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So, this opens up PVP servers to PVE play. I think that is a good move.


PvP servers already were open to pve play there was just a wpvp component added in. This move will essentially kill wpvp amd the whole concept of having pvp servers.

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I really dont care either way, I dont do wz's so que time dont matter to me. The fact is, they are not going to megaservers at this time. they are keeping the servers they have, just changing tasking and functionality. they are not getting rid of the ghost town servers that were pvp, and the situation for those servers wont be getting any better. they are keeping the worst of both worlds for a reason. we might not know what those reasons are, but they arent hard to guess. They arent merging servers to keep EA happy and keep bad press down. they certainly like to crow about how many new subscribers they have and merging servers doesnt feed into that narrative. as long as the empty servers dont cost that much to run, they can stay there and spin.

I am not saying doom and gloom, I am saying dont expect the empty servers to merge any time soon. they can sit there mostly empty perfectly fine by them selves...the cheap transfers were a very smart move, they got people to gather on main servers without a merge...so bw can honestly say they didnt consolidate, players did.


Actually your post said if they did a megaserver it would be the beginning of the end. That is very doom and gloom and again has no basis in facts. You make a lot of assumptions


1. EA would be against server merges.

2. Megaserver would imply less population.

3. To know what Bioware has decided on the future of servers.


Unless you are in the upper management of EA you can't know 1. Number 2 is just plan false. Number 3 again you have to work or have talked directly to someone who works at Bioware to know that. I can assume you are full of it and have drawn your own conclusion based on biased you have. You might want to read Erics post and see where he even implied anything about megaservers. The closes he came was the QoL features were so friends who want to play two different styles could play on the same server.


That being said nothing they have posted has gone one way or the other on megaservers. In fact it has only spawn the debate more, which if you were deciding on if to do them would be a smart thing. That way you can see what your customer base thinks of them.


My issue with your post is you assume a lot and say thing as fact that there is no way you could know. Even "common sense" doesn't agree with what you say. Server Merges can help grow the game. I am not sure what it is but I pretty sure there is a certain population on an MMO server that fosters growth. Since none of us work in the industry I am pretty sure we have no clue what that is. Also we have no idea what populations are currently on the servers so again no way to talk about this informed without making wide assumptions.

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PvP servers already were open to pve play there was just a wpvp component added in. This move will essentially kill wpvp amd the whole concept of having pvp servers.


If you like owPvP and want it , u will be able to do it on EVERY server with (or against) other people who WANT it

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PvP servers already were open to pve play there was just a wpvp component added in. This move will essentially kill wpvp amd the whole concept of having pvp servers.


Not really since the people who enjoyed wpvp will all still choose the pvp instance anyway, it may not help world pvp but it certainly won't change much.

Edited by Jedi_riches
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If you like owPvP and want it , u will be able to do it on EVERY server with (or against) other people who WANT it


You have always had that option with the exception on pvp servers every one there wants it and there are no "I was accidently que d for pvp QQQQQQQ) threads

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Not really sine the people who enjoyed wpvp will all still choose the pvp instance anyway, it may not help world pvp but it certainly won't change much.


And there are also those who are not opposed to wpvp but prefer to opt out while leveling. There ought to be more people in the pvp instances than are now on PVP servers, but the percentage of easy victims will be considerably lower.

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You have always had that option with the exception on pvp servers every one there wants it and there are no "I was accidently que d for pvp QQQQQQQ) threads


Well, with this change, it sounds like people won't be able to ever end up accidentally flagged.


Which of course for a certain type of PvPer means fewer chances to flex in their tank-tops and say "Do you even PvP, bro?" :rolleyes:

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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PvP servers already were open to pve play there was just a wpvp component added in. This move will essentially kill wpvp amd the whole concept of having pvp servers.


I dont think that is a bad thing at all. Lets look at the benefits....


1) Current PVP servers may get an influx of players, meaning more possibilities that folks will engage in PVP voluntarily.

2) This should, in theory, increase GTN activity on old PVP servers.

3) Gives PVP players the opportunity to engage in PVE oriented play with other players when they choose.


Naturally, it also removes the ability for players to find methods to trick PVE players into getting flagged. That is the biggest benefit to PVE players IMO.


Naturally there are going to be some PVP folks upset about that, but I tend to think those types of players are likely a tiny minority of the PVP population, and also generally give PVP players a bad rep.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Not really sine the people who enjoyed wpvp will all still choose the pvp instance anyway, it may not help world pvp but it certainly won't change much.


I wouldn't go that far. The only game that I know that did something similar was UO. It ended up killing the PvP world since when given the choice people choose easier. The reason for this is switching servers isn't easy so while you might prefer a PvP server. There is a good chance if given the chance to level and gather resources in an none PvP environment you most likely take it. Only going to PvP when you want to actually PvP. This leads to a decreasing of people in the PvP instance which then takes away easy kills that some wPvPs like which then again leads to less people on the wPvP. It gets to the point where there is almost no one to kill and the PvP instance is near dead. At least this is what happen in UO which was a lot more focus PvP user base.

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Yes, I imagine that those folks that enjoyed tricking folks in some way into PVP flags will not appreciate this change. And that is a good thing IMO.


I know I won't miss people jumping into the middle of my mobs while flagged trying to get me to mistarget and flag. And I also won't miss getting flagged by healing my guild mate who somehow always manages to get himself flagged. (Psst, you hear that Rabias? :D)

Edited by Devlyne
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Yes, I imagine that those folks that enjoyed tricking folks in some way into PVP flags will not appreciate this change. And that is a good thing IMO.

What changes? They'll still flag, stealth and stalk people on the PvE instance...this doesn't prohibit PvP in PvE areas, it simply provides PvP instances of the same area. The jackholes trying to trick people will still be there...in the PvE instance.

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Based on the syntax of the "official" statements, it would seem this is a move to speed up queue times which can be excruciating at times, especially for those who play DPS in flashpoints. It does bring up a valid question to names, will conflicts be allowed in cross-server instances or will names now be restricted to one person across all servers?

I would assume that the only real downside are going to be the over serious pvpers getting clumped in with casual players, but that has always been an issue and why they really should chill unless in ranked competition. I hope this does mean better flashpoint groups, but not too optimistic as there seem to be plenty of players in improper or under leveled gear on all servers.


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What changes? They'll still flag, stealth and stalk people on the PvE instance...this doesn't prohibit PvP in PvE areas, it simply provides PvP instances of the same area. The jackholes trying to trick people will still be there...in the PvE instance.


Actually, according to earlier posts in this thread, on the PTS you can't flag in a PVE instance any more.

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Based on the syntax of the "official" statements, it would seem this is a move to speed up queue times which can be excruciating at times, especially for those who play DPS in flashpoints.


Uhm. No? The official statement says that the change from a PVP flag to PVP instances and the ability to have spaces in your character names are NOT a preparation for impending server merges.


It does bring up a valid question to names, will conflicts be allowed in cross-server instances or will names now be restricted to one person across all servers?

And cross server wasn't even mentioned, and is very unlikely to ever happen.

Edited by Mubrak
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Uhm. No? The official statement says that the change from a PVP flag to PVP instances and the ability to have spaces in your character names are NOT a preparation for impending server merges.


You're both wrong.


That guy talks about cross-server instances, but only intra-server instances are mentioned in gold posts or PTS.


And Eric doesn't say No (for once :cool:), he says a bunch of stuff that sounds like it but isn't a flat out denial regarding the future.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Uhm. No? The official statement says that the change from a PVP flag to PVP instances and the ability to have spaces in your character names are NOT a preparation for impending server merges.



And cross server wasn't even mentioned, and is very unlikely to ever happen.


Maybe Bioware have not directly made these changes for server merges, but you can't deny the fact that many of the QOL imporvements being introduced in 4.3 would also lend themselves well if Bioware ever did merge the servers sometime in the future:-


1) a increase in the amount of people you can have in a guild, would help along the line if there was a 'sudden' influx of people onto your server e.g. a merge


2) With the ability to have actual surnames that are not from your legacy name, so if for instance 60% of people changed their character name so that they had their own unique surname means a less likely hood that your name is already taken on a different server.


3) removing the type of server and creating these as instance types, again if they ever did merge servers means that merging for instance 3 English servers means no body's play style is negatively affected (well maybe RP but I don't really understand it in games anyway)

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Posts from whom? Not from Eric Musco (at least not in this thread).


The way it currently works on PTS, that is in fact true. You cannot get PVP flagged in the PVE instance. You no longer have the option to toggle the flag, instead, that toggle is replaced with the instance switch.


I attacked the Republic Base on Oricon, Hoth, and Ilum, just to try a few different ways, and was not flagged either in the PVE instance. So yeah, looks like involuntary flagging is a thing of the past.



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PvP servers already were open to pve play there was just a wpvp component added in. This move will essentially kill wpvp amd the whole concept of having pvp servers.


That's because the type of player that likes ganking, I mean world pvp, is a sad bunch. If people really liked wpvp, then they would still do it and always choose the wpvp channel on the new server layout. If they don't then you need to look at the reasons why. When you find the reasons why, then you realise why I call them sad.


What would be a good idea in my view is allowing people to select a default, so that you always start on pve or wpvp as you prefer. It would allow the people who are actually serious about wpvp to maintain whatever is left of their community.

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