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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sucks to be Squelched


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Yeah. It makes absolutely NO sense for squelch to affect party, raid, or guild channels since the leaders can boot any troublemakers from those channels.


Agreed, I don't mind people being squelched from gen chat etc, however you should still be able to chat in ops, wz and guild chat.

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You should be able to spam/chat in WZs , because if you cant ... this hurts the whole group, not just you. You cant tell them where to go and what to do. Those WZs are all about group chat and coordination. You shouldnt be squelched in PvP.

Well, to be fair, there's LOADS of chinese gold sellers in WZs:rolleyes:

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The reason I say this is because Bio Wares solution to the General chat spam of “CHINA CHINA #1 YOU BUY CREDITS!” was to initiate an automated squelching system where if any player is reported (regardless of if they ever type in any chat channel) by different people approximately 10 times they are automatically squelched for a 24 hour period.


Has it ever been stated that this is the way it operates ? just curious as the last time I say this system explained it was this


Source is here

I want to stress that this action happens only because of efforts by the player who got squelched. They performed an action that was deemed sufficiently disruptive and likely enough to be a spammer or a griefer so the system automatically shut them down to prevent any more spam. Your friend who you sent a bunch of messages to too quickly (nice or mean) did not report you, a CSR didn’t hold a grudge against you, you just looked like a spammer to our automated systems. The squelch WILL eventually wear off (length is subject to change).

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What is ironic is you can get squelched, yet everytime I go to fleet I see the same gold sellers spamming chat and never getting banned.


That's because it's not spamming. Spamming occurs every millisecond. From what I've witnessed and observered, Gold spammers seem to do it in a free to play/ preferred status approach as in they are limited to how long it takes to post a message. The only kinds of players that get squelched are subscribers because they can post comment without any limits to how long they have to wait to enter the next comment. But after reading this squelch thing, this is something that I highly recommend using on players that say the most inappropriate crap or any other type of harassment. But I wonder if reporting for harassment does the same thing.

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You should be able to spam/chat in WZs , because if you cant ... this hurts the whole group, not just you. You cant tell them where to go and what to do. Those WZs are all about group chat and coordination. You shouldnt be squelched in PvP.


It does. It happened to me once. All I did was I posted a comment and repeated it like 5 times in a few milliseconds as a subscriber on chat and players got mad and said "reported." Like about 3 or 4 of them did so. All I did was ask if anyone wanted to group queue with me for warzones since I was only preferred status and I ran out of Warzone allowance. It's funny though, they made it sound like they wanted to squelch someone. I haven't seen them in the future after that. Either that or I just forgot about them. Or it's because I have general chat off since December of 2015. Or it just doesn't matter anymore. Or all of the above. Okay, I'll stop now. Haha.:D

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It does. It happened to me once. All I did was I posted a comment and repeated it like 5 times in a few milliseconds as a subscriber on chat and players got mad and said "reported." Like about 3 or 4 of them did so. All I did was ask if anyone wanted to group queue with me for warzones since I was only preferred status and I ran out of Warzone allowance. It's funny though, they made it sound like they wanted to squelch someone. I haven't seen them in the future after that. Either that or I just forgot about them. Or it's because I have general chat off since December of 2015. Or it just doesn't matter anymore. Or all of the above. Okay, I'll stop now. Haha.:D
I force myself not to because i feel bad when i can't do anything to help the team it will be awful when ranked season 7 comes
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Oh my God! I was wondering why Fleet chat has been so much less of a toilet recently!


Seriously, this is probably the single greatest improvement to the game atmosphere I have seen in years. Next time I hear someone on fleet start screaming about Trump (for or against) or how Mexicans are somehow simultaneously taking our jobs and living off welfare (yes, I've seen the same person make both those arguments) I know they won't be a problem for long.


While you're at it, Bioware, do us all a favor and make the ignore-lists based on account, not individual character. I do not want to put someone screaming about how "Hitler wasn't such a bad guy" (actual quote) only to log into a different character and have to do it again.


Thank you!

Edited by ZanyaCross
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Well tbh this is all on you lerroy . ive been good at minding my own but you did start this with BBB calling us out etc . Now idk what is going on or why there was a planet stand off all i do know is whats happening to Vice is your fault . Maybe you should keep your mouth shut for wars you can not win . Now not everyone nor "the officers" of BBB are doing anything wrong do not just assume they all are you have no proof of anything aswell as you guys just being he said she said bullcrap its not 5 th grade sweety . You were so scared of us you waited 3 days to invade , why are you scared ? its a game ? . You picked your battle lerroy when you opened your mouth . Harb is full of trolls and well lerroy you are not very liked even back on bastion , so not everyone will like you here on harb either . And do not say that you dont know me you do very well , not only have you tried to inv me to reclamation on many occasions and i said no you want to know why ? bcuz back on bastion towards the end of s4 you threw solo q ranked matches . Dont say you did not bcuz thats how i met you in the first place . I came from bastion where reclamation started i remember hearing so much about you guys after gen chat flamed you for throwing ranked. You said you would change and all this other stuff. Then shortly you became the new Zhen Keep of the bastion up until ruinnation came along. Infact the past times i put it out in gen chat when you were bragging about how good you were lerroy you whispered me begging for e to forgive you and that you were sorry on multiple occasions . I would not bring it up if it wasnt true tbh i hardlly even do ranked . I just dont see why you cant handle things like adults ? It is a game . I guess in life you have to learn not to open your mouth by being cocky . Hopefully you have learned from this . Its sad that it has come to this and its just sad your people stick up for you when you are the one causing immature drama for them to deal with . Like i said i hope its lesson learned . :D:rolleyes::cool:

Also nothing about vice was brought up in this post how did you know it was lerroy unless you were one of the people using this report spam bug...

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I first got squelched during the rakghoul event because I exploded and got some people infected.

just trying to be like a lot of the others and have some fun but apparently, some people forget they're playing a game.

if they're hunting chinese gold farmers, I hate to disappoint them because I'm not one of them,

you might want to look for the characters with the funny names like "aswdftrh: or whatever their keyboard combination is. Doctor MacCoy is simple name but In order to stop being squelched, I'll have to go spend some ccs and change my name. no trekkies allowed on Pub fleet on harby. :eek:

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here's the dealio. I will detail as much as I can without naming names, because "shaming" is something they don't allow, although I feel people should be held accountable for their actions, especially on the forums.


I am on Harbinger. A heavily populated server with many guild competing to be the best or top guild. Conquest is something guilds compete on in SWTOR. One certain guild, lets call them beta... feel threatened when other guilds compete with them for conquest. Beta is a notorious guild unfornately, and Bioware knows them well for their use of exploits and other questionable methods to play there game.


I'm in a guild, lets call them victor... Our guild leader publicly called that we would challenge their monopoly on conquest. Ever since that fateful day, most of the member of victor have been digitally harrased by beta. Through private messages, sabotaging group finder runs, and especially squelching.


Squelching is easy to do in this game. It was set up in a way that 8 or so people could report a spammer (like a gold farmer or trash talk) that it would squelch a person for 24 hours Unfornately this system has been abused by beta to target to target a competing guilds leadership and members. Running raids, and general interraction with the game is seriously hampered when such people are squelched. It makes playing the game unenjoyable and organizing or running stuff next to impossible.


My guild, for the past few weeks, has been targeted by this one competing guild to prevent us from specifically competing. We have numerous tickets, a open investigation, and many many calls to customer support, but still it continues without any visable signs of ending.


Do we continue to play? We try. Will bioware do anything? probably not. But this system in place right now needs to be fixed. They won't ban beta, as time has shown with their previous exploits, because all BW cares about is the subs, but will it balance out the subs they loose because they ignore the problem?


My guild and I are harrased specifically by this guild daily, using a system that is open for the taking. Some of them even post in this thread to troll, trying to shift the blame to us so they suffer no penalties....

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You must do something else to get it. I've reported credit spam from same character multiple times during day = nothing happens.


So either you're just annoying or you put your WTT/WTS/WTB spam into General chat. Which means... you deserve it.

Edited by Halinalle
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You must do something else to get it. I've reported credit spam from same character multiple times during day = nothing happens.


So either you're just annoying or you put your WTT/WTS/WTB spam into General chat. Which mean... you deserve it.

It takes multiple people and they have many toons we have tested the system and squelched a member in our own guild it took about 10 or so of us with a couple reports and they could no longer use chat after they said nothing

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You must do something else to get it. I've reported credit spam from same character multiple times during day = nothing happens.


So either you're just annoying or you put your WTT/WTS/WTB spam into General chat. Which means... you deserve it.


We have also been squelched mid raid while we are only talking in ops chat

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But a lot of people have to report you for spam in a short amount of time, and If you aren't using chat, as you claim, they need to be standing near you in game to do it as they need to target you.


You want us to believe a group of people are making a concerted effort to hunt you down, target you, report you for spam, and get you squelched, and that they have done this multiple times, and it's "just because" as you are a truly light side 5 person and didn't do anything that could possible warrant such action.


If you ask most people in prison, they will tell you they are innocent to.


Sorry, its too difficult to get squelched for me to believe that anyone it happens to didn't have it coming.


It has happened to me, I'm getting squelched for no reason. I'll be in the middle of an op or wz, and then all of a sudden I can't use chat. It's happening to all the officers and many members in our guild. Our guild IS being TARGETED by another guild. We are not making it up. It's happening on a daily basis. It is quite frustrating, as a member of this guild, to be constantly squelched, just for being a member, and we are losing members over this and I can't say I blame them. But is this right or fair... is the world right or fair.. not really... But we pay to play this game for fun and trust me being squelched is not fun at all.......

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Has it ever been stated that this is the way it operates ? just curious as the last time I say this system explained it was this


Source is here


Pretty sure you are right Owen, I've had a guildie not only squelched but also perma banned (until he appealed) by the automated system for putting a fake gold seller ad in chat. Mind you he was making fun of said gold seller so he had his ban reduced from perma to 1 day.


So everyone here thinking it's a guild reporting someone for spam, no that's not how it works. If the automated system sees you spamming a message in chat it'll squelch you. If you are being squelched try sending less messages or varying the content of said messages before going around accusing people of doing it.


For the record, reporting spam actually sends in a ticket that a CSR has to investigate, it does nothing else. Why do you think it takes weeks to get gold seller accounts banned even though many people REPORT SPAM on that character all the time?

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Pretty sure you are right Owen, I've had a guildie not only squelched but also perma banned (until he appealed) by the automated system for putting a fake gold seller ad in chat. Mind you he was making fun of said gold seller so he had his ban reduced from perma to 1 day.


So everyone here thinking it's a guild reporting someone for spam, no that's not how it works. If the automated system sees you spamming a message in chat it'll squelch you. If you are being squelched try sending less messages or varying the content of said messages before going around accusing people of doing it.


For the record, reporting spam actually sends in a ticket that a CSR has to investigate, it does nothing else. Why do you think it takes weeks to get gold seller accounts banned even though many people REPORT SPAM on that character all the time?

This is false we had someone log in that did not use chat mass spam reported them and they were deemed likeley to be spaming due to enough flags and they were squelched I can show it to you sometime if you would like.

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