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A new era in GSF? It looks like server merges are coming


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So this might be groundwork that they build some cross server features off of in the distant future, but what we're getting in 4.3 is just a PvP flag setting tool for open world areas.


They're doing a lot of work to rebuild half-baked mechanics and clunky parts of the engine that kept them from doing cool stuff in earlier expansions. This might be the foundation for cool things later on. Gotta build out that tech tree before you can unlock, "better than cross server," and move it from the, "wall of crazy," to the, "wall of: dear god, how can it have that many bugs?"

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So this might be groundwork that they build some cross server features off of in the distant future, but what we're getting in 4.3 is just a PvP flag setting tool for open world areas.


They're doing a lot of work to rebuild half-baked mechanics and clunky parts of the engine that kept them from doing cool stuff in earlier expansions. This might be the foundation for cool things later on. Gotta build out that tech tree before you can unlock, "better than cross server," and move it from the, "wall of crazy," to the, "wall of: dear god, how can it have that many bugs?"


What do you want to bet we'll be infinisploding in the middle of Denon again?

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What do you want to bet we'll be infinisploding in the middle of Denon again?


Nah, I was thinking of things like discovering that by default you queue into a PvE instance of WZs, Arenas, and GSF matches.


It's a win if everyone is, "friendly," right?




Though I guess that's not a cross server bug prediction for the distant future. So, call it, queue cross server successfully but then each server spawns into its own instance.



Based on the record I'm confident in their ability to create new and innovative bugs. :D

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My normal logging times are not the same as yours, If I could I would probably transfer most of my pilots to TRE their prime time is closer to my time.


OK, but you're now talking about time zone issues rather than a population problem. Try TRE at prime time USA hours, I doubt you'd see many pops.


TEH seems the same to me as always, based on my admittedly infrequent visits (played a couple there last night).

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OK, but you're now talking about time zone issues rather than a population problem. Try TRE at prime time USA hours, I doubt you'd see many pops.


TEH seems the same to me as always, based on my admittedly infrequent visits (played a couple there last night).


One used to be able to get pops on TEH at any time of day in the past; less then 30 min waits even in "off times"

Edited by davidrodriguezjr
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