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Names are of no concern...you need to look past other players names. Bioware doesn't do anything about names like Fuk'Yu when reported, so I doubt there's anything at all they're willing to do for RPers about them. I don't mean that to sound rude, it infuriates me, but I think asking for more is futile.


As for chat, couldn't that be fixed with a simple zone only RP channel?


And this goes back to my original question - why ask for PvP and PvE-RP servers when you should be simply asking for RP? PvP and PvE can coexist...it seems like RP is the segment looking for special treatment...right?


I don't play on an RP server, don't care. I was just offering off-the-cuff arguments.

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Names are of no concern...you need to look past other players names. Bioware doesn't do anything about names like Fuk'Yu when reported, so I doubt there's anything at all they're willing to do for RPers about them. I don't mean that to sound rude, it infuriates me, but I think asking for more is futile.


As for chat, couldn't that be fixed with a simple zone only RP channel?


And this goes back to my original question - why ask for PvP and PvE-RP servers when you should be simply asking for RP? PvP and PvE can coexist...it seems like RP is the segment looking for special treatment...right?


Not really Tux,


I am a roleplayer and I have played in games before that there were no roleplay servers and the problem wasn't the naming it was the people playing. I can recall on numerous occasions when my friend and I were roleplaying when people either

(1) Told us to go somewhere else

(2) Told us to shut up with that stupid stuff

(3) Actually was rude and hateful around us when we were roleplaying.


And considering there is no RP section you can tell BW doesn't care about adding that part to the pve or pvp instance so the only choice roleplayers have is hoping that they leave the rp servers like they are .


It actually got so bad that we stopped roleplaying and then evidently left the game. We like to roleplay so if we have to deal with those types of people in a game we are paying for why continue to pay for something we can't do. We roleplay even in our flashpoints, etc as most of the time it is just us doing them.



And does pvp and pve co-exist? Really? Until this upcoming patch where they are separating pvp and pve we both know that there were some pvp players creating problems for people who were just wanting to pve, by stealthiness into mobs therefore causing a player to be flagged. I watched this happened too many time in various areas and shook my head at those individuals. My boyfriend likes to pvp but you will never see him do this when we are questing as he believes people who do this are cowards and don't know how to actually pvp.

Edited by casirabit
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What worries me is that the population was actually relatively healthy in between SoR and KotFE coming out. It declined ridiculously fast after KotFE.


Same here. I didn't expect huge, long-lasting pop. increases from KOTFE but found how quick and deep they dropped off pretty dismaying. Definitely less people after on the servers I'm playing on.

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Even if megaserver doesn't happen, will it really be that different? They've "fixed the glitch". With increase in server capacity, guilds, naming changes and instance systems, there is no reason to stay on PVP servers anymore. When they die out (more like, will become even more dead than now), they will be merged. Only RP have some chance of surviving.


Yes the move makes me wonder a lot too..


I know this will help a lot players avoid being ganked, and maybe improve their first impressions of the game.


But yes, if all servers are now PvP potential, the only motivation besides finding a good community is to similarily just flee from toxics and trolls etc.


There is still a good chance that this will encourage players to explore other servers (RP players are the exception since they will often not move servers unless the RP community moves with them) . This might be a good way to solve population problems.


Honestly though, BW might want to consider merging RP servers together and just leave PvP ones as is.

(1) Because RP-PvP-PvE servers normally complain less about a low-standard population (there are always exceptions to everything)

(2) PvP players who take it seriously dont want to lose their standings, and might see a merger as a way to lose their rank and/or status in the previous server


One giant megaserver for the US is not the solution. That'd be so hard to manage, not to mention possible lag issues and connection. The more people you cram together the more there will be toxics and just overall chaos in general.


Some people say that this is mostlty just a way to test the waters and see if this will solve more problems than create them. It's honestly a very had call for them to make. There will always be people who like and do not like what they do.

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Not really Tux,


I am a roleplayer and I have played in games before that there were no roleplay servers and the problem wasn't the naming it was the people playing. I can recall on numerous occasions when my friend and I were roleplaying when people either

(1) Told us to go somewhere else

(2) Told us to shut up with that stupid stuff

(3) Actually was rude and hateful around us when we were roleplaying.


And considering there is no RP section you can tell BW doesn't care about adding that part to the pve or pvp instance so the only choice roleplayers have is hoping that they leave the rp servers like they are .


It actually got so bad that we stopped roleplaying and then evidently left the game. We like to roleplay so if we have to deal with those types of people in a game we are paying for why continue to pay for something we can't do. We roleplay even in our flashpoints, etc as most of the time it is just us doing them.



And does pvp and pve co-exist? Really? Until this upcoming patch where they are separating pvp and pve we both know that there were some pvp players creating problems for people who were just wanting to pve, by stealthiness into mobs therefore causing a player to be flagged. I watched this happened too many time in various areas and shook my head at those individuals. My boyfriend likes to pvp but you will never see him do this when we are questing as he believes people who do this are cowards and don't know how to actually pvp.




It seems that the new 4.3 update hopes to solve the ganking and PvE annoyances that players deal with when other players will ambush or camp key points. But that is the only real appeal i see of the update, and therefore I don't see how that would solve a pop problem...since, you can just protect yourself from being ganked etc now. The only real reason someone would choose or move to a server NOW would be to find a good community that matches what they like. Given every server will be PvP potentially now-- well, that leaves RP. People will be moving around to find or avoid RP communities.


[ As a casual RPer, I can tell you that RP is not what RPers do all day. Many times its scheduled, and players who do any level of RP are also more than happy to have fun in PvE and also warzones etc. Keeping in character as much as possible helps reduce the toxic levels as well as troll levels in a community. This should make perfect sense to the average player. ]

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As long as the new instance feature was still around it may be a non-issue for you two. If you haven't tried it on the PTS yet: Our mini-maps clearly say which instance we're in, and it's quick/simple clicking to switch between PVP and PVE.


Ohh yeah I didnt try the PTS. If you say it seems to function well enough, then I'm sure it'll be a great welcome to the general player population xD

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Just because I don't RP, doesn't mean I don't see the need for separate servers for the purpose.


I think what some players are saying is that when do RP or speak in character in a cantina etc. they get harassed by other players lol so they go to servers which are "RP tolerant" by general nature. BW can't patrol and slap wrists in its game, so it created different servers; each one with its own styles and tolerance levels xD

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Not really Tux,


I am a roleplayer and I have played in games before that there were no roleplay servers and the problem wasn't the naming it was the people playing. I can recall on numerous occasions when my friend and I were roleplaying when people either

(1) Told us to go somewhere else

(2) Told us to shut up with that stupid stuff

(3) Actually was rude and hateful around us when we were roleplaying.


And considering there is no RP section you can tell BW doesn't care about adding that part to the pve or pvp instance so the only choice roleplayers have is hoping that they leave the rp servers like they are .


It actually got so bad that we stopped roleplaying and then evidently left the game. We like to roleplay so if we have to deal with those types of people in a game we are paying for why continue to pay for something we can't do. We roleplay even in our flashpoints, etc as most of the time it is just us doing them.



And does pvp and pve co-exist? Really? Until this upcoming patch where they are separating pvp and pve we both know that there were some pvp players creating problems for people who were just wanting to pve, by stealthiness into mobs therefore causing a player to be flagged. I watched this happened too many time in various areas and shook my head at those individuals. My boyfriend likes to pvp but you will never see him do this when we are questing as he believes people who do this are cowards and don't know how to actually pvp.

Don't confuse "griefers" with PvPers.


Your boyfriend is right...those people that do this are cowards, trying to antagonize other players. PvP and PvE does coexist in this game and many others. These same people are the ones who try to disrupt your RP...they're simply "griefers"...a category of their own, and they exist far too many places on the interweb.

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I think they should keep the EC and WC RP servers separate, unless BW:A can find away to increase the server char limit to 80, or make sure that my 80 can exist on one server, even if I can't make any more, also, my BC guilds have flagships, too, so I don't wish to lose them.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm never leaving East Coast servers. We live in the real world with latency and technical limitations to online communications.



Right, because you are superhuman and can differentiate events by a few milliseconds. When you talk to someone on the phone, you can tell how far they are away from you? That is like a X-Man ability.


Better watch out, you might get "recruited" by a government.


PS, Here is a more "real" discussion of lag, for those interested:http://www.geforce.com/whats-new/guides/how-to-get-rid-of-lag-guide#1

Edited by MotorCityMan
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I'm pure pve and I like playing on low pop instances, when they open up, where I don't have to fight too many players for quests. Does this mean there will be a less chance for my chosen playmode to get an extra instance or will there just be more added?
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I guess this will be similar to how World of Warcraft handles it.


The individual servers exist, but within a server group people from all servers can be on in the same instance of a zone. People keep their names and for ID purposes have a little addendum behind their name that shows what server they're from.


It works in WoW.

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As for chat, couldn't that be fixed with a simple zone only RP channel?


And this goes back to my original question - why ask for PvP and PvE-RP servers when you should be simply asking for RP? PvP and PvE can coexist...it seems like RP is the segment looking for special treatment...right?


Missed this post heh so late to the party.


Problem is, just like the douchebags whose only idea of pvp is "gankin & campin noobs 24/7", there are douchebags who make characters on RP servers -just- to harass RPers.


In Star Trek Online there are entire Fleets (Their version of guilds) dedicated just to harassing RPers.


So they will just flag themselve s as RP to get in, and start being douchebags.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Right, because you are superhuman and can differentiate events by a few milliseconds. When you talk to someone on the phone, you can tell how far they are away from you? That is like a X-Man ability.


Better watch out, you might get "recruited" by a government.


PS, Here is a more "real" discussion of lag, for those interested:http://www.geforce.com/whats-new/guides/how-to-get-rid-of-lag-guide#1


It's funny when you take a look at the 2nd and 3rd picture from the imgur link he posted. xD

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Right, because you are superhuman and can differentiate events by a few milliseconds. When you talk to someone on the phone, you can tell how far they are away from you? That is like a X-Man ability.



Context is important dude. Not everyone lives where you do. And basic physics dictates that the longer your internet route, the higher your transmission latency.


On average, the difference in latency between East and West if you live on one coast or the other is ~ 75 ms. Nothing tragic, certainly playable, but definitely noticeable to most players. It will be 25-30ms on a server on your coast and closer to 100ms on a server on the opposite coast. [West servers are in California and East servers are in Virginia I believe]. You also have to keep in mind that connections to SWTOR servers are not always running optimally. Sometimes I get 25ms latency on my local coast servers, and sometimes is sputters around between 25-300+ for a variety of reasons that are beyond the players control.


Now, if you live in the middle states of the US, it probably makes little to no difference as you would see very close numbers between east and west. You probably cannot tell the difference as it would be under 30 ms.

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Right, because you are superhuman and can differentiate events by a few milliseconds. When you talk to someone on the phone, you can tell how far they are away from you? That is like a X-Man ability.


Better watch out, you might get "recruited" by a government.


Yeah, sure, because of course no one "normal" has ever noticed the difference between 35ms and 400ms... :rolleyes:


And in fact, from where I live, in other games, that's the difference I've seen between the "near coast" and "far coast" servers.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Yeah, sure, because of course no one "normal" has ever noticed the difference between 35ms and 400ms... :rolleyes:


I did a little poking around, and it appears that (Gaussian Distribution) humans can notice lag down to at least 50 ms, and possibly down to 30 ms (from articles on display and input lag). Now, the game client is going to take steps to reduce the appearance of lag (one of the reasons that raw teleport detection of bots won't work - the anti-lag features in most online game clients mean that the client does NOT continuously update location to the server).


So now I know.

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I did a little poking around, and it appears that (Gaussian Distribution) humans can notice lag down to at least 50 ms, and possibly down to 30 ms (from articles on display and input lag). Now, the game client is going to take steps to reduce the appearance of lag (one of the reasons that raw teleport detection of bots won't work - the anti-lag features in most online game clients mean that the client does NOT continuously update location to the server).


So now I know.


Cure for lag: Just drink enough alcohol until you're as slow as the game. Presto! No lag.

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Just out of curiousity, when you RPrs do your chat play in the cantina or whatever....do you use general or say? Because say is local area, not sure why anyone would have an issue..but if your doing it in general, yeah you open yourself up to jerks.


There is a Trade, PVP, and General channel on the chat settings, but no RP.

If there was an RP channel that was opt-in, meaning newly-created toons had that option unselected at the beginning, then the RP types could opt-in to the channel and RP themselves to death in there. Then the only interference they'd get is from rival PVP conversations (and the occasional troll who opts into the RP setting).


Back in September or October or around then, on the BC server on Tython, I got a mild chewing out doing guild spam in gen chat while The Jedi Order was trying to hold their inductions. They don't own the gen chat channel, but I can understand their frustration. There's nothing specifically set up for RP chat.

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There is a Trade, PVP, and General channel on the chat settings, but no RP.

If there was an RP channel that was opt-in, meaning newly-created toons had that option unselected at the beginning, then the RP types could opt-in to the channel and RP themselves to death in there. Then the only interference they'd get is from rival PVP conversations (and the occasional troll who opts into the RP setting).


Back in September or October or around then, on the BC server on Tython, I got a mild chewing out doing guild spam in gen chat while The Jedi Order was trying to hold their inductions. They don't own the gen chat channel, but I can understand their frustration. There's nothing specifically set up for RP chat.


So why not just make a custom channel, and circulate it in the RP forums?

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There is a Trade, PVP, and General channel on the chat settings, but no RP.

If there was an RP channel that was opt-in, meaning newly-created toons had that option unselected at the beginning, then the RP types could opt-in to the channel and RP themselves to death in there. Then the only interference they'd get is from rival PVP conversations (and the occasional troll who opts into the RP setting).


Back in September or October or around then, on the BC server on Tython, I got a mild chewing out doing guild spam in gen chat while The Jedi Order was trying to hold their inductions. They don't own the gen chat channel, but I can understand their frustration. There's nothing specifically set up for RP chat.


They really should have been using /say or created their own channel. Complaining about people using general chat for general chat purposes is just rude. I bet their little "ceremony" was not appreciated by other groups of RPers, either.



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I just stopped recruiting on Tython when I saw Order people. Eventually I turned my guild over to someone else and moved all my toons I cared about off BC, so it's a moot situation for me now, so I don't know what they do these days, but I agree, I don't know why they used open chat when I was there.
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