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What is better than a sorc guarded by a jugg in an arena or warzone?


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1 healer with 1 tank, regardless of the class of either, is in no way game-breaking. There are 3 nodes or 2 doors/pylons. Banging on a guarded healer getting peels usually means you're not doing it right, but even so, with half decent dps you can kill or drive off even a guarded sorc. Keep in mind you're already talking 1v2 in this scenario. add in peels and its more like 1v4. You are not supposed to be able to win this fight. Don't cry about it, try some tactics and take a node where they are weak.
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1 healer with 1 tank, regardless of the class of either, is in no way game-breaking. There are 3 nodes or 2 doors/pylons. Banging on a guarded healer getting peels usually means you're not doing it right, but even so, with half decent dps you can kill or drive off even a guarded sorc. Keep in mind you're already talking 1v2 in this scenario. add in peels and its more like 1v4. You are not supposed to be able to win this fight. Don't cry about it, try some tactics and take a node where they are weak.


It's hard for many people to think beyond HULK SMASH KEYBOARD in pvp. I'm just happy players are slowly evolving if they even notice a marked healer.

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What is better? Focus fire... I don't care what anyone says.... a full 8 second stun with 4 competent dps burning a guarded sorc healer down then switching to the tank when they go down is a recipe for success...



Awful teams don't focus fire... premades do which is why they usually win. Me as a jugg and my friend Ketara as his sin can take out any combo of people because we focus and set eachother up to land big hits... **** usually we can 2v4 people pretty easillly because they dont know how to focus fire and we do..

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A very good team can probably handle them, but in random warzones sorcs/sages and juggernauts/guardians are a plague. To me it looks like that the majority of warzones/arenas only consist of these two classes (I had a lot of warzones lately with at least 3-6 sages/sorcs on one side) and this is very frustrating. They clearly outclass everything else right now. Very often the warzone is decided when the first team can capture 2 points, because it is almost impossible to kill anything after that (always refering to random groups, but even with focus fire it is difficult to kill something, when 3 sage/sorc healers with protection are bubbling and healing everything).
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A very good team can probably handle them, but in random warzones sorcs/sages and juggernauts/guardians are a plague.


Cynicall put, is this why they are there ? Because people in Unranked are just not good enough to handle them and they know it ? Is their intention to destroy PvP completely and absolutely for all who are interested in doing PvP at all ?


Good way to destroy PvP population.


Only to get it backfilled by people who want a companion.

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  • 3 months later...

Thank you for all the replies (even the ones who converted this topic into a joke), but after the latest patch that was supposed to nerf sage/sorc healing (ha-ha-ha), I still see guarded light armors carrying the ball under heavy fire and their hp won't move a single micrometer (yeah-yeah, they had another healer).


I know, I know, l2p issue, crap team, lack of focus fire, improper use of resolve-building skills, etc., but this is regs, not ranked 8 Vs 8. If there are combos that are impossible to handle for average players (regardless what level of skill average PVPers represent ATM), then it is gamebreaking. Light armoured characters were not meant to be immortal ball carriers. Period.


I love tank classes, I want them to be viable, but unique defensive skills + guard + taaunt + cross-healing + PVP healing boost + PVP damage reduction is too much in an objective based gameplay. I accept that rates might be fine in arenas or PVE content, but as long as warzones are here and people queue, rates should be adjusted to environment.

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