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Operatives are they OP?


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I know Scoundrels are mirrors to operatives and I don't have one but Operatives seem OP to me in PvP. Just did an Alderan Warzone an Operative hit me and it flashed up 5.4k, from one hit. I don't think he was in stealth. I checked the damage charts at the end and his highest hit was 5.4k. That's about 40% of my health gone in one hit, this same player was also taking me down to about 30% health in a series of stun locks and I was seeing hits of 3k+ popping up on my screen.


I'm level a 38 Balance Sage and he was level 50. Can Scoundrels do that to? Is it just operatives? Should they be able to hit that hard? She they be able to stun lock players like this while doing so much damage? He didn't seem squishy either as me and 2 others took a long time to finally kill him when we got him surrounded.

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Concs (and let's face it, people whining about Ops mean conc spec) until 36 are fairly bad. Once they get hidden strike they're death to lower hp players (be they injured or lowby) standing on their own.


OP? Not really, just hella annoying.

Edited by Norr
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My trooper has heavy armor and Operatives/Scoundrels can half life me in 1 back stab/back shot.


Armor does not mean anything unless you are an actual tanking spec. Are they overpowered? Hard to tell, but they are REALLY really strong. So much so I've seen a huge rise of them on my server.

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No knockbacks, no sprints, no leaps. But we can have a decent opener vs cloth lowbies if our stealth doesn't get broken by aoe spam. Not to mention its a pain to get out of combat to restealth. Hardly OP. Not to mention we're melee with very weak ranged attacks. Knock us off the ramp in Huttball and we're next to useless. Edited by Izzle
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I agree operatives are OP.


they can open up with hidden strike which spec'd into works like 3 sec stun.

then they get 45 cd 4 sec stun and coupled with acid blade (internal dmg + 50% armor pen. 15sec) they can make quick work of any opponents. :eek:

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Armor does not mean anything unless you are an actual tanking spec. Are they overpowered? Hard to tell, but they are REALLY really strong. So much so I've seen a huge rise of them on my server.


Good to know. More easy kills.


I agree operatives are OP.


they can open up with hidden strike which spec'd into works like 3 sec stun.

then they get 45 cd 4 sec stun


Except that they can't use that stun for 8 seconds because jarring strike fills your resolve bar completely. Escape from jarring, smack them in the face for 5 seconds, stun them, smack them again, you win.


Ops are only OP when you need practice (or have no hp).

Edited by Norr
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So first in other posts people were complaining about BH casking to nerf him , after that people were asking to nerf Sith Sorcerer and now i see people complaining about IA Operative.


Instead of nerfing all classes is it not easier to leave as it is ? If all classes are OP it means all the same , where is logic lol.

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