


Nope. It's BW's fault.


Sorry you're unsubbing, but I don't blame you one bit.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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That's like saying: You can buy this ''instert desired object here'' online for 7€. If you buy it in a store for 60€ you support the enviroment. IT'S YOUR FAULT THAT ...GLOBAL WARMING AND STUFF!!!


lol I know. I love people that blame the community for playing stronger classes in PVP. How dare they play something that performs better and is actually effective in PVP! We should all play terrible, weak, and unfun classes, and not expect the game company to try to make all the classes equally viable! The state of FOTM is our fault! :rolleyes:

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Well, it is our decision, isn't it ? I mean, you don't know the slightest bit about ethics and philosophy if you put it like this ...


People did do the conscious decision to do horrible things. Murder, for example.


If you do the conscious decision to do something, then you must be aware of its implications. Someone told the Nazis where Anne Frank lived. That was an conscious decision. She didn't want her to be hidden - and probably survive the war - any more.


Jews were FORCED to sell their entire property to Nazi collaborators. These collaborators benefitted from getting their goods. To say "no" and decide NOT to buy these goods was appaingly out of question for them.


Firms were using Nazi prisoners are their workforce. That was a conscious decision. And some of these company and firm owbners got richer through that. Because they didn't have to pay these workers. They were basically slaves.


People do murder other people to get rich. People steal people's money purses to get money. Sometimes they point guns at them, and pointing a gun at someone is really putting the person with the gun into a stat of superiority.


These egoistic people could decide to say "no" and be content with their - through work - earned money.


Egoism shows in that people are using the easier way. Be it out of greed, be it out of pure lazyness ... I don't know.


But it is ALWAYS a conscious decision !


Like me, I have basically "gimped myself" by NOT playing any FOTM class. I just don't want to.

The bad side of that is that I'm ranting about my favourite non-FOTM classes being so much ... non-FOTM, so to say.


Sometimes, going away from the easy path is the much harder decision. Like Yoda said.


I do not eat fast food, although it tastes good. I do not eat lots of fat because I do know that it is bad for my body. I do not eat animal-based food to 70 % because I consciously decided not to.


In my opinion, we just don't "do".

We "decide". That's what differs us in part from animals.

Bacteria, Jellyfish, worms, google's car ... they just "do".


And, regarding "conscious decisions" ... Who is ethically responsible for google's car crashing into a bus recently ?

Who is ethically responsible if a google car "decides" to kill a human to save other humans ?

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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