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How to kill the Emperor?(might contain spoilers)


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Considering that the emperor seems to always require a 'host' of sorts (see the Jedi Knight story, you meet two different people with both being the emperor in essence, you see a 3rd one when in KOTFE and now a 4th by using the outlander), it seems plausible that a method of elimination such as the one in the Sith Inq story would make sense (extracting/transferring the emperor's essence) but it would not be enough. Zach barely had power by the time she attempts to take over the Inquisitor's body and she even asks for the inquisitor's help in providing her with power to overtake Khem's body, this is the only reason why it is possible to extract her: too weak to resist Khem.


I think the only way for the emperor to die is for his host to die while being possessed and then render him unable to transfer to another host. Maybe we will see one of the companions perform the ultimate sacrifice/act of heroism: become the emperor and then jump into a black hole or some other null space environment where the emperor might still leave but cannot interact with the universe anymore.


An alternate ending would be similar to the one in the ending of Bubblegum Crisis where the emperor becomes a sort of god by integrating himself with everything in the galaxy (organic and non-organic) but without having direct control over anything, this scenario fits because he achieves his goal: he never gets to die and finally transcends death.


I'd would like to propose that, if given the choice to the player, make sure you send Quinn to be remembered as the hero (or barely redeem himself at least from the Sith Warrior point of view) that, after receiving a beating so severe it would be censored in most systems in the galaxy, he has the strength to take the place of a host for the emperor and then jumps (or gets pushed) into a black hole.


Kaliyo is also a suitable replacement if Quinn somehow is killed before this.

Edited by ShootMeFirst
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Well, in the warrior's story on Voss the Emperor's voice is trapped by Baras while the Emperor uses it, while trapped the Emperor seemingly cannot transfer out of the body; his only escape required you to kill him. So... Maybe we shouldn't killed Baras...


Good point actually, I had forgotten that the Warrior meets the emperor himself (itself?) while being in Voss. So the player, by playing different classes, actually meets 5 incarnations of the same emperor. You also bring up an important point: Baras somehow was able to contain the emperor in Voss, perhaps his computers might have some data on how he was able to achieve this (or Baras himself is brought back from imprisonment to Dromund Kaas to answer a few questions, if you let him live in the SW story).

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Good point actually, I had forgotten that the Warrior meets the emperor himself (itself?) while being in Voss. So the player, by playing different classes, actually meets 5 incarnations of the same emperor. You also bring up an important point: Baras somehow was able to contain the emperor in Voss, perhaps his computers might have some data on how he was able to achieve this (or Baras himself is brought back from imprisonment to Dromund Kaas to answer a few questions, if you let him live in the SW story).


That would be a cool class moment, have a mission going through Baras's old stuff to maybe find a solution. For the warrior it's an experience of reminiscing on how far they've come since Baras picked them up, while for other classes it's just looking at an old Dark councilors things.

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Well, in the warrior's story on Voss the Emperor's voice is trapped by Baras while the Emperor uses it, while trapped the Emperor seemingly cannot transfer out of the body; his only escape required you to kill him. So... Maybe we shouldn't killed Baras...


Yes Darth Baras Was The REAL HERO Of SWTOR...

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Yes Darth Baras Was The REAL HERO Of SWTOR...


In some way he kind of was, being able to imprison the emperor himself is no small feat which ironically also makes the warrior the main responsible for the release and the mass murder on Ziost. I have been reading some threads in the Lore forums about this and it makes sense looking at it this way: when Baras' minion is about to kill the SW, the hands of the emperor save the warrior thus the warrior feels indebted to the emperor. Releasing the emperor imprisoned in Voss makes all the sense if the warrior was looking forward to settling a debt or just serving a powerful master.

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In some way he kind of was, being able to imprison the emperor himself is no small feat which ironically also makes the warrior the main responsible for the release and the mass murder on Ziost. I have been reading some threads in the Lore forums about this and it makes sense looking at it this way: when Baras' minion is about to kill the SW, the hands of the emperor save the warrior thus the warrior feels indebted to the emperor. Releasing the emperor imprisoned in Voss makes all the sense if the warrior was looking forward to settling a debt or just serving a powerful master.


Yeah, I like to think that while watching the destruction of Ziost, all my Warrior is thinking is how he was partially responsible for it.

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I guess it depends what the Emperor actually is, at this point - is he a person with a physical body tying him to this reality; is he a celestial or other transcended entity; or is he just a bad case of indigestion after your 16th bowl of tiingilar?


I wish it was the last, but I'm afraid he's a severe case of "being whatever the plot needs him to be at this point".

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Even if it were possible the time distortion would probably put him out of action for several thousand years.


Oh no! No, no, no, no! We've just had the first good star wars movie in a long time, I don't want them to screw it all up now by making Snoke just being Vitiate in a new body!

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Oh no! No, no, no, no! We've just had the first good star wars movie in a long time, I don't want them to screw it all up now by making Snoke just being Vitiate in a new body!




That would be about as bad as borrowing from the EU and saying that Snoke is somehow a returned Palpatine.


It's refreshing to see that I'm not the only one tired of Bioware's pet villain, Vitiate Sue.

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Got a better idea.. how about an epic fight between Darth Marr and the Emperor in spirit world?


Valkorion: come on, Marr, are you still upset?

Marr: you SOB!!!! of effin course i'm upset, you killed me, you *censored* !


And so on.

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