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Why does everyone have to be a rip off artist?


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7,000,000 for a single top, really? Demand can't possibly be that high, nobody's paying that much for it. The items keep expiring, yet people just put them up again for the same ridiculous price. Then another person comes along and puts there's up for a SINGLE credit less. And what does the gold, silver, bronze thing mean?
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That's the basics of supply and demand for you. If you really want it quickly, you will pay the full amount. If you can wait for it, you can wait for that one annoying guy (For the sellers) who posts the stuff for a couple mil cheaper cause reasons.


As for Bronze, Silver, and Gold, it's supposed to be the rarity of the cartel item, and it also shows how much Cartel Coins it costs to unlock it for the account once you have that item. Bronze is 60, Silver is 240, Gold is 400

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7,000,000 for a single top, really? Demand can't possibly be that high, nobody's paying that much for it. The items keep expiring, yet people just put them up again for the same ridiculous price. Then another person comes along and puts there's up for a SINGLE credit less. And what does the gold, silver, bronze thing mean?


Price gouging will always be a thing in this game unless BW decides to place limits which it wont because the GTN is player driven. That is the power of having either alot of real life money to buy Cartel Coins or having accumulated alot of credits. The good news though is that you can easily make 7 million with the new heroics system just get a group and you can get 7 million in 2-3 days. :)

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OP wants a top. OP doesn't like the price. OP comes to whine about it and immediately calls everyone a "rip off artist". OP then goes after people selling for 1-credit less when the whole point is just to get your item listed first and to make as much as you can.


Conclusion: OP has no clue how player-driven economies work, or economies in-general, and is just mad cuz they can't afford a top they want while bad-mouthing those that have the means to obtain and sell them.


Sadly, we've seen this all before, but happily, they don't change the system and keep it the way it is.

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7,000,000 for a single top, really? Demand can't possibly be that high, nobody's paying that much for it. The items keep expiring, yet people just put them up again for the same ridiculous price. Then another person comes along and puts there's up for a SINGLE credit less. And what does the gold, silver, bronze thing mean?


You really have absolutely no idea how prices are set in a free market environment, do you? If an item does not sell for a specific price (here 7 million) then it will just expire over and over again until the seller lowers his/her price far enough for someone who is actually willing to pay this new lower price (for example 5 million). You think this price is still to high? That's your problem. Why should the seller put the item up for less than 5 million so you can buy it if there are people who are willing to pay 5 million? If you want the item, then go earn some credits. There are plenty of possibilities to make tons of credits in this game.


The exact same goes for the new lightsaber from the packs. People put them on gtn for about 50 million. Of course it is mindblowing. But it still sells. And that's the point. As long as there are customers willing to pay the price you won't see a lower price for it.

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Bronze, Silver, Gold is to classify the rarity of the armor, this is armor you get in Cartel Packs which cost real money, so of course it is going to be pricy to begin with.

Gold Rarity is the rarest armor, and there will only be a handful of these items on each server so OF COURSE they are going to be pricy.


Keep in mind that when stuff is really hard to get, it usually costs more, because the effort / luck / real money input, should pay off for the seller in the end.


Currently im the only one on my server trying to sell the "Arrangement: Underworld Bar" decoration. Which unless you get it in a chance cube, you can't really get it anymore. So im selling it for 13 million.


The reason im not selling it for 1 credit is because that would be idiotic and childlike thinking, might aswell just give it away then.


If you hate basic economics stay off the GTN.


Oh and people undercut with 1 credit and stuff like that to get their item to the front of the price list when people search for it, if you don't like it STAY OFF GTN.


Now go and actually make some money which is stupidly easy in this patch and come back and buy your armor.

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what top are we speaking of anyway?


Dramatic Extrovert


I'm sitting here thinking I'm doing good, 3.2 million credits in 2 days. Yet I find out I'm less than halfway there, never in my wildest nightmares did I think one top would cost that much. I'm not about to pay 7 million, they got me ****ed up. But it's the last piece I need, so I'm being patient and hoping I luck out with a better deal.

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To be fair the shirt is fairly cosmetic for entertainment purposes yet in theory the car can provide a useful source of transportation.


Clothing CAN be cosmetic, Vehicles CAN be cosmetic.

Vehicles provide a service, Clothing ALSO provides a service.


Nobody 'needs' stylish clothing anymore than anyone 'needs' a flashy car; they're both things required for basic living.


A Jedi/Sith class 'needs' a Lightsaber, but they do not 'need' the Unstable Arbiter's Lightsaber. :p

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Clothing CAN be cosmetic, Vehicles CAN be cosmetic.

Vehicles provide a service, Clothing ALSO provides a service.


Nobody 'needs' stylish clothing anymore than anyone 'needs' a flashy car; they're both things required for basic living.


A Jedi/Sith class 'needs' a Lightsaber, but they do not 'need' the Unstable Arbiter's Lightsaber. :p


A lightning Sith Sorcerer doesn't even need a lightsaber, but still.


Ain't no way in HELL I'm dropping $7 million on a shirt. I just have to wait for just the right moment. Someone will sell it for 3 million.

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To be fair the shirt is fairly cosmetic for entertainment purposes yet in theory the car can provide a useful source of transportation.

Compared to a Ford or a Volvo, a Ferrari is largely cosmetic. In most countries you can't benefits from its higher performance when using it for transportation.

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Some people list absurdly high priced items hoping you'll sort by unit price and accidental click on an absurdly priced item, like mistaking the comma for a decimal point.


Tricking people into clicking something by accident.

Edited by Falensawino
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In an economic system where a business has zero overhead and their only sales expense is a percentages of the sales price at the time of sale, the whole supply and demand equation doesn't work the way it works in the real world.


In the real world, if my prices are too high, no one buys my merchandise, I can't pay my employees or my rent, and I go out of business.

Therefore it's in my own best interest to find a price point that maximizes my profits while still moving the merchandise.


But in the game, I can set an outrageous price for something and if no one ever pays my price for it, it doesn't cost me a thing.

And if I've got the only one of something you want badly enough, you'll pay my price.

Edited by Rankyn
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7,000,000 for a single top, really? Demand can't possibly be that high, nobody's paying that much for it. The items keep expiring, yet people just put them up again for the same ridiculous price. Then another person comes along and puts there's up for a SINGLE credit less. And what does the gold, silver, bronze thing mean?


You're lucky. There's tops that never drop below 15-20mil. It sucks but people know that at some point, someone will actually become so desperate as to pay that 7mil especially if it's a pretty desired look. And some sellers are just weird. On my server I've seen the oh-so-popular over the knee high boots of Satele Shan go for 25mil, JUST the boots! While another person sold the entire armor pack for 27.5mil.


Best I can say is be patient.. at some point, someone else (aside from the stubborn 7mil seller) will list it for a 'more reasonable' price. Someone who doesn't know it's value or simply would rather have some money now than wait weeks to try and sell it for more.


I was trying hard to get enough money for Satele's set.. bought some hypercrates when the new ones came out and sold everything I didn't care for, made more than enough within 2 days but still held off for another while until the set had dropped from 35mil to 20. Some times it's just a game of seeing who's more patient.. the seller or the buyer.

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*cough* i've payed that much for a single cosmetic item...more then once :p


My current all white outfit for my assassin, including lightsaber crystal, probably cost me 20 million, while it's something i've gathered over a long time, and finally decided to put the outfit together last week, the crystal alone was 5 million. then you add in satele's lightsaber, kreias lower robes, hand maiden top, one of the revanite helms and finaly Lana's belt, and gloves, things get ex*****ve!


but as others have said, supply and demand, just remember, there is always a way! be that waiting for a price drop, sell some cartel market stuff for credits, or just farm, the item can be yours.


But for some items, that have been out of packs for years, they will get expensive, especially highly sought after items, like the extrovert chest.


As for rip of artists, i'm guilty of that more then once, when selling stuff i don't want from chance cubes or cartel packs, i will sell it for as high as i can, to get credits to buy the stuff I want ^^

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Just be creative if you are buying for cosmetics only. Use the preview when buying and level an alt to make your own dyes. My JS has an outfit that cost less than 500K and I get compliments on it almost every day. Edited by deleries
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I put the tracksuit armor up on GTN for 9 million.

It sold within an hour

I highly profited

Does that make me a rip off artist? No it means I'm not so stupid to list the only one available at a a stupid low price

If you don't like the price, don't buy it, it's not rocket science

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7,000,000 for a single top, really? Demand can't possibly be that high, nobody's paying that much for it. The items keep expiring, yet people just put them up again for the same ridiculous price. Then another person comes along and puts there's up for a SINGLE credit less. And what does the gold, silver, bronze thing mean?


Everyone isn't a rip off artist because an ugly pixel top you want is priced higher than you want to pay.

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In an entirely artificial and contrived "economy" like SWTOR's interplayer market, the ONLY limit on the price of a thing is what a handful of people with more credits than sense are willing to pay for it.


The only way you stop seeing single pieces of cosmetic armor sell for 7 or 8 figures on GTN is if people stop paying that much for them, and that's not going to happen.

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I will never understand the mentality of "I want X item so it must be cheap or it's a rip off"

If you went into a shoe store, and had asda George range on one side, and Prada on the other, would you consider Prada a rip off because it isn't as cheap as shoes on the left? No.. So why should pixelated cosmetic items be any different


You could always do what those trying to sell CM items do..

Buy your own crates and hope for the best

With the amount of junk in the latest packs, I feel more sorry for those trying to make some money from them, when alot of the items are junk vendor items

I certainly do not feel sorry for someone who feels entitled to get their most desired item at a Black Friday sale price

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"Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it". -Publilius Syrus


If you want it now and it's worth $7M to you, then do what you need to do to earn that money and buy it.. If not, then don't. Simple. It's a luxury item. You choose when to buy it, what price to buy at, or to not buy at all.

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