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If you still haven't received email with cartel coins code, please post here.


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If you would take a second and review what Eric said, they did do a second mailing and yes some folks who had complained did receive it that time.


I'm not sure if you intended it or not (there afterall a lot of jerks on the internet) so i'll query it before assuming.. but your responses read INCREDIBLY condescendingly arrogantly.


Okay If YOU would take a minute to read back to my response to Eric our far from competent community representative you would see I already answered his statement that they resent by pointing out

A) IF they had sent it and it was in my spam folder there would be record of it because my Spam folder does not auto empty. It is not there. 100% certainty. Plus it never would be there as the address they use is whitelisted.


B) IF it had been rejected by my ISP (his other possible explanation for non receipt) then my ISP would have sent me an email to say an email from XYZ had been rejected do I want to query this or not. Because that is what they do. No such email was received, because no such email was rejected.


reason being for A and B either they did not send me an email either time and they should have, OR (and this is more likely) NO email was ever sent to me (and should have been).


It's usually a plus if you read or at least skim a thread that you post in before you do it. They already gave yet and you;re not getting anything.


Except my response had total relevance and missed nothing that went before as explained above, which you YOURSELF would know if you followed your own advice. But thanks for the hippocracy. ;)

Edited by NeoWolf
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I'm not sure if you intended it or not (there afterall a lot of jerks on the internet) so i'll query it before assuming.. but your responses read INCREDIBLY condescendingly arrogantly.


This was your post:


No re-sends for those of us who never received it at all, just a pointing finger of blame rather than admit they messed up.


As I noted before, there was a resend attempt. If you had more specific details, you should have written them.


If you want to give out incorrect statements like you did, someone will probably point it out to you.


I filed arbitration and have recorded my server details. May I suggest the same for you?


edit: As to the other poster, most forums ban "Me Too!" posts. I'm sorry if you;re upset that I made the suggestion that they should read the thread that they post in but well...

Edited by dr_mike
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This was your post:


As I noted before, there was a resend attempt. If you had more specific details, you should have written them.


I already did, as I said, not hat I need to explain myself to you. As I said follow your own advice about reading back next time and we'll get along swimmingly.


If you want to give out incorrect statements like you did, someone will probably point it out to you.


Except it isn't incorrect is it because

A) I have verifiable proof I never received any emails and likewise others have said the same


B) we only have their word they did a re-send and frankly i'd trust them as far as I could throw them at this juncture. I certainly have ZERO doubt our community Rep is not looking out for us at all, like he should.


I filed arbitration and have recorded my server details. May I suggest the same for you?


To what end? I'd be all for it if I thought something would come of it, but I've danced this dance with various MMO's CS's before. Disinterested is the word that springs to mind to describe most of them.


They have no intention of fixing this for the people they missed. At this point this entire thread is simply about shaming them for their mishandling or PAYING customers, letting them know its out of order. Noone has ANY real expectation that they will give a cr*p enough to fix it anymore. they have our sub payments, that's all they care about. The fact that they missed people and didn't fix it means nothing to them.

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B) we only have their word they did a re-send and frankly i'd trust them as far as I could throw them at this juncture. I certainly have ZERO doubt our community Rep is not looking out for us at all, like he should.



Several people stated in this thread, that they got their code with the second mailing.

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I don't think that this is an error coming from our side. If it was, there would be far less people having the problem. With this many people having not received the codes the problem is likely very global, but it is hard to assume what exactly has gone wrong.
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How many got it and were so embarrassed that they DIDN'T state they got it? Or maybe got it, but just want to keep the anger flowing?


What? That doesn't make any sense, why would anyone do that? If we got what was promised we'd be happy.


In fact many people who got their codes the second time came back and offered advice as to where the codes were hidden.


I know you're a white knight and all but please, don't call us liars.

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What? That doesn't make any sense, why would anyone do that? If we got what was promised we'd be happy.


In fact many people who got their codes the second time came back and offered advice as to where the codes were hidden.


I know you're a white knight and all but please, don't call us liars.


You're right, I'm sorry. Forgot that no one on the internet tells lies to get a point across.

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True enough, but you're generalizing. On this specific subject, what does anyone have to gain by lying?


To keep the anger cycling through the community apparently. However by that logic we also have to state that a few of the people didn't get the codes, but claimed they did in order to avoid causing chaos.

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To keep the anger cycling through the community apparently. However by that logic we also have to state that a few of the people didn't get the codes, but claimed they did in order to avoid causing chaos.


Creating and fueling internet outrage can be a powerful tool, but it's a means to an end. Anger for anger's sake accomplishes nothing.

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You're right, I'm sorry. Forgot that no one on the internet tells lies to get a point across.


What would be the point?


They can see if someone has used a code so getting another they then can't use would be utterly pointless. As would claiming you haven't got one you've used, because again they'd know..


Do you honestly think people who got a code would be kicking up this much fuss for nothing.. that would go beyond a lie it would be utterly retarded.


And as I know I didn't get a code I can only assume everyone else here who has said they haven't (and in a 120+ pages that's is a lot) is telling the truth. And the fact they said they needed to do a resend would imply they at least acknowledge people didn't redeem codes who should have recieved them.

Edited by NeoWolf
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i come in here to express how bad i feel for the people that biofail defrauded here. i got my email but only after this thread and they claim to have resent them.


then i see crazyct in here defending bioware as usual and insulting all of the people that were so completely screwed over.

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If BioWare doesn't plan on doing anything else then what's the point of keeping this thread open?


To keep the chaos contained.


At the moment, there is no reason to start another thread about this ongoing issue and it just makes more sense just to post it here. If they close down the thread, then you will see threads about this issue rather than just simple posts, and them closing the thread may also lead to people getting antagonized and see it has Bioware trying to keep it all hush hush.


it's better to have the chaos in one thread then around the forums, and makes it easier to ignore and pretend nothing is wrong.

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So I got bored and was getting frustrated and decided to try another game for awhile (NO! not WOW).

Its over 8 years old now but I never gave it a fair shot years ago when it was released. Anyway after only two weeks of playing I made a cartel purchase and messed it up. I submitted a ticket not expecting much, remembering my experiences here in SWTOR. Within an hour a GM contacted me in game personally with a whisper!!. Looked thru my inventory and records. Asked me a few questions, was super friendly and polite and within 5-10 minutes the issue was resolved and the problem was fixed!! I almost had a heart attack! If Bioware even put forth 10% of that kind of effort I might have stayed... but now seeing the way other games treat customers I think I am sold and satying in the other game.

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The person I gave the chapter 1 trial code to wants to know what happens if he never completes chapter 1 but deletes the character because he wants to do a different class?


I know the free 60 token we got as subs would go back if we delete before dinging 61 but I couldn't answer what happens with the trial character.

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So I got bored and was getting frustrated and decided to try another game for awhile (NO! not WOW).

Its over 8 years old now but I never gave it a fair shot years ago when it was released. Anyway after only two weeks of playing I made a cartel purchase and messed it up. I submitted a ticket not expecting much, remembering my experiences here in SWTOR. Within an hour a GM contacted me in game personally with a whisper!!. Looked thru my inventory and records. Asked me a few questions, was super friendly and polite and within 5-10 minutes the issue was resolved and the problem was fixed!! I almost had a heart attack! If Bioware even put forth 10% of that kind of effort I might have stayed... but now seeing the way other games treat customers I think I am sold and satying in the other game.


It's like they feel like movie stars because their company rents the star wars licence from disney. And no I haven't yet received the email with the codes.

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Still waiting on mine. Triple checked emails even. Kappamusco, how about you stop promising stuff you cant deliver on. Remember when you scammed people into subbing a few years ago by offering a free name change per month then blamed it on a typo? Yeah me too. Time to stop scamming us buddy.
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