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Anyone wanna go shoot some bombers on Harbinger?


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So Despon (and others) have been saying that bombers are a problem on Harbinger lately. I know that most of us here on the forums wouldn't actually have a problem killing them. It wouldn't even take a full premade, either, just two or three good players on the same team.


I dunno if it's worth going to the trouble of setting up a day/time, either, but I'll be on Harbinger more often over the next couple of weeks at least. I'll be actively trying to group up, too, so watch for that in the [gsf] channel. I encourage anyone who's even remotely interested to do the same.

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So Despon (and others) have been saying that bombers are a problem on Harbinger lately. I know that most of us here on the forums wouldn't actually have a problem killing them. It wouldn't even take a full premade, either, just two or three good players on the same team.


I dunno if it's worth going to the trouble of setting up a day/time, either, but I'll be on Harbinger more often over the next couple of weeks at least. I'll be actively trying to group up, too, so watch for that in the [gsf] channel. I encourage anyone who's even remotely interested to do the same.


Which side?

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Noticed bombers kind of are a problem these days. Annoying when you don't have any bombers on your side in Domination and the imps have 4.


I mean, Traesha in her bomber, coupled with me, can easily take down the swarm of imp bombers that comes to B, but without a really good bomber pilot it's really annoying trying to hold a capture point against so many of them, let alone take one (which is do-able in a Clarion).


I might come do this just to get my toon going on Harb. Currently level 1 with stock ships (made one for Maulkat's stock night but never attended).


I lag a lot though, just a head's up.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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Sigh... take that back. Now the imp side is back to laming out with said bomber spam.


I played a bunch of games on Harb last night, almost all pub side, and I had a different experience. I guess we weren't in the same matches; I don't recall seeing the kind of epic bomber spam I've witnessed in the past. I think I saw 4 imp bombers in one match but I don't remember more than that.


Games were largely pretty tough, as we frequently faced solid walls of 5-shippers. Largely entertaining, but we got our teeth kicked in quite a bit. Buggles & Choque alternately in gunships or stings...silly Nix trying to set up interdiction drones near our spawn in a Mesas TDM...silly Roland trying to sneak up on me in a GS on Denon. So a lot of stuff to deal with, but nothing I'd call bomber spam.

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I generally prefer the bomber spam to the gunship spam.


But to each their own.

People used to complain about The Harbinger being GS heavy too. In reality is a big fish little pond problem. People get used to being able to do whatever that want on their backwater servers then they come over to the lake and they can't do that anymore.
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In reality is a big fish little pond problem. People get used to being able to do whatever that want on their backwater servers then they come over to the lake and they can't do that anymore.

I completely disagree with you. Roughly two thousand games in the lake should be enough to appreciate its depths and recognize when pollutants make it unsafe to swim.


Bomber spam does one thing (and only one thing) well. It punishes new players (and anyone stuck with them) for deciding to play. It requires no skill at flying the bombers to win against new players. It doesn't even require movement, once they tick onto the satellite. That's what you end up with, a load of barnacles stuck to the objectives that eliminate any gameplay from the game.


As a class of ships, bombers are balanced and vital in competitive matches. Removing them or failing to will often decide games. Skillfully piloted bombers are invaluable when it comes to proper beacon placement, holding onto a node while reinforcements are in transit, and giving teams tactical control of the arena.


Ticking on sats and spewing out a little cloud of munitions does not help anyone practice those skills. Heaping bombers onto a satellite against helpless teams brings those bomber pilots no closer to being contributors in matches where they face a skilled team. But it sure does make it easy to win against people who don't know what they're doing.


The problem has nothing to do with people from 'backwater servers' coming to Harbinger.



Edited by caederon
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I completely disagree with you. Roughly two thousand games in the lake should be enough to appreciate its depths and recognize when pollutants make it unsafe to swim.


Bomber spam does one thing (and only one thing) well. It punishes new players (and anyone stuck with them) for deciding to play. It requires no skill at flying the bombers to win against new players. It doesn't even require movement, once they tick onto the satellite. That's what you end up with, a load of barnacles stuck to the objectives that eliminate any gameplay from the game.


As a class of ships, bombers are balanced and vital in competitive matches. Removing them or failing to will often decide games. Skillfully piloted bombers are invaluable when it comes to proper beacon placement, holding onto a node while reinforcements are in transit, and giving teams tactical control of the arena.


Ticking on sats and spewing out a little cloud of munitions does not help anyone practice those skills. Heaping bombers onto a satellite against helpless teams brings those bomber pilots no closer to being contributors in matches where they face a skilled team. But it sure does make it easy to win against people who don't know what they're doing.


The problem has nothing to do with people from 'backwater servers' coming to Harbinger.




This is what I'm seeing as well. They're so bad that they'll even continue spamming bombers into situations where they're being slaughtered, simply because any other tactic would require thinking and skill.

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I completely disagree with you. Roughly two thousand games in the lake should be enough to appreciate its depths and recognize when pollutants make it unsafe to swim.


Bomber spam does one thing (and only one thing) well. It punishes new players (and anyone stuck with them) for deciding to play. It requires no skill at flying the bombers to win against new players. It doesn't even require movement, once they tick onto the satellite. That's what you end up with, a load of barnacles stuck to the objectives that eliminate any gameplay from the game.


As a class of ships, bombers are balanced and vital in competitive matches. Removing them or failing to will often decide games. Skillfully piloted bombers are invaluable when it comes to proper beacon placement, holding onto a node while reinforcements are in transit, and giving teams tactical control of the arena.


Ticking on sats and spewing out a little cloud of munitions does not help anyone practice those skills. Heaping bombers onto a satellite against helpless teams brings those bomber pilots no closer to being contributors in matches where they face a skilled team. But it sure does make it easy to win against people who don't know what they're doing.


The problem has nothing to do with people from 'backwater servers' coming to Harbinger.




100% This.


~ Eudoxia

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People used to complain about The Harbinger being GS heavy too. In reality is a big fish little pond problem. People get used to being able to do whatever that want on their backwater servers then they come over to the lake and they can't do that anymore.


Matchmaking, match quality, and playstyle trends are all very time/day-of-week dependent. Harbinger's population isn't big enough to be an exception to that rule.


It can be pretty deep at times, but it also spends a lot of time ankle deep and filled with minnows. Pretty much like any other server where the queues haven't died.


I believe the complaint is that using bombers in those conditions is about as sporting as using explosive whaling harpoons to fish for minnows in a dried up waterhole.


If Harbinger's talent pool were deep enough that there was always talent in the pool, then presumably it wouldn't be a problem.

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I completely disagree with you. Roughly two thousand games in the lake should be enough to appreciate its depths and recognize when pollutants make it unsafe to swim.


Bomber spam does one thing (and only one thing) well. It punishes new players (and anyone stuck with them) for deciding to play. It requires no skill at flying the bombers to win against new players. It doesn't even require movement, once they tick onto the satellite. That's what you end up with, a load of barnacles stuck to the objectives that eliminate any gameplay from the game.


As a class of ships, bombers are balanced and vital in competitive matches. Removing them or failing to will often decide games. Skillfully piloted bombers are invaluable when it comes to proper beacon placement, holding onto a node while reinforcements are in transit, and giving teams tactical control of the arena.


Ticking on sats and spewing out a little cloud of munitions does not help anyone practice those skills. Heaping bombers onto a satellite against helpless teams brings those bomber pilots no closer to being contributors in matches where they face a skilled team. But it sure does make it easy to win against people who don't know what they're doing.


The problem has nothing to do with people from 'backwater servers' coming to Harbinger.





Hey man might I suggest using the T2 gunship here. If you switch to heavy laser cannons and protons you can dislodge a tick easy peasy. just go under the satellite

Edited by Krixarcs
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I completely disagree with you. Roughly two thousand games in the lake should be enough to appreciate its depths and recognize when pollutants make it unsafe to swim.


Bomber spam does one thing (and only one thing) well. It punishes new players (and anyone stuck with them) for deciding to play. It requires no skill at flying the bombers to win against new players. It doesn't even require movement, once they tick onto the satellite. That's what you end up with, a load of barnacles stuck to the objectives that eliminate any gameplay from the game.


As a class of ships, bombers are balanced and vital in competitive matches. Removing them or failing to will often decide games. Skillfully piloted bombers are invaluable when it comes to proper beacon placement, holding onto a node while reinforcements are in transit, and giving teams tactical control of the arena.


Ticking on sats and spewing out a little cloud of munitions does not help anyone practice those skills. Heaping bombers onto a satellite against helpless teams brings those bomber pilots no closer to being contributors in matches where they face a skilled team. But it sure does make it easy to win against people who don't know what they're doing.


The problem has nothing to do with people from 'backwater servers' coming to Harbinger.




This is also the problem with gunships on TDM. People tend to quit racking up 10+ kills on gunships when stock noobs wandering into the killzone are replaced with swarms of scout aces and a little gunship support of their own.

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I completely disagree with you. Roughly two thousand games in the lake should be enough to appreciate its depths and recognize when pollutants make it unsafe to swim.


Bomber spam does one thing (and only one thing) well. It punishes new players (and anyone stuck with them) for deciding to play. It requires no skill at flying the bombers to win against new players. It doesn't even require movement, once they tick onto the satellite. That's what you end up with, a load of barnacles stuck to the objectives that eliminate any gameplay from the game.


As a class of ships, bombers are balanced and vital in competitive matches. Removing them or failing to will often decide games. Skillfully piloted bombers are invaluable when it comes to proper beacon placement, holding onto a node while reinforcements are in transit, and giving teams tactical control of the arena.


Ticking on sats and spewing out a little cloud of munitions does not help anyone practice those skills. Heaping bombers onto a satellite against helpless teams brings those bomber pilots no closer to being contributors in matches where they face a skilled team. But it sure does make it easy to win against people who don't know what they're doing.


The problem has nothing to do with people from 'backwater servers' coming to Harbinger.




So true. The most effective ship that comes to mind to me with the least amount of req is an otherwise stock rampart/razor with a hyperbeacon. That one small purchase can dramatically change a match's dynamic, especially when newer pilots are involved.


Newer pilots are just getting their bearings and won't have the tools or experience to deal with mine spam. The most reliable way to win a sat match against new players is bomber spam.

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So true. The most effective ship that comes to mind to me with the least amount of req is an otherwise stock rampart/razor with a hyperbeacon. That one small purchase can dramatically change a match's dynamic, especially when newer pilots are involved.


Newer pilots are just getting their bearings and won't have the tools or experience to deal with mine spam. The most reliable way to win a sat match against new players is bomber spam.

You need to pay attention on Super Serious night sometime.
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You need to pay attention on Super Serious night sometime.


I've done more than one SS night... we just haven't had them in ages. Not sure what point was being made though?


SS night we'd have full groups of experienced pilots so the issues with bomber spam wouldn't apply because teams would actually have players fully capable of allowing it to be effective as a mindless tactic.


Bomber spam isn't exactly a new thing, but as we have fewer and fewer regulars on harby the newer folks filling in most of the slots just aren't equipped to deal with it.

Edited by SeCKSEgai
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